When I was about 10 or 12, my step brother started molesting me. At the time, I didn't know what was going on, I was still young and naive and didn't know the whole concept of anything sexual.
The molestration kept going until we were both 16, that's when my girlfriend told me that it was time for me to take a stand for myself. I told my father and my stepmother about what he was doing; he was already in trouble (for what, i do not remember) and doing community service, they doubled of what he was already doing. (Really I thought they should have done more...)
What I regret about the whole situation is not telling my father and stepmother about it when he first started molesting me at a young age... because of him, I am afraid of men. I appriciate a man's handsomeness, but I will NOT have anything to do with them.

That's my story.