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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:34 pm
Jynnat and Blue Begath - First wave/ Burning Aces Wing

We will fly the best today mine. Begath informed his rider, eyes whirling as the blue started to come up with the way they would be the best. The best fancy flying, and the best saves for their wingmates. Jynnat smiled at him as she tightened a strap. "It is a team and Weyr effort dear. Everyone will be the best, particularly to the holders."

The blue let out a gusty sigh, well of course it is. But our flying is going to be the most awesome mine! She patted his shoulder, "the best flying will be if we come out of this without any threadscore." Jynnat turned to listen to Z'tir as she finished the final preperations.

M'ton and Green Zygmuth - Second Wave/ Burning Aces Wing

"Don't be too long, we need to start getting ready." I know M'tonmine, but I need to do this. I won't be long. Since they were flying the second wave, they had a tiny bit more time. The rider smile as his lucky green set off with purpose. He was happy she'd found just the right dragon for her hearts.

Zygmuth headed over to skirt around the edges of the Harbingers Wing. There was a special tiny bronze she was looking for. Bossuth? Bossuth where are you? She crained her neck to peer this way and that.

M'ton listened to the pre-fall speech.

For Bossuth!

Ly'bur and Brown Hinburath - Burning Aces Wing

The pair was ready. Ly'bur and Hinburath were looking forward the the rumors they would have by the end of the day. It would be a long afternoon to get them, but worth it. For now they observed their wingmates and the rest of the weyr getting ready.

Solith has the same old same old speal, the brown commented drolly to his rider. Did you really expect different from the top wing's wingleader?

Banashe and Brown Severith - Burning Aces Wing

Banashe stood at attention. A hand lightly scratched the brown under the jaw hinge. We will fly well today. The teen steeled herself. It would be good to get back in the air and prove themselves. The one-eyed brown hummed aggressively. Severith wasn't going to let one eye stop him. We have trained hard and will do brilliantly mine.

Her lips twitched into a slightly feral grin. Oh they'd fly well. Maybe not as Z'tir hoped for Evelith's honor, but for their own. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:35 pm
S'ian and Bajeth
Burning Aces Wingsecond - Grounded

Bajeth sat up a bit straighter as Siloth's words rang in his head. He knew he wasn't flying today but still would help his wing as best he could from down here, giving words of encouragement to any who returned wounded or exhausted. It wasn't ideal but he wasn't going to be anywhere else on a day like today than where he currently sat.

Another voice entered his mind a few moments after Siloth's, causing Bajeth to turn his head this way and that as he sought out the smaller dragon. Hiraeth appeared a moment later on his good side which drew an aura of delight from the injured bronze, clearly delighted to see his new friend.

Ah, a bit sore but nothing as bad as last week. On the mend already, he said as cheerfully as he could manage given how badly he wanted to fly with his wing today. He knew they were all under the very watchful eye of their Wingleader and his other Seconds and that they all would be seen to, but that part of him that was programmed to fight was aching to take to the skies.

You look ready for action. Do take care up there, it's supposed to be worse than last time. Blues didn't fly the whole Fall, though, and Hiraeth was much quicker and more agile than Bajeth was, not to mention a smaller target. Hopefully he'd have more luck today than Bajeth had the last sevenday.

S'ian watched from his slightly distant spot as Z'tir called for inspection of the wing. Since he wasn't flying he didn't join ranks and it felt odd not to do so and he tried not to let that drag his spirits down further. He'd be here for his wing when they returned, he'd see to the greens and blues and whites that waited for their turn, he'd help those that came back. Bajeth had taken the full hit of Thread so S'ian was perfectly fine other than the linked pain from his dragon's wing, and that along with his irritation at being grounded was making his mood quite sour.

A light touch to his elbow made S'ian flinch ever so slightly, but the voice that followed made him turn in surprise, the little startle already forgotten. Ky'ess stood slightly beside and behind him, a worried look on his face. The question finally processed and S'ian blinked rapidly a few times to try to get his brain able to process speech again.

