I used Genie and Peter Pan in KH2...Chicken Little was good too...
Meh, Chicken Little was only good for leveling up the forms fast, for his FPS used to Drive bars and Summons would gain experience by wasting the drive bar: 1 Drive Bar = 1 exp.
Genie... I didn't even bother with that.
KH1: Tinkerbell, only for Kurt Zisa, and that's all. Her healing was nice, but I only used her for that, in the whole game; just because Kurt Zisa is a cheater xP
KH: CoM: Cloud and Mickey; Cloud would kill the Fat Bandits with his strikes, and Mickey was a good healer. The other summons wasted a lot of CP, and I prefered to stack my deck with high rank and powerful attack cards, and healing stuff. (Items, Cure)
KH II: My favorite is Stitch, because I love that little, tiny, lovely and violent blue creature. And he was really useful in the Cups to get the required orbs, especially in the Hades Paradox Cup, where you had to get the required ones in Rounds 11-20, for the next ones had tricky conditions.