
✚ H e a l i n g ✚

Academy Student

Genshi [ Thread ]
Rank: E to S+ (Learned as E)
Official Description: Threads and veins, connects severed flesh back, vein to vein. In doing so, less flesh is reduced to scarring, which allows for a shortened amount of healing time needed. Does not provide actual healing, aside from connecting the major veins, meaning that some bleeding still occurs and more acute healing techniques are needed.
Guild Description: E-rank is good for little scratches and pokes, the B-rank version for a finger's length, and the S+rank version for a hand's length. Does not need concentrated focus to do, and so is good for emergencies.

Gien to Kairan [ Donation and Circulation ]
Rank: X (Learned as E)
Official Description: A technique to attach one person to another, via chakra and stamina transfers. Akin to direct blood donations, this jutsu gifts an immobile, unconscious patient energy, and then circulates it to prevent chakra stagnation. Useful most often when one's entire Tenketsu have been shunted for a lengthy time, or the spirit has been ripped forcefully from the body, to prevent the physical body from dying.
Guild Description: Each rank trained for provides half of its rank of chakra or stamina to the patient, with the other half used to circulate it in the body. The user is highly vulnerable during this time, with interruptions causing the target to be transferred from to possibly black out from pain. Can be used on self.

Kiyomaru [ Cleanse ]
Rank: E
Official Description: It is not always possible for a medical nin to practice basic hand washing and other procedures. This technique has the effect of instantly removing bacteria, dirt, blood, and other contaminants from the user’s hands, lower arms, and face. It also insures that any breath that comes from the user’s body will be free of any bacteria or infectious disease. This technique can also be used to clean the wounds of others in order to prevent infection from bacteria. In the event that the medical nin is using this technique to prevent infection of an injury that has been inflicted upon them, it is used in the same manner as if the shinobi were using it on somebody else.
Guild Description: See the official description. Holding one's hands out, simply concentrating on removing the foreign substances activates the jutsu.

Shiatsu [ Massage ]
Rank: E
Official Description: For a variety of reasons, muscles, tendons, and ligaments can become overworked and painful. This may be because some type of injury occurred or it may simply be the result of too much work without enough rest. By applying the proper amount of pressure at the right pressure points, and using small amounts of chakra, a medical nin is able to relieve pain and help a patient's body recover more quickly. A strain or sprain can seriously hinder the effectiveness of a shinobi and as such this technique really can make a difference.
Guild Description: See the official description. Allows regeneration of Chakra // Stamina effects to be increased by one category. (normal increases to resting, Resting increases to sleeping, etc)

Tekishutsu [ Extraction ]
Rank: E
Official Description: When a patient's body has a foreign object in it, such as the point of a shuriken, a senbon needle, or an arrow, it is important to remove the object without further harming the patient. Using this technique the medical nin places their hands on either side of the injured area and uses chakra to very carefully manipulate the surrounding tissues in order to remove the object without causing any further damage. Depending on the severity of the wound and nature of the object, it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to remove it.
Guild Description: See the official description. Stops secondary damage from occurring due to specific ammunition types that deal more damage upon removal.



Baikin Tekijo [ Bacteria Removal ]
Rank: D to S+ (Learned as D)
Official Description: This technique does not cure a bacterial infection; it simply extracts a portion of the infection and prevents immediate death. This technique allows a med-nin enough time to prepare a counter agent to the infection. This technique can also be used to slow down the effects of a bacterial infection used against the medical nin so as to give them time to escape or prepare an antidote for themselves. A patient will still die from a lethal infection even if this technique is used if the infection is not treated. The only exception to this is if the person this is being used on was just infected within the last minute or so. (one post) This technique is less effective against highly advanced bacterial infections.
Guild Description: At D-rank, light bacteria are extractable, B-rank medium, and S+rank heavy.

Byoukin Tekijo [ Virus Removal ]
Rank: D to S+ (Learned as D)
Official Description: This technique does not cure a virus; it simply extracts a portion of the virus and prevents immediate death. This technique allows a med-nin enough time to prepare a counter agent to the virus. This technique can also be used to slow down the effects of a virus used against the medical nin so as to give them time to escape or prepare an antidote for themselves. A patient will still die from a lethal virus even if this technique is used if the virus is not treated. The only exception to this is if the person this is being used on was just infected within the last minute or so. (one post) This technique is less effective against highly advanced viruses.
Guild Description: At D-rank, light viruses are extractable, B-rank medium, and S+rank heavy.