"Uh, yes. Yeah. Yup. I'm good. Completely. Just uh- seeing what I can do from the ground this time around." It would be his routine for each Fall for the next two months so he'd better be able to make himself useful. He lifted a hand to run it down his face, trying to snap himself out of the mood he was settling into. It wouldn't do to be distracted and down while trying to bolster the spirits of the riders in his wing.

"How about you? You going up first?" he asked, trying to shift the topic from himself. If he looked too closely at how he was feeling he wasn't sure how well he'd be able to hold himself together. At least in this moment his frustration with being grounded, the ambient pain from Bajeth, and his always lurking depression were swirling in the background, forced there by his desire to do what he could given the situation. He didn't want to let his wing nor his wingleader down. Seeing Ky'ess was much needed distraction, though, and he gave the younger rider a half smile that felt decently genuine. He was glad to see him.

Prism Shine


Offensive Hero

Samuel Carlin

Aged Elocutionist

10,965 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:47 pm
Niobet and Aedeth - Queen's Wing

You worry too much.

Niobet, who had checked over the equipment she'd been assigned with professional care, laughed aloud before she could stop herself, a sound that carried and might have been considered inappropriate by some, given the gravity of the occasion. Ah well. If they were going to complain, she'd take it. How, exactly, am I worrying too much? I think, all things considered, I'm worrying just the right amount. Which was to say that she hoped and believed that the wings of High Reaches would escape the evening's Threadfall more or less unscathed, but was prepared to do what was needed, if it was needed.

I mean, the great golden dragon beside her answered as she languidly stretched first one wing and then the other to full length before tucking each against her side again, that these riders are not completely unskilled. We have stood among them before, when things seemed dire, and come through. We will do it again. You should believe in that.

I do, love. I do, Niobet thought, hr laughter fading into a simple smile. But being overconfident is just as much a danger as being underprepared.

Overconfident. Aedeth huffed an offended breath. I am never overconfident, Mine. I am just the right amount of confident. Always.

Niobet's smile split wide again and her eyes danced. Yes, dear. Of course you are. "Oh!" She pushed herself out of a lean and started moving toward a candidate who had loaded their arms with too many bandages. "Here, let me help with that."

If anyone plans to bring out a 'doot and wants something to do.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:32 pm
C'lusi & blue Macuith - Trespasser's Wing - Second Wave

Macuith crooned with delight the larger form of Menankith trundled over. He hobbled a bit quicker to bridge the distance, immediately stretching up his neck so he might nuzzle his brown mate. His eyes whirled a happy purple, even as he sent nothing but love to the other. Don't trust that I'd keep my eye on Thread? Well, the real thread is me showing up with all these fashionable lights. I'm gong to glow like the star I am and dazzle the whole Weyr with my display. He liked the idea of the additional lighting... All the better to show off skills, and tempt those he wanted to tempt.

Not, of course, that he wouldn't be focused on fighting the Enemy. But right now, everything was fine, and good, and happy, and well. They were all together, and he was confident they would make it through. Nevermind his scars and lack of limb. Nothing but a flesh wound!

Like rider like dragon, C'lusi hastened to bridge the distance between himself and Nadry. He wrapped his good arm around her and pulled her in close. "Haven't seen him yet, but I have no doubt we will soon. Or perhaps we should hunt him down? Surely, it would be but a moment." With the Wings organized in loose position, they could head his way.

"But first, darling--" With his usual flair, he leaned in and captured her lips in an ardent kiss. He knew they could be called back to their Wings anytime, and didn't want to waste the opportunity. Sure, there had been stolen kisses on and off all day, but he would have to spend two hours worrying about R'shahar and Nadry... One never knew what Thread would do, or how quick it could take them all away. "A little kiss to tempt you to return home in one piece." He mused with a saucy grin. "And a promise of more, later." They would all no doubt be exhausted... but he couldn't help but be a little flirt.

But he would make sure there were treats in their weyr ready for their return. Dragons would need to be bathed, even at the late hour, sleep likely would come later still.
x Uta

x Mr Cheri

Zyamel & brown Venandith - Burning Aces - Both Waves
The woman gave a small laugh, eyes bright with amusement. "Well, I suppose if anyone needs a better view of all my charm, I'm only too happy to give an encore later. Venandith will be bright as the Red Star itself with all the glows he's sporting. He can pretend to be as shiny as a metallic for a change." That, of course, did cause the dragon to give a very audible snort, and he leaned down to nudge Zyamel from behind.

