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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:06 pm
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Page: ???
Foalen slowly walks along the edge of the forest whispering a greeting to the spirits of the trees and plants. He pauses occasionaly on his journey to collect berries or herbs for his medicine bag. The young man makes his way along the sun dappled forest floor his moccisoned feet creating almost no sounds at all as he passes. The soft hush of the breeze that toys with his long hair is cool and fresh. And the apprentice shaman smiles at the scent it carries. The scent of roasting meat. Perhaps those in the nearby village would be willing to trade some herbs for warm meal. The idea is an appealing one and Foalen abandons his leasurly pace.

Page: 269
*toddles in, followed by Spirit Sprite and Tania*

Foalen's basket bounces at the sound of Spirit Sprite and Tania's entrence and a small muffled whinnie of welcome is heard.

Spirit Sprite blinks and walks over to the basket, nickering softly and nudging it gently.

The basket bounces a little more as if in excitment and the tiny voice calls out again. Smiling gently Foalen sits back far enough so he will not interupt this meeting and watches his basket respond to Spirit Sprite.

Spirit Sprite flicks his tail slightly, then nudges the basket again.

The basket pauses in it's hopping and a wiggling sound is hear as the top opens just enough for one luminous eye to peek out. The little one inside the basket giggles softly before the lid slides shut once more.

Dlighted that the little one was brave enough to make friends even though it was still within it's basket Foalen hummed happily to show by the sound of his voice how proud he was of him or her.

Spirit Sprite nickered again, then walked back over to Valeria, nudging her with his head.

Foalen watched Spirit Sprite go hoping he didn't cause the handsome stallion to leave because of his singing.

Valeria looks over at Foalen and smiles. "He's a mama's boy. It's nothing you've done. He just can't stand to be away from me for long, since Tania and I are all he's ever really known. I'm sure yours will be like that as well."

Relieved by Valeria's reasurance Foalen offers her a greatful smile. "I'm glad I didn't chase him away. It's always good to have friends. And I'm happy that my little one is starting early. Though I have a feeling this one is going to keep me on my toes." Laughing the shaman in training patted the handsome basket lovingly making it wiggle once more.

Page 302
Ayita wanders through the grass looking for something good to eat.

Spying some dandylions she decides to try them. They are a bit bitter but otherwise good. So she munches away.

*strokes Ayita*

Ayita looks up at the touch and whinnies happily butting her head againt KKC's hand in a request for more petting.

"aww arent you a cutie??" she said petting her some more thinking hopefully one day shed beable to own one of these, "hmm, i might have something in my pocket you'd like" she fumbles into a small slit in her skirt which obviously was a pocket, she pulls out two sugarcubes, "ive heard horsies like these," he raises her hand to give them to Ayita.

Lifting her head Ayita watches KKC as the human speaks softly and gently to her. She doesn't know what is being said, but the tone is kind. The youngster arches her neck trying to get a better look at what the human is doing. Her velvety nose twitches as a new aroma reaches it. Canting her ears into a curious pose Ayita sniffs at the gift she is being given.

After a moment of thought she licks KKC's hand and the treats along with it. Her eyes open wide up as she tastes the cubes and she whistles aprechiatively nosing the wet hand for more treats.

"ah yes, so you do like those!" she patted Ayita on the head affectionately, "hmm lets see if i have anymore of those for you," she fumbles in her other pocket this time for the sugary treats, with luck she pulls to more out, "now, these be my last for the moment, when i see you next i'll bring you some more" she smiled.

Ayita's eyes brighten as she sees more of the sugary treats. Blowing a small gust of wind against KKC's hand she accepts the sugar cubes. Closing her eyes in bliss as she lets the treat slowly melt in her mouth. Opening her eyes she looks wistfuly at the human in hopes of getting some more treats since she can't understand the words being spoken.

When no more treats are forth coming Ayita takes it upon herself to find more since she clearly remembered KKC reaching into the pouch on the strange skin she is wearing.

Without warning the curious filly pokes her nose into the pocket of the skin and roots around without any luck.

Making a face she pulls away and sighs unhappily.

KKC giggled "that tickles!" she said as Ayita looked in her pockets, "promise i'll be back with some more later, seeings as you've enjoyed them so much!" she smiled and hugged the horse around the neck.

Ayita allows the hug not really sure what it means, but enjoying the contact. Nickering she butted KKC's chest gently in thanks.


KKC giggled even more, since she was a little girl shed always wanted a horse, but where to keep one and the price was just out of the object, so she enjoyed playing with Ayita

Page 303
Ayita backs away from KKC turning as if to dance away, but she pauses to throw a look over her sholder that is an obvious invitation as she swishes her tail playfully.

KKC skipps over to Ayita and smiles happily.

Seeing that she KKC is coming nearer Ayita darts out of reach as the human gets close. She dances in a circle around KKC keeping close enough to almost touch but not quite. Her ears twitch playfully and her bright eyes shine with mishchif as if to say, "You can't catch me."

"hmm indeed! i probably cant!" she giggles but still trys to chase the little horsie.

Page 318
Hey, Foalen. Good to see your basket opened up. *smiles and points at the foal* That does sound like a good idea, the picture one, anyway.
Ayita dances around showing off a little for her admirer.

Foalen sighs and shakes his head....

*nodnod* *watches Tania creep over to sniff the foal curiously, then dart behind Spirit Sprite's legs*

Ayita looks down at the small creature blowing through her nose in curiousity. She's never seen anything other than humans and her own kind before so she lowers her head to get a better look.

Tania's ears flatten against her head as she forces herself to stand and let the foal sniff her.

Spirit Sprite whickers softly, lowering his head to graze while he kept one eye on the foal and cougar, and the other out for danger.

Tilting her head Ayita glances up at the sound of Spirit Sprite's voice momentairly distracted, but the looks back Tania more intested in meeting the unkown creature. Seeing the cougar flatten her ears the painted filly holds herself still knowing that flat ears means unhappy or uneasyness. Keeping her diststance she wuffles softly at beautiful tan cat not wanting to make her mad. Those claws look sharp.

Tania crept forward slowly, ears slowly raising as the foal made no further movements toward her. She stops a foot away, tail flicking slightly as she watched to see what the foal would do next.

Spirit Sprite lets out a small whicker that could be considered a chuckle at Tania's expense.

Her eyes brightening Ayita stepped back with her hind legs wich since her forequarters were already lowered resulted in a playful lifting of her hind quarters her brown tail wisking back and forth in clear display of her enthusiasim. She watches Tania hoping the new creature will want to play.

A familar voice calls out and she looks up at the sound. It's her human friend Foalen. Looking down at Tania she wickers sadly and turns to head over to where her friend is waiting.

Tania watches the foal leave and blinks, her head tilted slightly to watch her.

Page 360
*watches Spirit Sprite walk up to Foalen*

Smiling the shaman in training holds out a calloused hand to the magnificent stallion offering a scratch.

Spirit Sprite nickers slightly and nudges Foalen's hand gently, then starts lipping it, as if asking for a treat.

Laughing Foalen reaches into the pouch he always carries to see if he has anything the tall Soquili would be interested it. "Hmm, lets see if I can find something good for you. I seem to remember picking some blackberries this morning, there should still be a branch or two left. Ah yes, here we are."

