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Lady Tabula Rasa

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:38 pm
I've been a Christian all my life; I was baptized as Catholic, but grew up in the Protestant church.

However, it was about 10 or 12 years ago that truly cemented me as a Christian for the rest of my life. At the urging of a friend of mine, I went to a church camp during...I think it was my junior year of high school, but I can't be sure...and I went through the motions of things. Now, I was hardly a social person, so I didn't like being around so many other teenagers, but I did get a lot out of the nightly sermons.

Well, one night, during the end of a sermon, I was standing outside, and suddenly, I just started crying. Soon, I was bawling like a baby, and I dropped to my knees.

I guess another kid either saw this or was drawn to me, but I felt a hand on my shoulder, and they started praying for me. When they slipped into tongues (yes, they spoke in tongues. I later questioned them afterword, and even they didn't know why), and at that moment, I saw. I saw the beauty of his creation through his eyes; it was, and still is, indescribable.

And at that moment, I felt a wave of love and compassion come over me, and I knew that from that moment on, everything would be alright. No matter what happened to me, I was his.

And I felt more alive after that moment than I ever had before. The world looked better after what I had seen. The world sounded better after what I had seen. Food tasted better after that moment. Even sex felt better ever since that moment. I was completely reborn, transformed into the person I am today.

And I can never look away.  
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:42 pm
Well here is my testimony

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet of God. I know that Thomas S. Monson (our current prophet) is also a true prophet.
I know the Book of Mormon contains the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to blessed with such a wonderful book! I know that the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price are also the Word of God.
I am thankful for the Church and all the joy it has given me. My Heavenly Father is wonderful! I am thankful for the Priesthood and the blessings it has brought to my life.
I love my husband and my daughter and I have been sealed to them in the temple and we are now an eternal family, which I am truly greatful for!

To add to my testimony, I would like to post a brief history about me dealing with the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.

I grew up in a family, who is very against the Latter-day Saint Church, the Book of Mormon, etc. I have been exposed to nothing but anti-LDS literature the majority of my life, and I in turn, was very against the Church myself. My family is still against the Church and when I became a member, they contemplated disowning me.

I was a freshman in high shool when I was first introduced to the Book of Mormon. I wanted nothing to do with the book at all. I had a dream one night, before I ever read the Book, and in the dream I was standing in front of a crowd of people, proclaiming the truth of the book and that I hoped every one would gain a testimony of it too. I had three dreams that were similar to this one that I just stated. Keep in mind, again, that I had never read the book at that point in my life. I had a testimony of it, before I had even broken the binding on a copy. I denied that testimony for the longest of time, until one day I was told by a good friend of mine that I needed to read the Book of Mormon and form my own opinion of the book, I didn't have to accept it as truth, but I had to come to the knowledge of what the book said. I refused to read it, but I kept getting the feeling that I should after I had prayed about it so many times. So finally I read it. I will tell you that my testimony of the book increased after I read it. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I read was the word of God. I cannot deny it now and could not deny it then.

A few years passed, I kept my testimony of the Book of Mormon, but continued to deny that Joseph Smith was a prophet. My husband and I spent hours debating about whether or not he was a true prophet or a false one. I was challenged to get on my knees and pray about it. I asked the Lord what His opinion on the matter was, I told Him that I didn't believe Joseph Smith was a prophet, but I wanted to know what He had to say. One evening, about a year ago, I was at a friends house, with my husband, for dinner. We were discussing the beliefs of the Church, they had given me a brief history of it, and a run down of the doctrines. The missionaries were even invited over. I was talking about my stance on the Book of Mormon, the Church and Joseph Smith. By that point in time, I had reached a state of indifference about the man himself. One of the missionaries looked at me and said "it sounds like you already have a testimony of the Church you just haven't accepted it yet." At that exact same moment, I felt the Holy Ghost come upon me and whisper my name and He said to me "you already know the truth, and you don't have to ask or question any more." My husband also received the same message from the Holy Ghost that the very same time that the missionary spoke and I felt the Holy Ghost move on me as well. The Holy Ghost told my husband "she already knows the truth of the gospel." Three people at the very same moment received the same revelation (for lack of a better term) about my testimony. On the way home that night, I bore my testimony to my husband that I knew the Church was true because of the witness I had received from the Holy Ghost. I also told him that I knew Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet the Lord has chosen to lead the Church today. I sealed that testimony in the name of Jesus.

For me to deny the Book of Mormon would be like trying to deny that my left arm is attatched to my body, the same goes for denying the truth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So I will say to all of you in this guild, that I know the Church is true, I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, same as the Bible, and I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and I know that we are led by a prophet of God today, even Thomas S. Monson. And I sustain him as prophet, seer and revelator.
I say these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.  