As if my magnificence needs an added shine. No, I was hatched perfectly, and a sheen would only detract from my rugged, bestial charm. He spoke to both of them freely, as if Marty needed convincing.

Zyamel laughed at her ridiculous mount, and sent him nothing but adoring love. Bestial charms, indeed. Of course he had his charms--only the blind would fail to see them.

"Of course you two are, no surprise there. Anakumath's always been a doll like that, checking on everyone before and after. Do you have to put in for a request for a little after-care? What about some from you?" She asked, arching a brow with a little saucy grin. "Assuming nothing goes horribly askew once everyone's been bathed, wounds tended to, I wouldn't mind a little post-Fall check-in. If not tonight, tomorrow?" Might as well give her options. And if Zyamel played her cards right and was really lucky, maybe she'd get both.

Was she afraid that things wouldn't go right? Not really. Overconfidence was her middle name. Injuries wouldn't frighten her, and she planned to focus on the more hopeful future. If Thread surprised them and took either party out of action, well... she'd deal with that when and if it happened. Surely, they'd all be fine. Just fine.



Shy Mage



PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:42 pm
T'rin of Blue Ingonth
(first wave)

    Considering how mouthy and disruptive they could be on a normal day, T'rin and Ingonth were strikingly silent as they commenced their pre-thread routine. Straps were checked, stiff muscles massaged, wingsails examined, lost family remembered. When their Wingleaders' words reached them, they fell in line without argument, the picture of attentive obedience. They had learned the hard way how close death loomed, and in this, they would never be less than perfect.

T'rin of Blue Ingonth
HP: 27
Status Effect: n/a
XP: (+2 base; +5 to distribute)
Target Accuracy: 2
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 2
General Agility: 2 + 2 = 4
Between Accuracy: 2 + 2 = 4
Pain Resilience: 2
Instinct: 2
Luck: 2 + 1 = 3

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:43 pm
M'llin of Blue Pravdath
(second wave)

    M'llin had thought himself best suited to a single fate for most of his life, but as it turned out, his path lay elsewhere. Despite the near-constant threats of sex and despair, he felt more at ease here at High Reaches than he ever had before. His days as a healer were done, but his attitude toward death hadn't changed.

    Necessary. Unavoidable.

    That doesn't mean you have to court it.

    I'm courting nothing. Simply stating the odds. We'll likely lose someone today.


    Tighten this strap. Here. Pravdath directed his rider toward his tail, holding still as M'llin did as he was told.

M'llin of Blue Pravdath
HP: 25
Status Effect: n/a
XP: (+2 base; +5 to distribute)
Target Accuracy: 2
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 2
General Agility: 2 + 1 = 3
Between Accuracy: 2
Pain Resilience: 2 + 2 = 4
Instinct: 2 + 2 = 4
Luck: 2




Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:12 pm
Y’qua & Green Heimdath - Harbingers (First Wave)
Y’qua of Green Heimdath
HP: 20/20
Status Effect:
Target Accuracy: 8
Flame Length: 6
General Stamina: 6
General Agility: 7
Between Accuracy: 8
Pain Resilience: 6
Instinct: 6
Luck: 6

Straps checked and double-checked, Y’qua pressed his cheek against Heimdath’s warm hide. He relished the quiet moments before they rose to meet threadfall, and today was like any other fight. It had been so long since that bad fall, and there had been so many uneventful fights that they had gone through. Certainly this would be like any other; he and Heimdath would be fine. A’kir and Librath would be fine. V’gar and Ngawanth…

Will be fine, too. Heimdath gently reaffirmed, though through their bond he could feel her uncertainty. But would they be less fine if they considered that possibility? Would reaffirming safety bring doom? Superstitions to give weight or prove unsound…

Y’qua only sighed, patting her shoulder and smiling up at her. “Things will be fine.” Smile fading for the neutral impasse, he stood straight and gave her a gentle nod. “I’m going to… wish them well.” Heimdath only crooned as he retreated, weaving his way between dragons to find one so dark and stunning -- and her rider equally so.

