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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 2:04 pm
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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Jacquol
Age: 24 turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, panromantic, polyamorous
Craft: N/A (She's a pirate)
Rank: Wingrider (Flame's Fury)
Location: Pern
Nameday: 3555.12.03 AL
Voice Sample: () - Nova, Starcraft II & Heroes of the Storm
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Jacquol is never going to be a giant of a woman, but she's not too badly sized if you ask her. 5'6" is just fine for staying out of trouble, scurrying up masts and over netting, and is still small enough to stow away in a dragon's saddlebag if the need arises. She's got a bit of a swarthy look, and turns in the sun have left her more or less permanently tanned on top of it. Her dark hair is, frankly, a mess. Don't get her wrong, she washes it and oils it, but the style really is more hack-job and wind-blown than anything approaching the current fashions. Dark cat-like eyes and piercings everywhere (but if her brother's asking, just her ears...and her nose...and her eyebrow...) make her look exotic and interesting, as well as probably a bit older than she really is. Really, her entire presentation is a bit feline, and while not the bustiest or most sensuous young lady, she has grace and a sort of predatory confidence behind her movements.

She likes clothing that swishes or jingles, but that is also easy to move in. She spends a fair amount of time running into or out of trouble, after all, and it's important not to get tripped up in something as silly as ladies' skirts!

Personality: Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! Jacquol was already a restless strip of a girl when her big brave brother went and impressed a bronze, and then ran away...without her! She was horribly jealous of his (in her eyes) wild adventuring life, and she decided then and there that she was going to have her own adventures. At some point or other she packed her bags and moved away (read: ran away), off to turn the whole world over just to find her brother. It didn't even really dawn on her that her absence might distress her parents, nor would she have cared if she had thought about it. It just wasn't important in the grand scheme of the slowly unfolding epic that was her life.

She's the type to say anything goes, but really she only means the slightly-gray things. Her moral compass is off, not broken, and despite her free lifestyle she reviles slavery and has never, and would never take a life if she could help it. She loves the chase and the hunt, running from trouble and diving right back in again. Filled to the brim with the sense of immortality that comes with being young, she's a daredevil and a trickster and doesn't just thumb her nose at most authority, she happily pulls down her trousers to moon it on the way out through the window.

She's cocky enough to feel like she's an old hand at most things in life, and while she's happy to try to give advice to someone she sees struggling, she'll probably ride them a little for struggling. Then again, if they took it seriously and got upset or sad, she'd feel bad over it. She'd have no idea what to really do about it though, and only would rarely finally square up and apologize.

Strengths: Clever, humorous, capable, brave.
Weaknesses: Irreverent, irresponsible, selfish.

History: She was born to a HUGE family, but her favorite brother was always Jacomus. So, of course, she followed his example and ran away from home. Raw energy and chutzpah have garnered her a surprising amount of respect in the turns since, but she still is quite a young girl. She's dabbled in theft, fencing, general swashbuckling, and breaking and entering. Of course, as soon as her brother caught wind she'd gone rogue, he came swooping in to try to get her to go back home. Each attempt was met with either a repeat escape barely a tenday later, or outright refusal to obey his demands, and finally he simply could do nothing but roll her into his crew, if only because then at least he could keep an eye on her.

She was thrilled to spend a turn or two following in Jacomus' footsteps (as much as she could without a dragon, mind) and learn the literal ropes, but his flighty nature, being left behind on and off, again and again...she had to take confidence in herself, and find her own way. So she did. She's established a small circle of friends (fellow pirates and ne'er-do-wells) that are loyal to themselves and her first, and has been working on saving up to get her own ship. Sure, she might not have a dragon, but she could have that, right?

Or that was the plan until thread returned. Thread eats boats, down to the nails holding them together, and to see the lovely barge she'd been scraping and scrounging marks for left in tatters after first fall? It made her mad, and made her driven. She's been slowly concocting a plan to try to somehow get her own dragon, as that at least could burn up any thread coming at it. But stealing an egg's never been easy, and slipping in to impress just means she'd be stuck at a weyr. But maybe, she thinks, just maybe if the clutch was Jacomus' bronze's...well!

Other: She's a younger sister of Jacomus, and one of the few that went HARD AND DEEP into the pirate life.

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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Jubath
Age: 2 turn
Color: Green
Size: 46'
Hatching day: 3575.07.10 AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Jubath is all long limbs, long tail, and is full of grace. She is just as swift on the ground as she is in the air, so good luck catching this one! Like her brother, she does lack in the stamina department, and will struggle pacing herself.

Personality: At first blush, Jubath does not come across as brave or daring, however appearances can be deceiving. She is a clever green who prizes her family above all else, working hard to protect them and keep them safe in the only way that she knows how - by being the best sharding fighter she can. And make no mistake, Jubath is one swift, capable flyer. She excels at calculating risks, and knows what she's getting herself into when she puts herself on the line. Yet even knowing that she might be endangering herself, she will take action because her dearest hearts need her.

Although she does suffer from a mild anxiety, not quite so intense as her twin brother, Jubath has learned how turn that agonizing feeling into energy. She's dead useful in a crisis, as challenges tend to empower her, particularly when it comes to another's safety or well being. For those she loves, Jubath will willingly do anything. That does make her a little less scrupulous than some other dragons, but Jubath believes that the harms are far outweighed by the benefits. If she must be underhanded, then so be it, for there are evils in the world that do not care if one follows the rules.

At her core, Jubath is a homebody, and will not likely choose to leave Western. She is loathe to venture far, although she does have a certain burning curiosity about other places. Far more interested in listening to another's tales about the outside world, she'll sit at home and dream. For indeed, there is plenty to do right where she is! Her highest ambition is to one day become a Wingleader or Wingsecond, so that she can protect her people all the more - although she would not say no to Weyrwoman, were the position offered to her, of course. That said, these are the dreams of a young dragon, and likely beyond her reach for the time being.

Jubath knows that, and doesn't mind giving her all in the meantime in the hopes to one day have the opportunity to do all the more for the Weyr. She is deeply grateful for the sacrifices that have been made on her behalf, more than aware of the lives lost in defense of Pern. A selfless young dragon, Jubath will give, and give, and give, if she's allowed. She just absolutely wants the best for the most people, and if it means shedding her own ichor, so be it. This is likely to get her into trouble down the road, and there is a very real possibility that her better nature could be taken advantage of. Let it not be said that Jubath is without a temper, however; she is liable to swat the offending party with a well placed verbal smack.

Pros: Selfless, protective, idealistic
Cons: Unscrupulous, unadventurous, risk-taking

Flight History:
Shelled 3575.07.10
Able to rise 3576.01.10

Additional Info:
Origin of Name: Jubath's name is derived from the scientific name for the cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus.

Inspiration: Cheetah

A member of the subfamily Felinae, of the genus Acinonyx, cheetahs have been kept by nobility for thousands of years. Traditionally used to hunt game, cheetahs show little aggression towards humans. They can be tamed, a lengthy process which can take up to a year, and trained to hunt alongside their human partners. In Egypt, cheetahs were given bejeweled collars, and kept as pets by the Pharaoh and his royal family.

Cheetahs are a large cat capable of purring as the smaller cats do - on inhalation and exhalation. There are only a few of the large cats that are capable of this, such as the cougar and the clouded leopard. They possess an ossified hyoid apparatus, and are therefore capable of purring but not roaring, as the larger cats do. They make a variety of sounds, however, including chirping, churring, moaning, growling, yowling, bleating, and several sounds characteristic to mother-cub interactions.

They are the fastest land animal, capable of accelerating up to a top speed of approximately 70 miles per hour, with a typical hunting speed of 40 miles per hour. Cheetahs are not capable of maintaining such speeds for long periods, but show considerable skill in hunting, shared between male and female cheetahs alike. Female cheetahs are solitary, rearing their cubs alone, but male cheetahs form groups called coalitions. In spite of their territorial nature, male cheetahs are friendly and may be sociable toward one another in the wild.

Additional Notes: Deeply protective and loving toward her twin, Citrath, Jubath nonetheless possesses a well of love for all of her siblings. In Flights, she will always favor a Western dragon, whether they've been Western all their lives, or whether they've chosen to join up and fight for the cause. Good luck outpacing her, however, for Jubath is a terribly quick green. What she lacks in stamina she absolutely makes up for in speed. Fond of shiny things, she'll adore gifts of any type. The best gift of all, is the love of those around her.

Impression Effect: Jubath is all of the treasure Jacquol will ever need. Maybe it won't stop her from leaving in five Turns, but that's five Turns Jubath has to convince her otherwise. The most significant effect that Impression will have on Jacquol is a sudden realization and understanding the Pern needs her. Needs her as no pirates need her, as nothing in the world except Jubath needs her. She is a dragonrider of Pern, and her dragon has a vision for them both. A vision that she hopes one day Jacquol will come to see.

Why Me? For all that they are diametrically opposed on the subject of duty, Jubath nonetheless sees great potential in Jacquol. She's smart, she's clever, she's a fast mover. Surely together they can be greater than their parts! If at last Jacquol must leave the Weyr to become the marauding sky pirate she's always dreamed of being, Jubath will go along... but it will break her hearts to leave not only the Weyr but her family behind. Perhaps one day Jacquol can show Jubath that she can be adventurous and a true Threadfighting dragon at the same time. Who knows what lies in store for them? Only time will tell. For her part, Jubath has a reservoir of love to offer Jacquol that's finer than any treasure, and wisdom enough for them both.

Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

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Pirate Siblings


RP Logs
() - [PRP] Trouble in Paradise [Jacquol/Ambrin]
() - The Spooky Clutch Touching: Trick or Treat! Open!
() - It's Now The Monster Mash: The Spooky Clutch Hatching!
() - [ORP] A Springtime Surprise! [Hatching!]
() - [PRP] Not The Best Role-model [Jacquol/Soui]
() - [PRP] Just, Just the Worst Match-up Ever [Jacquol/Marty]
() - [PRP] Things We Both Want [Jacquol/Xanael]
() - [PRP] Better Here Than There [Jacquol/Ambrin]


??? – Father.
??? – Mother.
??? – Oldest brother, a bluerider at ???.
??? – Older brother, a brownrider at ???.
??? – Older sister, a greenrider at ???.
P'tius – Drani – Another big brother, a brownrider at High Reaches Weyr.
Jacomus – Drani – Her big brother. A pirate bronzerider at Western Weyr.

**Has so, so many siblings. Check with Drani on joining the family!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:34 pm
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This character is currently inactive.
Name: E'dan (Evidan)
Age: 43 turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible, polyamorous (if all parties are amenable)
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Harbingers Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: Harper (Journeyman)
Nameday: 3535.03.17 AL
Voice Sample: () - Dan, GameGrumps & NSP
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: In two words, "hairy beanpole" fits E'dan like a glove. Standing a decent 6'2", he isn't the tallest, but his slightly stretched, long-limbed, svelte appearance adds to the illusion of additional height. A slightly swarthy complexion blends into an unfortunate, if not unattractive amount of body hair...and regular hair. A cloud of brown curls constantly halos his head, looking eternally wind-blown, and often quite messy too. Despite the cold of High Reaches, he hasn't got a full beard—lack of consistent care means he usually has a varying amount of stubble instead, that only rarely creeps towards being anything like respectable.

Fond of bright colors, especially reds and blues, he dresses somewhat...flamboyantly is not the word. Neither is provocatively. Whatever the word, he dresses for attention, to catch the eye, and often for humorous effect, much to the distaste of some of the weyr. He has absolutely no shame in the form of his body, so revealing clothing, or accentuating clothing is common as well, and his confidence and lack of concern about how he's viewed comes through in the constant relaxed confidence he oozes.

Personality: E'dan is mostly here to have a good time. That doesn't mean he doesn't work hard, and doesn't care about his job, but life without pleasure is pretty crummy, you guys! He isn't quite a hedonist, but he knows what feels good, and knows how to indulge without overdoing it, and, well, he isn't wasting time about it. He likes to make people smile, and uses his long-ago harper training to create odd songs, often with bawdy lyrics intentionally designed to upset or amuse.

When the chips are down, E'dan works as hard as the rest, and harder. He'll go without sleep or eating, with a smile on his face, to get something important done...he just might vanish, plunging into a multi-day nap when the dust finally settles. A crisis is pretty much the only time he'll bow to authority, no questions asked, so he really is great to have in a pinch...even if he spends the rest of his time dancing along the line of decency and the rules. In terms of the political climate at High Reaches, he isn't bothered. He wants to live the kind of life he's living, and having a blue means that's exactly what is expected of him. He's got no shackles of expectation to bind him, and if he gets into trouble, well, hey! It's not like they can demote him, right?

Pros: Relaxed, humorous, hard-working, creative.
Cons: Unambitious, crude, lacks respect for rules and authority.

History: He was born near Igen's Toe, in a small minor hold south of Katz Field Hold. Originally his family wanted him to be a healer, like his mother, or a merchant like his father, but after a few turns of apprenticing he realized it wasn't for him, and switched to being a harper, chasing his love of music. On assignment near High Reaches, he ended up being searched, and more or less just shrugged his way into a late candidacy. Galxath didn't keep him waiting, and his one chance to stand before aging out bore beautiful blue fruit. Following his impression he summoned his family, mother, father, sister, and grandmother all, to join him in High Reaches. Now that thread's back, he's glad they're here, where it's safe.

Other: *laser blast noises*

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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Galxath
Age: 16 Turns
Color: Blue
Size: 58'
Sexuality: ??
Hatching day: 3561.10.02 AL
Voice Sample: () - High Botanist Tel'arn, World of Warcraft
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Galxath is fairly standard in terms of size for a blue, and his physique is nothing to make comment on. A bit on the slim side, more lanky than graceful, and big wide eyes whirling round and round, that's really all that's worth noticing about him. ...Unless, of course, you're talking about color—then Galzath is a visual treat! Brilliantly saturated blues would already make him stand out, blazing bright and bold with elegant darker swaths and swirls over his shoulders and a pale muzzle that helps his smile stand out. His wingsails too are simply stunning, studded with specks of starlight that dazzle and sparkle. A gentle attitude comes across in a somewhat slow-paced stride, with carefully placed movements that help to hide his gangling stature.

Personality: Galxath is a delicate soul. Gentle and soft in every way, he's like a cloud, or a flower, and he needs your love, CONSTANTLY, to be sure he's doing okay. He's absolutely, 100% sure YOU'RE great, and he's here to tell you that, but he needs to hear it too sometimes maybe... He's always ready to lend a claw, but also easily frustrated and disheartened when it goes wrong, especially when he's leapt in to help (because then it's OBVIOUSLY his fault, right?) and would be a bit weepy, y'know, if dragons cried. His deep moods lead to deep thoughts, so he's quite good with his words and turning a phrase (to E'dan's delight, even if Galxath seems hesitant to help make up more...lewd euphemisms) and aside from towards himself, he's never been known to utter a bad word.

Pros: Supportive, creative, loving, eager.
Cons: Soft-hearted, timid, impatient, needs constant reassurance.