Pulling a short but full branch out of tanned hide pouch Foalen offers the morsel to Spirit Sprite to see what the stallion will do.

Spirit Sprite lips at the blackberries carefully, one eye looking around to see if Ayita were around. He liked Ayita's outgoing nature, and he felt that Tania did too.

Tania slinks up beside Spirit Sprite, watching Foalen warily.

Seeing Tania, the shaman reaches into his pouch this time withdrawing a small stick of smoked meat. Laying it down on the ground he moves back so Tania can move forward without having to worry about him. Hearing a whinny he looks up to see Ayita approching through the trees. He waves as she trots closer.

Whinning another greeting Ayita wuffles and rubs against Foalen's upraised hand before offering Spirit Sprite a nuzzle as well.

Spirit Sprite nickers a greeting to the foal, then drops one of the branches of blackberries down for her to take if she wanted, nuzzling her as well.

Tania slowly creeps forward and picks the meat up after sniffing it, then slinks back to stand underneath Spirit sprite and eat her prize.

Ayita prances at the sight of the blackberries and happily nibbles on the branch Spirit Sprite was kind enough to give her.

Foalen stands back watching the three thinking how peaceful it is here.

Spirit Sprite finishes his berries, dropping the branch on the ground, then walks over to Foalen, nudging his shoulder slightly, then looking at his back.

Tania slowly walked up to Ayita and started to sniff her.

Ayita continues eating her berries pretending she has not noticed Tania, not wanting to frighten Spirit Sprites friend.

Foalen steps closer to Spirit Sprite gently resting his hand on the stallions back to see what he will do. After a moment he gently starts scratching the white hide up near Spirit Sprite's withers.

Spirit Sprite blinks, watching Foalen curiously, then kneels down, as if asking Foalen to ride on him.

Tania, feeling a bid bolder, sits down next to Ayita and purrs softly.

Foalen looked into the stallions deep eyes wanting to be certian of Spirit Sprite's inviation before taking Soquili up on his offer. To ride one of these magnificent creatures was a privilage and an honor. The Soquili are sacred after all and should be treated with great respect. Satisfied that he is indeed welcome Foalen places a slight amount of pressure on Spirit Sprites back to warn him that he is about to mount and then jumps nimbly up settling himself into place on the broad back. Leaning forward slightly he gives the white and brown stallion a good neck rubbing to express his grattitude.

The painted filly watches Tania out of the corner of her eye as she finishes the last of her berries. Gently lowering the branch to the grownd she slowly lifts her head wondering what she should do next. Cautiously she lowers herself down near where Tania is sitting but far enough away so that she won't be intruding on the great cat's space.

Valeria smiles and watches Foalen, Ayita, Spirit Sprite, and Tania from where she is weaving a basket beside their teepee. She was glad that Spirit Sprite was making friends.

Spirit Sprite stands up slowly, so as to not jostle Foalen, then takes a small, slow step, looking over his shoulder at Foalen to see if he was doing alright.

Tania watches Ayita a bit longer, then stands up, walking right up to the foal and licking her cheek slightly.

Ayoka makes a sound that is suspiciously close to laughter as Spirit Sprites familiar gives her a lick. Tiliting her head she leans slowly over to return the kiss.

Startled by the motion Foalen moves both hands forward to help steady himself on Spirit Sprites back as he gets a feel for where best to position himself for the Soquili's comfort and his own. As the stallion moves Foalen shifts his weight as well to keep their help balance. He smiles and nods as Spirit Sprite looks back.

He smiles reasuringly knowing his tone more than his words will communicate his meaning. "It's all right, I think I'll be able to manage."

Spirit Sprite nickers a bit, then starts walking in a slow circle, keeping his movements slow for the rider on his back.

Tania tilts her head to the side, staring at Ayita for a moment before batting at her with a paw, as if wanting to play.

Ayita's ears perk up at the thought of playing and she stands up and grabs one of the now clean berry branches offering it to Tania for a game of tug.

Foalen holds on tight at first as he figures out excatly how he need to move so he wouldn't impeed Spirit Sprites movement at all. But as the stallion continues his slow circles the shaman in training relaxes enough to look around and marvel at the view from so high.

It is interesting to see the world from a similiar high to the what soquili vewed the world from. As they walked Foalen tried to take in every detail of this amazing event so he could hold it in his memory forever.

Spirit Sprite flicked his tail slightly, chasing away the flies he heard hovering over himself and Foalen before picking up his pace slightly.

Tania growls playfully, then grabs the end of the branch, tugging on it.

Page: 406
Foalen walked along behind the painted filly in his charge softly greeting the spirits of the land as she pranced her way over green grass. Ayitas brown and white neck arched playfully as she danced along the rivers edge.

Infinite Duck
Kawenu hiked up her skirt tying the heavy beaded leather up around her knees. She stood bare foot before the river, with her craved stick. Pulling out a leather strap, she tired her long braids back, in loops behind her head. Now she was prepared to go through the cool waters in search of shells.

She walked forward into the shallow rocky coasts of the river. Her ankle tinkled from the beads and buffed stones tied with braided leather. She stepped into the cool water, poking the thin end of her stick between the rocks. To her chagrin she watched a crayfish quickly give up his hiding spot for the stick. His claws were raised in defence. "Calm down little brother. I just want to peer into your home. I'm looking for something. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me taking shells away." She gently tilted the rock up and peeked beyond it. Her hand reached out and snatched a few small shells. Used shell shells by the look of them. She dropped them into the basket.

Placing the rock back down, she smiled at the crayfish. "There you go, I put you home back. Good day, little brother." She strode away from the rock in search for more shells.

Hearing a voice Ayita lifted her head to scan the area to find the sorce of the sound. Someone was in the river.

'What ever could they be doing?' She wondered as she pounced up to the edge of the river bank giving her gardian a fright when he realized how close to the river's edge she was. Arriving at the river bank Ayita whinnied questioningly at the person in the water.

Foalen ran to join the young filly flinging out an arm against her chest to keep her from trying to get closer to the river.

Aiyana laid in the grass atop a large hill, watching the clouds roll by lazilly in the sky. Beside her a woven basket lay, the life inside making not a sound. She sighed, impatient to see her new friend, though very glad the great spirits decided she was ready to care for him or her. She looked at the basket, her deep brown eyes held a smile in them.

As she sat up, her long dark hair moving with her as she did, she heard a few noises below her. She looked down to the river and watched the people and small Soquili for a moment, admiring the foal. 'I hope mine is as pretty as she..' She thought, glancing to the basket she smiled and picked it u gently, making her way down towards the river.

Page 408
Wi Ile Anpo stopped at the top of the high ridge. Stretching below her she could see the plains, intersected by a wide meandering river. Hitching her pack a little further up her back, she worked her way down a faint trail, zigzagging along the hillside until he came to the bottom. Resting there, she took bearings of where she was. She took a long drink from her waterskin, made for her journey by her Ina from a cured deer's stomach. After a few moments of thought, she began to run in a slow lope towards the distant river.

Down at the river's edge Ayita's long ears twitch as she heard someone approching from above and looked up to see if was someone she knew. Glad she wasn't interested in plunging into the river Foalen followed the little painted filly as she trotted over to investigate this new person.


