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[PRP] Reunions of the Second Kind (Ziya+Hymn) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:54 pm
"I ask just out of curiosity." he stated as his eyes memorized the landscape outside their cabin. The dust turned as the smell of the burning firewood and dinner both were caught by his nose. "Whatever you are cooking, smells delicious." he complimented, bending over the burning flames. The fireplace lit of the majority of the common area in the house but lights from the kitchen created long shadows in the living area.

Hymn took his place in one of the chairs and watched the flames dance. "I heard a story once, about humans long ago." Hymn recounted,"it was about dark-skinned Indians who used to stare at fire for hours and watch it dance. Out of the flames came tales of war, mysterious, and oftentimes the future they believed would come. I never truly believed in the dancing fire till I watched it myself. Well Sojo made me watch it, he said the story would be an important one. However, if you can find fire interesting be my guess. I see more in water.

"The tale was unique however. Most of the time the Indian's fortunes did come true. Which was the scary part. I wonder what living in a society like that would be like. Seems interesting, sounds less evil than our own."Hymn leaned over the arm of the chair as his eyes grew heavy from the relaxation he felt. He stayed awake though for dinner, the delicious smell filling the cabin. It was hard enough to sleep on an empty stomach but this drove the calm dust insane.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:34 pm
Nodding, he went back to slicing everything up and t hen checked the chicken slices. “Thanks… its really only a simple stir fry” Ziya smiled a little and continued to work on the dinner. He listened to the other talk about the natives and the fire watching. It was quite the interesting story, he faintly wondered if it really worked. He’d wanted to see a fortuneteller once but Ashton said it was a bunch of rubbish and said not to waste his money.

“Sounds pretty interesting… sometimes I really wonder about it…. Its an interesting subject…” Ziya murmured as he added the veggies to the cooked meat and added some sauces and mixed everything up. Switching another burner on, he went about cooking up some rice for the stir-fry to go over. He never got much of a chance to cook at home with Shepard always being there, though occasionally when both his guardian and his guardians ‘friend’ were out he made himself a nice dinner.

Looking over to see the other dozing, he moved about getting the plates out as everything was close to being done. Ziya felt a little tired himself but that was probably from all the fresh air he’d taken in. “Hey Sleepy head… Dinners pretty much done” he laughed, tossing a balled up towel he’d dried his hands on from washing them, at Hymn playfully.  




PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:05 pm
Hymn had dozed off but he woke up just in time from his daydream to catch the soggy towel. "Oh gross!" he exclaimed as the stench flowed into his nose. It smelled like bleach and Ziya. He laughed after throwing the towel back onto the counter and stood up. His mouth opened wide for a yawn but surprisingly nothing came out so he just shrugged and walked into the kitchen. Sneaking over to the post behind Ziya he took a peak in and smiled. "That looks good,"he complimented grabbing himself a bowl.

The dust filled it up and returned to his warm chair quickly. "So what have you been up to all this time?" he asked.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:23 pm
Laughing brightly, Ziya just grinned as he gave their dinner a couple more good stirs and saw it was done. Looking over his shoulder to see Hymn standing behind him, he grinned and took the bowl from him. “Well I hope it tastes as good as it smells,” He laughed a little and scooped up some rice and them covered it with the tasty smelling veggies and meat. Sticking a fork into the bowl he handed it back to the siren dust then went about dishing up his own.

Following the other back over to the fireplace, he first made sure all the elements were off and sat himself down. “Me? Um… not so much really…Other then meeting other dusts I’ve been taking an apprenticeship of sorts on mechanics with one of Ashton’s friends…” he smiled a little. He took a couple bites of his dinner and sighed a little. “I mean there’s not much I can do well… but I like fixing things…” He shrugged a little and munched on his dinner. “What about you Hymn?”  




PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 3:31 pm
"Just meeting the younger dusts. I run into the children more than anyone. I enjoy watching them all grow up, it makes you think how valuable life is," he answered nodding as his dinner was finished. The dust stood up and removed himself from the conversation for a minute to place his bowl in the kitchen. In the small cabin the clinking of Ziya's spoon and the gaining snowstorm could be heard in the distance.

The silence was broken by a ringing phone on the counter and picking it up the dust answered,"Hello?" To his dismay the phone line was empty and staring at Ziya he shrugged. "Odd..."