Threadfall Stats:
HP: 29
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy: 10
Flame Length: 8
General Stamina: 10
General Agility: 9
Between Accuracy: 9
Pain Resilience: 9
Instinct: 7
Luck: 7

Flight History:
Shelled 3561.10.02
Able to chase 3562.05.02
Record: 1/1 recorded wins
-3575.10—caught green Absinth (DruidTigeress)

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RP Logs
() - [GREENFLIGHT] The Green Fairy Wants Your Soul
() - [IC]Threadfall: High Reaches - OVER!


Evi – NPC father, a merchant out of High Reaches Weyr.
Danali – NPC mother, a healer at High Reaches Weyr.
Alivii – NPC younger sister, a healer at High Reaches Weyr. About 28-29, could be a late-game stands candidate.
Nyaranau – Sweet Symmetry – Previously unknown daughter, a goldrider at High Reaches.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:11 am
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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Amna
Age: 31 Turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, Polyamorous
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Fire Storm Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: Smithcraft (Architecture, Journeyman)
Nameday: 3546.10.16 AL
Voice Sample: () - Sara Rider, Mass Effect Andromeda
Significant Other: S'dan (lover) (Cheri)—but available!

Physical Description: Amna is small. Maybe not tiny (she's still 5'2" okay!) but certainly small. All her youth she wanted to be tall, but that didn't work out. She's mostly past it at this point...mostly. Her skin is naturally pale, and despite her efforts to protect it, you just can't live in Western and not end up sunburned. Turned ruddy and dappled with freckles by the sun, at least it doesn't seem to bother her. She sports what would be a thick mane of curls up top, though she keeps it short, piled atop her head because of the heat, often tied up or simply cut too short to cover her neck. Her eyes are dark brown, and bright despite often looking a little tired.

She's got more curves than she'd like, and it adds weight to her frame, a softness that the harder life of a dragonrider hasn't quite shaved off. Her style of dress is only vaguely feminine at best, often including cropped trousers and a breezy blouse, with a slew of accessories and bangles she claims to have gathered from all over Pern. There is a faint but notable scar across her forehead, a line running horizontally, though not perfectly, for about an inch or two, from an accident in her youth.

Personality: Amna, more than anything else, seems unbothered by anything. She takes life with a grain of salt and a tablespoon of sugar, and rolls with the punches like a seasoned fighter. Everything is interesting, fascinating, but nothing is worth getting riled up over, if you ask her, or almost nothing. Life's too short to waste time being angry, and being angry is exhausting to boot. She's happy to meet anyone and everyone, and thrives on being liked and being able to make people smile. Being rejected or disparaged, that's the one thing that really seems to lance her general bubble of contentment and leave her seeking isolation for some time to recover.

She's fairly smart, has a wealth of obscure knowledge, but comes across a bit awkward at times. Like the wrong words get tangled up, or her mind leaps to odd connections that make it hard for her to express what she means. It all seems good-natured, if a bit off-putting, and she stumbles over local cultural issues more often than would be expected from someone who's seen almost all of the major parts of Pern. Her attitude of general relaxation also can make her seem spaced out now and then, slower to respond or react than one would expect, though once she's going she does just fine keeping up with anything.

She thinks of things in strange ways, and has a head for numbers, probably from her craftsman days. Some days she feels wasted in her role as just a wingrider, but hard work is HARD, and it's just so hard to get started...

Pros: Relaxed, unshakable, light-hearted, intelligent, giving, romantic.
Cons: Awkward, secretive, indecisive, sensitive to criticism.

History: Born in Crom, Amna was a very quiet, introverted child growing up. She made few friends, and showed no real interests or aptitude for anything, preferring to sit quietly and watch others play than join in. Her parents were understandably upset about this, and pushed her to try to find something she was interested in. She seemed taken with the Hold's whers when she met them, and for a time that looked to be her path, the girl even going so far as to join the wher handlers on a few trips into the mines once she hit apprenticing age. An unfortunate accident ended that idea though, and Amna spent almost a full month unconscious with Crom's healers, who were unsure she'd wake at all, or if she did what the damage would be.

When she did wake, it was like she was a different person. Suddenly outgoing, social, bright and rampantly eager to devour any and all knowledge, her parents were beyond overjoyed. Her change in attitude was waved off in their simple joy to still have a daughter, and they were devoted in helping her to regain her place in society, as well as her memories. Most, it seemed, had been lost in the trauma. She remembered how to talk, dress herself, and effectively everything she'd need to know to live, but stumbled to put names to faces that should be familiar, and had an awe at the world around her akin to one who'd never seen it before, let alone lived there her whole life. The mines no longer interested her, though whers did, and she was grabbed up almost immediately by an older Architect when she revealed an aptitude for math and design that her quieter self had kept hidden.

Perhaps because she felt so behind without her memories (she had to relearn even the teaching songs, and though she did so quickly, that she HAD to at all was somewhat upsetting), she dove into her training with a dedication more common to much older students. It was something she could do, and do well, and she saw a future for herself in it, apparently. In fact, her mentor advised she go to Telgar to continue on from Journeyman to Master as she reached her late teen years, and she seemed eager to do just that...until the day she went to clamber atop the dragon meant to take her there, and instead it swung around to look at her, and fell in love. Well, she fell in love. The dragon simply thought she might make a good candidate. Plans were swiftly changed, because as soon as her feet left the ground there was nothing she wanted more than to never have to put them back down again.

She took to Weyr life like a duck to water, too enamored of the great dragons to be bothered by deeper lingering political issues at High Reaches. She didn't care if she was on green or gold or maybe even blue, she just HAD to be a rider. Her first hatching was a wild affair, heart-pounding even if it was a disappointment in the end. She still had plenty of time, they told her, but that didn't stop the thundering of her worried heart. The second time around, when she heard the faintest whisper from the smallest egg, she didn't think. To act might cost her any future chance at a dragon, but to not act felt like that would be the end of it too.

In the end she traded the regard of the weyrfolk for Zunulth, which was hard. Brutal, even. He was so small, but never weak. One day, he promised. One day they'd fly, and they could go somewhere they could both be happy. Training was agony for them both, physically and emotionally, but they knew there was an end in sight. When they graduated, and promptly requested a transfer, they were both heartened and sad to find the weyrling master had already filled out the paperwork on their behalf. But their sadness didn't last long—not now that their feet had wings, and they had all of Pern to see on their way to finding their new home in Western Weyr.

Other: She might be a search rider, or a message runner, if Western has a spot for that.

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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Zunulth
Age: 13 Turns
Color: White
Size: 34'
Sexuality: ??
Hatching day: 3564.13.02 AL
Voice Sample: () - Artanis, Starcraft II & Heroes of the Storm
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Zunulth is a perfectly formed dragon, not a single flaw to be found! Well...aside from being a white, of course. And, well...maybe one or two other things. His joints, especially his shoulders and knees, are laced with stretch-mark like streaks, evidence of his uneven growth. He is large for a white, though still small, but larger than usual wings and a broad chest lend him strength that he might otherwise lack. It's almost as if his raw desire to be strong enough to make Amna's dreams come true made him grow to fill those needs, though of course that is more lucky happenstance than anything else. He is quick and controlled on the ground, and a lightning bolt in the sky, moving at speeds and shooting through turns that would make even greens dizzy to try to follow. His stamina, of course, is intensely lacking, but fairly respectable for as small as he is, thanks to slowly working to build it up over turns and turns.

Personality: Zunulth KNEW he could be something great. In High Reaches he was seen as overconfident, egotistical for what he is, but really it's just that he knows he can do anything any other dragon can, and gets upset when anyone tells him he can't. Most importantly, Amna knows he can do anything he tries, and he's sure she can to. He also knows how much she risked to free him from his egg, and even ten turns later, and despite her telling him over and over not to, he feels he owes his rider somehow. He shows that devotion by vetting most of her contacts, peppering with questions to try to suss out anyone that might make her feel the way she felt back at High Reaches so he can chase them off. This has led to a few awkward talks, as he's run off more than one potential romantic interest for Amna, as he has no real concept of anyone wanting to do that, including his rider (though obviously anything she wants he thinks she should get to have!) He's a grounding force for Amna, and can help her to make a definitive decision when she might otherwise waffle.

Pros: Patient, confident, highly intelligent, devoted.
Cons: Indifferent to some, a bit of a smart-a**, prone to taking risks, defensive.

Threadfall Stats:
HP: 17/17
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy: 9
Flame Length: 4
General Stamina: 4
General Agility: 9
Between Accuracy: 5
Pain Resilience: 4
Instinct: 6
Luck: 5

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RP Logs
() - [PRP] S'DANG S'dan, You Got Lucky! [Nedrima/S'dan/Amna]
() - [ORP] Fright Night - Spooky Clutch Hatching Feast - Open


Rebam – NPC father, a miner at Crom Hold.
Drena – NPC mother, a miner at Crom Hold.
Drenam – NPC older brother, died in infancy.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:52 pm
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Name: Zelaya
Age: 19 turns
Sex: Agender (biologically female, mostly uses female pronouns because her parents never really gave her the option)
Sexual Orientation: Asexual, hetero-romantic.
Craft: Woodcraft (Arborist, Apprentice)
Rank: Candidate
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Nameday: 3558.08.05 AL
Voice Sample: () - Corrin (female), Fire Emblem Heroes (English version)
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Zelaya is slight and delicate, all gentle beginning slopes and softness wrapped up into a bundle wholly unfit for a rigorous or harsh life if you go off looks alone. Their mother and foster father have spared no effort or expense in sheltering them, and it shows in a wide, doe-eyed innocence, and an openness usually unheard of, especially after the advent of thread. Long, soft brown hair and sea-green eyes make them a sweet young beauty, and lack of any ostentation or put-upon airs gives them an earnestness most young ladies who are aware of their...advantages...lack.

They dresses entirely properly, no hint of flirtation at all in their floor-length dresses and numerous layers. Balen Hold is about as north as you can get, and on the coast, meaning that though the winters aren't as harsh as they could be, they still demand a certain amount of bundling up, which they indulge in almost year-round.

Personality: Zelaya is everything their mother and father say they should be, and they do say a lot on that note. They mind their appearance, but do not fixate on it. They does their duty, but do not demand praise for it. They obey their parents and those of higher rank, but are not cruel to those beneath them. They are a very proper young 'lady', and do everything expected of them...and little more. Life in their small hold has been mundane, enough so that while they've begun to occasionally look outside their little circle of the world to see what's going on, the safety and routine of their home has kept them securely tethered. They struggle to imagine any life other than the one they have, and while they are not thrilled at the prospect of eventually growing up and marrying whomever they're supposed to fall in love with, they aren't unhappy about that outcome. It worked for their mother, after all, speed bumps aside.

They do know that they were an unexpected child. Their mother traveled to High Reaches Weyr without her new husband, to visit her rider brother, and a gold happened to take flight. Unprepared for the effect on her, she fell into the arms of a rider, and shortly fell pregnant. Their father was not entirely thrilled about it, but was never outwardly cruel to Zelaya, as their hold still held allegiance to the weyr their sire had come from. A firm upbringing kept them quite fit to the mold though, and they have developed strict ideas on what is and isn't proper for a lady to do.

Beneath their quiet submissiveness, they have a steel core, a resolve to thrive that far outstrips most of their friends' and companions'. The return of thread has threatened their home and their livelihood, even stolen their mother away, but while they might be expected to crumple and weep, instead they have simply begun to shoulder more responsibilities, working tirelessly to salvage what they can of the hold's forests and orchards, and has quietly gotten their hands on what records they can find about the long lost grubs.

Strengths: Gentle, unassuming, traditional, resilient.
Weaknesses: Quiet to the point of silence, naive, yielding, hidebound.

History: Born of goldflight lust to a visiting holder woman, Zelaya was unplanned, but not unloved. Their mother barely knew the man who got her pregnant, and in her shame at betraying her husband (who was not at the Weyr at the time), she barely paused to get his name as she fled back to her Hold. Loyalty to the Weyr itself, and the more conservative nature of her home meant that she did not give up her child when she found herself with a daughter, and thankfully her husband was kind enough to adopt the girl as well, giving them a complete, if unusual family. They grew up well-loved and protected, kept mostly to their isolated Hold and away from any visiting riders (as her mother feared that her father would steal the girl away if ever news of her came to light).

As they grew they were pressed to go into the Woodworking craft, as were any youngsters in Balen, which had always been a hub of fine woodcrafting in the north. They lacked the physical strength to delve into carving or furniture making, but a soft and patient touch made them just right for growing trees, and their focus shifted slowly to orchard trees as they became aware of the tithing demands of High Reaches Weyr, and how they could help to provide for the great defenders of Pern...even if no one else out of the north seemed to think of them that way any more.

Thread's return was the first real hurdle in their life. The dragons of High Reaches turned out in force, and almost all of their forests were untouched, but the stress and fear of not only seeing the Enemy return, but so many dragons, bronze dragons surging towards her home put their mother into a fit, and her heart gave out from all the excitement. The fact that it was actually a latent heart condition that made their mother's heart too weak for such excitement was never uncovered, and the idea that their mother died because of a fear of dragons has left Zelaya a bit wary of them, if also imminently respectful.

Their foster-father, now left alone with a daughter that was not his own and a broken heart, finally did what his wife hesitated to do, and has sent a missive to the weyr in the claws of a firelizard, explaining to Z'tir, whoever he might be, that he had a child so many turns ago. And perhaps because they take so much after their mother, and the sight of them wrecks their foster-father every time he sees them, the offer to call Zelaya to the weyr was also hinted at, to their father's silent shame, and the girl's ignorance.

Other: She's the daughter of wingleader Z'tir, but hasn't met him up to this point. Obviously he doesn't have to react to the news at all, as if he does not come to claim her, I mean to have her searched by a passing rider anyway. XD

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Name: Dhruvath
Age: Hatchling
Color: White
Size: 26'
Sexuality: Asexual
Hatching day:
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: N/A

Physical Description: Skinny and gangly, Dhruvath fails to present the classic draconic silhouette. She's quite small, but surprisingly long for her size.

Personality: There is an almost childish joy about Dhruvath, who nearly dances through life as if born with a song in her hearts. She's a happy girl who wants for nothing at all. Life is indeed her oyster! Oh darling, please do cheer up! Dhruvath has what's needed, and what's needed is her! Take a dose of confidence on your way out, dearie, for Dhruvath has plenty to spare. The poor darlings of the world who can't quite keep their chins up have at last found their champion: while this white does not have a cause per se, she does believe in spreading cheer around relentlessly.

The lost will find themselves found in Dhruvath, who wants nothing more than to fill the world with an ever-present hopefulness and verve. Perhaps the self-esteem fairy gave her a few too many blessings, or maybe it's just her sheer joy in living that leaves her so sure that everything will work out for the best. When it comes down to it, Dhruvath is her own cheerleader. There is a core of doubt within her that is bolstered up daily, lessening each time she helps another. Perhaps she's a bit too much the helper, and not so much the leader, but isn't that the way of a white?

Apart from simply being happy and helpful (help-minded, anyway), Dhruvath can have a tendency to be a little too fanciful. There are some limits to what one small white can accomplish, and frankly Dhruvath isn't very good at knowing what those actually are. Her inability to recognize boundaries is a real failing, as is her recklessness. She tends to leap before she looks, with very few exceptions. However well intentioned she might be, she really can put her foot in it.