Aiyana fianlly reached the river, looking down into the clear water she set the basket down a safe distance from it. Smiling she began to hum a soft happy tune. She sat down, sticking her bare feet into the rivers cool liquid. She laughed a little as she saw a few colored fish started to nibble at her toes, and she laid down in the grass watching the sky again. She glanced to her basket, lightly touching the little strings at the front, hoping the soul inside would come out to greet her soon.

Ayita paused to look down at Aiyana as if torn between wanting to go and look at the sorce of the sound that had attrated her and staying to greet the woman before her. The brown and white filly settled on a compramise whinning at the newcomer and noseing the basket gently before heading up the slope.

Laughing Foalen bowed to Aiyana while keeping one eye on the foal's progress.

Anpo slowed as she heard the soft sound of tiny hooves shusshing on the grasses ahead of her. SHe didn't want to frighten what sounded like a young horse, since hr love of the creatures extended even to those that she had never met. Thinking with the quickness that those she knoew would recognize, she dropped to the ground and sat, waiting for the young one to either go by or find her there.

Aiyana blinked as the small foal looked at her and she smiled at it. Looking up at Foalen she smiled and waved a little as she stood up, picking up her basket. "Hello." She said, a little bit shy.

When the sound she had been following stopped suddenly, Ayita paused where she was to look around for a moment. Finding a lone stranger sitting in the grass she leapped forward springing up the trail happily to greet this new person as Foalen followed behind with a bemused expression.

Ayita stopped in her tracks to and glanced down to get a better look at this new person.

Anpo wasn't startled by the filly's appearance. She had expected it, especially as the slight wind had shifted and had brought to her the earthy scent of horse right before her appearance. She reached out a hand in greeting, with an offering of a dry bit or frybread in it.
"Hau, wind sister!" she said in a soft voice.

Ayita tilted her head to the side as she was addressed. She didn't know what the meaning of the words were, but she sensed it was a greeting and wickered at Anpo in greeting as Foalen came up from behind her.

The young man smiled in respons to Anpo's greeting of Ayita and bowed as he rplied. "Hau, may the spirits look kindly upon you."

Sensing that there was more to this newcomer than she could see with her outer eye, Anpo offered her arm in the formal greeting.
"Ohan, Wicahcala," She said in a low voice. "I am Wi Ile Anpo. I have been led here by Wakan Takan on a quest."
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:06 pm
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Page: 505
After examining the seated human for a moment Ayita looked back at the young man who had taken care of her ever since she had been placed into her basket. Foalen nodded reasureingly to the painted filly as he made his own greetingi.

Anpo slowly stood and gathered her carrysack and water skin from the ground. Looking around, she broke into a big smile.
"This is the place I Dreamed of!" she said with a laugh. turning around slowly she took in the surroundings. After a moment, she gave a loud whoop of joy and threw her arms aout wide like she was embracing the whole earth.

Ayita really didn't understand why the human had jumped up and suddenly seemed so happy but she certianly could sense the happyness behind the action and the feeling was catchy. Rearing back a little she danced in place whinning in a falling cadence that sounded very close to human laughter.

Foalen moved back out of the way so his excitable friend wouldn't accidently step on him in her enthusiasim a bemused smile on his sun burnished face. Though his attention deepened when he heard the word dream. "I'm glad you found what you were seeking. I too am a dream seeker. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Before composing herself again, Anpo shared the laughter of the young filly.
I was on my vision quest, as Inyan, our shaman had bade me when he declared me to be the son of my father though I am a female. In my dreams I saw this place, and the magnificent creatures here as well. Inyan said that I must find this place and then Wakan Tanka would reveal my Way." She grinned as she finished. "I hope your people will accept the humble assistance I may offer and allow me to stay."

Lequoia sighed. She hated to do this but she didn't want to leave the bear here any longer. Scavengers would come soon and then it would became a disaster. She leaned down and smiled at Taima who was still nudgling and nuzzling her, biting at her clothing to get her to move away from the dead bear. " Come on"
Tai was glad to see that she was finally listening to him. He turned on his haunches and bolted back down the path straight towards the village. After a few moments he realized that Lequoia wouldn't be able to keep up the same pace so he slowed to keep with her. When they reached the opening to the village he could hear Lequoia breathing heavily and he finally turned back and looked at her. He could tell she was still upset about something.
Lequoia looked about and saw Foalen with his filly and some other women near him. She didn't know any of them. She recovered her breath and walked up to them. " Hello, my name is Lequoia and this is my colt Taima. Unfortunately him and another foal got into some trouble which resulted in a slain bear. I would really hate for such a creature to go to waste. Can either of you help me bring it back to the village so that it can be put to some sort of use?"

Foalen was a little surpised to hear that somone else had been sent out on vision quest by their shaman had come wandering here. Though that was where their stories differed, he wouldn't be confirmed as the cheifs son if he had his vison and returned but as the shaman's heir. He was about to explain that he wasn't from this area himself when Lequoia came running up with her colt along side of her. The shaman in training bowed to the pair. "I'd be glad to offer any help I can. One mustn't waste the bounty given by the spirits."

Seeing the newcomer and her colt, Anpo quickly gave a quick bow. "Ohan," she said in greeting. "Though new here I am willing to help you."

Seeing Tai Ayita pranced over to the younger foal with a neigh and nuzzled greeting. She hadn't seen many soquili as small or smaller than herself before and she was intriged.

Tai had forgotten all about the bear and was focusing on the filly now. Perhaps he could make another friend? His tail flicked this way and that and his ears were straight forward at full attention
She nodded. " Thankyou." She turned swiftly on her heal but didn't run on the way back as she had been exhausted by the whole ordeal. Her normally sleek straight black hair was tousled and messy. Her face was blank from expression but her posture was a bit more lax than normal. She had gotten so worried about Taima that it drained all the energy out of her.
Tai, who had been inching towards the filly realized that Lequoia was walking back to the forest. He didn't want to go and was very reluctant to go back.

Ayita watched as her human friend turned to follow the new human she started to fall in behind them when she noticed that the handsome young colt seemed reluctant come along. Looking back at him she wuffled reasuringingly swishing her tail playfully.

Looping her waterskin and sakc over her shoulder with the long thongs on htem, Anpo began following Lequoia. She laughed inside as she saw the young colt trying to decide if her wanted to follow or stay and play with what could be a new friend. He reminded her of her sister's son the way he couldn't decide!

Tai gave a playful snort and pranced over to her. Sniffing her by the muzzle. He liked meeting new foals! He reared up and leaned over her back nuzzling her playfully before sliding back off again and kept walking.
She kept walking until the reached the clearing where the bear stil lay. " Okay now here would be the difficult part"

Anpo stared at the slain creature. She had heard tales of such beings, but had never seen one up close before. Bears really didn't dwell on the plains of her home.
"You killed this yourself? You are truely blessed then!" she said in amazement. "Such a hide is a fair prize among my people. Do you wish to keep the meat as well, or offer it back to Wakan Tanka?"

