For Redstone Tavern Rp

Character Name: Theorif Brightslate
Age: Something over 300, but less than 500
Gender: Male
Race: Dijin (Often mistaken for an elf)
Apperance: His slate grey hair for which he was named was kept neat and slicked back so that it wouldn't fall into his elven eyes. Just as noticable were the elongated ears, though they didn't end in a point. Instead the came to a rounded finish. Like all others of his race, a fine gold loop through his left ear. A simple top and black breaches sat tidily on his small frame, though that didn't make him any less powerful. Strung round his neck on a loop of leather was a key made of an odd material.

Personality: He is easily distracted from his work by pointless things, often fixating on them for a while before returning to what he was doing before. The one constant in his life is The RedStone Tavern, where he both grew up and learned all that he has about the various worlds that he could visit in his possible journies. He often speaks in riddles, and usually make an odd kind of sense, despite not understanding human emotions a single bit.