Moving back to the chair the teen took a seat and closed his eyes listening to the flames. "What do you see in the flames my dear friend?" asked Hymn, opening his own eyes to the dancing light. Fire had so much power, the power of harm and damage, yet the ability to tell stories so much better than water.

Hymn shrugged, no wonder people liked gruesome stories better.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:09 pm
Ziya quite contently sat there in the comfortable chair till the phone rang. He jolted a little at the sudden ring and turned his head quickly to look at the other. Arching an eyebrow at the others reaction, he assumed no one was on the other end. “Hrmm…” he murmured and then polished off the rest of his dinner. He got up and set his plate into the sink, thinking he’d worry about washing it later. He was a little too dozy right now to even bother.

Blinking softly at the others question, his eyes flickered towards the flames. The dance of orange and yellow reflected and flickered in his gray hues. The teen was silent for a long moment, his eyes staring unblinking into the flames. “What I see…” Ziya murmured as he watched the flames for a long moment. “Storms…. Large beaked birds with sharp talons and keen eyes…. Wings that blot out the moon…” He murmured softly. “A wind that sweeps from the low lands to the sky in whirls of white and red….” Ziya added then blinked quickly, eyes reminding him that it was something his body was supposed to do. “Urgh….” He rubbed his eyes with the heel of each hand to an eye.

”Ow…that gave me a slight head ache…” Ziya muttered mostly to himself and looked to Hymn with watery eyes. “I don’t think I’ll do that again…” he murmured with a slight laugh, “None of it made sense anyhow.”  




PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:18 pm
Hymn laughed and looked into the flames himself. He saw nothing that Ziya appearently spotted but one's imagination is their own. "Interesting, I see a storm too." he began, "a storm that rolls over the horizon of a small country town. A family afraid of this great storm hides, only to find that is is nothing but a cloud." The dust even laughed at his own story, "As if that makes any sense."

Suddenly with a surprising yawn the siren stretched. "We might want to get some rest, the morning is coming soon. I'm going to retire for the night. I'll try not to take up too much of the bed." he smiled. The bed was huge anyways, there wasn't much he could cover by himself.

Yawning he stumbled off into the next room and took some clothes into the bathroom to change while the other dust held to his own accord. However, when he left the bathroom Hymn extinguished the glowing candle in the room and climbed under the covers. It would be a short night for tomorrow would be three times longer. If all went according to plan.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:42 pm
Yawning a little, Ziya couldn’t help but agree completely as he stretched his arms above his head. “Mmm… yeah good idea…” He murmured and got out of his chair. Stretching a little again, he smiled a little to the siren dust. “I’m not worried, I don’t move all that much in my sleep I don’t think” He replied as he walked down the hall behind the other.

While the other changed in the other room, Ziya quickly changed into his sleep pants and set his jeans and sweater off to the side. He was just lazily rubbing a hand through his hair when Hymn came back into the room and crawled into bed. The teen was glad he was standing next to the bed when the room was suddenly plunged into darkness. Drawing back the blankets and sheets on his side of the bed, he grabbed his pillow and crawled into bed. “Mmm… night Hymn…” Ziya murmured and he curled up a little as he nestled sleepily into the quilt and sheets. The fact that he’d never shared a bed with anyone before never rattled into his sleepy head so he wasn’t sure what sort of flailing or rolling he could possibly do.  




PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:50 pm
Hymn rose long before the sun shined above the snowy horizon. The dust guessed the sun would be sparse for the first look out the window was still dark, and a look some time later it was the same. The wind was still flurrying around outside so he figured they'd be hunkered in here all day unless it calmed down. It depended on what Ziya wanted to do, after all, he was the guest.

The teen rose early enough to prepare breakfast before the other even thought about cooking again. Hymn thought it unfair that he slaved over a dinner all night so he had gotten up early enough to prepare a meal of his own: french toast.

The smell filled the kitchen and drifted into the back rooms as he began to cook. The smell of batter and syrup were the two strongest smells in the house besides the exposed left overs of last night which the dust had just disposed off.

A couple of hours passed though and Hymn had finished preparing and setting the meal before he went to fetch Ziya. Knocking on the closed door the dust leaned in and announced that dinner was ready before wandering back to the kitchen. It's be better to get them something to drink.