"Hiabi did. You see the arrow in its neck? That was hers. I was here but I doubt my daggers would have done anything to stop it. I'm not from around here and while I have seen bears and been on hunting parties for such beasts I am much more acussutomed to my homelands creatures. I am not sure what we will do with it to be honest"

Kneeling down next to the bear Foalen dug around in his ever present medicine bag. Taking out a small skin of water he poured it over the bear in offering to the spirit that had departed. Speaking words of thanks for it's great sacrifice that would enable others to live on.

Anpo watched as the young shaman thanked the spirits. It was good, she thought, to see that no matter where they lived the People remembered to thank those who allowed themselved to die for them to live. Setting down her stuff, she reached down and untied her longknife from its sheath on her leg. It was strong and sharp - a gift from her father for the journey.

Lequoia stood by silently. Her hair shrouding her face as the shaman in training did his ritual. Even now such things seemed unfamiliar. Her own tribe did such things after all, yet it wasn't the same. As much as she loved this place. She was pained by the fact that she would never see her own people again.

Page: 587
Ayita dances around looking at all the pretty baskets. "Wow! There'll So many foals to play with soon!" She whistles happily.

Foalen just stands back and watches his soquili friend covort and hopefully use up some of that seemingly endless energy.

Anpo watches the antics of the people around her. It was good to see such a celebration fro new life.

Infinite Duck

Kawenu stops to gently push her hand through the grasses. Slowly she lifts a white feather, netted next to a rather displeased snake. A rattle sounded and Kawenu moved slowly around the animal. "Forgiveness angry brother. I just wanted the feather." She said softly to the rattlesnake. "It's getting cool, brother. You should find a home. You must be tired from the cold." She looked sadly down at the angry snake. After a moment of rattling the snake disappeared into the grasses. Smiling Kawenu continued into the fields.

Taima was bored. He didn't know where in the world Kourin had been lately, ever since their encounter with the bear she hadn't been around much. He hoped it wasn't his fault. He sprawled his long legs out in front of him and pushed himself up. Streaching momentarily, he looked about him to see what was going on. He had taken a longer nap than he had thought.

Seeing Anpo Ayita stops her dance and races over to greet young woman, the draw of the new baskets loosing to a friend who the soquili knows might just have treats hiding somewhere on her person. Whistling gleefully she starts a new dance around Anpo stopping to give Anpo a hopefull look as she reaches out her head for a scratch.

Infinite Duck

Kawenu continued claiming feathers and small stones as she walked through the fields. Normally her toes found the stones before her eyes did. Her basket had been seperated with weaved reed walls, to keep the stones and other items from the delicate feathers.

Smiling she looked around. She could feel the chill coming. Soon she would need to wrap her feet up in furs, or suffer the loss of toes. But for not she was interested in experiencing the ground under her feet one more time.

Tai spotted Ayita. He remebered her. She was much more outgoing than Kourin. He bounded over to her and sniffed her in greeting. His tail swishing this way and that and his feet stomping at bit as fly began to agitate him. The flies were finally dying down for the season, but they were still a nusance every now and then. His small whiskers brushed against Ayitas flank as he continued to sniff.

Anpo laughed at the brightly coated filly's antics.
"Greetings there, wind sister! I bet I know what you are looking for!" she said brightly. Reaching down into her belt pouch, she pulled out a bit of sweetcorn she had put in there for just such a purpose. She held out her hand to the filly and offered it to her.

Lael was a young woman, having lived in the area since her youth, she was well suited to this environment, as she was a quiet although when you got to know her, you would come to realise she was good natured and warmhearted. She had an intelligent that featured around flowers, plants and animals. She had often watched the horses with an intruiged face. Her green eyes stood out against her pale skin, and her brown hair wound its way down into wild curls around her back. The dress she wore was beige, a few black markings down the side gave it a tribal look. Few beads clung to her wrists, making her hand movements come with a clinking sound.

Looking down at the touch, Ayita wuffled softly at Tai, a sound like laughter ringing warming in the cooling air. Lowering her head closer to his she looked her smaller friend in the eye her own sparkling merrily.

Seeing the other colt appear beside Ayita, Anpo took the corn and divided it between her two hands, offering one to each foal.

His peircing blue eyes met her gaze and he gave a soft low nicker. He nipped at her muzzle playfully and shook his head, his mane now strewn all over the place and his forelock caught on his ear. His ear swiveled to get it out of the way before prancing about her wanting to play.EDIT: But not before happily munching on anpo's sweet corn. He nudged her in thanks before continuing to trot about, flicking his feet out in a gracefully, almost girlish manner.

Wickering in glee Ayita accepted her prize with fairly good maners for one of her age and even offered a gentle head butt in return giving Anpo a good nuzzling in the process.

Infinite Duck
Kawenu raised her head once she heard familar clinking sound. Her ankles gave off a similar sound when she moved. She stared at the other woman. She had seen her before in the camp, but had never greeted her.

Realizing she was staring Kawenu recoverd with a smile. Her lips curved and her cheeks became rounded and pink. Faintly embarassed from her staring, she raised a hand in a faint wave. Stand up straight she held a muddy stone in her right hand. Earth clung to her numb finger tips. She swayed slightly waiting for a response.

Her feet felt rough, due to the many treks she had taken of late. She sat down clumsily, hands running to play with the frayed edges of her dress. Her eyes never left the horses. Such social creatures they were. Much more social than her, she supposed. She always wanted to interact with the horses, but she felt it wasnt her place. She'd just observe from a few paces away.

Edit for Ducky:

Lael cocked her head slightly, returning the smile, and raising her own dirty fingertips to form a slow wave. She rose from her comfortable position to walk towards the other female. "Hello..."

Following Tai, Ayita sped up just enough for a quick nuzzle against his flank and then turned tail heading away from her friend as quickly as her legs could carry her while she glanced back over her shoulder to see if he was going to accept the invitation to chase her.

Watching the foals antics Foalen wandered over to Anpo and nodded a greeting to her. "Do you mind if I sit with you for a while?"

Infinite Duck
Kawenu turned her head a little hiding under her hair as the other woman approached. Swallowing she smiled from her dark strands of thin braids. "Hello..." She said softly to the woman. Looking past her at the Soquili, she smiled again.

Noticing the condition of the woman's feet and hands, she was much like herself. "Soon it will be too cold for feet." She said, wiggling her bare toes. Now that she noticed the woman was much like herself, she felt less shy about everything.

Rabid Jigglypuff
Cheveyo shuffled his large hoofs through the sand, paying more attention to the small stones he was displacing than which direction he was wandering in. The painted stallion allowed his head to hang low as muzzle snuffled the ground, slow pace to guarantee he didn't drop his passenger.

Dezba lay draped over the stallion's back, eyes closed in a dormant expression though her face always wore the same look of calm slumber. "Who's that Cheveyo?" She mumbled and made an effort to sit up on his back.

The equine halted at the sound of foals playing, also spotting the presence of a few bipeds a little ways away. Without waiting for a request, the stallion took it upon himself to approach the small group.

Lael nodded slowly, a smile appearing again on her face. She looked to the womans hands also. She was like her. It felt good to find someone that knew what it was like to be more alone, as such. The female grinned slightly at her toe movement and comment, though it was true. "Yes, Shoes are good." Lael was rather handy with stitching, she had a variety of hides. "I like shoes, but I only wear then when I need to"

Tai was very happy to continue the chase. He reared up and began a full out gallop. A whinnie escaped him and His nostrils flared, though more from excitement than strain. His feet barely hit the ground and he revelled in the feeling of it. He caught up to her and reared up again, placing his forlegs across her back and nibbling on her ear.