“V’gar, I --” He paused at his mate, before reaching to hug them. Wanting to bury in the crook of their neck and only managing to hold the feeling back marginally. “Good luck tonight.” It comes unbidden, the worry that if he didn’t at least say it something might befall the pair so dear to him strong. “Heim and I are first wave -- so we’ll be back before it’s too dark.”

Heimdath, for her part, struggled on where to go, what to do -- the stage before ‘fall was always full of energy, and the little green always struggled on what to do, where to go. Did she go check on Ngawanth? Librath? Reach out to wish Aurinkoth good luck? Instead, she settled herself to sit down, tail curling around her slightly as she waited for her mark.

No pressure on replying or not! Someone just wanted a hug
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:18 pm
Wingleader Z'tir of Bronze Siloth

HP: 46
Status Effect:

Target Accuracy: 9
Flame Length: 9
General Stamina: 13
General Agility: 8
Between Accuracy: 7
Pain Resilience: 10
Instinct: 8
Luck: 7


Some of Z'tir's Wing seemed to think that their farewells outweighed the importance of a pre-Fall inspection. Suffice it to say that their absence had been noted... and would be reflected in future evaluations. To say that he was unimpressed was an understatement, but some riders couldn't seem to avoid putting their fancies above their duty. Perhaps they didn't feel that orders were to be obeyed.

They'd learn.

For the remaining riders and their dragons, Z'tir walked down the line. Each rider was reviewed for any sign that they were not prepared for the Fall. "Get that wherhide patched, son," Z'tir barked, taking note of a small tear running along a young brownrider's jacket. "Tighten those straps." With a critical eye, he surveyed the riders before him, noting the state of each dragon's hide as well. So far none of his dragons showed any sign of patchy hide, but there were improvements to be made.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:40 pm
Amaretti of Blue Sucurith

HP: 29
Status Effect:

Target Accuracy: 3
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 2
General Agility: 4
Between Accuracy: 2
Pain Resilience: 2
Instinct: 3
Luck: 3

Oh, Venandith. As Sucurith fell into line with Amare, his thoughts reached out warmly to his dear brother. And you, Ven. I hope that you fly as well and as heroically as always. But perhaps not with quite such a crisp, hmm? he said gently, bright affection for one moment encircling the brown dragon. My dear Rizoth, please take care as you fly today - I would hate to see your beauty marred by threadscore. Though I have no doubt you will be ever handsome with a few more scars to show off. Nevertheless, it would please Sucurith greatly if his dearest dragons returned from the fight unharmed.

Speaking of dear dragons... Sli, please have a care, dear. Amare sends her love, and will expect a kiss... just as soon as this inspection is over. If there was time for it, anyway. Amare stood waiting to be either judged inadequate or deemed worthy... or merely overlooked. Her hair was tightly coiled and pinned atop her head, braided that not even a lock might escape the coif.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:53 pm
Vera of Gold Serenath

HP: ??
Status Effect:

Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

Leaving behind her beautiful daughters always came with an ache, but it was a feeling that Vera was used to. What she was not used to, though by now she should be, was having someone to wish her luck. Someone, indeed, who cared whether she made it back in one piece. A hint of a smile ghosted across her lips. "Safe Fall, W'dre. Don't get hurt." Come back to me, she didn't say, though the plea certainly showed in her grey eyes.

Fight well and truly, Dormith. For my honor, and that of Eveleth. Her dear and beloved mother. Serenath was prepared to do whatever it took to see her Weyr through this Fall. Her hearts rang with the call of duty, the knowledge that their ancient foe even now prepared to lay waste to High Reaches and its surrounds. Keogh Hold, Nabol Hold, Plateau Hold, and Sattle Hold would be protected! They and theirs would have nothing to fear.



Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:58 pm
I’lin & Bronze Pellereth - Burning Aces
I’lin of Bronze Pellereth
HP: 35/35
Status Effect:
Target Accuracy: 2
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 4
General Agility: 2
Between Accuracy: 2
Pain Resilience: 5
Instinct: 2
Luck: 2

Once more, they had been cleared to fight thread, and there’s a pang of irony and a touch of embarrassment that I’lin fussed over every riding strap. Though this past two sevendays hadn’t been their fault this time, for who could’ve predicted a fellow wingmate appearing mid-flame at them, it’s still a bit of a sucker punch of a disparity from how much time they’ve spent fighting -- and how much was recovering from injuries.

Pellereth, in turn, only minorly encouraged I’lin’s checking -- for he wanted, desired so badly for a fight with thread to go correct. Certainly they had had their off days, but the bronze’s pride had been hit hard at having been cleared from a massive hole in his wingsail… only to have Niyath crisp him up rather well. Nothing dangerous, but enough to be an irritant, certainly.

’We’ll try to steer clear of surprise fire, hm?’ Diligently checking the glow lanterns to make certain they were all affixed properly, I’lin’s attempt at sarcasm was met with a snort from his dragon.

I certainly hope so. More than a bit gruff, Pellereth’s head snapped up at their wingleaders’ voices as his rider turned at attention. The briefest surge of pride at the mention of his granddam, to be a grandson of Eveleth -- and he and I’lin step forward to line up for Z’tir and Siloth’s inspection.


Sam’kel & Blue Kinitarth - Burning Aces (First Wave)
Sam’kel of Blue Kinitarth
HP: 23/23
Status Effect:
Target Accuracy: 20
Flame Length: 6
General Stamina: 8
General Agility: 12
Between Accuracy: 9
Pain Resilience: 6
Instinct: 7
Luck: 6

There’s a sense of pride to listen to Z’tir, to have been moved with his wingleader from Harbinger to Burning Aces; and even the relief that his turn-long injury hadn’t permanently put him on the ground. To fly under that same continued leadership is something he’s well proud of, even if he and Kinitarth were both missing parts then before. Another fall, but one they head into with every bit of grace that they had survived another week.

If there was any time after inspection, there were dear loves to wish well and potentially steal a moment of affection. But they had said their peace in the morning, should there simply be no time; after all, there would be post-Fall. There had to be post-Falls, for they had to focus on the present solely -- and for the present moment, that was for Z’tir’ and Siloth’s inspection.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:24 pm
Li'ra of Green Voloth

HP: 18
Status Effect:

Target Accuracy: 3
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 2
General Agility: 3
Between Accuracy: 4
Pain Resilience: 2
Instinct: 3
Luck: 2

Dainty Voloth tried to look as serious and duty-bound as ever her Wingleader might wish, but the truth of the matter was that she was frightened. Not of facing Thread, exactly, but of losing any of her beloved siblings. Her hearts ached to know that they could not all make it through each Fall together. Houleth's thoughts found hers, and she sent back a bright spark of love, feeling comforted by his presence - even if it wasn't physical. Very soon! Our Wingleader is doing an inspection. It won't be long! We just need to be checked - oh, there he goes.

As she spoke, Z'tir walked past, and both Li'ra and Voloth were relieved that they only got a slight glower. Evidently the tightening Li'ra had done this morning to Voloth's riding straps had held. Li'ra stood at attention, waiting for his Wingleader to completely pass him by, and then parade rest when he had done so. He knew from experience that they would be released shortly. For who indeed would deny those final goodbyes - and they might indeed be quite final.




Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate

Prism Shine

Fanatical Egg

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:39 pm
Ky’ess & Hiraeth - Trespassers (2nd Wave)
Ky’ess of Blue Hiraeth
HP: 25/25
Status Effect:
Target Accuracy: 2
Flame Length: 4
General Stamina: 2
General Agility: 2
Between Accuracy: 4
Pain Resilience: 2
Instinct: 2
Luck: 3

That’s certainly a relief. You look in better spirits. No doubt you’ll be up and flying soon enough! A wish of the small blue’s, certainly. For he had fretted quietly; wing injuries could be so serious, so quickly. But if Bajeth’s prognosis was bad, no doubt the bronze wouldn’t look quite so happy. Maybe. He was happy to follow the leadership of Trespasser wing; but no doubt if Bajeth made him feel so comfortable and safe, then Burning Aces had quite a boon -- and would have him back in fighting-shape soon enough.