Invisible Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 7:34 pm
I was born into the Christian faith, but my family never really accepted Jesus. We were going through the motions, as it were. I went through the first sixteen years of my life just drifting, not really caring about religion or God. I think I was ashamed to say I was Christian.

In my freshman year of high school, I flat out rejected God. I had started going to a Catholic school and thought for that reason I was entitled to pass all of my classes. When I didn't, I blamed God and shoved him from my life.

My sophomore year I decided to try Wicca. I thought that using magic would solve all of my problems. I started using candles in my room, lighting them and going into trances trying to find my 'inner self'. All I found were wax burns and headaches.

My junior year I met a boy who was a strong believer in Jesus Christ. I thought he was just another crazy zealot, so I pretty much ignored him. That is, until one night when he, this other girl and I were hanging out in his room. Demons surrounded us. I was so afraid; I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror. Then he touched me and prayed. I was still shaken, but when he was driving me home he played a song called The Parting by I Am Terrified. I cried my eyes out, feeling full and happy.

I couldn't let go of my magic. The demons returned. I thought I could control them.... Needless to say that things started getting out of control. I renounced Wicca and accepted Jesus into my life. I still struggle. Every day is a challenge. But I have my guardian Angel (Who I have nicknamed 'Girly-Girl'. I love her more than anything. biggrin ) and God on my side. Everything is going to be alright.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:56 pm


My life before I had Christ in it, was pretty stressful and I felt like everything was being thrown at me. I did not like my life at all and I have always wanted to live in someone elses shoes because I wanted to see how amazing their life was. I wanted someone to inspire me...someone I could look up to and show me the world. I did not have anyone like that in my life at all, and I didn't bother looking either. Because of this, I relied on myself, passing through the dark forest alone without any help, or light. I wandered everyday through that forest...with no help or serenity. I was surrounded by crazy trees, who were being burned alive. I needed someone desperately...A Savior.
Towards the end of 2008, An awesome cousin of mine, Chee Moua, invited me to go to a Log Cabin Retreat with some of the other kids around my age at church. I decided to go because I would be going with one of my favorite cousins, Garry. The trip was pretty fun, and I wished that it lasted longer. This was when I found a flashlight in the dark forest, and I relied on it for a while. After the Log Cabin Retreat, I decided to go to church. Chee took me for a few weeks, and then I stopped...A reason was because I did not want to get up early during Sundays, and the other..was because Chee was leaving to California! The flashlight ran out of batteries. Around Summer time, I went on a Prayer Hike with some of the church people...I once again went because Garry went. This led me into getting a Bible from Joe Kue. I found batteries for the flashlight! Joe suggested that I read the story of John first, and I did for a bit. I only got to chapter 3 before stopping. I was thinking of going back to Sunday School, but I didn't want to because It was Summer! And I seriously didn't want to get up early. The batteries for my flashlight died after the Prayer Hike...Not long after, I attended a unforgettable trip. Phay Camping. As again...I went because Garry was going also. Camping led me to meet some awesome people! One of the amazing people was David Yang. I, again, found more batteries. David's personality stood out to me more than anyone else's. His joy and energy just caught my attention. I surely knew that Christ was living in him! I wanted to feel Joy...The same joy that held in David! Although it doesn't seem like much, but David actually had a very big impact on me! After the camping trip, I wanted to change my ways, but apparently, I could not. The batteries I found only held a little energy left...and before I knew it, they ran out. I was stuck in the dark forest still, trying to find batteries that would last...forever. A few months later, Chee's brother, Lao, invited me to Bible Study, I didn't want to go, so I made onoe of my lame excuses and Lao accepted it. He then asked me if I wanted to go next week, and I said to myself "Why not...". I wasn't looking forward to Bible Study at all...But after my first expirience of Bible Study, I was amazed..I learned ALOT in one hour than I would ever had! I absolutely loved it! So I decided to continue to go and learn! To remember what I learned, I kept a journal thing containing all of the lessons! It's a great thing to look back at! I found batteries again! Anyways, A few weeks later, there was going to be a event at church! Night Of Worship. I have been waiting for this day, for I knew it was going to be awesomely fun! When the night was slowly starting to end, Gee gave out his Testimony...it made me cry ALOT...Just because of what Gee was saying and stuff made me cry...and because Gee is one of my close cousins so...Anyways, Gee's testimony started my whole "1-hour crying" thing...what made me cry more, was when David reviewed 2 Corinthians 3:18. I cried more and more...My heart was shaking alot for some reason, and I didn't like the feeling. After David was done, he suggested that we should pray with someone or with a smaller group, and Lao decided to pray with me. Before praying though, Lao was just talking to me about how big of a step this was for me. With that, I cried more. Around that time, my heart was shaking violently and uncontrollably...something was fighting to win the place in my heart..Soon I figured that Christ was fighting to be in my heart...Christ had beaten Satan. That shaking turned to jumping, and those tears turned to joy...For the rest of the night, I didn't feel so good...but I did feel good in a way. I spent Night Of Worship with amazing people includng David, Lao, Garry, Phay...and especially God.
I no longer needed a flashlight in with me while in the forest because I now have God. God will show me the way, and I will not have to rely on myself. I still, today, walk the dark forest, but I have light...Light that will last FOREVER. After Night Of Worship, I decided to go back to Sunday School...because I felt God calling me. This caused me to go out and play football with some of the church guys after! That doesn't seem important, but it really IS important. This led me to be more active and outgoing with people and I am now actually better in Football than I was before. They encouraged me. They didn't care if I was the worst player on the field. I just love them! Now, everytime I look back to the Log Cabin Retreat, Prayer Hike, Phay Camping and Night Of Worship...I have realize what God has done...God used Chee, Joe, David and Lao just to get to me! All those events impacted me in different ways.