Lequoia looked up from her book and saw that Taima was playing with Ayita. She scanned the horizon for Foalen and found him next to another girl. She smiled and stood. Closing her book and dropping it to find at another point in the evening. She walked over to the two and her smiled warmed. Her necklace bounced against her clavicle before settling into the crook of her neck again. " Hello there Foalen. " She looked over to Anpo " Hello there, I am Lequoia." She extended her hand in greeting.

"Ohan, Lequoia, I am We Ile Anpo," Anpo quickly stood and offerend her hand in greeting. Gesturing to the two frolicking foals, she aded "Looks like they have caught the feel of the wind in thier blood!"

Infinite Duck

Kawenu was good at a lot of things, however she was more artsy when it came to clothing making. You could tell by her appearence. Around her neck was a skull of a small bird, surrounded by stones and shells along the leather thong. Her shirt was fine leather, each long end covered with beads and stones. Her skirt was the main attraction. It was long leather completely covered with beads. It was the story of her life, ending wtih her dream of having a Soquili of her own.

She looked over her shoulder at the Soquili. "There are new baskets. The new owners must be please." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "How lucky the are that the great spirit has blessed them..." She trailed off into silence. After a moment she slipped the stone into her basket.

Smiling Foalen waved as Lequoia approched and moved a bit to the side to make some room for her.

Seeing Tai rear made Ayita want to rear so she did nearly running into the stallion who had approched unheard in all the noise the foals had been making. Eyes wide she wuffled appologeticly to the handsome stallion before turning back to dancing with the grey flecked colt.

She embraced the other womans hand in gretting and laughed. " Yes well I think Tai is just happy to do anything that involves others. He has been doing very well with his imprinting and I am very proud of him. Despite all his playfullness and the trouble he gets himself into, he always knows when its time to be serious. That little colt surprises me everyday" She was very proud of her foal. He was everything she ever could have wanted and he gave her a tie to this place, making it home. Something she hadn't had in a very long time. She sat down and held her legs close to her chest, thumbing her pendant as she watched the foals.

Lael nodded. "I find the horses very beautiful, intruiging creatures." She spoke quietly, as always. Shaking her hair a little revealed the earrings she had. She had had them pierced since she was little, and they were made of a thin wire, many blue and green beads were strung onto it, and it formed a triangluar shape. She remembered the process, but it wasnt a memory she was exactly fond of. She loved the piercings, but having a sharp thin stone hammered slowly through your ear wasnt going to be fun.

Rabid Jigglypuff
Dezba waited until her soquili had stopped moving again to gingerly slide off his tall back. "Where have you taken me Wanderer, you lead me on such unfamiliar paths." The navajo woman muttered crossly and felt around for a place to sit, her companion already gravitating towards the group of youngsters with little notice to her complaints.

Cheveyo came to halt a few metres from the frolicking youngsters, watching in admiration at their energetic games. Gaze followed the grey speckled one, still too shy to speak up a greeting.

Tai snorted a bit and eyed the stallion before returning to play. He nudged her and pushed her with his shoulder. His attention however, had been broken by the stallion and he wasn't as into playing as he had been before. Who was this new stallion? He'd never seen him before....He began to trot about again and then transitioned into a slow canter, but still faster than a lope.

Anpo dropped back to the ground with the others.
"It is always so with the young. They learn so fast, and sometimes seem to have knowldge beyond what their elders posess"
She fingered the sheath to her knife as she spoke. Her young nephew was one such, she thought. It had been to no ones suprise when the Wise One had claimed him as an apprentice.

Infinite Duck
Kawenu watched silently with Lael. She sighed softly as she watched the horses run and play. "One day I hope to get a Soquili. I want the blessing." Breaking the silence, she squeezed her own arm tightly. She felt it wrong to long for something so much, but watching them made the world feel wonderful. Sighing softly, she decided to turn her head on other things.

Looking at Lael's ears she raised a hand to push the hair aside. "Those are loving rings." She said looking at them. "Did you make them? I have no piercings. I am too squirmish with that kind of thing." She shifted a little uncomfortable looking at the wire through Lael's ear.

"All the soquili amaze me. Ayita is a little knowlage seeker. She wants to know about everything, right now if not sooner." Foalen laughed as he looked over at the the two frolicing foals and the larger stallion who had joined them. "I have a feeling I am gowing to learn a great deal more about the world and its workings with her to watch over. It is one of the great truths that you can not teach another without learning a few things yourself. "

She nodded. "That is quite true." She laughed as the two foals met up with Chev and shook her head. " Tai is such a fun colt" She dropped her hand from about her neck and ran a finger down a long blade of grass near by.

She smiled lightly, her own musings often brought this up. "Yes, yet Blessings are somewhat rare." She blushed slightly. "Thankyou..." She said, reaching up to touch them self conciously. She nodded. "Yes, And may I say, Your skirt is beautiful, is it one of your own designs?" She felt quite a bit more social now and much happier that she had met someone she related to.

Rabid Jigglypuff
Cheveyo noticed he had caught the attention of one of the foals and attempted to keep eye contact without seeming intimidating. Hello. He finally uttered, dipping his cranium before casting a glance to the conversing bipeds nearby, their respective owners he assumed. Pleasant day for a game of tag, is it not? The stallion tried to be as polite as possible, somehow seeming a tad stuffy at the same time.

Dezba canted her head to the side, blatantly eavesdropping on the conversation at hand. She made no effort to join the group, content with her seat. The breeze stirred her raven bangs and she focused more on the sounds around her.

Tai stopped in his tracks and turned on his haunches towards Chev. He titled his head a bit. I guess.... He stepped closer and sniffed at the stallion Who are you?

Infinite Duck
Looking down at her own skirt once Lael mentioned it, she swayed it back and forth a little. It was very heavy, but she wouldn't trade it for a Soquili. Her skirt was her life's work. "Yes. I did it. It took me years. It's my life." She ran her finger into the story-line. "Here's where the bird around my neck died. Her spirt is with me in the skull. See?" She pointed at the vague graphic of the bird running into a teepee. "The wind pushed the bird right into the support. She died." Kawenu frowned remembering it. She had felt so bad, she had cleansed the body and treasured the items she took from it. "The bird died so young, I share my life with her, so she'll know what she missed." Smiling faintly she looked over the trails of stories running around her and down the skirt.

Rabid Jigglypuff

Cheveyo's ears perked at the interaction, shifting the weight in his forelegs as the foal approached. I'm called Cheveyo, pleasure to meet you. He gave a gracious greeting despite the fact the foal hadn't offered any information in return.

Anpo looked from one companion to another, and listened. SHe was still adjusting to the ways of this tribe and knew the best way to learn was to observe. She let her mind wander a bit as she watched the foals play, surprised a little when a stallion joined them. She knew that these were not ordinary horses, but scenes like that really reminded her that she was far from the plains of her home.


Smiling she noticed the beautiful designs must all have a meaning, like she had said. She traced the bird with her eyes, though the sad story made her think that not all things lived to a long age, like her mother. It was a thought of despair that could still sadden her to this day, something she would never forget. She eyed the stones that Kawenu had been collecting and raised her eyebrows curiously. "What are they for?"

