We used to have alot more animals xd
Some are solely mine (meaning I'm responsible for them all of the time), others are family pets (meaning I'm responsible for the most of the time)
2 Dogs
2 Cats (we had 9 at one point, counting kittens >.>)
A good number of fish and a few turtles in the pond
Tropical fish, around 7.. I've been getting pwetty Chiclids now ^^
I used to have 3 bunnies when I did 4-H.. WAit, someone else in the world knows what 4-H is? *huge gasp, then dies*
(I've only lived with St. Bernards and ST. B mutts, until the recent addition of a hound, and my cats are even huge...)
4 cats
2 dogs (One is my baby mutt, but he's 4, and stronger than me, and about the same size as me.)
cat1 Lilly-Chip 'enthusist'
dog1 Keliv- St. Bernard boxer, lazy, strong, lound, strong, white, short hiar, crazy, strong, awesome, cute, adorable, MINE, begs by sitting watching you and looking adorable, becomes the best dog in the world if he knows you have peanutbutter cookies.
cat 2-Chloe, CC's mom and loves playing with the rings from milk bottles, likes watching the rain, killing birds, mice, butterflies
cat 3 CC- much like 2 but less of the rain and play and more of the killing and hunting
cat 4 Andrew I swear he's part dog, he like switchs from kitten to dog... and eats Keliv's dog food, well all the cats do, but he'll accually fight for the caned dog food, afraid of winter (whimp) but will beat the s**t out of anyone when bored, yet somehow can be allowed to sleep on the couch with another cat at times... @.@
dog2-mom's, hound, hates me, I hate her, she only listens to me