KYLA! *jumps on you and hugs*
...welcome back xd i know this reaction may seem strange, but for some reason it's just what popped up in my head. O_o

i've been gone for a while too, unfortunately sweatdrop ... mostly because i'm so tired after work that by the time i get home i just want to lay on the couch. (NOOOO time to my self lately but meh)

that's amazing news, man ^^ glad you two peas are finally in your pod. (i'm hoping to know the same feeling within the next few years... we'll see when stuff happens xD) YAYY!! *high five*

also... um... i'd LOVE to know exactly what Undakai heard recently... gonk damnit Sean, you should have warned me!

whee I had to take a brief extra hiatus because my boyfriend's compy got ******** by a virus. It's all good now tho