Infinite Duck
Kawenu looked over her shoulder at her basket. Pulling it over in front of her slowly lifted the lid to ensure nothing escaped on the wind. Inside were several different sized and shapes of feathers, separated with a woven reed wall. Next to them was a section of rocks, bones, and shells. "I polish the stones and shells and drill holes into them. It's a lot of work, but some of them look lovely on clothing, or in the hair." She looked up from her horde of natural items at Lael. "Or even in the ears."

Page: 619
Ayita pokes her head out of the warm darkness of the teepee squinting in the bright morning light flooding the small clearing that she calls home.
Coming out into the crisp cool air the painted foal takes a deep breath her nostrals flaring at the scent of woodsmoke and turning leaves. Her sesitive ears pick up the slight shushing sound of leaves falling to the earth and she darts over to investigate, kicking up more leaves as she goes. Turning her head she sees the trail of leaves whirling in the air in her wake and wickers happily. Spininning joyously she dances in a whirlwind of color.

The warm morning rays coaxed the filly awake long ago, to her slight dismay. She'd given a lazy yawn, and tossed in her partial sleep, attempting to lull herself back to dreams, with little success. Unforgiving, the light had persisted, forcing her to alterness and causing her to withdraw from her shelter into the young morning.

Out and about, now, she opts to wander aimlessly; nothing in particular on her concience. She is growing older now, and Hiabi allows her the independance to adventure freely from time to time. It doesn't really cross her mind, however. She never had a burning desire to defy authority or test the boundaries she is allowed. Instead, she ventures to the river flowing near her home, and approaches the shore to peer intently at the reflection. The sky shines brightly even in the water; clear, calm, and nearly perfect. She admires it for a quick moment, then bounds into the shallow waters with a splash. The liquid feels nearly as relaxing flowing at her knees as it does when she drinks it... but nowhere near as refreshing, she concludes; and helps herself to a generous serving.

When, at last, she has had enough, the filly lifts her head; ears perked forward in a mix of curiosity and alertness. The morning sounds always intrigue her, but there was something different today. Something... out of place, maybe. Not just the noise of drifting leaves and small creatures shuffling among them, but something similar. It sounds bigger, she thinks. And of course, more interesting! Taunted by curiosity, she leaves the soothing river to persue this new interest.

Reveling in feeling of pure motion Ayita jumps and turns in a dizzying spiral the breeze tickling her face and tangling her mane and tail with it's long chilly fingers. Finaly she has to stop as the world spins around her the colors of the leaves trees and grass mixing in a glorious riot. Splaying her legs slightly, the filly shakes her head trying to clear her vision. As the the world rights itself once more one of the vaugh and lumpy shapes of color forms itself into another soquili. It's a dark blue grey filly she doesn't remember seeing before. Straightening up she whinnies a greeting to the newcomer. "Hello, I'm Ayita. Nice to meet you."

The sound had proven relatively easy to follow. It was unwavering, and clear - a solid trail for her tender ears to follow. One she accepted graciously and took no hesitation in taking advantage of, leaving little time until she came within eyesight of her 'target.' It was not quite what she expected, she had to admit. The filly had anticipated a deer, or maybe a bear, or... or something she'd never seen before! But another Soquili was not at all what she had in mind.

She stood a fair dinstance away; far enough to consider herself comfortable, but close enough to seem at least approachable. And observed with what had become characteristic reservation. Was it really that enjoyable to spin around until your vision got all funny? Kourin shook her head as she thought of it, chasing away her over active imagination.

"I'm Kourin." The filly tilted her head a little as she looked on the other. Awfully friendly... Not that it was a bad thing. She just wasn't overly outgoing herself. "What were you doing? Just then..." Maybe there was some reasoning behind it; perhaps it wasn't as weird and random as it seemed.


The sun is rising over the Kawani village, its red rays touching the small leather teepees and waking the inhabitants. Already cooking smeels are slowly wandering through, finally reaching the bundle of stretched leather and poles of a sad looking teepee sitting right at the edge of the village, where a body lay curled up inside within furry blankets......


All of a sudden, a hand reached into the pile of fur and grabbed onto the sleeping boy, shaking him viciously awake. A rough voice, familiar through many suns and moons barked into his ear 'WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUGGER!! DO YOU THINK YOU CAN SLEEP THE WHOLE DAY AWAY?? WHO IS GOING TO HUNT FOR YOUR FOOD?!'
With a jolt, Tahatan jerked and scrambled out of his fur bed. The overtowering man stood silently now, watching with squinted eyes, while the boy snatched his bows and arrows and hurtled out of the teepee into the woods...


Sighing softly to himself, Tahatan wanders deep into the forest, surrounded by the tall oak trees he love so much, and felt safe within. He blinked the last strands of sleep from his hazy blue eyes and hiked up his bow more firmly over his shoulder, all the while going deeper into the darkness, trusting his instinct to guide him to his favourite hunting grounds. Around the forest, like the village was awaking, small twittering birds flitting through the canopy, and the leaves stretching towards the sun, life was free and in abundance...

Leshara laid her mahogany ears flat back against her head, despite being fall she was more than content to travel these forests alone. She was skirting the very edges of human territory in her meanderings, her curious nature drawing her as a moth to flame. The smallish wolf moved through the fall forest like a slice of shadow. Her tail swished impatiently, brushing the ground softly. Her light gold eyes narrowed in concentration she hoped that the thing that called to her would be appeased soon enough and she would find what she was searching for.

His nose twitched.........
Tahatan stopped, wondering...........and then listening very carefully.....
horses? he thought.....and followed the sounds. Further and further he went until he came to a ridge.....
Tahatan stopped, and peered out. His eyes went wide as he automatically ducked under cover, and creeped slowly to the edge where he could look with ease onto a open glen, where two beautiful fillies were roaming about. A smile touched his lips to see the proud strong Soquili horses. He laid his head comfortably on his arms and watched silently.........

Ayita bobbing her head in greeting to the other filly replying laughter just under the surface of her voice as if at any moment it would bubble forth. "Kourin is a beautiful name. It's nice meeting other foals. For a while I seemed to be the only one around."

Stepping out of the small pile of leaves her cavorting had created the painted filly arches her neck prancing a little as she glances back at blue grey filly. "I was just dancing with the leaves and got a little carried away."

A giggle sneaks it's way out dispite the fact that Ayita is trying to hold it in. But she doesn't seem to mind that the joke is at her expense. The sound clear and bright as it floats on the cold morning air and when silence fallsl once more she winks at Kourin. "I couldn't help it. The wind is playful today and I feel like running."

Tsi-la (Flower) had been awake since dawn; and as it has always been she made her way towards the river side to get her daily supply of water. Taking nothing but an earthen ware with her, Tsi-la said a small prayer that she had been taught to ward off evil spirits and wild animals.Upon reaching the river, Tsi-la stopped to admire the world and carefully let down her braids.She usually washed herself before returning home to her teepee and today was typical to any other day. Bending close to the water's edge, Tsi-la proceeded to wash her face. Unknown to her, a tiger who was too old to hunt for wild animals was carefully making his way towards the little girl....

