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Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:03 am
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:09 am
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Current Safi Leader: Ukame'chaka [nessiaing]

Perhaps the most prominent faction in the Motoujamii-Simo, the Safi is a splinter group of traditionalist firekin who fell during the war. Although the two prides remained separate for a time, eventually the Safi rejoined their Simo brethren in an attempt to face the future together.

While their relationship can be rocky, you can rest assured that no blood runs redder than the safi...

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When Kidondo and No returned to the lands with their army of rebels to dethrone King Kimeti and take over as leaders, their swift victory saw the surviving group of traditionalists making a hasty retreat from their homeland. This group, leaderless and homeless, travelled to the far western side of the desert to regroup.

Small, the group of exiles may have been, but the thought of giving in never crossed their minds, unaffected by their clear disadvantages. Furious at the disrespect their own kind had shown towards their beloved traditions, they plotted a comeback, determined to reclaim the lands gifted to them by their Goddess Finar-Si. They named themselves the Safi - True Firekin - and appointed a new queen to rule them - a young female, Kenna, with the blood of Makadari in her veins.

Kenna's reign was a short but difficult one. It was a time of great hardship, despair and some members, early on, abandoned the Safi to return to the Simo so that they could be with the loved ones who had stayed behind. Others departed the desert altogether, seeking some new life in the rogue lands beyond.

Yet, against all odds, some new litters were born to a few of the members in the Safi, including Kenna herself. Yet, even with new princes and princesses, the belief that they would be able to tackle the Simo head on in battle began to die. The queen began to fret about the future of her people and, when their need seemed most dire, they were blessed with a miracle. Their patience and unwavering faith paid off and at long last the great Goddess Finar-Si returned. In audience with Queen Kenna, the goddess spoke of the closeness of the Blood and the choices that lay ahead. The first; to allow the pride to die out. The second; to join with the rebels and work within their pride to slowly reclaim the traditions: to raise new children as traditionalists, to remember Finar-Si's teachings. With promises of a priestess who would bare the traditionalists one last litter before they merged with the rebels, Finar-Si departed, entrusting Queen Kenna to carry out her will.

The Safi queen acted swiftly and when a new litter was born to Priestess Karama (Finar-Si), she gathered the pride together and informed them of the plan to return to the rebels and build strength in secret so that they might - one day - retake what is rightfully theirs. Some lions could not be persuaded and took their leave into the rogue lands. Fortunately, most agreed this was the most suitable course of action to take and - with faith in their queen and in their goddess - followed Kenna across the borders and back to the lands of old.

In most recent times the represntative, Kenna, was replaced by a young Safi-minded female by the name of Ukame'chaka who sits on the council as magistrate. Despite numbers of Safi dwindling there still remains a small number who have retained their devotion.

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Safi culture is mostly nonexistent, since many of their religious practices and leadership have been dissolved. One could say that Safi 'culture', is to be discreet. Under the leadership of Kenna, most Safi keep their beliefs to themselves and observe the Simo's traditions as best as they can stomach. Some continue to look up to the old royal family for leadership.

But while the Safi are mostly repressed, not all have viewed the transition as defeat. Some Safi see the Simo pride as exactly what Finar-Si once intended. They believe that in time, they'll be able to instil the values of their old pride into the Simo.

Until then, they support their country, right or wrong.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

Ah, the Safi. For those who participated in the rebellion, there is perhaps no worthier foe. There was considerable opposition from Simo loyalists when the two prides became whole again; understandably fearing that it might be a rouse by the Safi Queen, Kenna. Those who didn't took a kind of morbid delight in having their enemies return to the pride with their tails between their legs.

The pride at whole, however, has somewhat laxed on the Simo-Safi debate. Soldiers who participated in the war have now had several years to work together on the frontlines. The former Safi queen, Kenna, received a spot amongst the council [before being replaced by Ukame'chaka] and was even grudgingly respected by the regents. There is still rivalry, still a fear of Finar-Si worship returning to the pride... but for the most part, things are quiet.

With a large part of the current pride born after the rebellion, some might not even remember the days when brother fought brother.

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How to join:

Joining not applicable at this time. The only way to become a Safi is to be born one.


Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:16 am
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Current Hongshan Leader: Nawvlee [Ecavi]

Just before the great drought began, a group of refugees appeared at the pride's borders. Tired and beaten, they sought refuge in the pride and shelter from their mysterious enemies. The firekin welcomed the Hongshan into their group, and in them found powerful and worthy allies.

Hongshan feel somewhat foreign to most firekin. Their ways and even manner of speaking can seem strange- but as the years have passed, the group have become true brothers and sisters of the pride and have been fully integrated.

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The Refugees originated from a small warrior pride by the name of Hongshan, or Red Mountain in the common tongue. This was a small and relatively new pride built mainly of warrior lions who – like the Firekin – favored a red pelt amongst their kind. And, whilst they did not limit their members to this color, those that were born as red as the mountain were regarded highly amongst their kind.

