Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:03 pm
I just thought of a quote, if it's already said I don't know and care who did it first:
Meanings are not meant to be taken, they're meant to be given.
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:30 pm
here it is and i'm very confident in this answer i think we were all put on this earth for different reasons and purposes. if that soesn't make sense let me break it down. person a was put on earth for reason a person b was put on earth for reason b person c was put on earth for reason c each person is a different person and each reason is a different reason because if we were al put on earth for the same reason we would all be doing the same things to achieve the puorpose set for us
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:40 am
Love thy Neighbour
Sometimes the best answer is another question. Honour thyself
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:08 am
Anyone who is not god (a god, or just omniscient according to your belief system), and thinks that they know all, is a total and utter moron. There is no way in hell that anyone can know everything. If you compare someone like Stephen Hawking to how much there is to learn about the universe, you will realize that the human race actually knows absolutely nothing. Heck we don't even have a bullet proof theory on how the universe came into existence, let alone the ability to create a tupey (how ever the hell its spelled) that doesn't get big laughs.
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:46 pm
I don't think that a wise person would say they're wise. A truely wise person would admit that they don't know everything, and that there are so many things yet to be discovered that its impossible to know everything.
I think it's impossible to know everything. Not that one isn't smart enough to learn, but it's pretty damn hard to get all around the world to learn every language there is, know every recipie, know every secret handshake. I mean, if someone think's they're so smart and that they know everything, try curing every disease known to man or something. Make yourself useful instead of being a jackass about it. lol
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:47 pm
Verderbnis Meanings are not meant to be taken, they're meant to be given. I thought that was advice?
Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:48 pm
I've been on this forum for quite awhile trying to explain things to my best of knowledge, but folks I need your opinions here. What do you truly know the answers to life's questions? Do you think you have the knowledge to solve the riddles of life? Do you think you are even wise or do you simply admit that you know nothing? I have thought and wondered many times to all of life's questions and the divine questions, but I am human, I think, but I know that my knowledge is simply put and said that I know nothing for the knowledge taught to me is knowledge of use to improve my skills in an art, but the knowledge to answer the questions of an afterlife, of a God, of the meaning of life, of existence, all those types of questions is simply answered as the fact that I know nothing. In my opinion we have no knowledge to the ideas of those questions, we may ponder and think we are right but we are being ignorant and those questions can forever go on with the answers of simply agrees and disagrees in which resolve will never be found. I believe folks, and i'll say it again, we know nothing to these answers to the questions.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:08 pm
The only thing that that anyone can truly KNOW is that they themselves exist. Anything, everything else can be hallucinated or a lie or you may just be mistaken about, everything but that can be doubted. But you Know that you exist simply because you would have to exist to doubt you existence.
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:58 am
The world is always changing and so it's very much impossible for any mortal to be able to know EVERYTHING. Being smart and being wise are very different things. Also the brain can only hold so much information and some questions will never be answered. I agree with JuilianFai. Then again, we know nothing about anything.
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:48 pm
I know that I can not prove existence. You can't actually prove that anything exists because you rely only on your five senses. What if those senses where lying to you? How would you know, and how could you know. As Descartes said, the only way to prove that you were not dreaming would be by putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger. It is not in our human nature to test this theory. That is what I know. Perhaps, not knowing, but understanding that I can not trust my senses.
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:51 pm
G0d_0f_R0ck here it is and i'm very confident in this answer i think we were all put on this earth for different reasons and purposes. if that soesn't make sense let me break it down. person a was put on earth for reason a person b was put on earth for reason b person c was put on earth for reason c each person is a different person and each reason is a different reason because if we were al put on earth for the same reason we would all be doing the same things to achieve the puorpose set for us What happens when you get to person z? Do you then say person aa? Because then someone would have been put on Earth (if you actually think this) for not only their one reason but for actual person a's reason as well.