
= To Riley
Sounds like Zoe's mermaid tail and seashells go lovely like Bananas and Strawberry. Do you hope to meet someone wonderful when you become human?

*Riley here* *gigles* yes I sure do =)

= To Riley
Won't you need something to wear when you wake to your human legs and feet in your sunshine seashells, so as not to walk around looking naked?

*Riley here* why yes redface

= To Riley
What do you dream of doing in the human world as a job?

mm...*Riley here* not sure, maybe a social worker, maybe an early child hood worker? or maybe work in a bakery?

= To Riley
What songs do you like to sing with Zoe?
Question 2
What do you like about your mermaid friends, Grace, Eunice, Olivia and Priscilla?
Question 3
What treasures do you like to find in sunken ships with Zoe?