The boy's confidence in his guardian was quite astounding, and probably would have been more touching if Ciellas weren't still slightly annoyed at the man. The damage had been her fault, this was true. Rindou's freak out had also been her fault. For those two things, she certainly warranted the slap Jarett had given her. However she still wasn't so ready to forgive him for letting the child run around barefoot on a street (who knows what manner of objects the boy could step on!), barely dressed for exposure to the public. This was something she truly did intend to rectify.

But the boy knew his guardian best. It was probably for the better that she offer her services on another day, when they've had time away from one another, time to cool off.

"I s'pose ye'll know best." She tousled the boy's hair gently, an action that was second nature to her given the number of younger siblings she had. A brief surveying of the area immediate assured her that nothing had been left behind, and she gave a small pat to her shoulder bag and felt the chilled presence of the bottle within. The fabric felt stiff; part of her wondered if it was freezing the interior as a means of reminding her of its presence. It had also frosted some of Rindou's cord, and she had to wonder why the bottle was particularly active today.

"I'll be by sometime then." Ciellas gave Jarett a curt nod and a thin, wary smile. "I caused a lot o' trouble, but I intend tae make good on it." Her head bowed a bit to hide the embarrassed flush that rushed her cheeks from what had just happened. "Well, goodbye then. Take care." With another small nod, she turned on her heels and moved briskly down the street, eager to be away from the sight of what she had caused, and from the glaring eyes of that man.

Whenever they were to meet again, things were surely going to be chaotic, she felt.