Tahatan watches the painted horse dancing around the more quieter blue grey filly. He ached to understand their language, as it is he has to accept his own limitation and merely listen to the musical whinnying of the Soquili. For a moment he close his eyes, feeling the warm wind sweeping on his back, and he could imagine knowing the words of the Soquili, running powerfully beside them, the wind carrying him....letting him fly......

Leshara's ears twiched as she heard voices, setting her paws to a path she found herself on


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:10 pm
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Anpo smiled in relief. "Look windsib!" she said to the basket sitting beside her in the sun. "I finally finished the gift I have been working on!" The Sioux woman held up the beaded leather pouch as if to show it to the foal in the basket. She laughed at the motion, and thought perhaps she heard a soft whicker in reply to her laugh. While it was no where near as intricate as the work her Ina would have done, she was still proud of her work. Standing with a stretch, she began looking around for the apprentice shaman who had first befriended her here. It was for Foalen that she had made the gift, after seeing the worn pouch he had been using when they were on the forest adventure together.

Foalen walked slowly through the forest towards the Kewani village knowing Ayita had gone on ahead of him once more. Smiling softly at the mares playful nature his thoughts drifted as his feet carried him over the well remembered path.

The apprentice shaman was quite startled when he happned to look up and see Anpo in the distance. Giving her a wave he sped up jogging over to the young warrior woman. "Hau, you haven't seen Ayita come by this way by any chance have you? She left the teepee before I was finished getting it cleaned up. So now we play the aincent game of hide and hunt." Foalen laughed a warm baratone sound that rang in the open air.

"No, I haven't. She is probably racing the birds in the north field. A day like this is good for running I would think!" The sioux was suddenly a little nervous about her gift, but decided to gather up her courage and present it anyway.
"Shaman Foalen, I have a gift for you. When we were on the journey to the spirit's forest, I saw how worn your herb pouch was. I made this, patterned as a sunrise, for you to use if you wish."
She handed the beaded leather pouch over to him.

Foalen nodded agreably, Ayita loved to run wich is why she would often get ahead of him. He could sense a sudden tenion coming from the warrior woman and he watched her silently giving her time to find the words she searched for.

He was about to remind Anpo that he was not yet a full shaman when she held out a hand made pouch that was beautifuly decorated with tiny beads that caught and reflected the light.

"If I wish?" He repeated increduliously completely loosing his train of thought. How could I not wish to carry such a beautiful thing and it's more beautiful for the knowlage that you made it for me. Thank you Anpo, I shall treasure it. And my old pouch certianly has seen better days."

The apprentice shaman made a face as he held up the old pouch next to the new. It looked more like shabby rags than a proper pouch and was truely sad when seen next the the lovely creation Anpo had worked so hard on.


The older bag did look al ittle shabby, but at the same time it had the quiet dignity of something that has served a long life and purpose.
"I am glad you like it. My Ina was always surprised that beading was the one skill I took to that she tried to teach me. 'Anpo,' she would say. 'How can one who never stops moving manage to quill and bead so well! It must be the god's way of marking you my daughter still!'" Anpo laughed at he memory. "I have some few beads left, and some leather. I may make a belt or perhaps another pouch if I can think of someone who would need them!"

Foalen smiled at the sharing of Anpo's childhood memory. Somehow he could picture her Ina looking down upon Anpo with a bemused affectionate smile as she said exactly that. "We learn what the great spirit wishes us to learn. It may not always seem to make sense to us at the time. But all knowlage is useful in one way or another." Foalen laughed as he gently fingered the tiny beads sewn onto the pouch. They glowed in the light of the sun dispite the chill in the air. " I have a rather odd assortment of skills but then shaman often do. So I suppose it really isn't as strange as it might seem."

Shrugging he smiled up at Anpo. "I would just make whatever you feel like making and then wait and watch. Eventually you will know who your next gift will need to go to. That's the way the spirits often work."
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:11 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:15 am
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:50 am
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:51 am
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:52 am
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It was cold and brisk with the taste of snow in the air as Foalen works his way around the nearby bushes and trees for what would last of the fruit of the season.

While the sun was bright it offered little warmth as Foalen bent over the shrubery to harvest the bounty the spirt had provided.

Ayita seemingly unaffected by the chill in the autumn air was walking along behind her human friend. Poking her long nose into the basket he carried to sample some of the fruits of his labors.

For his part the shaman in training didn't seem to mind. He just smiled contentedly and continued his work.

::Feel free to add onto this beggining::  


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:13 pm
Soquili was out picking some blackberries for feather dye. She noticed that Foalen and Ayita were there as well. "Hello!! I hope you're doing well," she smiled and continued to pick them.

Now, Soquili hadn't yet had any breakfast so she was eating way more then what was going in the basket. "Oh dear!" Soquili gasped, "I was supposed to pick these for my brother so he can make some items. What am I going to do? I don't want him to scold me."

Her face fell and she began weeping.

exclaim QUEST TIME: Ayita needs to find 20 different pictures of blackberries and post them in the thread. One of these needs to be drawn by a person. If she can complete this quest then she will be rewarded with a special item from Tasunke.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:20 pm
Ayita's Blackberry Quest

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Blackberries Drawn by a person
1. http://images.art.com/images/products/large/10056000/10056930.jpg

Blackberry pictures
2. http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_SM/0042-0411-1612-3107_SM.jpg
3. http://www.parkseed.com/product_images/48058.jpg
4. http://www.victorialodging.com/blackberry/images/wild-black-berries.jpg
5. http://kaweahoaks.com/html/himberry2.jpg
6. http://www.nampafarmersmarket.com/mall/images\p47.jpg
7. http://www.bestmall.com/public/snackpics/images/286.jpg
8. http://www.sdnace.org/images/graphics/web/POSTER1.JPG
9. http://www.blogstudio.com/lifeatthelakehome/2097BlackBerries3BS.jpg
10. http://vibeke.schou.dk/denmark/agriculture/black2.jpg
11. http://vibeke.schou.dk/denmark/agriculture/black1.jpg
12. http://web.wilson.k12.pa.us/buildings/sh/staffpages/geejer/WebSite/B-Berries.jpg
13. http://www.kangapooh.com/farmepicking.jpg
14. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/5aday/images/berries_black.jpg
15. http://ca4h.org/exchange/japanese/2003/8-15-03/BlackBerries.gif
16. http://www.motherearthnews.com/menarch/archive/issues/046/046_images/046-054-01-black-raspberrie.jpg
17. http://www.purviance.com/photos/images/flowers/blackBerries_040706.jpg
18. http://www.outintheboonies.com/Sebastian_Bluffs/black_berries_s.jpg
19. http://www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/woodgate/autumncolours/blackberry.JPG
20. http://thumb.shutterstock.com/photos2/display_pic_with_logo/8939/8939,1120927311,4.jpg  


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:02 am
It was a brilliantly clear but cold morning as Ayita emerged from the teepee. Foalen followed her carrying a small basket with grooming supplies. Ayita stood patienly watching him as he took out each item checking it to make sure it was in good repair before beggining his task. She liked grooming it was well worth waiting for. The brushes felt good on her skin and the oil the shaman apprentice rubbed upon her mane and hooves made them shine in the sun.