In Matthew 18:10-14, it says ""Be careful. Don't think these little children are worth nothing. I tell you that they have angels in heaven who are always with my Father in heaven. [The Son of Man came to save the lost people.] 'If a man has a hundred sheep but one of the sheep gets lost, he will leave the other ninety-nine on the hill and go look for the lost sheep. I tell you the truth, if he finds it he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that were never lost. In the same way, your Father in heaven does not want any of these children to be lost."

I found this verse when I was looking for the eight blessings we had reviewed at a Bible Study. And it was 3 days before Night Of Worship. This verse reminds me of myself and how I was the lost sheep. I don't know anyone who will go after a lost sheep over and over, but God did that...for me. God blessed these AMAZING people in my life, and I am so unwrothy. God went after one single worthless sheep, while He had ninety-nine other sheep to take care of. God went after ME.

Also, now that I have Christ in me, I actually like making mistakes. They build "Stepping Stones" for me, so I can get closer to the Finish Line. I am now also struggling with my Family, because I am the ONLY Christian in my family, and it is hard to cooperate with them at times, but I can deal with it. And now, everytime when someone makes a bad comment about me, I really don't care. God is there for me! I will be protected in His arms! I wake up every morning knowing that I am loved. I go to sleep everyday knowing that there is hope. I live throughout a day knowing that I am being watched and protected by God! It is an AMAZING feeling! I feel Joy every now and then, and it is so lovely!  

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:18 pm
simply put i was so frustrated but when i was ready to run away and turn my back on it entirely God had completely other plans. he invaded my life and struck me down to where i collapsed to my knees. I finally knew that he loved me and not to fear or be burdened with doubt anymore. that was 9 years ago. i have had those years to learn and grow and strengthen. i've rededicated my life to him several times. One of my best moments was learning that God is not about politics or religion, Jesus disliked those things and he just wants us to freely and willingly have a relationship with him, and want to live our lives for him. and one other was when someone (a youth pastor) was able to explain his word in a way that made it so relevant that it described my life at that time and gave exactly what i needed to know.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:59 am
here's my testimony : )

Uhm, first our religion is catholic .

before I only know about god is the basics like he created the sun,moon,stars and etc. and the time goes by .. i learned many things about him : )

before my attitude was so rude. I always say bad words, i don't obey my parents and etc. but you know what , that changed this year : ) . it was july 30,2010 . me and my brother go to UPHSD health tower for YFC general assembly . i have no idea on what will happen on that event . and then it was all about GOD. at first i'm kinda confused on somethings. and then , i've gone through many YFC events . one of it is the Youth Camp , that camp made me realized so many things and i experienced so many things, i cried. because i realized how great he is!. you know what GOD is so powerful and i really believe in him. he give my family so many blessings and miracles smile and we thank him for those : ) .  

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:24 am
Testimonies are awesome no matter how long or how short! heart I will share mine, but it may be a little long.

