Tainted Mentality
Tainted Mentality

my bad. just trying to help people find their "love" =P

Um, person. You ain't helping anybody find their "love" one bit in this forum.
Who would lose interest? If i recall, one person was interested. Just because i wont say much about myself and not post a pic doesnt mean im boring or they'll get bored. If anything, i'd be bored of YOU if you posted s**t about yourself. I'd rather find out about you then you spoiling it for me.

If you want info from people so much, then don't come in this forum. Kthnxbai.~

i already found someone... in less than a week

Good for you.
Finding love so quickly. I'm proud. Unfortunately, I don't believe in love at first sight, or rushing in. Waiting for love to come is my thing.
But congrats. Now please don't post anymore. C:

not that i find it quickly, it finds me. i dont believe in love at first sight as well and rushing in of course is a bad thing.