She is prompt without fail, however, never one to show up tardy for a drill. When Dhruvath gives her word, you can be sure that she will bend over backwards to keep it. If she's ever frightened to approach a duty, she won't show it. Rather, she'll rally herself until she's ready to go, even if she doesn't give the best showing. The point is in the trying, and when it comes to that, Dhruvath is the best. Interpersonal stuff is also hard, boo, but Dhruvath is harder - err... trying. Okay? Trying. No doubt she'll find her stride when push comes to shove.

Pros: Joyous, helpful, self-confident
Cons: Foolhardy, transgressive, unrealistic

Impression Effect: Zelaya may suddenly find themselves feeling much more sociable than before, and have the corresponding ability to socialize and bond well with others. They will gain a warmth that may be new to them, but will seem all too natural under Dhruvath's influence.

Flight Notes:
??pts total


Additional Impression Notes:
Written by Mr Cheri
Colored by Meepfur

Origin of Name: Dhruvath, from one of the many names of the Buddhist goddess Tara. Dhruva is known as "she who leads the way to those who have lost it", the leader of the caravans. Tara is known also as the "mother of liberation" and a goddess who promotes understanding of oneself, and inner qualities.

Egg: A small Rosebud egg.

Additional Notes: One day Dhruvath may very well fall in love, but until that day, she will be quite wrapped up in taking care of each and every one of her clutchmates and future wingmates. Never late to any function if she can help it, Dhruvath will enjoy being in the thick of things, truly bonding with her siblings and the Weyr at large. Love is a distant thought, but when found likely something she'll hold onto with all claws.

In Threadfall she'll be quite swift and agile, though with very little stamina indeed. There's not really a lot of power in this white, even if she has all the enthusiasm one could hope for.

Inspiration: I Have Confidence (Sound of Music)

Why Me? Well, what more can be said than that Zelaya and Dhruvath are a bit of an "opposites attract" kind of pair? Zelaya is quiet, soft, and unassuming. Dhruvath is... not. Loud, proud, happy, and free, Dhruvath had the potential to draw Zelaya out of their shell, assuming they'll allow her to. While presenting Zelaya with a bit of an issue by not being a "traditional" color, the dragon is nevertheless a good and faithful example of the breed. If nothing else, Zelaya's anxiety is likely to be greatly soothed by Dhruvath's presence, for this dragon is nothing if not confident. One fairly important thing that Zelaya can offer is the ability to recognize boundaries, even if that's a lesson that will take some time to learn.

Threadfall Stats:

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Clearly” by Grace VanderWaal



RP Logs
() - [PRP] The Darkest Bronze [W'dre + Zelaya]
() - [PRP] A Conflict of Interests
() - [PRP] The Mom Friend [Zelaya/Laasya]
() - [PRP] Soft Friends [Zelaya/Sylfie]
() - [ORP] A Springtime Surprise! [Hatching!]
() - [PRP] Conversation’s on the menu (Tass, Zel)
() - [PRP] A Visit to Dad [Zelaya/Z'tir]
() - [PRP] A Special Project [Zelaya/Juhvek]
() - [PRP] Opposites Attract...The Same Chore Assignment [Zelaya/Phryana]
() - [PRP] New buds [Zelaya/G'lin]
() - [PRP] Children of Greatness Seeking Greatness [Zelaya/Calla]
() - [PRP] Helping Hands [Zelaya/Tierth/L'ius]
() - [PRP] Soothe The Savage Beast [Zelaya/Sathanaseth/Haveli]


Z'tir – Mx Cherie – Her biological father, bronzerider and wingleader at High Reaches Weyr.
Raya – NPC mother, a holder at Balen Hold, deceased (weak heart, heart attack).
Havers – NPC father, a woodworker at Balen Hold. Estranged after the death of her mother.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:18 am
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Name: F'enn
Age: 21 turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, polyamorous.
Craft: No formal training.
Rank: Wing rider (Harbingers)
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Nameday: 3556.06.20 AL
Voice Sample: () - Niles, Fire Emblem Heroes (English version)
Significant Other: None—unavailable.

Physical Description: Falienn is an almost perfect mirror image of his father when he was young...barring a few changes in style, and one or two accentuations from his mother. Dark, warm skin and flowing black looks are the family's signature look, but his dark lashes frame crystal blue eyes, rather than brown ones. The shape of his face is slightly softened as well, less of a manly chin, and more graceful cheekbones. His nose, of course, is flawlessly straight.

His body is well-formed and athletic, a shade or two shorter than his father, but much more svelte and limber, not to mention flexible. He's got that same trim waistline, even if his shoulders aren't quite as broad, nor his arms so overly heavy-muscled. Falienn, you see, is a dancer, not a scrapper, and his shape reflects that different path. He's no less strong, of course, just in a different way. Probably one of the areas he and his father differ most are the hands. K'ienn has been a rider for 20+ turns, and hard work means hard hands. Falienn has almost womanly hands, with tapering fingers and buffed nails, an artisan's soft touch.

He has a habit of wearing makeup, either just enough to accentuate his already attractive face, or for some occasions much more, gaudy and bold as he is himself. He likes fine clothes and things that flow, and ANYTHING with ribbons or trains, something to waft along in his magnificent wake.

Personality: Falienn knows what he wants, but he doesn't go get it. Oh no, he makes what he wants come to him! A charmer since birth, he's danced his way right out of more trouble than most kids would dare dream of getting into in the first place. He can be viciously hard-working when it's called for, but why bother when nine out of ten times all he has to do is say the right thing, bat his lashes, and let his desires drop right into his lap? When push comes to shove, he gets a bit anxious over the idea of actually doing work. What if he fails? He'd rather not try if anyone might see him mess it up. Failure is not at all attractive!

That isn't to say he's unconfident though, oh no. He KNOWS he's good looking, and he KNOWS he's better than you. His father was a rider, a bronze rider at that, so he's of amazing stock! You should bask in his presence, that's right, bask! Growing up in a medium-small hold did his attitude no favors. He might not be the son of the Lord Holder, but their hold still tithes to the weyr, and he's OF the weyr, really, so that means he's a big shot. He's been happy to use that minor pull to get away with indulging in some less-than-standard life choices. He forwent any formal apprenticeship, because he's attractive enough and a good dancer, and his mother has some money already, and is indulgent of her only child. He's experimented with boys and girls (and both at once!) and that's gotten him a side-eye or two as well. The Hold isn't keen on it, but then, he IS a weyr-blooded kid...even if they might expect more from the son of a bronze rider out of High Reaches.

Strengths: Ambitious, charming, inventive.
Weaknesses: Indulgent, insolent, nontraditional, lurid, shameless, bitter.

History: The unintended result of a bronze rising to chase an unaffiliated green while out gathering reports on tithes for the season, Falienn is the estranged son of K'ienn, resident bronzerider. Born to a rankless (if beautiful) holder woman, she opted to rear the boy herself—she'd thought it was love, you see, and to be left abruptly when K'ienn returned to the weyr hurt her enough to make her bitter and secretive about the man being a father. He was indulged often as a child, the Hold's leaders being a bit in awe of the Weyr, and treating him almost as an extension of their Weyr, as if he would obviously one day have clout there, despite never having been there before himself. That indulgence paved the path for a life apart, and Falienn devoted himself to beautiful things, beautiful people, and the pursuit of dance, as opposed to a proper productive craft.

He also pursued a number of suitors, or rather, was pursued, and while his youthful experiments were overlooked to a point, the day he was caught in bed with both the Lord Holder's daughter AND son was a turning point. Under pressure from the Lord Holder, his mother sent off a letter to K'ienn, he was (almost forcefully) presented to a search dragon, and a week later the boy was bundled atop a dragon and sent off to the Weyr, where his behavior would either be indulged, or ironed out of him through a firmer hand than his mother was willing to raise.

Other: Brace for disappointment, K'ienn!

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Name: Zezollath
Age: 3
Color: Green
Size: 36'
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hatching day: 3574.11.20AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: On the small side for a green, Zezollath is a beauty. She has perfect proportions, and is elegance incarnate. She is light on her feet, but her hard working nature means she has a surprising amount of stamina and endurance. She is not a weak green, despite her small side; but her rider had best ensure she doesn't push herself.

Personality: Zezollath is a green who knows exactly where her place in the world is...and she accepts such a place quietly and without complaint. She knows she is just a green, but she also knows there is much more to her than the Weyr might see. She is a green who is incredibly industrious and hard working; when she's given a task, she will complete it, and she will complete it well. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and knows that she has much to prove to the world. She may be green, but she is strong, she is reliable, and she is unafraid!

Well. At least, she tries to be.

Another source of pride with Zezollath is how supportive she can be. She is the sort of green who will not hesitate to be there for her clutchsibs, or her rider, during their times of need. When they are in pain, Zezollath will be at their sides; when they need someone to cry to, or fall upon in their most desperate hour, this green will have nothing but open wings and love to pour upon them. This also feeds into her work effort; as a wingrider, Zezollath will make a name for herself by being there, and not letting her wingmates or Wingleaders down.

Most of all, Zezollath is a green who has always been a lover of love, in all its shapes and forms. She loves her clutch-siblings, she loves her parents, she loves her Weyr, and above all else, she loves her rider. Like mother like daughter, Zezollath has nothing but love to give and she does so freely. Love, to her, is something that shouldn't be hidden or kept secret. Love, to her, is the most important trait she could give, and ever be given in return. Thankfully, this little green has love to give in droves, and she is not at all shy about showing it, especially to her beloved rider. Nobody will ever top her view of them!

Ah, but this little green does have her flaws. In her pursuit of showing the world how worthy of love she is, Zezollath is known to be self-sacrificing. Sometimes her desire to support becomes problematic and she spreads herself too thin; sometimes, she pushes herself beyond what she should have and winds up hurting herself in the process. She is a dragon who doesn't always know how to say no, or at least, would willingly sacrifice herself than harm someone else. No matter how hurt she might be, or how difficult the task might be, this green would rather suffer silently then someone else be unhappy.

Furthermore, she's known to be a bit clingy. She doesn't like to be alone, and will find it difficult when her rider is away. Being left alone is a surefire way to distress the poor green; while she won't necessarily say anything, she will tend to pine and mourn while Theirs is away or distant. This poor green just cant help it. A part of her just wants to be needed.

Lastly, and perhaps most secret of all, is how badly Zezollath loves extravagance. When she dreams, she dreams big and boldly; she wants the biggest, most handsome bronze to be Hers. She wants the fattest and most tender herdbeast. She wants her oil to be scented with perfumes, or for the Wingleaders to give her the approval and praise she knows she and Hers are worth. She wants her mother's attention and favored love. This green loves decadence, but knows she is just a green, and possibly unworthy of such things. So she tucks her desire for such things away, and tries hard to keep it a secret. She tries so hard to be humble, but another part of her just wants to have the cream instead of the milk.
Pros: Loving, Supportive, Industrious
Cons: Clingy, Self-Sacrificing, Extravagant

Flight Notes:
pts total


Flight History:
Shelled 3574.11.20
Able to rise 3575.05.20

Additional Impression Notes:
Written by Uta
Colored by Uta

Origin of Name: Thie green dragon is based off one of the many versions of Cinderella. In this case, the name is derived from the posthumous 1634 edition of Il Pentamerone in which is found Giambattista Basile's La Gatta Cenerentola. In this version of Cinderella, her given name is Zezolla, which is stripped from her when she's condemned to the kitchens to work.

Additional Notes: Zezollath will likely find her heart's broken frequently as she ages. She can't help but have a taste for dragon's who aren't good for her, but she also loves those who give her even an ounce of hope and kindness.

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Inspiration: "So This is Love" is the romantic song featured in Cinderella. It was written by Mack David, Jerry Livingston, and Al Hoffman and was sung by Cinderella (Ilene Woods) and Prince Charming (Mike Douglas) as they danced at the ball.

This is the first duet sung by a Disney Princess and Prince in their films. The original concept for this song and a deleted song, "Dancing on a Cloud" was for Cinderella and Prince Charming to, seemingly, be dancing in the clouds, lost in each others eyes. This was changed to the current concept, since it added to the realism.

Why Me? For Zezollath how could there be any other? Falienn and she are the perfect match, and she wants him to know that he will never need to search for love or acceptance again. This green will give him all her hearts, fully, and she will love him unconditionally. He is perfection incarnate, and his dreams will become her dreams. He need not fear hard work, because this green will have no trouble throwing herself into whatever task needs to be done. She will break herself before she has her rider break a sweat, provided Falienn allows her to; with luck, her hard work will help encourage Falienn, especially with Zezollath believing in him. There is nothing he can't do, and nothing she wouldn't try to get him.

Zezollath needs Falienn in her life. She thinks he hung the moon, but also accepts his flaws without judgment; she loves him unconditionally, and would never harm him. She will give his life the direction he's lacked for so long; whether or not his father approved, Zezollath approves, and that's all he really needs. Though she knows she is but a green, she hopes he will love her as she loves him. She wants so badly to be someone, and Falienn's usual confidence and swagger call to her like the moth does flame. Ah, but she also knows how much love Falienn is capable of; he is wonderful, he is beautiful, and he is Hers.

Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

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Like Father Unlike Son

So This Is Love by Voyage Entertainment


RP Logs
() - [PRP] An Unexpected Letter
() - The Spooky Clutch Touching: Trick or Treat! Open!
() - It's Now The Monster Mash: The Spooky Clutch Hatching!
() - [ORP] Invalids need company too
() - [PRP] Garbage Fire Boys [Falienn/Renose]
() - [PRP] Great, you're one of them! (Rizdax & Falienn)
() - [PRP] Fate of the Falienn [Falienn/Gr'del]
() - [PRP] What Makes You Tick-Tock Time’s Almost Up [Fal/Dynz]
() - [PRP] Meeting #1 of the Scarred Necks Club [Falienn/Phryana]
() - [prp] n o m g (orri & falienn)
() - [PRP] Talk About Daddy Issues [Falienn/K'ienn]
() - Revelio and Open Sesame! Double Clutch Hatching!
() - [PRP] Drift...er, Draft Compatible [Zezollath/Alquemieth]


K'ienn – Teiha – His father, bronzerider and wingleader at High Reaches Weyr.
Falern – NPC mother, kitchen staff at Ruatha Hold.
**Possibly has unknown half-siblings through K'ienn, talk to Teiha if you want to see about that!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:25 am
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Name: Wione
Age: 25 Turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation:
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Flame's Fury Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: None (weyrbrat)
Nameday: 3553.03.05 AL
Voice Sample: () - Valeera, Heroes of the Storm
Significant Other: Azrael (?? complicated ??) (Bastet)

Physical Description: Born for the beach, Wione's got sandy hair and flawless skin. she's fairly tall at 5'11", and knows she looks good. Long of leg and blue-eyed, she really is a treat to look at. She dresses to accentuate herself, but not scantily or in a way meant to entice—she just feels like wasting her good figure on unflattering clothes is a shame! She is meticulous about anything dangerous, if only because she hates even the idea of a scar on her perfect skin!

Personality: Wione is a social butterfly who really would rather spend her life lounging on the shore or flirting with any rider who comes her way. Sadly, the fight against thread's really rained on her parade...but she won't let it get her down if she can help it! For the most part she seems unbothered by the changes to Pern, which in itself can be a bother to those around her. When others take things seriously, she likes to flirt and tease. While others devote their free time to drilling or tactics, she's still going to be found sunning herself with her green. The only time she buckles down is during threadfall itself...and then, shardit all, she's actually quite good at fighting the stuff!

