User Image

Name: Pony Name

    ❧ Pronunciation: Pronunciation goes here.
    ❧ Nicknames: Nicknames go here.
    ❧ Meaning: Meaning goes here.
    ❧ Origin: Origin goes here.

Gender Male/Female
Breed: Breed goes here.
Temper: Temper goes here.

Personality: [insert personality here]

History: [insert history here]


    Plot Title: [insert plot info here]
    Plot Title: [insert plot info here]
    Plot Title: [insert plot info here]

Roleplay Color: RP Color Here

Friends: [insert friends here]
Family: [insert friends here]
Mate: None. [Arrivals Post] [Lover's Rock]

    Breeding One: [insert male & cert link here] ❧ Fling/Lifemate ❧ [names & cert links of offspring] ❧ Other info [status (reserved, available, etc).
    Breeding Two: [insert male & cert link here] ❧ Fling/Lifemate ❧ [names & cert links of offspring] ❧ Other info [status (reserved, available, etc).
    Breeding Three: [insert male & cert link here] ❧ Fling/Lifemate ❧ [names & cert links of offspring] ❧ Other info [status (reserved, available, etc).

OoC Information:

    ❧ Images: [Cert], [Uncert]
    ❧ [insert any OoC information here.]
    ❧ [Insert any OoC information here.]