Wings tucking primly over his barrel straps, Hiraeth hummed softly. We’re on the second wave, so I only need the glow lantern.. things once we’re getting closer to going up. An interesting thought, but he is minorly looking forward to what a flight full of lantern-lit dragons looked like. Truthfully, I’m.. nervous. He admits the words like a secret, and his claws flex against the stone briefly. But I’m going to do my best to keep us safe.

The startle shocks Ky’ess a moment, wondering if he really should have considered staying with his wingmates or finding someone else to bother. Though the surprise writ on S’ian’s face was, for lack of a better word, a surprise. There’s another, stronger nettle of regret -- before it’s pushed away gently by Hiraeth’s soft love. They were allowed friends, certainly..

But, oh does he want to ask. S’ian seemed practically on the opposite end of a dragonlength from good, and apart from the worrying crease in his eyebrows, Ky’ess only nodded weakly. He wanted to fuss; but the more he thought about it, well. If Hiraeth were injured and they had responsibilities, he’s not quite sure how good he’d handle it. His hand dropped as S’ian composed himself, glancing politely away to a seam of his jacket but briefly.

“Second wave. We’ll be going up with the glows.” It’s a weak attempt at humor, watered down by his worry over his friend -- and worry over the fall. But if he didn’t overthink it and let instinct and training guide him… He should be fine. Right? Right. Ky’ess could only return S’ian’s smile with one of his own. “I don’t want to take up much of your time.” He glanced over his shoulder to Z’tir’s voice, mildly worried that he was keeping the man from inspection; but was inspection needed of a temporarily grounded rider? No doubt things would get hectic once first wave went up, and Ky’ess would be on edge until their call to join would happen. “I just,” Why had he come over? Hiraeth’s insistence had been a factor, but. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Honesty was best policy, after all. At least as much as he had figured out himself.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:13 am
J’er of blue Cyliodath
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy: 7
Flame Length: 6
General Stamina: 6
General Agility: 8
Between Accuracy: 6
Pain Resilience: 6
Instinct: 7
Luck: 7

J’er of blue Cyliodath [First Wave]

There were only so many times J’er could check his supplies and gear. His blue firelizard Sharp Tooth clung to his shoulder, the flit was perceptive - feeling the anxiety humming through the weyr. He hushed them again and again, stroking their soft wings until they were mollified to shutter themselves safely back in his weyr.

Oh! There he was. The most important face J’er would see all day. This edging around affection could wait until after they were done risking life and limb for the safety of Pern. He collected Wa’ren loosely in his arms. Hands resting on their hips. “First,” J’er gently pressed a finger to Wa’ren’s nose. “Don’t get too distracted by me, now.”

He leaned in, standing up nearly on tiptoes to catch Wa’ren’s gaze. J’er’s hand framed Wa’ren’s face, icy eyes searching warm brown. He caressed their cheek, pressing a gentle kiss the patched side of Wa'ren's face. Then another lingering, full of feeling on lips.

They would be fine. If J’er said it enough times, it would simply be true. He could feel Cyliodath’s internal eyeroll, of course he couldn’t just take his blue’s word for it. Instead he had to play silly mind games, and rituals. They were smart - brave - and If Thread wanted to take them it would first have to try.

Cyliodath mantled his wings, a thorough inspection of his healed scars. His spotted hide uneven and ugly by the blue’s overly critical standards. Hideous. Ugly. Yet still Caironairth’s darling. He daintly rubbed his head against Caironairth’s, nudging under their chin relishing in the feeling of warmth and safety. The most beautiful calm before storm.

I daresay, I was born ready darling.