Her intensity only lasts the fall though, and the second she's back on the ground she's all fun and games again. She's got no plans to try to buckle down or move up the ranks—that'd really cut into her social and fun time!—and any time someone mentions it she's a bit prone to doing something...not-quite-unacceptable to help remove herself from favor that might involve a step up the ladder.

She doesn't care a tick about things like if you're a man or a woman, and finds both equally capable (and attractive!), but doesn't seem to get that others aren't quite as open (in a number of ways) as herself. She's a bit of a nuisance from time to time, but essentially harmless.

Pros: Confident, social, open-minded, surprisingly capable.
Cons: Unambitious, careless, heedless of boundaries, superficial.

History: A simple life of leisure was all Wione really had in mind when she opted out of apprenticing and into the hatching sands. After all, with a dragon she could go anywhere, chase her whims, and have a partner who always had her back! It took a few turns of trying, but eventually a fabulous, plucky pale green came for her, and she was as certain as the skies were clear that Findith was all she ever wanted from life.

Less than six months after graduating, thread's return put a major wrench in her idea of life. Suddenly they had to learn to fight, and the world was so dangerous and threatening... It took her a good long pout (and a solid cry, locked away where no one could see her mussy face of course!) to come to terms with it, and much encouragement from Findith, who had realized much quicker her purpose, her need to help fight the Enemy. To her wingleader's surprise and pleasure, the more or less 'fluff' rider turned out to have a knack for blazing thread from the sky...if only out of a desperate need to avoid any ugly scarring on herself or her green. So far, so good!


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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Findith
Age: 7 Turns
Color: Green
Size: 53'
Sexuality: ??
Hatching day: 3570.11.11 Sharath x Licerth
Voice Sample: () - Lunara, Heroes of the Storm
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Findith never really lost her hatchling pudginess, but she carries it quite well, all things considered. She's a soft dragon through and through, and stout despite her length. Cloudy blotches and dappling of sea-green shades and almost-white smears make her very gentle on the eyes, and every inch of her is constantly glittering with oil, and flawless down to her neatly trimmed and sharpened claws.

Personality: Findith is a gentle soul, as sweet as cream, and as light as a breeze. She loves all she meets, and would honestly never be able to call someone an enemy or a rival (thread doesn't count!) It is extremely rare not to see her eyes in shades of blue or green. Unfortunately her more passive nature makes it very easy for her to be taken advantage of and betrayed...though even when that happens, she still seems to love the ones who have done it, to Wione's mild frustration. The only thing that rouses her to anger is thread itself, and it is the one subject she will not budge on. It MUST be destroyed.

Pros: Kind, gentle, loving, patient.
Cons: Permissive, ignorant, easily taken advantage of, forgiving to a fault.

Threadfall Stats:
HP: 26/26
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy: 5
Flame Length: 5
General Stamina: 6
General Agility: 4
Between Accuracy: 4
Pain Resilience: 5
Instinct: 8
Luck: 8

Flight History:
Shelled 3570.11.11
Able to rise 3571.05.11
-Maiden flight 3571.11—caught by blue Mnereth (Tsunake)
-3572.04—caught by ???
-3572.11—caught by ???
-3573.04—caught by brown Teth (houllow)
-3573.11—caught by ???
-3574.04—caught by brown Beylith (Teiha)
-3574.11—caught by ???
-3575.04—caught by blue Aramath (Teiha)

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RP Logs


Unnamed Father – NPC father, some unknown rider at Western Weyr, deceased (First Fall).
Willia – NPC mother, weyrfolk under the headwoman at Western Weyr.
**Probably has a half-sibling or two at Western through her father.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:22 pm
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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Peresa
Age: 23 Turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Harbingers Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: N/A
Nameday: 3554.04.22AL
Voice Sample: () - Li-Ming, Diablo III & Heroes of the Storm (Alt. Azula from AtLA)
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Peresa is one tough lady. At a modest 5'8", she isn't the shortest or the tallest. Robust and broad-shouldered, she's a workhorse wrapped in warm skin. Her head is shaved close, save a strip along the top and down the back, an almost-mohawk ponytail, tied into bunches and long enough to drape over her shoulder, and she sports deep near-black eyes, always intense.

She prefers layers, and has obviously ceased what little worrying she used to do over the colors or styles. Given a choice, she prefers darker hues, and would rather be caught dead than in a dress.

Personality: Peresa never gives up, and never gives in. She'll die trying, and go screaming to that death in a blaze of glory, given the chance. An already more independent upbringing in the creche had the limits broken right off when the place burned down, and aside from the struggle, she found it rather liberating. Rules are a hindrance if you've got guts, but as long as she's doing what she thinks is right or what needs done, she'll never apologize for the steps she takes.

She feels all her emotions very intensely. Love, hate, joy, pain. she wears her emotions on her sleeve, and her collar, and her boot laces. You never need to wonder what she thinks of you, because it's blatantly obvious. most people she's openly wary of, suspicious and expecting nothing. After all, how many people reached out to help her little family when they ended up homeless and scraping by? And if you prove yourself a threat to herself or her friends, she has absolutely NO problem destroying you without a thought.

Life sucks and then you die, right? Aside from Shoggoth and Venin, what has she got to lose?

Pros: Resilient, brave, passionate, romantic.
Cons: Vicious, unforgiving, has a dark (ha!) view of the world, suspicious.

History: Peresa isn't sure who her parents were or where she was originally from. Her first memories are of Telgar's hold's creche, of too many kids and not enough attention from the old Auntie in charge. Kids came and went, fostered or adopted or aged out, but never her. Never Peresa. She grew resentful, and then independent. No one else was looking out for her, after all. And then, tragedy.


The creche burned, and though she'd never loved the place or most there, it was still hers. Her home. And now it was gone. She was free, but at what cost? Not everyone survived, and suddenly forced to face a future of fending for herself, she realized she had no idea where to go or what to do. Thankfully, in her moment of hesitation, two figures stepped forward. Sahindel and Verinina, two older kids. In her eyes they seemed fully grown, adults. A stand-in mother and father figure, the family she'd never admitted to wanting, even. They took charge, and for the moment she was content to fall in line, and pull her weight. To help build something rather than cutting her own path.

Where Verinina (who became Venin) was clever and smart and creative, and Sahindel was kind and generous and warm, Peresa felt she wasn't really like either of them. What had she to offer? Not too much, at the age of nine or ten. Running messages or errands became her forte, her energy and speed (and lack of care over what she was taking or to whom) made her a choice runner for a time. As she got older, she also rarely dabbled in street brawls for petty cash. Pickpocketing, petty theft, she wasn't above much at all, though she got by more on grit than skill. And she was very hesitant to open up about her shady actions to her family...especially Sahindel. He was so good-hearted and just, and she had begun to look up to him...and a bit more.

What could have become a proper crush was curtailed when he and Venin drew closer. She felt no displeasure with this, as it was more of her perceived mother-father set coming together. And she was really too young to know quite what she was feeling yet. It was terribly easy to let the feelings go. Even after Venin gave birth to her son, and she and Sahindel drifted apart, things stayed the same. At least until Sahindel was searched, and left. His leaving sat worse with Peresa than Venin, but she'd finally come to trust someone. as frightening as it was to apply that trust, she did it. He was her friend, and big brother, and almost her father. They'd been family for turns. He'd come back. He even wrote! It took some time for her to learn to read, but she did it, just to be able to see what he'd sent. It seemed like everything was coming together. Her trust had been rewarded, he impressed! Now he'd come back and whisk them all away...!

Months passed. The letters slowed and stopped. A dark, bitter fury burst to life behind her ribs when she realized that she'd been wrong. Wrong to trust, and wrong to give Sahindel a chance to leave them. Clearly, clearly, people were only good and kind when they had to be. She would have turned on Venin too, but seeing her own rage reflected in the face of the older woman brought them closer. Theirs was a shared pain, a shared loss. Sharing pain was supposed to halve it, she'd been told. Instead it seemed to double. How dare Sahindel abandon her? How DARE Sahindel abandon Venin?! She threw herself into any job she was given for the next weeks, no longer caring to hide when she came home bloody or with bruised knuckles. She might be doing dirty work, but at least she was here. She'd seen what a 'noble heart' could hide, and she'd rather be spitting blood, thank you.

It was Venin's idea to accept the tap to stand for eggs when a wandering gold came to lay them at Telgar. Peresa wanted nothing to do with the big beasts that had stolen her friend and father and made him forget what was really important. What if one took Venin too? If one gets close, I'll kill it before I let it take her away. The hatching passed in a blur, though she remembers through a blood-red haze seeing a blue nearing her friend, and the thought to reach out, to pull the blade she'd hidden inside her tunic...and then something dark, and creeping, and hideously angry had stepped in the way. She'd grabbed the green by the head, intending to shove it aside, she had to stop that blue! It in turn had twisted, wrapping around her with shocking coils of strength and bearing her down to the ground. Mine mine mine mine MINE MINE MINE MINE. YOU ARE MINE, AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHERS BEFORE ME. A terrible, indescribable love pressed into her mind, driving away all thoughts of Venin or the blue dragonet that seemed bent on taking her last friend away. Who could she ever love, aside from this wretched thing? The bonding consumed her, and she reveled in finally finding the one being on Pern that fully understood her, and reveled in who she was and how she felt.

In the end she and Venin both impressed. S'del could take a short hop between for all she cared, it didn't take anything special to impress! And then, the unthinkable happened.

Peresa's 18th nameday, thread returned. Barely more than a week after impressing, Telgar was cracked and broken like a ruin. In a panic, the dragons of the weyr evacuated their young hatchlings, scattering them across Pern as coordinates were fumbled in their haste to return and try (and fail) to fight for their home. Venin, Peresa, and their dragons were left without mentors in a small hold neither of them recognized (the original home of the rider that had evacuated them, betweened to in his own panic with them in tow) with no mentor and no ability to fly or between of their own. And when their 'savior' never returned, they were left to figure things out on their own.

With time to grow to fly, and then the time to fly back across the continent to Telgar (as they had never been taught to between, and still had to avoid thread), to much had changed, and no one was left. High Reaches, they heard, was where most refugees had been taken. Flying there took even longer, but eventually they made it.


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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Shoggoth
Age: 5 Turns
Color: Green
Size: 56'
Sexuality: ???
Hatching day: 3572.04.13AL
Voice Sample: () - Xal'atath, World of Warcraft
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Shoggoth is a huge dragon, for a green. Easily larger than some blues, she's nearly, nearly large enough to rival a tiny brown. Not quite, but if she had her way...She does not lack for bulk either, and she looks like she could crush some of the more waif-ish greens with a swat of a claw. She tends to walk low to the ground, almost slinking, and slowly, though once she builds up momentum she can bear down on her prey like a freight train. Her flight style is erratic, more impulse and instinct than planned swoops or grace. Tatters and tears in her wings, and scarring across her back and flanks make her look far older, more weathered than her few turns. Nine out of ten times her eyes are dark, near-black reddish purple.

Personality: Shoggoth was born keenly aware of the corruption and inequality in the world. While that might have made some dragons keen to foster change, all it did was make Shoggoth angry. Her passions are dark and tempestuous, and only rarely would one ever call the dragon calm or quiet. Her rider has suffered, and she would make the world suffer in return, even those that had no hand in it. She is savagely protective of those she chooses to find worthy of her time, but is also not at all above turning on them should they dare to stray from her side. She strongly dislikes the idea of life at a weyr, bowing to some bronze or gold, but her rage at thread is greater still, and makes her situation tolerable.

Once set on her path, woe betide any who get in her way. She may not be the most clever dragon (and in fact seems more like a very large wher than most dragons, all instinct and grit) but she is adaptable, and not at all afraid of brure-forcing her way to a solution...literally and figuratively. Nothing can stop her, and nothing would make her ever forget her grudges. If she can't hurt the ones who hurt her or her rider, she'll hurt those close to them instead. All that matters is what she wants.

Pros: Versatile, committed, protective, resilient.
Cons: Wrathful, possessive, base, violent.

Threadfall Stats:
HP: 28
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy: 3
Flame Length: 3
General Stamina: 3
General Agility: 5
Between Accuracy: 2
Pain Resilience: 8
Instinct: 4
Luck: 2

Flight History:
Shelled 3572.04.13
Able to rise 3572.11.13
Record: 0/2 wins
-Maiden flight 3573.04—caught by blue Raumoloth (Teiha)
-3574.01—caught by blue Raumoloth (Teiha)
-3574.06—chased green Varionnith (ChaosTheories)
-3574.11—caught by bronze Vistath (hattaki NPC)
-3575.08— green Sahrawith (houllow)

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RP Logs
() - [IC]Threadfall: High Reaches - OVER!


Salthan – NPC father, details unknown.
Perella – NPC mother, details unknown.

Venin – Teiha – Adopted sister, a bluerider at High Reaches Weyr.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:17 am
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Name: X (Xantathil at birth, X'il as a rider)
Age: 35 Turns
Sex: Gender-fluid (Biologically female, accepts any pronouns)
Sexual Orientation: Complicated.
Weyr: Western
Rider Rank: Ex-rider (Flame's Fury)
Previous Rank/Craft: Minecraft (wherhandler)
Nameday: 3541.Turnover
Voice Sample: () - Commander Shepard, Mass Effect 1-3
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Despite her best attempts, X'il can't help but be a bit of an eye-catching sight when she enters a room. She dresses as neutrally as she can, favoring dark or plain colors, raw cloth without dye, aside from the occasional piece she can find to match Halcyath's hide. Rarely she can be spotted in a dress or skirt, though those too lack flair or ostentation. It's not her clothes that catch the eye, no. It's her skin, and her hair. Like klah cut with cream, viltiligo has left her an unusual—but beautiful, to the unbiased eye—sight; patchy whorls creep up the right side of her face and into her hair, down in erratic swaths across her torso and onto her arms. Her hair is usually cut to shoulder length, and only rarely tied back. More often her ever-present riding goggles hold it in place, like a headband or bandanna, the multi-colored strands mingling freely.

Somewhat meager in height at 5'8", her unintimidating presence is only softened by doleful black eyes and an almost-mournful tilt of her plump lips. Add to that an innate desire to be more or less ignored means she comes across almost like a ghost at times, a barely-there impression of someone that ideally (to her mind) never really lingers in anyone's thoughts.

Personality: X'il doesn't really talk much. It's not that she can't, it's just that she doesn't really want to, usually. Once upon a time she was a far more social person, but ever since the loss of her wher she's been more...introspective. As if a small part of her went missing, that no one, not even Halcyath, was quite able to fully replace. that trauma, on top of childhood trauma and teasing, has left her content to ignore most people and just quietly go about her life and work with only the company she absolutely needs to keep (AKA her dragon) around her. This sometimes makes her seem stand-offish, because she doesn't need people to be happy, and thus invests much less into her social appearances or relationships than most.