Hymn knew they had good milk so pouring them each a glass he took a seat opposite of Ziya's spot, hoping everything would taste good.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:05 am
The lightening teen was sound asleep, curled up sleepily in the sheets till Hymn woke him for breakfast. Sitting up slowly, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and peeked around. It took Ziya a few moments to realize and remember where he was before crawling out of bed. Rubbing a hand through his hair after yawning, Ziya crawled out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

”Smells good…” Ziya said softly as he entered the kitchen, sounding a little groggy from sleep. “You know I should have made breakfast… I feel like a freeloader,” He laughed playfully and tugged up his sleep pants a little self-consciously. Sitting down across from Hymn; scooping up the milk and sipping it.  




PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:55 pm
Hymn smiled as Ziya walked out of the room and only shook his head. "Couldn't help to put on a shirt?"he teased taking his first bite as the other sat down. Breakfast tasted great, the flavor was just right. It was rare Hymn cooked anything without flaws, after all the dust got distracted in his thoughts way too much.

"I've told you to stop thinking that, you are just fine."Hymn replied taking another bite. Followed by another, and another until the dust finished off his plate. Little conversation was exchanged as they both seemed content with their food but once Hymn stood up and returned his plate to the sink the fireplace howled with the sound of the wind.

"Wow... that's a bit scary,"
he said after jumping at the sudden noise.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:17 pm
Rubbing a hand over his sleepy face, he blinked at the others mention of him not having a shirt. "Heh... sorry...I'll remember for next time" Ziya grinned a little, not having thought about it. They were both guys so he honestly didn't think it would matter if he had one on or not. Though perhaps Hymn was a little more self conscious about that sort of thing.

Dressing his breakfast with the needed syrups and such, he dug in and mmm'd softly. "This is delicious..." Smiled a little then looked back at the other dust. "Still I like to help out a little..." he smiled and happily ate his breakfast. Finishing off quickly, he put his plate in the sink then ran the hot water to wash the dishes.

"Mmmm... yeah the wind is horrible out there... looks like we're not going anywhere..." Ziya murmured and started to wash up the dishes after adding the soap.  




PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:48 pm
A simple fire was started by Hymn as he bent curiously over the fireplace. Feeling his body grow warm from the radiated heat he backed up and soon vanished into the side room. His eyes and hands searched the cupboards in the bedroom to see if anyone had left anything behind but when they found them all to be empty he sighed. If they were to be kept inside something would have to be done to keep it fun.

Reluctantly Hymn drew out a pad of paper and pencil from his bag and set it on the table. A paper game would be their last resort. Sighing though the dust left the bedroom and vanished into another part of the house, humming to himself. His mind searched the room as he moved about, everything was empty unless it belonged to the cabin place. 'Not fun at all' he sighed to himself.

Bending over the siren flipped open a toybox and found it stored with boxes full of board games. Perfect. He stared at them for a moment though and studied their names- Monopoly, Clue, Scrabble- all of them sounded way too boring and time consuming.

"Ziya, do you have anything you want to do?"
he asked after giving up.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:22 pm
Making quick work of the dishes, Ziya dried off his arms and looked around to see Hymn had disappeared again. Shrugging a little, he put everything away then headed to the room. Grabbing out a fresh pair of clothes, the lightening dust quickly changed into a simple pair of jeans, a black tank top and socks. Sighing softly, he grabbed his dark green zipper hoodie and tugged it on.

Following the sound of Hymn, he peeked over at him and blinked a little as he saw the other going through an old trunk. “Well… the storm limits us on what we can do…” he said softly, leaning against the doorframe. Looking around the room they were in, he hrm’d softly as he looked out the window, seeing the s now blowing still.

“What do you usually do around here?”
Ziya asked, walking away from the door and over to his friend. “We could explore the cabin? Play a game….” He shrugged a little. The lightening dust wasn’t sure on what people normally did when camping  




PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:38 pm
"How about we try and find a way out of here?"Hymn justified as he stood up. "Staying here all day would just be boring..." He looked around curiously. Maybe there was a hatch in the roof, Hymn had heard of some cabins having that just in case of circumstances like these where they were snowed in. Perhaps it was worth looking for? Curiously his eyes scanned the bedroom ceiling and saw nothing of the sort.

"Look for a hatch in the ceiling, maybe something leading to an attack. We can find a way out through the roof."he advised. After all, there didn't seem to be anything entertaining in this cabin, and Hymn wanted to go hiking.

"Make sure to bring the bag I brought for you, that hiking one."
he pointed. Now, to find that hatch.

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