Gantai no Jutsu [ Bandage Skill ]
Rank: D
Official Description: Bandages can mean the difference between life and death but unfortunately bandages can run out. Med-nin have learned to make temporary bandages from their surroundings. Objects such as grass, sand, water and many others can be woven together over a wound to create a temporary bandage. The bandage lasts for about five minutes without a supply of chakra from the medical nin.
Guild Description: See the official description. Base duration for bandages is three [3] posts, but may maintain existence with an upkeep of five [5] chakra per post. This does take up activations for upkeep.

Hai Fukuraseruno [ Lung Inflation ]
Rank: X (Learned as D)
Official Description: When a patient's lungs collapse, it is often fatal even when a medical shinobi can reinflate them. This jutsu provides an instant prop up of lung tissue, to allow for other eiseijutsu to provide life saving care, such as oxygen circulation and Healing Hands operations.
Guild Description: At D-rank, props up lungs for a single post, with each additional rank gaining another post. Lung Inflation also keeps the patient from breathing properly, which requires additional care.

Jokyo Dokubutsu [ Poison Removal ]
Rank: D to S (Learned as D)
Official Description: This technique does not cure a poisoning; it simply extracts a portion of the poison and prevents immediate death. This technique allows a med-nin enough time to prepare an antidote for the poison. This technique can also be used to slow down the effects of a poison used against the medical nin so as to give them time to escape or prepare an antidote for themselves. A patient will still die from a lethal poison even if this technique is used if the poison is not treated. The only exception to this is if the person this is being used on was just poisoned within the last minute or so (one post). This technique is less effective against highly advanced poisons.
Guild Description: The D - ranked version allows for removals of light poisons. The B - ranked version allows for removals of medium types. The S - ranked version allows for removals of the most dangerous types.

Keksuki Gyouko [ Blood Coagulation ]
Rank: D
Official Description: The user forces their chakra into a wound to make the blood there coagulate and cause the wound to stop bleeding. This is primarily used as a preliminary treatment option since it does not close wounds. The bleeding from superficial wounds can easily be stopped but deep wounds can require several minutes to stop. Using this technique on deeper wounds will result in scar tissue forming if further treatment is not received.
Guild Description: See the official description.

Ketsuekijunkan [ Circulation of the Blood ]
Rank: D to S+ (Learned as D)
Official Description: Used when the heart is undergoing irregularities or stillness, this jutsu is good for moving blood forcefully through the heart, to the rest of the body. Alternatively, this can cause open wounds to bleed even more, due to the advanced circulation.
Guild Description: At D-rank, this jutsu can provide a slow, but steady flow. At B-rank, this jutsu acts like a normal but faux heart, with a rhythm. At S+rank, this jutsu overpowers the heart's remaining irregularities or stillness, but any open wounds will mean a quick death via bleed-out.

Sansokyoukyuu [ Oxygen Supply ]
Rank: D
Official Description: While it is possible for anyone to perform CPR without chakra, this technique is an improvement. By holding their hands over a patient’s chest, a shinobi is able to use chakra to very carefully massage the heart and lungs in to functioning. This technique is not effective if, for some reason, the air passage is blocked. It does not provide oxygen or blood, it only forces air in and out of the lungs and makes the heart continue to beat. A C - ranked character is able to perform this technique on two patients at once if the need should arise. This technique requires that patients be unconscious and still before it will work. It will not work to disrupt the breathing and heart rate of anyone who is awake.
Guild Description: See the official description.

Eiseijutsu: Shunshin no Jutsu [ Medical Release: Instant Movement Technique ]
Rank: D
Official Description: Nearly exactly like the Maruton version of Shunshin, when utilizing Shunshin, upon arrival, or before leaving (choose one), those withing arm's reach will find E - ranked damage healed from their body.
Guild Description: See official description. Usable thrice per battle, including the other versions of Shunshin.