The same history that left her less keen to interact with people did have its positives though! She is very slow to judge, and even those who are disparaging of her will find no anger on her behalf for their harsh words. Everyone has their faults—some internal, some external—and she of all people doesn't let them bother her. Physical beauty means nothing to her, though while she could in theory find anyone attractive, she'd never be the type to say anything, or act on it either. She keeps her opinions to herself and Halcyath, and is often frustrating to others with her tendency to simply shrug an answer to any question that isn't actually, really important.

There is a layer of morbidity, of gloom and doom, of impending loss to her attitude as well. She's suffered as much loss as anyone else, she'll say if pressed. She just can't really help it if she's often caught up thinking about the past, or wondering what's beyond between. It makes her a bit of a wet blanket, but if she ever gets the sense that she's bringing down a room, she has no trouble leaving before anyone points it out. Let the rest have their parties, she doesn't mind being alone in the meantime.

Positive Trait List: Placid, introspective, patient, selfless.
Negative Trait List: Gloomy, antisocial, comes across as aloof, vague.

History: Born to a brothel worker in Nabol, X'il was born under the threat of a corrupt hold and the opportunistic nature of her habitat. She never knew her father, though her mother would tell her tales of him, painting him a fine, wealthy man. The fact that her tales often differed, in the man's origins or appearance or name, only further distanced X'il from the idea of finding him one day. He was no one, and it didn't really matter. What did matter, however, was the appearance of strange pale patches on her skin. What was once a 'pretty but common' young girl of ten turns became 'exotic', and 'unusual'. the matron of the brothel took an interest, already imagining the marks such a rare treasure might bring in, if she was trained right.

With her mother's blessing (or rather, lack of protest) young Xantathil was shipped south and west, to the Courtesan Hall, with high hopes that proper training would break her of her unfeminine ways and set her up to win the hearts of all who saw her...once she returned to the brothel that had sponsored her apprenticeship, that was.

But no one had bothered to ask Xantathil what she wanted, and as soon as she was out of sight of Nabol, she begged the rider ferrying her to take her somewhere, anywhere else. A share of the marks she'd been given to pay to the Courtesan Hall instead went into the opportunistic rider's pocket, and Xantathil found herself alone, in Crom. Thankfully the Hold was used to handling refugees from Nabol—which she was dubbed, young and solitary as she was—and she was absorbed into the ranks of the more isolated mining hold without a thought.

There she found a new passion. Untethered from the shady brothel, and given the chance to see all life offered, she discovered whers. 'Ugly, like her', she decided, and was instantly smitten. The pale portions of her skin spread over the turns, as did her love for the almost-dragons grow. She was an eager study, and fearless, not at all squeamish of chopping meat or offering it bloody to the hold's whers. At 14 she joined the ranks of the candidates...for a wher all her own, not a dragon. She avoided the clutches of fighting and show whers, repulsed by the echoes of her past she felt near the fighting pits, or seeing their merit counted solely by their beauty. No, she wanted a fine, standard, working-class wher. Someone to venture into the mines at her side, or stand watch at night in the place of a watch dragon. The wait wasn't long—such professions were less lucrative than fighting or showing, and she was left with the pick of the clutch when an elderly gold wher gave up her last batch of eggs. Without thinking she selected one, a beautiful large egg that hatched some time later into, of all things, a little golden beast. It was the last thing she wanted, but with a quick slice of the forearm, the bond was set. And Xantathisk, the little charmer, became her constant companion.

A life as a watch-wher handler was all she'd hoped it would be, and she reveled in the brusque, if genuine support her wher offered her. It wasn't the total, unconditional love that riders spoke of, but the chafing, almost rude approval of the gold suited her fine. For turns they stood guard in the hold, and with the large golden lady at her side to scare of those who would make fun of her looks or how some days she presented herself as a woman, and others a man (something that she had come to terms with after bonding to Xantathisk, as she neared her 20th nameday), Xantathil felt that life had become all she'd hoped it would be.

And then, tragedy. Late one night, when most of the hold slept, the pair stumbled upon a group of intruders—would-be assassins that had meant to strike at someone in the hold. Xantathil never learned who they had come for, or where they had come from. All that mattered to her was that, with a well-placed dagger, dipped in poison and meant for herself, her Xantathisk was slain. Suddenly alone, without her partner and her craft, she was rocked to her core. Some were understanding, abiding her need to grieve. Others didn't grasp the size of her loss. It wasn't, after all, as if Xantathisk had been a dragon. And indeed, losing her wher did not make her want to pass between to join her. But it hurt, more than she could ever express, and the hold, thankful for her sacrifice in their service, abided it.

When she put in a request to take some time to travel, clear her head before seeking to bond to another wher, it was granted. A trip to Western, she decided. And to Courtesan Hall. A peek in, to remind herself of what she'd escaped, and reignite her spirits. She had not counted on a hatching taking place the day after she arrived at Western Weyr, but allowed herself to be detoured. From the stands she daydreamed, comparing the impressions before her to the bonding of the whers she'd known. Oh, how she missed Xantathisk...

She would not want you to mourn, you know. The voice came creeping, placid, if slightly tinged with impatience. And were you still hers, then you could not be Mine. And you ARE mine. She left you for me to have...so come down here, Xantathil-mine. And do go about shortening that mouthful. Xantathil was hers, but...hm, yes. Xantathil was hers, but X'il is mine.

It was the last thing she had expected.

A short three turns later, Halcyath was struck by a wingmate's flame in combat, and severely wounded. He succumbed to phosphorus poisoning two days later, and leapt between, leaving X'il—now only X—behind and alone once more.

Other: Her necklace has a tooth from her deceased wher; it was lost a few months before the wher died, and serves as a memento.

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Name: Halcyath
Age at death: 3 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 62'
Hatching day: 3572.01.19
Death: 3575.05.28
Voice Sample: () - Algalon the Observer, World of Warcraft
Sexuality: ???

Physical Description: Halcyath is resplendent. On the large side for a blue, his true claim to fame is the glittering hide he was blessed with. A living constellation, his skin shifts from nearly-white specks to deep midnight blues. He is a picture of regal grace in the air, but is somewhat slow on the ground. His steps are less sure, and he takes time to move to make sure nothing is out of place as he walks.

Personality: Halcyath doesn't have time for all this nonsense. He's a very clever dragon, and picks up tasks or concepts near-instantly. He is good at reading a person or another dragon, and sussing out the truth of their feelings. The trouble is that he doesn't really care about anyone else's feelings. While he's very good at getting to know his peers, he has no real interest in getting to know them, and often considers them beneath his notice. Usually that is expressed as an almost patronizing gentleness, the sort an adult would have with a small child, but occasionally comes out in cold gusts of biting criticism. And those who speak against the weyrs, or against what they do for Pern, he likes the very least of all.

He is wholly and totally devoted to the cause of ridding Pern of thread, and while he approves of Western's success, he is somewhat backwards in the eyes of the weyr for his feelings about how things should be run. His ambition extends only so far as to be the best blue dragon he can be—and his rider's less-than-keen thoughts on being, well, a rider, help to firm up that notion. He isn't meant to be a leader, but he can be a sharding good follower, and takes orders to the letter, especially from the weyr's golds and bronzes. Now if only the other blues and greens would be so reasonable...

Pros: Intelligent, perceptive, steady, devoted.
Cons: Distant, reticent, hidebound, impersonal.

Flight History:
Shelled 3572.01.19
Able to chase 3572.09.19
Record: 0/2 recorded wins
-3574.05—chased green Asilaeth (hattaki)
-3574.09—chased green Eriath (tsunake)

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RP Logs
() - [GREENFLIGHT] Overdue Afternoon [Fin~]


??? – NPC father, details unknown. One of a number of men her mother 'served' at Nabol Hold.
Varalia – NPC mother, a brother woman at Nabol Hold. Estranged.
X'var – Trisamour – Her younger brother, a brownrider at Western Weyr. She has no idea he was even born...yet.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:18 am
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Name: O'thio (generally goes by 'Theo', previously 'Oseathiol')
Age: 32 Turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heteroflexible
Weyr: High Reaches
Rider Rank: Wing rider (Trespassers)
Previous Rank/Craft: Harper, Journeyman (Playwright, composer)
Nameday: 3545.09.25AL
Voice Sample: () - Peter Dickenson (or Ghorbash, the Green Dragon), The Flight of Dragons
Significant Other: Sylfie (crush, totally just penpals, no really) (Meep)

Physical Description: At 6'1" Oseathiol is a bit too reedy to be considered classically handsome. His charms would almost be considered boyish if he wasn't so clearly into his late 20s: gentle and naive green eyes, hair always a bit of a mess, and well dressed, though it somehow seems accidental more than intentional. There's something bookish, or perhaps timid in his bearing, and despite his height he seems to try to fold himself inwards and take up less space. He'd never dare to hunch, but he does curl his shoulders in, and often has his arms tight to his sides or tucked to his chest.

Personality: 'Theo is a bookish, somewhat wilting flower of a man, really. He's an old soul in a young body, and more retiring than the typical harper—happier quietly observing than up on stage, he'd rather watch life go by because if it came for him he'd not quite sure what he'd do about it. With a bright, romantic view of the world, he struggles to grasp the reality of how harsh life can be, and he shrinks somewhat from the chance to find out. His passions are more theoretical than real, his mental flights of fancy often consuming him to the point of distraction—he's definitely the type to daydream entire conversations and encounters with people, but then never actually try to have those conversations in reality.

Despite being raised in a rowdy, almost bawdy family, he's a bit of a bashful, blushing sort. He's immensely skilled at writing poetry and expressing his feelings in the written word, but he's almost hysterical to watch should he try to woo someone in person, all stammers and earnest fumbling.

That bashfulness extends to his work, and most of his songs and poems and plays have been written under false names, a pseudonym of his own making. He takes great pride in his work, but doesn't want to be bothered with fans, or really recognized out of fear that it'd hamper his work, or that he'd fall under the scrutiny and criticism he feels he can't cope with.

Pros: Artistic, a romantic, obliging, humble.
Cons: Fainthearted, naive, easily flustered, an over-thinker.

History: Born seventh in a family of nine children to a baker and a former mercenary, from a minor Hold as far north as anyone would want to make a Hold, Oseathiol grew up in a raucous household with plenty of brothers and sisters to run amok with. They played, they fought, they got into all kinds of trouble, and they genuinely loved one another. Theo, as his siblings came to call him, was always a bit of the wallflower of the group, and though he got into his fair share of scrapes and tumbles, most of his childhood was spent sitting quietly (as much as he could), daydreaming, and singing or playing very gently. When he was 8, his big brother was searched to High Reaches, and thus began the youngster's infatuation with dragons.

Turns of hoping he'd be searched too every time they went to watch his brother stand culminated with his brother's impression when Theo was 12. Nevermind that he was too young, of course—he wanted it so very badly. But it never came. What did come was an apprenticeship. While his singing voice was above passable at best, a short poem he'd written to celebrate Herg'r and Hyglath was deemed 'extraordinary' by a visiting harper. It was a life that vastly suited the tender-hearted youngster, and though leaving his family was devastatingly hard, he made the choice. More and more of his siblings were finding their own paths and making their own homes, so it seemed right.

Training brought out the best in Theo. He walked the tables with a slew of friends, and a budding reputation for his wordsmithing abilities...But still. Each time a dragon visited, he tried to be where it could see him. Just in case. Deferring any set assignment, Theo instead took to a nomadic life, bouncing across Pern (from weyr to weyr, really, and if his movements happened to coincide with each time a clutch was laid, well...that really wasn't anyone's business) and finding stories to weave into song or plays. The drama of impressions played out before him. The romance of mating flights. The discipline and nobility of training dragons flying in formation. Most of his works romanticized the life of the dragonrider, an outlet for his own wistful yearning for that tap to join the candidates that had never come.

Even the return of thread served as little more than a literary device in his rose-tinted view of the lives of the weyrs. How wonderfully tragic to hear the mournful keening of the dragons. How strong and noble of the wings to rise to fight the great threat, laying down limb and life for the good of all Pern. It was enough to make you weep with the beauty of it all. Even if it didn't make travelling any easier.

Other: He's a younger brother of Herg'r! [x] He also may or may not dabble in helping to pen some very trashy romances, though of course he'd NEVER put his name to them OR admit to it.

Compiled Works:
Book Title
Love Under the Red Star: ???
Love Under the Red Star: The Flight Of Elliah and K'lann - Olliah & K'ienn & dragons
Love Under the Red Star: Love at Midnight - K'vos & Cheza & dragons
Book Title
Love Under the Red Star: Hearts Sing Again - coming soon!

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Name: Iweth
Age: 3
Color: Bronze
Size: 80'
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hatching day: 3574.11.20 AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: This bronze dragon is on the smaller side of the spectrum, but he doesn't seem to mind. He is of seemingly perfect proportions, not too heavy, not too small, and is a testament to good breeding. He is prone to gaining weight if he's not active enough, but weyrling training and Drills will likely keep most of that chub off. If he were to be wounded or grounded, he might well plump up a bit quickly.

Personality: Iweth is a dragon who knows what life is all about. Debonair, this dragon seems to have a natural charm and air about him. He walks with all the confidence his color affords, and knows exactly how to charm those around him. A sweet word for a green, reverence for the golds, and even an ability to sweet-talk the boys! Honestly, there are very few who don't get along with Iweth--he's a class act. Charm oozes from him, and he will never be caught fumbling over any social situation.

There's no doubting that this dragon is cultured and knowledgeable. He sees himself above the pettiness of most politics and certainly isn't entirely traditional for his color. Golds are gorgeous, but bronzes are handsome, browns divine, blues lovely, greens precious, and whites are darling. He has no real ambition to rise up the rank ladder. That said, while he may not be keen on it, he's doesn't look down on any of the systems in place and will step back to allow those who want to rise up one less competitive bronze. He understands roles and how different cultures and outlooks make for a better Pern. While he would be happily comfortable taking orders from a green at Western Weyr, he also isn't going to object when metallics do the leading at High Reaches. Each Weyr has their own community, their own rules, and who is he to object? If anything, he finds differences fascinating and wants to learn more about why each area does what it does. He's a flexible bronze, who loves to learn, and to use that knowledge to his advantage--and he'd never think of being rude. He's far too considerate for that!

Iweth wouldn't think of offending others around him. If he's a guest, he will be nothing but kind to his hosts. If he's the host, he will be a gracious one, and ensure those around him are well. This bronze treats everyone with nothing but respect and kindness, and is a true gentleman.

But Iweth is far from perfect. The bronze is cultured and classy but also a bit fanciful. He daydreams much of his day away, and is always thinking of more outrageous and outlandish ideas. He dreams of sweeping a gold or green off her wings during a flight, and finding some great love affair; but he'd just as easily think of being swept up by the Weyrleader's bronze and swooning in such rugged arms. Or maybe he and his rider somehow manage to be the only riders left during Threadfall, and they must be prepared to handle the entire eight our Fall by themselves, saving not just their Weyr, but Pern. His imagination is prone to running wild, and he will absolutely relish such ideas. The more outrageous the better--for this bronze truly loves a grand story.