When all the brushes and oils had been duely inspected Foalen looked up at the painted mare with a smile."Thank you for waiting dearheart, but I finally think I'm ready to begin."

Taking up a brush he started with Ayita's face carefully working around her eyes and mouth. Ayita blew a sweet scented breth out her nose in pleasure, wickering softly as Foalen paused to give her forhead an extra rub in just the right spot. Her ears twiched back and forth listening to the shaman's soft voice as he murmered sweet nonsense to her while he worked.

This was how life should be. Aytia thought enjoying this quiet time with her human friend dispite the chill in the air. They were together and all the world seemed right. She leaned over to nuzzle Foalen as he moved around to work on her neck and legs. He took his time cleaning the dust and debries from her coat. Soon she would glow as bright as the sun she was sure. Happily she watched his long callused fingers work wondering for a moment how they got that way since she knew he wasn't a hunter. Her eyes followed those strong hands as she wished there was some way she could comunicate better with her friend so that he could tell her more of his life before he had met her. She sighed greatful for the attention, at least he was here.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:44 am
Down by the rivers edge dressed only in a blanket and a loin cloth Foalen knelt down dipping his deerskin clothing into the icy water. It was a little cold to be doing this now but it needed doing with all the exploring he and Ayita had been doing of late. When the garments were wet enough he rubbed the dirt from them careful not to miss a spot.

A little farther down the river near the bed where the water snaked back towards the hills Ayita watched her friend curiously. She really didn't understand why the humans chose to wear fake coats nor what was so important about dunking them in water. Didn't Foalen realize how cold the water was right now? She really would rather avoid playing in the river when it was so cold. Instead she gazaed at the shaman's apprentice remembering Taima and Spirit Sprites' two footed friends and the rides the two soquli had given them.

What was it like to carry a two foot on your back? It had looked kind of fun actually. Tiliting her large head to the side considering her human friend carefully. Her eyes gleamed as an idea came upon her. The way Foalen was standing she should just be able to get her head between his legs. "Oh yes! I can do it! He's been working so hard this morning he deserves to have some fun today. He'll be so surprised!" the painted mare whinnied gleefully.

Setting her self so that her body was angled properly Ayita lowered her head and launched herself forward.

So wrapped up in his washing was he that Foalen didn't realize that something was happening until Ayita's head was under his legs lifting him upwards. Not expecting to be suddenly airborn the apprentice shaman swung his arms about trying to grab the mare's short mane, but he couldn't hold on to the moving soquili and rolled over her shoulder into the water with a tremendous splash.

Spluttering and coughing he sat up in the cold water looking up at Ayita who now wore a rather sheepish expresion. Wipeing the water soked hair out of his eyes his lips quaked into a smile wich widened as he began to laugh.

Pulling himself out of the water and over to the edge of the river where Ayita was looking very appologetic, Foalen threw wet arms around his friend and murmered reasuringly to her. "It's ok Ayita, I know you didn't mean to dunk me in the river. Perhaps this is the spirits way of telling me I needed a bath."

Glad that he wasn't angry Ayita lipped at Foalen's now soggy blanket back to her normal happy self.

"Just next time you try that let me know first ok?" The young shaman asked rubbing the sides of her long face.

Ayita wuffled her acceptance and all was right with the world.  


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:59 am
(( very cute I must say. 3nodding ))

Taima was finally getting used to having Lequoia on his back. It seemed right now. Everything she did or felt, he could empathize with. It was a much closer relationship than he had with her when she was beside him on the ground.

Besides he had began to learn new things with her. Things he hadn't known his body was capable of. He could extend and collect, he had becomed blanaced and in frame, not to mention the treats he got afterwards!

What a glorious day it was. Lequoia finally began to give more trust to Taima and was now thoutoughly enjoying their quiet ride. The leaves were changing and the air was crisp and cool on her skin. Beautiful golds and ambers rustled about her.

Autumn and winter were still quite alien to her. She was from a much warmer climate and the new experience made her heart quake with excitement. Who knows what it would bring? She couldn't wait to find out what was in store. For herself, as well as for Taima.

Tai walked along the bank of the river. He head was forward and in frame but his eyes were contentedly watching the flow of the river. The sound of it was soothing to him and it reminded him of Ayita for some reason. They always seemed to meet with a splash as of late. Interesting to think about really.

As soon as that thought had passed from his mind he heard splashing up ahead from beyond the bend in the river. Who could that be? Wouldn't be fitting if it was Ayita! He became tense under Lequoia, wanting to go investigate.

She laughed. She knew what was being grinded out by the gears within her young stallion's mind. He wanted to go explore the splashing. Well, at least he didn't go off without letting her know first. She smirked as she leaned forward, squeezing his barrell. " Go on then" she whispered.

He whinnied in thanks and set off at a canter. He knew the difference in Lequoia's cues already. He extended beautifully around the bend in the river and then stopped. It was Ayita. It was her! His frame became a bit sloppy as he rushed over to her. "Ayita!" He called. " Hey there!"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:05 am
Ayita was enjoying the feel of Foalen's long dexterous fingers brushing her cheeks so she only canted an ear when she heard the sound of hoofbeats approching. However when the sound was followed by a familiar voice the painted mare's coat shivered as she reconized the owner of the voice and lifted her head in the direction of the sound. Her eyes always vibrent held a extra sparkle as Taima and Lequoia came around the corner into view.

Startled at the mare's sudden movement, Foalen followed Ayita's gaze smiling as he saw who was approching. "Hau, good friends. You look in fine form today." He said as he held up a hand in the sign of greeting. He admired the way Lequoia and Taima seemed to move together as they cantered forward as if they were one and not two seperate beings. Perhaps one day he and Ayita's bond would be as close as Lequoia and Taima's was and they would be able to move fluidly together like that too. Though it would take some work on both their parts, he thought with amusment thinking of what had happened just before Taima and Lequoia had arrived.

"It would seem the two of you have made quite an impression upon Ayita. She decided to try and give me a ride this morning. Though I was unaware of her plans at the time, wich is why I had an unplaned bath just before you showed up." Foalen said with totall disreguard for the water that was dripping from his hair and poncho.

Ayita trotted forward happily to return Taima's greeting. "Taima! It's good to see you." Her earlier embarrasment forgotten in the excitment of the siliver stallion's arrival.  


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Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:09 pm
It was evening when Talencia approached Foalen's teepee. Delphia was not with her, for she had gone off with friends for a romp in the moonlight. The moon, while not full yet, shown cheerfully down on them, bathing everything in cool, gentle light. Tal smiled, knowing that Sparrow Moon would be brightly lit tonight, glowing like a piece of the moon fallen to the earth.

But right now, she was almost to Foalen and Ayita's teepee. She stroked Jaden's black chest feathers. The bird was perched on her shoulder again on the protective leather pad. In the moonlight he gleamed, like darkness become alive. His bright eyes kept watch over all that moved and stirred nearby. She smiled at him and murmured reassurances.

She had talked with him quite a lot that day about what was going to happen, and how much she needed him to stay calm and allow himself to be held. She could only hope he would choose to cooperate with the plan, though. Momentarily she dreamed wistfully of being able to speak to and understand the animals. She hadn't much time to muse, though, since they had now arrived.

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