I grew up going to a church with my family and as a child, things were much more chill, and we woke up, got baths, ate breakfast, got dressed, and walked down the street to where the church was. I had a few friends there and enjoyed that and drawing during the sermons more than anything else. When I got older and tried to listen to the sermons, it was okay and then I listened to more and it confused me because all the men in the church who have been there for more than a year and/or have become a true member of the church were the only one's allowed to preach. It seemed like they all believed different things and I was so lost and confused. For a while as a teenager, I was depressed, and thought of suicide, but could never hurt myself. I also was involved in a couple mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally abusive relationships that felt near impossible to get out of. For a year, I didn't want to smile, talk to my friends, or chill with the family. All I wanted to do is be on the computer and video games, avoiding the fact that reality was passing me by. I thought something was wrong with my faith and that I was a no-good sinner. I was never into drinking, drugs, or any of the stuff other kids called "awesome" that was immoral or wrong. I was forced to go to church by my family unless I was sick and had to stay home, which was more often than not. Sometimes, people would give me a rough time for missing church (mostly my parents), and it would stress me out. I remember so many people over the years left that church and now a days it's nearly empty because people move, get excommunicated, or choose to go to another church. I didn't necessarily agree with everything they said so I didn't know where I stood, especially since the church seemed to have an excuse for their man-made doctrine.

When I was 19 (almost 20) I met a guy that turned my life upside down. He seemed to be so secure in his faith and I ended up falling in love with him because he listened to me, thought outside of the box when it came to the scripture and didn't sugar coat things for me, but also had more love for me and for others than words can describe. After we got married that same year we had met, he truly told me everything he believed and told me why my church's beliefs were only half correct, while others were completely wrong. He was able to do something I'd never seen before - use the Bible including historical contexts of original meanings of the words and the culture during those times to explain things to me. I cried because I just didn't know and felt so filthy inside, but when that first tear hit the floor, I felt God's grace rain down on me and lift the heavy burden's off of my shoulders. My husband led me onto the right path and I've been so hooked on the Bible ever since, and feel more secure in life than I did in the past. I'm learning something different every day as a new Christian. After asking for forgiveness, I've turned it all around.

I left the church I grew up in because of the things they did that weren't Biblically right and because of the way they treated people who had committed certain sins, or were excommunicated just because they did things the church didn't like. They didn't consider "women" part of the "true" church and I didn't agree with that, either. I now have a rough relationship with my family - especially my parents. My aunts and uncles accept me more quickly than my own parents do during this time. I thought at one time I made up with my parents and we just had different beliefs, but were still truly family. However, they learned information about my husband and his family that they didn't like, and they ignored me more. I was kicked off of my insurance plan and they offered to allow me onto theirs because it wouldn't cost me anything and then texted me the day the paperwork was due saying that I wasn't eligible because I wasn't on my husband's work insurance (when the insurances are totally different programs and we denied my husband's benefits because they were more than we could afford). My parents turned me down knowing that I have pre-existing medical conditions and other problems that require some money to take care of. They have honestly hurt me pretty bad, but God has helped me get by with my expenses. We were able to pay my last doctor's visit, and the doctor signed a paper where I could apply to a program that provided cheaper medication for low-income patients. Praise the Lord!

I truly feel the calling in my life is to become a preacher and hopefully start a church with my husband one day. I'm truly excited just thinking about being able to help others and to spread the word! The path may not be easy to get there, but I will follow it because it is what God is calling me to do. I know all things are possible through him! Especially since when my parents find out what I want to be, they may never feel like talking to me again because they are strongly against women preaching and consider it "sinful" and think all women preachers are going to be thrown into the lake of fire just because they're women. It will be a hard thing to overcome emotionally, but with God, I know I can do it!  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:45 pm
I've never "shared" my testimony, really... Here it goes. I'll apologize now for writing a book. .-.

I was baptized as a baby, since my mom was Catholic at the time. I guess you could say I was raised at church. I attended my church's preschool at about four years of age, and have been going ever since (not the preschool, the church. XD). I actually just became a member this past Sunday. ^^ God has given me struggles that I have overcome through these past several years, and I couldn't have done it without Him. My parents divorced, but that's a whole other can of worms. God has great timing, and I experienced it first-hand. Not that I was happy about the outcome at that moment, but now I see that it has worked out for the better.

I'll cut to the chase-two years after my parents had divorced, my mom and my brothers and I became more involved with church. I wanted to go on a missions trip to Maine that year (2009), so we had to fill out an application. It had the usual-name, date of birth, how long you've been attending, etc. Then I got to the "Give a brief statement as to how you came to know Jesus as your Savior," or something similar to that, section. That's when God laid it on my heart that I realized I had never really put my trust in Him. Yeah, I'd gone to church all those years, but it was just for show, or to make my mom happy. I had prayed with my mom, and then and there I confessed I was a sinner, and I needed God. I have no fear in death, and have forgiven those in my past for what they did. I'm not saying my life is all sunshine and rainbows now. I just have a peace that Someone greater and much more powerful is in control of my life, and has been even before the creation of Earth. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty freaking awesome. (Look-you made it through!) ;D


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