Iweth is also very dramatic. When he's wounded, it's not just a small cut, but the worst wound to ever appear. Death is surely close at hand, and he can feel his hearts slowing down. When he's corrected by the Weyrlingmaster or even his rider, he might well bemoan his idiocy. If a pretty lady or handsome boy gives him a smile he might very well swoon. Oh, but this bronze doesn't do anything simply. He might get along very well with the more dramatic dragons of his clutch and add fuel to their flame. Everything is sweeping motions with this bronze; every moment is at the cusp of a grand new adventure and ready to turn into some classic fairytale.

Pros: Cultured, Considerate, Debonair
Cons: Dramatic, Fanciful, Reactive

Flight History:
Shelled 3574.11.20
Able to chase 3575.08.20
-Gold Mictecath's maiden flight: 3577.07.04 - WON
Record: 1/1 wins

Additional Impression Notes:
Written by Uta
Colored by Uta

Origin of Name: In the African language Yoruba, the word for book is iwe. This bronze has a rider who loves to write, and is based off a Harry Potter bookstore. How could this name not be a more perfect fit?

Inspiration: Flourish and Blotts Bookseller is a bookshop in North Side, Diagon Alley, about halfway down the street on the left hand side. Established in 1654, it is where most Hogwarts students purchase their schoolbooks. The shop is filled with shelves stacked to the ceiling.

The shop has had a few problems with certain books, such as The Invisible Book of Invisibility which cost them a great deal of money though they never found them, and The Monster Book of Monsters which tore each other up as well as biting the manager when he tried to get one out.

The shop holds occasional book-signings, such as when Gilderoy Lockhart stopped by in 1992. Flourish and Blotts also runs a service, which enables purchasers to buy books via owl delivery. They also take advance orders for books that are in high demand, such as The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

Additional Notes: Thie bronze absolutely loves a good story and oohs, and aahs over every Flight that happens anywhere near the Weyr. If he's not an actual active participant, he's also happy to swoon over the happy couples. He's never particularly jealous--love is love is love is love, isn't that right? Boys, girls, golds, greens, and all in between are fair game for this romantic heart.

….sometimes he has a tendency to eat paper or hidework. He knows he shouldn't but.. every now and then a bit of fiber just sounds nice. Theo had best keep an eye on some of his manuscripts.

Egg: Bright Red Mystery Egg 12

Why Me? Theo and Iweth were made for one another. At first glance, they appear to be kindred spirits. How could this bronze not be drawn by such a poetic man? He absolutely adores the creativity that flows from Oseathiol and will certainly encourage him to continue to write and find beauty in everything. In fact, he'll likely try to give ideas, and likely only add to the man's romantic view of the world. Iweth would love to be his muse, but if not, he will happily gush over Theo's works. Where the man felt he couldn't handle having fans, he now has a superfan in that of his bronze! Never again need he feel like his prose and poetry aren't well received; this bronze will encourage him to keep writing and creating every day.

Ah, but Iweth will be able to help support Theo in other ways, too. Where Theo is known to be bumbling and sometimes only dreams of having conversations with others, Iweth will encourage him to rise up. His debonair attitude will be there to help His navigate such tricky waters--and rest assured, Iweth definitely a bronze who knows how to lay on the charm! Where his rider might struggle, Iweth will talk him through the best approach, and won't hesitate to help ensure Theo comes off as nothing but a gentleman. Where he may lack confidence, Iweth certainly does not! Any faintheartedness that Theo feels will be tempered by the bronze. Iweth will buoy him and ensure they get through the situation with grace and class.

On the other hand, Theo will be forced to find himself with a little bit more of a backbone. Classy as this bronze is, Iweth is prone to dramatic fits, and might well need his rider to help pull him out of them, or at least talk him down from the ledge. If he doesn't, they might find more trouble heaped upon them, or worse, as weyrling training progresses, find themselves at fatal risk. A dragon panicking or getting dramatic during Between lessons, or Threadfall, could spell all sorts of trouble and put them, or their wingmates, at risk. The two will challenge one another in that regard. Both Theo and Iweth will need to try to find a balance, as weyrling training and Threadfall are no treat.

Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

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"Flight of Dragons" by Don McLean


"Don't Rain On My Parade" by Barbara Streisand


RP Logs:
() - [ORP] A Springtime Surprise! [Hatching!]
() - [PRP] A Springtime Song (Sylfie/Theo)
() - [ORP] It's Always Tea Time: Tea Clutch Feast [Open]
() - Revelio and Open Sesame! Double Clutch Hatching!
() - [PRP] Fairest Friends in Confidence [Theo/Sylfie/Drgs]
() - [GOLDFLIGHT] So You Think You Can Dance [Mictecath's Maiden]


??? – NPC father, an ex-mercenary.
??? – NPC mother, a baker.
Herg'r – Meep – One of his older brothers, a boisterous bronzerider at High Reaches Weyr.
**Has seven other siblings (five older, two younger), check with Meep of you wanna join the family!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:28 pm
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Name: Finnisa
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrling
Previous Rank/Craft: Beastcraft (Herder/Shepherd), apprentice
Nameday: 3552.12.23 AL
Voice Sample: () - Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Middlingly tall, Finnisa's prime features are a kindly, round face and going-to-need-to-be-cut-should-she-ever-impress long golden hair. As a child she rather liked when her dark eyes were compared in gentle placidity to those of the herdbeasts she loved and minded, though now she would probably be offended...even if it wasn't quite a lie. Plump cheeks and a resting soft smile makes her come off more simple than she is, leaving only the light of a quick wit in her glance to say otherwise.

Her clothing is somewhat simple in style and color, but of the highest quality of wool and leathers—the benefits of having a leatherworking parent, and minding the flocks that supply the materials. Never one to dress girlishly, trousers and sturdy boots are the name of the style game, and she tends towards more eccentric pieces or small unusual accessories than being fashionable.

Personality: Finnisa isn't really bothered by much. She's slow to form opinions (mostly by virtue of being relative slow to become informed, and a self-awareness of her lack of informed nature) and slower to change them once they sink in. If an issue doesn't effect her, or won't change anything she cares about, she's a bit prone to letting those who do care fight it out. She keeps herself out of conflict even when there's a side she agrees with, and it can make her come off as aloof or worse, when the issue is a critical one. Conversely, when finally roused to action, she has a white-hot passion that can serve as an excellent motivator...for as long as she can keep it up. Being angry is exhausting, and she tends to flare hot and fast, and burn out just as quickly.

An ambivert, she can take or leave social moments and company. She tends to pendulum somewhat, seeking out contact repeatedly for a few months, and then retreating for the same time. She does as she likes, when she likes, in that regard, and does just fine either way—she doesn't need social interaction, but she also doesn't mind it, and that eternal comfort in any level of social interaction makes her come off fairly confident and unflappable.

The downside of her typically less-than-motivated nature is that she gets a bit jealous of the success of those around her. Someone smarter, better off, more recognized than her can make her dislike them, though she's thankfully fairly good at keeping those ugly thoughts inside. It leaves her eager to avoid them, or quietly hoping to see them stumble and fall, as horrible as feeling that way makes her feel the minute after it happens.

She's very observant, a quick wit, picks things up with lightning speed, and excels at almost anything she tries...she just is resistant to trying things, and rarely devotes any effort to what she tries when she does, leaving her skill imperfect and half-learned.

Pros: Independent, even-keeled, patient.
Cons: Slow to start, complacent, envious.

History: The younger daughter of a beastcraft/leatherworking couple out of Moreta's Hold near Keroon, she was raised alongside her sister Iziquin and later, a foster brother come to learn her parents' crafts. She took to an animal-centric life like a duck to water, immediately enamored of her family's flocks and herds. While her sister's caring led to a number of youthful foibles (including an attempt at running away over the sale of a certain beloved animal) Finnisa's never been one to get too attached, and she grew up knowing that most of her animal companions would be sold, or eaten, or become clothing.

She became more reclusive (and devoted to her craft) once Iziquin left, as the realization that her sister was really making something of her life lit a bit of a fire under her to work out just what she herself might do with the same level of skill and devotion. She made an excellent herder...but it wasn't a passion. And so when a dragonrider came, his brown fixating on her and the offer to stand High Reaches' sands came up, she leapt at it. This, she reasoned, was something that she could do! Something she was being called to do, and not her sister! She could make dragonriding her passion, her craft, she decided, and quickly wrote to her sister to happily inform her of the change of life path.

Sadly the firelizard she borrowed never made its destination. Thread returned as it flew, and the little thing's rider (from whom she'd borrowed it) was felled, leaving the man's dragon and firelizard both to leap between. Taking her sister's silence as rejection, or jealousy, Finnisa dove into her lessons at the Weyr with something like spite at the heart of her devotion. So what if her sister was jealous, or didn't think she could do it, or disagreed with her choices? She was going to stand and be the best dragonrider High Reaches had ever seen!...Probably. She just wished it was a little less work...

Other: N/A

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Name: Deshath
Age: 0 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 63'
Sexuality: ???
Hatching day: 3576.13.28
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None.

Physical Description: Deshath is large, for a blue; large and in charge if you ask him. He has weight to throw around and he does it cavalierly, both on the ground and in the sky. He is more blunt-force-instrument than most of his color, though he still maintains enough of the whippy length-to-height ratio to keep him nimble. He's slung a bit low for his size, with shorter legs and a bulkier chest, wider wings and longer neck and tail. His hide is a soft mottled blue, easy on the eyes and not too bright or garish, but still quite handsome.

Personality: You know that guy who's annoyingly good at most of what he does, cocky and bossy and pushy because he knows it too? Yeah, that's Deshath. He's just big enough, just proud enough, just clever enough to be better than most (if you ask him), and that means his voice is more worthy of being heard, right? In truth he's probably indeed talented, but even moreso, he's cocky. He holds little back, and self-censors even less—there is no filter between his mind and his mouth, and his opinions are just as strong as his confidence.

He isn't afraid to try new things, new processes, and grasps concepts quickly enough to rarely lag behind. He's resilient thanks to his confidence, able to put full trust in himself and his rider (and those rare few who have won his respect), but thanks to that he hardly knows when to stop when it comes to berating someone else for fumbling a firestone sack toss, or slipping out of formation in a drill. Since complaints and insults roll off him like water, he often is left flummoxed (and unimpressed) when someone he scolds ends up shrinking or in tears over what he's said.

Still, if you do win his respect and consideration, you'll find him a loyal, devoted friend and ally—though he may just take it upon himself to go to bat for you, and say some... less than charitable things in your name.

Pros: Effective, secure, venturesome.
Cons: Crude, divisive, opinionated.

Additional Notes: While Deshath's flame is shorter than average, he is quite skilled at rapid, accurate bursts, saving him firestone in the long run in exchange for having to get just a bit closer to thread to fight it. The one time he minds his language and behavior, ironically, is during flights. It's fine to irritate and bebother other dragons in general, but not when a lady is picking out her fellow, thank you!

Why Me: Finnisa needed someone to be her spine, who was so secure in themselves and in her that nothing can phase them. Someone brave enough to try whatever they want, and to not care what anyone else thinks. Deshath, meanwhile, needed someone to be his conscience, to soften him and remind him that we're all on the same team in the end. Someone who has a bit more heart and can help him make up with the people he inevitably pisses off.

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RP Logs:


??? – NPC father, a journeyman leatherworker at Moreta's Hold.
??? – NPC mother, a journeyman beastcrafter as Moreta's Hold.
Isiquin – Nilah44 – Her older sister, a journeyman vinter, recently posted to HRW.
??? – NPC foster brother, a journeyman beastcrafter at Moreta's Hold.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:42 am
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Name: Meztli
Age: 23 turns
Sex: Gender-fluid (biologically male)
Sexual Orientation: Likes men!
Craft: Cooking Craft (spec: Cake & Dessert Design, Local Dish Specialization)
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western Weyr
Nameday: 3552.09.10AL
Died: 3575.07.10AL
Voice Sample: () - Azama, Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Fire Emblem Heroes
Significant Other: None

Died during the hatching of Killakeeth x Teth's clutch. A bite from a hatchling green to the inner thigh caused an arterial rupture, and they passed while under the healers' hands from rapid blood loss.

Physical Description: A shrub of deep wine-red hair serves as the crown atop this 6'0" statue of man-woman-person. Legs for days and hips that won't quit, and a surprisingly lithe build for someone who spends their entire life cooking and eating. They move with rhythm and flow constantly, gliding about their culinary domain near the heart of Rivercrest, dancing through life one slinky step at a time. Moss-green eyes alive with the light of life, and darker freckles over tanned skin, their whole appearance speaks to life lived enjoyably, but the lack of scars or callouses is a clear sign that that fun life hasn't been especially dangerous or adventurous.

Personality: A zest for life means zesty food, if you ask Meztli, and they are here to make your life just a bit tastier! Beyond happy to light up an evening with their creations (and their own wonderful self!), they are that friend who is always telling you to 'treat yo self!' and encouraging just a bit more fun, a bit more enjoyment. A fine eye for quality and detail, and a creative bent that can't be beat, they've got a fabulous flavor palate and in terms of creation are as bold as it gets, always reaching and striving and growing.

On the flip side, always hunting for the next big thing means that they're very prone to abandoning anything more than a minute old. As firm in their disregard as they are in their enthusiasm, they can definitely bring the pain with harsh criticisms and a sense of almost haughty superiority (at least when it comes to the cooking arts!) While most of their work is high-quality enough to pass muster even when abandoned, the truth is that they're all too apt to jump from project to project just because something new's caught their eye. And the trouble with treating yourself, of course, is that sometimes it gets hard to stop. They're a wild spender, and thankfully have the skills to support their rather lavish tastes, but they lack the distinction to realize that some of the people they encourage are not so lucky.

Strengths: Entertainer, artistic, creative, vivacious.
Weaknesses: Fickle, judgmental, proud, indulgent.

History: Born in Black Sands, Meztli moved to Rivercrest as a child when they were fostered by a prominent cook. Raised by the man and his mate, they grew up surrounded by love, and in their household, that meant food. They were never allowed to reject a new dish without trying a few bites first, and developed a ranging and excitable palate from the effort. Obviously they were bound for a life in the culinary arts, and they thrived under the tutelage of their fathers over the turns. Switching gears from chef to artist was something that came about as they entered their late teens, and they've yet to look back since.

Days filled with crafting delicate and glamorous, but always edible and delicious food-art made them a staple of the tropical vacation-y hold, as well as giving them mild notoriety in other nearby locales. Eventually of course the day happened that they'd used almost every ingredient locally available, and the time came for them to leverage their skills into a new post, this time at Western Weyr. They have a goal of cooking all over Pern before returning, more learned and seasoned (ha!) to Rivercrest.

Other: Specializes in using local-grown/caught foodstuffs to create fancy desserts for tourists. Has a tendency to dance/sing while cooking. Those hips do not lie.


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Kitchen Time


RP Logs
() -


Tiliban – NPC father 1 – holder at Black Sands Hold.
Mezzamon – NPC father 2 – holder at Black Sands Hold.
??? – unknown sibling(s).

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 4:10 pm
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Name: U'zan (previously Udezan)
Age: 53 (3524.05.20AL)
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (but will try anything once!)
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Burning Aces Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: N/A
Nameday: xxxxxxx AL
Voice Sample: () - Khadgar, World of Warcraft
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Long, lush brown locks curl loosely down to U'zan's shoulders, accompanied by a similarly-hued beard that comes to a slight point off his sculpted chin. If you look very (VERY) close, you might spot a few silvered threads weaving through at his temples and on the edges of said beard...but you'd have to get very lucky—he plucks them as soon as he notices them. Such signs of aging do not mesh, you see, with the broad, certain smile and the grinning blue eyes that give him the look of one eternally up for a good time, and a glass of good wine.