All members were taught how to fight and defend themselves, how to work together to achieve. Females and males, young and old; all were expected to pull their weight and play their part. Lazy lions either had to shape up or get out. The Hongshan were, in truth, strict but fair. Hard work was rewarded with better ranks which in turn provided luxuries such as better meat, better dens and a better way of living.

Sadly, before the pride could really grow and take hold, disaster struck.

From across the mountains came an unknown band of lions (later to be known as the Nergüi); a huge and seemingly unstoppable force. They seemed to come with peaceful intentions at first, attempting to speak with the Leader of the Hongshan, Jianjun. However, the strange pride spoke a language that none could understand and, when communication got them nowhere, they turned to interrogation and then to violence.

The battle that followed was short and bloody. The Hongshan were warriors, but their numbers were small and the might of the huge, brutish Nergüi was unstoppable. Most of the Hongshan were killed in the battle, though it was possible some may have cut their losses and fled before being struck down. The battle ended with the death of Jianjun. Those who were left alive tried to surrender to the Nergüi but most were slain without mercy. Yet, strangely, a small number of the Hongshan were spared, taken captive - by force if necessary.

But some of those that were captured were not about to sit and do nothing.

It was Nawvlee who led and planned the escape of those being held captive and Nawvlee who inspired the other captives into action. For many days they watched and waited for the perfect chance to make a getaway. Their chance came during a terrible storm, and putting their lives on the line, they fled into the unclaimed lands with the rain to cover their tracks. However, the plan did not go as smoothly as they had hoped.

A collection of Nergüi lions gave chase, forcing the group of escapees to separate into smaller groups. Some of the Hongshan were killed, others were dragged back to a life of captivity and a small number of others – against all odds – escaped their capturers and fled further into rogue lands.

Nawvlee and his small troupe were among the lucky ones.

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The Hongshan are a close bunch, particularly those who escaped with Nawvlee. Make no mistake: Hongshan are Hongshan first, firekin second. While they view the pride as a safe haven and new home, the Hongshan remember their homeland fondly. The connection between Hongshan members is strong- strong enough that most of the Hongshan group inhabit one portion of the pride. Affectionally nicknamed the "Red Quarter" by the firekin, the Hongshan primarily make their dens together.

The other forefront on a Hongshan's mind is their enemy, the Nergui. Because of this, almost all Hongshan are members of the military in some fashion. They train hard, and may be regarded as 'too serious' by many of the native members of the pride. The Hongshan do not mess around when it comes to battle. They'll often be the first to shout complaints when a weakness is shown in the platoon. While this does not always make them popular with their fellow soldiers, they are well appreciated by the officers.

At home, Hongshan still practice a few of their pride's native beliefs. They seek out their oracle, or seers, for advice. Conflicts are often taken before their leader first before the firekin council.

Several of their festivals are celebrated yearly. A few curious firekin may even take part.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

These days firekin see the Hongshan as worthy allies, and are generally accepting of their introduction to the pride. Although they came during a time of strife, their support of the military earned them many friends among the pride's hierarchy. Many saw the Hongshan as just the sort of rogues the Motoujamii was looking for: smart, trained, and willing to make the difficult choices in order to keep their pride safe. The fact that most Hongshan enlisted certainly helped.

Not all the pride see the Hongshan in quite such a glamorous light, however. Those that opposed rationing the water might believe the Hongshan to be opportunistic- joining the pride, and quickly aligning themselves with the military to ensure their groups' survival at the expense of naturally born civilians. Because of the Hongshan's fear of the outside world, they're also considered to be alarmists.

But perhaps the most worrying concern, is that with the allegiance of the Hongshan would come Hongshan's enemies...

How to join:

To become a native Hongshan, you must:

Joining is no longer possible. The only way to become a Hongshan is to be born to those with that heritage.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:23 am
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Current Nergui Leader: Rapha [Kimaria]

The pride of lions dubbed 'Nergui' by the Hongshan for the lack of a name have made their presence known to the Firekin in the way that only 'monsters of the north' could. An attack on a border patrol that left one dead and many wounded has - unsurprisingly - been taken as an act of war. The Nergui are now considered enemies of the Firekin.

Nothing much is known about these barbaric lions. Nothing except that they are cruel and talented in the art of destruction. There have been many rumours and many theories and as time passes more about this strange people is sure to be unravelled.

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Known History

The current history of the Nergui is made up of scraps of information gained from the escaped Hongshan slaves and a great deal of guesswork. As such, the accuracy of this second-hand information should not be taken at face value.