Sh’vel of green Misuth
Status Effect: N/A
Target Accuracy: 3
Flame Length: 2
General Stamina: 3
General Agility: 2
Between Accuracy: 3
Pain Resilience: 2
Instinct: 2
Luck: 4

Sh’vel of green Misuth [Second Wave]

Misuth was particularly a restless dragon. She didn’t have some of the courage, or the confidence of her siblings and cousins. She did not feel eagerness pounding in her hearts that came with spitting flame. She knew duty. She knew necessity. She knew she wished there were some less frightening way. Misuth fanned her little wings at her siblings who passed by her. A wish of luck here, a gentle nod there. Her anxious tie of thoughts curled tight around the ever unflappable Sh’vel. Her strong, little anchor. He would guide her through this. They would keep their wingmates safe.

The two hadn’t someone to dip and kiss with flourish. No parting tears, or well wishers. Instead Sh’vel spent his night sending a letter to his sisters, unashamedly kissing his childish scrawl in case he couldn’t kiss them on the cheeks again. If anything happened to him, one of his fellow bakers would take care of his feline Muffin - one less thing for him to worry about in the air.

Sh’vel checked, and checked again. Ever bag - every length of each riding strap while Misuth stayed uncharacteristically still. His hand trailed down her scored scar along her neck from their weyrlinghood. They have only trained more since then. Little darling we are always fabulously lucky. He pressed his forehead to her splotched and spotted one - hands caressing her eyeridges. It’s better to be lucky, than to be good. So I think we got this in spades babe.

Prism Shine
kiss u sad sacks



Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:15 am
S'ian and Bajeth
Burning Aces Wingsecond - Grounded

Oh yes, the healers said two months before I could fly but I should be well on my way to feeling much better before that. Bajeth knew he'd need to keep his strength up and train on the ground once it didn't hurt quite so much to simply move even through the numbweed, that way once he was cleared to take to the skies he wouldn't have to do much to ensure he could handle the hard turns and maneuvers that were required while fighting.

An amused chuckle filled Hiraeth's mind as the bronze gave a little honk of laughter - lantern things - and he lowered his head to lightly bump the blue's after his confession. It was in a dragon's nature to fight but of course worry went right along side that. There were some dragons who lived for nights like tonight...and then there were dragons like Hiraeth who could see the added danger and fretted.

Trust your rider, he said encouragingly to the younger blue. Flying in the dark was much different from flying during the day and, while they had certainly experienced both already, having that disadvantage was always an added element no matter how experienced one was. It's all right to be cautious on nights like tonight. And nervous, for that matter. Fear keeps us alert and on our toes. If you use it rather than letting it take over it can be a very helpful tool. He gave Hiraeth another little nudge, this one accompanied with a gentle surge of reassurance and confidence that he'd do well.

S'ian could tell Bajeth was giving Hiraeth a pep talk just from the different sensations rolling through him. Even if he didn't hear what was being said his bronze had bolstered the spirits of enough young dragons before, both before a fight and at other times, that he knew the sensation. It was a nice reminder that even grounded they could be helpful and that did lift his spirits minutely. At the moment he was more perplexed about Ky'ess' concern than anything and it was providing a decent distraction from his frustration at being unable to join his wing. Shouldn't he be worried about himself right now?

"That's always a treat," he said, the sarcasm in his voice clear. The swinging lights were distracting to say the least but it did help wings stay in formation and not flame one another in the dark. Still, he always preferred a day Fall and he was pretty sure just about everyone else did as well. He cocked his head to the side, trying to figure out what he should do with Ky'ess' worry. At the end of the day he'd be perfectly fine down here, far from Thread's reach and Bajeth continuing to heal through it all. Perhaps, a little voice said in his head, he doesn't mean your physical well being.

"I'm fine," he said again, though this time without the forced grin. His voice showed his stress but held a note of sincerity to it, one that would hopefully reassure the younger rider that he was. This would pass, after all. He'd be back up there eventually. "I just wish I could be up there with my wing tonight. Stupid mistakes have lasting effects."

S'ian reached out to clap his hand on Ky'ess' shoulder, hopeful that a physical confirmation along with the verbal might ease his mind. "Don't you worry about me down here tonight, all right? You focus on you and Hiraeth. Come back in one piece and we can...I dunno. Grab some klah or dinner again and you can listen to me complain about being grounded."

Prism Shine

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