6'4", broad at the shoulder and trim at the waist, he's a good looking sort and he knows it. He looks like the cliche bronze rider, really, tall, handsome, cocksure. He wears fine leathers and richly dyed tunics, unafraid to make use of his wealth and position to indulge in the finer things when given the chance. Golds, blues, reds, blacks, and browns make up most of his attire, and he's extra fond of any accessory or style that can add a bit of swoosh or flair.

Personality: U'zan has been around the block a time or two, and he knows exactly what he's doing and where he's going, and every shortcut and high-end shop along the way. He's very good. So really you should just listen to whatever he tells you, because obviously if you were half as good as him, you'd be where he is, you'd be riding bronze, you'd have the ear of the Weyrwoman. But...you don't! And that's just fine, just fine. We need people at all levels, so just sit back, relax, and let U'zan shine.

He's got all the confidence of a gate-keeping white man who knows even a little bit about whatever topic you've brought up and is ready to 'mansplain' it to you. But sharditall, the trouble is that he actually knows things, and is good at them, so if you can get past his shitty attitude, you probably will actually learn something.

While he doesn't always work hard (skating by on his charm and clever ability to whip things together at the last moment when he needs to) he definitely parties hard. Known for making a point of getting only the best wines, the choicest foods, and inviting only the best of the best around the Weyr to indulge, he is a huge fan of really letting go when he lets go. The man's definitely thrown open his doors after the night of a gold flight and had ten and twenty people (of all ranks, races, and genders) come staggering out with hangovers, hickies, and little party-favor bags!

Unfortunately it is only during party time that U'zan really sees everyone as equal. Aside from the Weyr's goldriders and Headwoman, he lacks a certain respect for women. That's not to say he's aggressive, or prone to insulting them...but facts are facts. Women aren't as strong, don't have the same stamina, and for turns and turns were relegated to at MOST riding greens for a reason. Sure, now and then a really exceptional one will crop up, maybe make wingsecond even, but they're the exception, not the rule. He is inclined to scoff at women on blues, and instantly question if women on browns really are women.

Of course, there are things women are far better at than men. Organization, preparation, even tactics are all suitable for ladies, but the carrying out of those tactics, the utilization of those preparations, should be left to the men. Not to mention, but men are frankly expendable, in terms of continuing to keep Pern's numbers up. They could die by the score and things would carry on. But women? No, women are far more valuable, like gold dragons, for their reproductive capabilities than men are, if you ask him.

Pros: Capable, confident, charismatic.
Cons: Arrogant, indulgent, sexist.

History: What's there to tell about how good old U'zan's childhood? Not too terribly much, really, honestly, but he'll tell you anyway. His father was a rider—no one important, mind you, a bluerider and a fairly good searchrider, but little more—and his mother was a Holder girl, wooed to the Weyr for the chance to impress, and after being left standing was kept on in the kitchens and in the bedroom by the oh-so-charming searchrider who'd fetched her hence. Being young and lusty, and with his father's blue happy to chase any flashing green tail, it was only a matter of time before Udezan was brought, squalling and wriggling, into the world. He was a handsome child even then, but his parents were too busy (mostly with each other) to mind him, so off to the creche he went.

He came up with the rest of the weyrbrats, and thanks to his natural good looks and charm, had no trouble surrounding himself with a gaggle of friends (minions) and rising to the top of his little clique. By the time he was of age to step onto the sands, he was beyond cocky. His throng went with him, all headstrong and ready to impress together. Of course, that didn't work out, and he was left, flummoxed on the sands and alone. He rebounded from the disappointment swiftly—hadn't the clutch been so small, hadn't the bronzes been scrawny, hadn't the attitudes of all the hatchlings been subpar?—with the help of his remaining yes-men (and ample wine!) and moved on, through clutch after clutch with more or less the same criticisms. His charisma made each time seem genuine, as if he wasn't just scuffing the new riders to shine himself back up, but it would be fair to say he made himself believe it too.

At long last, near the end of his tenure as a candidate, the day came. A gorgeous golden dragonet spilled onto the sands, and a beat later, a strapping bronze. Both were large for their age, and the bronze seemed intent on standing guard for his sister, snapping and hissing at anyone, candidate or dragonet, that drew too near to her. When Udezan, now U'zan, asked the bronze, Balizarth, about it later, the dragonet had simply stated that it was his duty to 'wrangle these untamed, disobedient masses' and 'teach them some respect'.

If Balizarth chose U'zan for his confidence and self-sure nature, or because the cocky hedonist was the biggest challenge to bronze could see to tackle, is still being debated.

From there it was all smooth sailing. He ascended to his destined place, astride his bronze, and has been living it up ever since. Working hard (enough to maintain the lifestyle he has come to enjoy) and playing hard, he's made ample friends and enemies, and at least one or two kids, actually. What, you didn't think a party-man like him'd make it through all those flight-nights without popping a bun in an oven or two, did you?

Other: N/A

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Name: Balizarth
Age: 28 turns
Color: Bronze
Size: 91'
Sexuality: ??
Hatching day: 3550.01.13AL
Voice Sample: () - N'zoth, Warbringers Azshara
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Like several other members of his clutch, Balizarth is at the maximum size for his color. He is a dark, almost grungy, tarnished sort of bronze...or would be, if he wasn't star-studded and nearly glittering. He is not bulky for his size, or slender for his size. He is perfectly proportioned, to the inch. No extra long or short headknobs. No wider or thinner wedge of the head. No awkward gait, nor gliding step. Aside from being exceptionally large, he has no standout physical characteristics, which, soldier that he is, is just how he likes it.

Personality: Balizarth isn't here for your s**t. Whatever it is, you need to get over it yourself and stop being a burden to their glorious Weyr. No, he is here to do exactly three things. He is here to protect and advance his rider's position. He is here to fight thread. And he is here to ensure that his sister is treated with all the respect and deference she deserves. The bronze has no interest in love, no interest in friendships, no interest in anything beyond the scope of his three duties. He will not begrudge those of weaker wills for being drawn to him, seeking him out, wanting to be near him, as long as they do not get in his way.

It is possible that he loves his sister, Eveleth, over his rider. Were he given conflicting orders from each, he would follow Eveleth's without question (unless, perhaps, she asked him to do harm to his U'zan). She was born to rule, and he was born to help ensure and protect that rule. He has stepped on ample toes in the process, but he'd have it no other way. Thankfully he has U'zan to make up for his social shortcomings, though he doesn't quite approve of the wild parties and affairs the man gets up to.

He is an ambitious dragon, and would gladly take the place of a wing or flightleader, though as long as he has a job to do at any level, he will throw himself into it. And would that the flighty, emotional, simple-minded lesser colors could be made to see why it is important that they do the same. The recent uptick in non-traditional thinking upsets him to no end.

Pros: Driven, loyal, resilient, capable.
Cons: Aggressive, cold, impatient, colorist.

Flight History:
Shelled 3550.01.13
Able to chase 3550.11.13
Record: 0/6 wins
-3552.06—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)
-3555.04—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)
-3557.13—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)
-3562.02—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)
-3566.05—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)
-3570.08—chased gold Eveleth (NPC)

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RP Logs
() - [PRP] Ruunan Towards Your Destiny [U'zan/Ruunan]
() - [PRP] Messages (Yulaniath x Balizarth)
() - [PRP] Choices and Decisions [U'zan/Phryana]

U'wen – NPC father, a bluerider at High Reaches. Deceased (First Fall).
Zanalla – NPC mother, a kitchen worker at High Reaches.
Ruunan – Sweet Symmetry – His son, a candidate at High Reaches.
**Possibly has several more unknown children.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:20 am
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Name: Raen
Age: 35 turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: ???
Craft: Healer (Mindhealer), Mercenary
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western Weyr
Nameday: 3543.10.22 AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Raen is 6'4", long of limb and broadly shouldered. She is muscled and quite fit, but not unshapely, and definitively feminine despite her stature. She looks like the workhorse that she is 90% of the time, done up in sturdy leathers and knee-high boots with her long chocolate hair swept back from her face in a wrap or scarf. She likes nice accessories, embroidered edges on otherwise tough gear... but she isn't the sort to go out of her way to splurge just on her day-clothes. Browns, creams, golds and greens take front and center in her closet, especially with deeper greens to match her eyes—a small cosmetic indulgence. Come Gather day, an entirely new Raen appears. Gilt-edged dresses and intricate hairdos, long planes of coyly revealed skin—she's a show-stopper of a sight, and though her demeanor is one of effortless carelessness, she's definitely aware of her looks, and proud of them.

Personality: Raen knows who she is and what she's doing. Not a lot unsettles her, and she lets very little get in her way or slow her down. Certain things need to be done for the good of the many and the survival of certain important or beloved folks, and she knows she's sturdy and balanced enough to handle them. She's had to do things she never thought she'd have to do, but she doesn't let it keep her awake at night—she doesn't feel any guilt for protecting what's her own, or the people important to her. She's a care-taker at her core, and sometimes that means shouldering burdens and doing morally gray things to keep others from having to do it.

She doesn't let her goals go easily once she has her teeth into them, which is a boon and a curse at times. It's the drive to get the work done, but with it comes a detrimental willingness to push herself (and an expectation for others to push themselves) to the very edge in the process. In addition she is slow to forgive—if someone's proven themselves a danger to her people before, she's quite content with ending the threat permanently, rather than risk letting it live to return. She is the mother bear protecting her cub, and she will kill or be killed if it means victory.

But many times the battles she finds she must fight are the battles of the mind. Not her own—she's firmly hinged and has no demons to exorcise—but of her friends, and especially of her comrades in arms. To them, she says, "Weep, if you need to, let it out;" she's here to listen, and you'll never have to worry about her judging you... at least, not out loud. Her plain confidence comes in handy, her ability to assess a situation and look at it without hesitation—"You did what you had to do, don't feel guilty. Anyone would have done the same, I would have done the same, it's okay. The people you hurt wanted to DO hurt to people you care about, defending them is normal, and nothing to be ashamed of." And she genuinely believes what she says, and uses that sense of certainty to help her patients believe in themselves too.

...If in the most blunt of terms. She isn't one to mince words, and can come off as abrupt, even callous if you don't know her. Sometimes she struggles to express fine nuances of feeling or concepts, her mind fails to grasp that sometimes you need more than "well of course you did that, that's normal". She isn't one to talk about her own feelings, in a personal or professional setting, and so can seem disingenuous at times—she'll never be one to say "I understand what you're feeling right now, it can be very difficult and scary". She understands that it is, of course, but to her the answer is just so incredibly obvious that it doesn't need to be said or embellished upon. If nothing else, she's genuine and she means well. She'll do anything she can to help the people around her, be it through counsel or through action. She just won't be the most eloquent or subtle about it.

Strengths: Tempered, confident, determined.
Weaknesses: Reserved, blunt, ruthless.

History: Born in minor Thetling Hold nestled on the shores of one of the islands trailing to the north of the Western continent, Raen was a healer before she was anything else. She was always keen to be of use, be helpful, but she lacked a lot of the under-footedness of most youngsters. A notable stoicism in the face of such chores and tasks as helping aid the wounded from sailing accidents, hunting accidents, and occasional combat, she was quickly singled out for Healer training. She took to the training like a dolphin to the seas, and shifted into mindhealing as she learned—heading to Healer Hall for some turns, despite her displeasure at leaving her home. In her mind it was a fair trade: once she was trained up, she could come back, perhaps, and help them even more. There she was schooled and coached, and found that she had a knack for calmly and plainly sorting out the chaos of frayed and frazzled minds, redefining it in plain and simple terms that often made troubles seem smaller, or at least easier to deal with. Her bedside manner was never the best, but her utter confidence and belief in herself and those she works to help has filled the gaps when needed.

Over turns, her small Hold found itself victim to a number of pirate raids. Upon hearing how the people she had trained to care for had suffered, both physically and mentally, and having reached her Journeyman status, Raen opted to depart the Hall for home one more. The aggressive situation there provided her with another opportunity to help, another avenue to take care of them and provide for and protect them. Her stature offered her the strength with a blade that practice had not yet had time to afford, but turns more of fending off foes of one kind or another made her as deft a hand at combat as she was at chasing back nightmares.

Of course, thread wasn't something she could fight back against, but when her Hold decided to dissolve and attempt to join Western Weyr—where they would be free of both pirates and the Enemy—she could at least go with them, and offer what services she had to give.

Other: She likes to press flowers. She doesn't mind being hit on (comes with the turf when you're tall and gorgeous) but she isn't gentle about letting people down—she might have a small reputation as being cold because "she's just not that into you, dude".


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RP Logs
() - [PRP] The First Blossoms [Raen/Veikel]

Ennalon – NPC father, weyrfolk at Western Weyr.
Raema – NPC mother. Deceased (fighting raiders at Thetling Hold).
Maelon – Younger sister, a candidate at Western Weyr.

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 12:22 pm
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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Ilauria
Age: 30 turns
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Watchrider - Fire Storm Wing)
Previous Rank/Craft: None (weyrbrat)
Nameday: 3547.05.07
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Slender but finely muscled, Ilauria's small stature belies the coiled strength she carries. All of 4'11", she nonetheless is a force to be reckoned with, and not just because she's a cute little thing—she's a dragonrider through and through, and she works hard to be a match for any other rider of any shape or size in all of Western. Her dark skin is flecked with even darker freckles across her nose and cheeks, over her shoulders and down her back; her hair is as black as wet ink and just as shiny, long enough to hang halfway down her back, but often tightly tied and twisted up to fit under a riding cap. Gray eyes—not quite silver—stand out big and bright against her complexion, giving her something of an innocent look that doesn't match her turns.

Personality: Ilauria is a hard-working team player if ever there was one. Absolutely devoted to her role in life as a dragonrider and defender of Pern, she seems to take to trial and tribulation like a duck to water, throwing herself entirely into the effort as if thread's return isn't the single more terrifying event to happen in her lifetime (or that of anyone she's ever known). She isn't one to skip out on duties or drills, and she's never let her small size or lack of visible grit stop her from taking on any challenge set before her. She works well with others, equally capable of taking the lead or being a follower, as long as she is able to help out the team—she gives equal energy in any role (that being all of her energy) and she is happy to participate in (and even enjoys) bouncing ideas back and forth with her wingmates, even if hers isn't the one that's picked at the end of the day.

For those in need, she always has a helping hand to lend. You need a ride to a far off Hold? She has time! You need advice on what dress to wear to the gather to make sure you catch your crush's eye? She has time! You need someone to cover your turn at watch? As long as the bosses don't mind, she has time! Ilauria is free with her time and her marks, though she works hard to spread either too thin, and has little trouble tactfully broaching the subject of assisting if she sees someone looking out of sorts or upset. If something she recommends doesn't work out, she is graceful about it, accepting criticism with the same serene and active approach to self-improvement, taking to heart what's been said, and really doing her utmost to keep it in mind going forward, and she almost never makes the same mistake twice.