It is assumed that the Nergui originated in the far northern reaches of the land, led by a figurehead known only as Graos Oma. An isolated pride unknown to most of the outside world, they spent years developing their culture, even going so far as to create a language that only their people could understand. This garbled language - a mix of both northern and common tongues - is near impossible for anyone to decipher; the words being pronounced so differently that they hardly mirror their founding languages. This allowed them to keep their secrets and perhaps even kept intruders from infiltrating into their ranks.

After a time, for some unknown reason, the Nergui began to leave their homeland and spread south, moving in small groups so as to avoid attention. It is assumed that the bulk of their forces stayed behind and perhaps still remain there to this day; waiting for some sign to emerge and wreak havoc wherever they tread.

These vanguards of the Nergui travelled down into the lands with an unsettling confidence. They did not slip quietly by so as to be unnoticed but marched through the lands, chanting their haunting battle-songs as they went. If they came across a group of lions they would scout the lands, estimate numbers and draw on their own strength to slaughter and enslave. Why they chose to spare some over others seems to be based on characteristics such as unusual markings or even around the individual's talents as a seer.

It is not known how many prides the Nergui have destroyed or absorbed into their own ranks, only that the Hongshan were certainly not the first. By the time they reached the land of the red mountains, the lions were well practised in their art and after some attempts at communication, the Nergui fell upon the Hongshan in a bloody fury. The Hongshan - though talented warriors - did not have the numbers to hold against these barbaric creatures and fell swiftly. Most died on the battlefield though a select few were enslaved and herded swiftly to the Nergui's main encampment. However, they did not stay in one place for long, moving across the lands - seemingly without any clear direction. Yet, each and every time they stopped to gather, the slaves were set about with strange and seemingly meaningless tasks. It still remains unclear exactly what these tasks accomplished or whether they were simply to keep the slaves occupied and too tired to escape.

It was, of course, only a matter of time before their travels took them to the desert of the Motoujamii; crossing the borders into Firekin lands. After some clashes which resulted in deaths on both sides, the Nergui have since faded into the background. Some believe - and hope - that this might be the last they have seen of them. Others think it is the calm before the storm.

Whatever their motives may be, the Nergui are driven by a strong motivation and place high value in the use of seers and even raging war with the gods themselves.

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Not much is known about the culture of this strange pride, though it is clear that they are a barbaric and merciless people who, most likely, encourage their young to mirror this behaviour as they grow. As they keep slaves it is believed that they think themselves superior to others (much as the Firekin do).

A pride that puts much faith in strength means that, in all likelihood, the males are the ones who take precedence with the higher ranks. However, during the offensive action taken against the Firekin patrol, females were also sighted amongst those who instigated the attack. As such it is likely that both genders are taught - and expected - to fight when the need calls for it.

It is also becoming clear that the group seem to have rather superstitious habits. Reports from the Hongshan indicate that rogues who bear strange markings or have unusual coloured eyes are favoured above those without. These ones are treated less roughly than those without and seem to have a higher survival rate. No reason, as of yet, has been given for this strange favouritism, though likely the Nergui read some strange symbolism into the pelt-markings.

Unfortunately, nothing is known of what motivates this strange group. Only that they follow the word of a mysterious Graos Oma who is believed to be the Nergui ruler.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

Now that the Firekin are on high alert after the recent attack on the borders, any lion in the area believed to be a Nergui will be attacked on sight.

How to join:

To become a Nergui, you must:

- Visit the Nergui subforum and submit an application!

Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:00 am
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Current Ithambo'hlabathi Leader(s): Umkhombo [Meepfur], Faust [SilverLutz], Ahlaq [oo DeD]

The Firekin's first true ally outside of the desert. The Ithambo'hlabathi [also known as the Bonelands] are a nomadic pride that live south of the Firekin lands. The majority of the pride is formed of females who are led and protected by dominant males [similar to that of a traditional pride society].

They are a strong, proud people, who are worthy of respect.

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Seeking support against the Nergui threat, the Firekin made contact with their neighbours and established an outpost on the pride borders to act as a neutral meeting ground. The two prides have had a respect for one another since then and it is not unusual to see members duelling at the training grounds of the outpost.

The prides have traded ambassadors to relay information between the two prides and maintain connection.

However, in recent times, drought has pushed the Ithambo'hlabathi further south, meaning that contact between the prides had been sparse.

During the Firekin's joining event, contact was made once more between Regent Agni-pariksha and Leader Andhaka to try to strengthen the alliance once more. However, this meeting will bring the prides together in a way that has not been done before: an alliance-breeding.

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The basic structure of the Bonelands is a simple one, with few Firekin bothering to think about the details of it all. Their pride is predominantly female and led by only a few males who win their place through battle. These lead males are the only ones permitted to sire offspring within the pride, making necessary caution against inbreeding one of the few commonalities between the Bonelanders and Firekin.

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How they are viewed by the pride:

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How to join:

Joining is available at the following link: xxx

[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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