But the truth of the matter is that, deep down inside, all of Ilauria's hard work and social-butterfly nature, every piece of advise and eager leap to join in on a task... it's all in the hopes of being praised. The woman craves approval like a newborn firelizard craves meat—it sustains her, and she struggles greatly without it (or when seeing others be praised without her). Even if only as part of a larger group—a wing, a flight, even the whole Weyr—she enjoys being lauded, and though she is very aware of her faults, she cannot help but feel the creep of the green-eyed monster any time she's part of a losing team, or gets left out, or goes overlooked.

She handles criticism well only on the surface, and her diligent awareness of her past mistakes comes more from a deeply sensitive place than one of willing growth. She is easily wounded, though she desperately, diligently hides such hurts away, and will avoid a second complaint or criticism at all costs. Ilauria is slow to share her inner thoughts, and what advice she gives, when examined closely, can be quite generic (if well-meant and genuine in that it is her best attempt to help with a problem). While she is bold in friendship (or at least warm-acquaintanceship) she is reclusive in matters of the greater heart, her fears of criticism and worry that the object of her interest might find someone else they like better than her one day, making her hesitant to act on such affections until she can be absolutely sure of where she stands (that being, hopefully, at the very top of the heap).

Finally, while the return of thread has given her a great chance to prove herself, to gain fame and praise and recognition, it has come at the cost of a great many things in life which Ilauria loves. People, places, things... so much was lost in First Fall, and entire ways of life had to be abandoned to return to more traditional roles, even in Western Weyr. A sense of deep melancholy lurks behind her smiling face, and leaves her all the more prone to either throwing herself into the fight or else hiding away for a good cry. Some days it's only her craving for esteem that keeps her in the battle with Ovshth against the enemy, the knowledge that she would be forever judged for her choice if she opted to leave the fighting life behind.

Pros: Devoted, generous, disciplined, synergistic.
Cons: Private, envious, melancholic, sensitive.

History: Ilauria was born in Western Weyr, and she grew up in the crevhe knowing she would become a candidate and try her hand at impressing a dragon. For turns she looked forward to that day, sharing her hopes with her agemates and friends, and watching closely how the older candidates carried themselves, what they said or did—especially if they were the ones to impress. When the time came, to her misfortune, she found herself picked on, teased a little, for her size. The smallest of her agemates, she often found herself relegated to the back, or left out. It left her with a bit of a complex, as well as a wavering worry for the first time that she would be left standing and dragonless.

Thankfully Ovshth didn't keep her waiting long. Once the brown appeared to claim her, no one could tease her over her size or worth to the dragons any more. Sure, he was a tiny brown... but she was a tiny rider, and they fit together like they were meant to be, which, of course, they were.

She threw herself into being a rider, though at the tie that didn't mean much. She'd take on any task the Weyr gave her, do searches, run missives, anything. She never wanted to leave any doubt as to her ability, or give anyone a chance to say she wasn't pulling her weight. Of course, that all came crashing down in 3572 when thread returned—the happy, fulfilling, beautiful world she'd always known was shattered, and she's been picking up the pieces ever since. That doesn't mean she's let on to her worries though, oh no. She took to fighting with panache, relying on her determination and Ovshth's tempered calm even in battle to see them through. They've taken it day-by-day since.


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This character is currently inactive.
Name: Ovshth
Age: 14 turns
Color: Brown
Size: 64'
Sexuality: ??
Hatchday: 3562.05.25 (Sheyoth x Junenth)
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Ovshth is a tiny brown. Minimum length and sleek, he's really just a blue that's been rolled in the mud. Despite his relaxed (and almost layabout) nature, he's quite lean, and doesn't carry much extra weight at all. His eyes are a perpetual shade of blue-purple most of the time he isn't fighting thread, and generally comes off very friendly at a glance, moreso than typical.

Personality: Ovshth is as laid-back as it gets. He's never in a hurry, never worked up, and always in a low-key good mood. It would take a monumental effort to aggravate him, and really he just thinks that most of the time it's not worth it to get angry over the small stuff (and honestly, isn't it all small stuff?) He isn't dumb, isn't careless however—he's just care-free, and smart enough to know that most things you can't fix any faster by getting worked up. Lots of things won't change either way, and it's too much work to get mad. Too uncomfortable too.

His relaxed nature does make it easy for him to be a slow starter, and a quick stopper as well. He never really feels pressured to do much at all, so he doesn't typically try very hard either. His flat-line personality can also come across as shallow at times—he doesn't express whatever excitement he feels, and when something really wonderful happens that should have him crowing his joy, he's... well, still pretty placid about it.

The only one he shows the full spread of his emotions too, the full depth of his hearts, is his Ilauria. And though he never really needs comforted himself, he’d move the seas and the stars to do it for her.

Pros: Relaxed, patient, easy-going.
Cons: Lazy, shallow, sarcastic.

Threadfall Stats:
HP: 32/32
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy: 9
Flame Length: 7
General Stamina: 9
General Agility: 4
Between Accuracy: 6
Pain Resilience: 5
Instinct: 4
Luck: 4

Flight History:
Shelled 3562.05.25
Able to chase 3563.01.25
Record: 0/2 recorded wins
-3574.09—chased green Cloveth (prism shine)
-3575.07—chased green Sobeth (demon_pachabel)

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RP Logs


Il'ris – NPC father – Greenrider at Western Weyr, deceased (First Fall).
Zarxaria – NPC mother – Greenrider at Western Weyr, deceased (threadfall/heartbreak).

Zarsteyr – sariraii – Her middle sibling, ??? at Western Weyr.
Xahteis – sariraii – Her youngest brother, apprentice at Weaver Hall, soon to be candidate at Western Weyr.

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 1:33 pm
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Name: Natiri
Age: 16 Turns
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: ???
Craft: Farmcraft
Rank: Weyrling
Location: Western Weyr
Nameday: 3561.04.10AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: Natiri is still a young man, barely more than a boy, and only beginning to lose the accompanying rounded edges and baby fat that comes with standing on the cusp of puberty. He has ink-dark hair cut to about ear-length, though it often feathers about and grows somewhat unruly by day's end. His skin is warm and blemish-free (thankfully he's so far been spared the ravages of acne), and wide, deep brown-gray eyes that seem perpetually watchful and alert stare out over a somewhat prominent nose. Of middling height, it's hard to say how tall he'll grow over the turns, though he doesn't stand out one way or the other in that regard at this time. In general his expression if open but focused, and his style of dress if practical and without much embellishment.

Personality: From birth Natiri was firmly told that work was important, that contributing all he could and taking no more than he needed was what made the world work, and made there be enough for everyone. In stoic and severe terms and tone he was disciplined by his frankly spartan parents, and in the way of a wide-eyed innocent child, he accepted all he was told as total truth and fact. He grew into a fine young man, utterly fixated on his chores and labors, who never asked for much of anything at all, and never made waves or trouble. He followed rules and orders to the letter, and learned quickly to solve problems and work out trouble that arose without having to bother his "betters" and disrupt their work—for surely it was much more important than his own. His efforts often won him the praise of his teachers and mentors, and his innately humble reaction to that praise won him further adulation still. He learned quickly and never disobeyed.

...However, such a focus on his studies and trying crafts and doing chores drove something of a wedge between him and his peers. His silent focus often comes across as being cold, and indeed he is not much interested in the petty dramas of his agemates. He is only interested in getting to know them insofar as it impacts his ability to work with them, and he frequently has nothing to contribute to social gatherings among them. He has few preferences as far as fashion or music or food, even, and cannot quite grasp why anyone would be bothered with such trivialities. Additionally, he cannot understand why his peers might ever NOT think it important to do their very best at everything they try. In his world-view, they all MUST do their best to survive, and to make the world safe and right, and he expects his same level of determination and dedication from his peers... who often do not share his intense focus.

Strengths: Focused, loyal, orderly, self-reliant.
Weaknesses: Aloof, demanding, bland.

History: Born and raised as the only child of a pair of highly dutiful holders, Natiri was the focus of their attention and their expectations. They were not VTOL-parents, no, they had important crafts and duties to tend to, but what of their attention he drew was intense, and demanding. Thankfully he flourished under a firm hand, and being of general self-sufficient nature, had no trouble or trauma from his rather formal childhood. He took to lessons like a sea-wherry to water, and did decently to very well at most crafts, through determination and effort if not natural skill. Even from a young age he made clear his intention to give his all for the Hold, and Pern in general.

He did not make too many friends thanks to his driven attitude, but did pick up some like-minded... and not-so-like-minded sorts to bond with. After all, he had decided, building a sense of teamwork would promote better efforts and collaboration from them all, right? One of that bunch was Lafyrra—a girl vastly different from him. To this day he would be hard-pressed to explain just how they became so close (and would likely even hesitate to call them friends), but regardless, the bond stuck. They had several adventures over the turns (again, mostly Lafyrra getting into trouble, and Natiri doing his best to extricate them) including one resulting in them each impressing a firelizard. Another unplanned for but not without use addition. And, perhaps, the little gold that hatched from the small plain egg Natiri had chosen, was rather... pretty. And useful once she had been trained, thankfully obedient to her boy.

Time passed. Thread returned. Searches were launched. When the dragons came to his Hold, and one fixed its whirling eyes on him, claiming he would make a fair candidate... well, his path was set. He hardly noticed when Lafyrra was also pointed out, his head already rushing with the thoughts of what he needed to do. His life had been aimed at serving his Hold, serving Pern... what greater cause and way to do that than as a rider? Even if in turns it came to naught, he could return, and resume his work at the Hold. It was a worthy cause, and though he did take the time to consult his parents, in truth the choice was already made.

It was really only as he climbed aboard and found himself sitting behind Lafyrra that he truly registered that she had also been searched... and he quietly promised himself to look after her, if only for the sake of their Hold's relationship with the Weyr.

The differing aspects of Weyr life did not phase him—he was far too busy diving into pulling his weight, and work was work anywhere—but the slow decline of relations between his home Hold and the Weyr took their toll. He was deeply loyal to both, and could not quite understand why his home had stopped doing their duty. His first reaction was to side firmly with the Weyr, as the greater authority and service to Pern... but as the letters from home slowed, and then stopped, even his stony heart began to crack.

Other: N/A

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Name: Iasgaireth
Age: 0 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 64'
Sexuality: Pansexual, panromantic
Hatching day: 3577.09.12
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: None—available.

Physical Description: While long, Iasgaireth is a slim blue with a narrow wingspan and short headknobs. He has unusually large eyes for a dragon and his tailfork is abnormally long compared to many.

Personality: Iasgaireth isn't afraid of death. Death will come and when it does, he plans to greet it the way he does every day, every dragon, every friend: with a smile.

Friendly is a very good way to describe Iasgaireth, who will take even the staunchest of stranger under his wing and treat them as a lifelong companion. He will offer them his shoulder, a word of encouragement, and all of the support they could possibly need. Yes, you will always have a friend in your corner, never fear. He will protect you from loneliness- and danger.

While he is not actively seeking his end - who does? - Iasgaireth makes no active moves to avoid it either. He will fling himself into every drill and threadfight without regard for his own safety, only that of others. On a list of priorities, he considers himself at the very bottom while his rider, perfect and wonderful, is at the very top, with everybody else in between. That may be considered an odd way, or contradictory, way to live but it is true.

Don't think that means he sees himself as worthless. He is highly important, as a dragon of Pern and as the lifemate of his perfect chosen, that just means the lowest the bar could be doesn't go all that low, thank you. Unfortunately, he doesn't consider how his way of putting himself last or into danger can and will hurt the feelings of his loved ones and if confronted about it may outright dismiss their concerns - out of love and certainty that it isn't all that bad.

While everybody is a friend to this blue on first meeting, don't think that makes him incapable of taking sides. He can and will call out bad behaviour, reminding the perpetrator that they are better than that, and even willing to get into physical confrontation over it. Believing in the good in everybody makes it, in his eyes, his responsibility to confront those who aren't being their best and put them back on the straight and narrow.

Iasgaireth isn't content to sit back on his laurels, not that he thinks he has any. He is a fan of working hard to be his best, as his own improvement only serves to lift everybody he loves up. He is an early riser, ready to chomp at the bit, and will happily volunteer others into his ventures with him.

Pros: Friendly, Fearless, Hardworking
Cons: Reckless, Dismissive, Confrontational

Additional Impression Notes:
Impression Effect: There is nothing bland about Natiri--at least not anymore. Impression will give this young man a new lease on life--and a new outlook as well. Instead of living to work, he will finally begin to see that life is also meant to be lived. Bonding with others will be far easier a task than it was before, and he will find it very easy indeed to converse and form new interests and opinions.

Written by demon_pachabel
Colored by demon_pachabel

Origin of Name: Iasgair, meaning fisherman, is the name of the title-referenced bird in Ewan Clarkson's novel 'Flight of the Osprey'.

Inspiration: The osprey or more specifically the western osprey — also called sea hawk, river hawk, and fish hawk — is a diurnal, fish-eating bird of prey with a cosmopolitan range. It is a large raptor, reaching more than 60 cm in length and 180 cm across the wings. It is brown on the upperparts and predominantly greyish on the head and underparts.

As its other common names suggest, the osprey's diet consists almost exclusively of fish. It possesses specialized physical characteristics and exhibits unique behavior to assist in hunting and catching prey.

Additional Notes: Faranth help Iasgaireth’s rider when he gets his first taste of fish - he’s going to have a strong preference towards it for life. In fact, Iasgaireth is a natural fisherman and once he gets into his prime even Deepfish won’t be safe from his hungry claws.

When it comes to flights and romance, all cards are on the table - he will chase at every opportunity that catches his fancy and will be just as inclined to settle in with a loser as he is to take the lady of the hour for himself.

In Threadfall Iasgaireth will always try to move to protect his rider with his body to keep them from harm - which will put a lot of strain on his riding straps, so they'll need to get into the habit of keeping them upkept.

Egg: Pink Flower Egg: A small egg that is overwhelmingly friendly.

Why Me? Iasgaireth and Natiri will forever and always be a pair of hard-working individuals. Natiri's devotion to working hard and toil immediately appealed to this blue, who is there to throw himself into whatever duties they are assigned. They will be shining examples in weyrlingood, and set a high bar of expectation for those who follow! Natiri might be considered a bit of a square, but Iasgaireth will be quite the handful--particularly when it comes to fighting Thread and acrobatics. While this blue likes to work hard, he is not going to follow the book when it comes to actual tactics--which means poor Natiri will be along for the wild ride! Thankfully, the man is quick-witted and clever enough to (hopefully) keep up with his blue when something goes awry or not-to-plan... Surely, he will need to work hard to keep Iasgaireth in line lest they wind up as Threadfodder! Where the young man keeps himself rather aloof, Iasgaireth is known meet others with a smile. (At least as far as dragon's can smile.) His friendly nature will ensure that they're never without friends for long, and with time, such an attitude might even rub off on Natiri! Like his rider once did with Lafyrra, this blue blue will require Natiri to help get him out of trouble... and to remind him of everything he's worth.

Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

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RP Logs
() - [PRP] Homemade Magic [Natiri/Lafyrra]
() - [PRP] The Countdown Begins [Natiri/Oreune]

??? – NPC father, holder at ??? Hold
??? – NPC mother, holder at ??? Hold

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