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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:21 pm
((hmmm is that a new look chibi?))

It was late afternoon, and Velorius was still wandering the Temple Quarter near the northern outskirts of the city. Sitting down on a bench near one of the more gaudily decorated temples, Velorius took out an ornate pocket watch on teh end of a long silver chain, popping it open he glanced at teh time.
This is taking far too long, why had they gone to such lenghts to hide it

Concentrating Velorius extended his senses subtly probing the surrounding area. Then he found it, the tell tale signature he had been searching for. Only a handfull of people could have found it, and then only if they knew exactly what they were looking for.

Standing Velorius followed the feeling into one of the less traveled districts, teh temples and shrines here dedicated to minor dieties usually only acknowledged on specific holidays. Walking along he felt a tug and turned to see a small alleyway. He followed it untill he felt another tug, this time when he turned he was facing a blank wall.

Velorius signalled his shadows who both went to either end of the alley to make sure he was uninterupted. Studing the wall for several minutes, Velorius brought his hands together and began chanting, with each syllable a glowing green rune appeared in mid-air and circled Velorius. When he was finished speaking, he extended his arms towards teh wall and teh runs flowed towards it. Each time a rune struck the wall it created ripples that flowed across the surface, like pebbles in a pond.

A few silent moments passed before a section of wall receeded inwards revealing a passage that descended into the darkness. Velorius signaled his Shadows who followed him down the steps, after they had descended the wall sealed itself leaving no sign of any entrance.

At the bottom was a pitch black chamber, Velorius waved his hand and slowly globes set in the wall began to light up emmiting a pale blue glow. The room was huge with eight walls, the floor was decorated with sets of octograms within octgrams.

In the center stood a 12 foot tall statue of a man and woman joined at the hip. The man was carved from onyx, had a cruel expresion and held a golden blade,while the female half was carved from white marble and a joyish expresion, in her cupped hands she held golden seeds.

The great diety Thanateros, god of magic, chaos and the eternal cycle of life and death. And teh theological embodement of the forces Velorius served. Looking around the temple, Velorius saw that it was ancient at least two or three thousand years old, but judging from the dust and general disrepair of the place it was hundreds of years since anyone else was down here.

Being a god of chaos, Thanateros wasn't always welcome on most worlds. A pity, the servents of Thanateros would have made useful allies. Still with all teh enchantments and shields placed upon this temple, Velorius had a base of operations safe from detection.

Turning to one of his shadows he listed several particular items he would need and sent him on his way. The city was too well defended for Velorius to risk making a serious move yet. He'd start in the northern provinces, but before that he had a week to wait and he disliked being idle.

((a bit dull I know but I'm building up to something))  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:11 pm
Azira had been deep in meditation when she felt something, tickling at the periphery of her senses, a fleeting hint, compelling her to rise and take her cloak from the hook on the wall, and her staff from its place by the door.

It could be nothing, in fact it most likely was, being in such an area with magic and works of faith running rampant, it could have been anything from the neighboring temple chanting a prayer, to mages in the next sector practicing their spells. However, Azira didn't get as far as she had by ignoring her faith.

"Sister Azira!" one of the priests called, hurrying after her, but her longer legs easily carried her out into the chill and into the streets well ahead of him, and it didn't take much before he gave up and went back. Clerics were often of the eccentric variety, after all, following callings here and there.

She was still half in her trance, led by something that could be attributed to either the divine, sheer instinct, or dumb luck, depending on how faithful you were, when she walked unceremoniously into a brick wall at the end of a shadowy alleyway.

"Owch!" She fell backwards into a snowdrift, staff clattering to the cobblestones in front of her. "For God's sake..." she muttered, rubbing her sore nose. "A little warning would be wonderful, thank you."

She looked around, the alley was nothing spectacular, in fact, it was just the same as any other alley in the city. Even better, she had no idea how to find her way back to the temple, and it was getting dark. "Ai ya..." Her staff was shortly retrieved, and she muttered a spell under her breath, and the spiralling top of the staff lit up like a beacon, casting a circle of light on the ground that she could easily stand in.  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:26 am
Velorius watched on from the shadows as teh mysterious girl walked into the wall. He had been heading back to the temple after checking up on Olaf when he noticed a young woman heading into the alley ahead of him. At first he kept his distance assuming that she was heading to some temple in the area, but he was compleatly shocked when she walked right into the wall near the hidden passage.

Theres no way she could have seen through the spells of the temple thought Velorius Unless she were an Illuminate of Thanateros, but no she was dressed in the robes of Perun. Then how?

Suddenly realisation dawned on him and he looked skywards, Divine Intervention he turned and spat on teh ground. Velorius had hoped the gods would stay out of his business. In general he didn't care much for the gods, people wasted there time praying to deaf uncaring ears. However there were a few gods who did take an interest in the affairs of man.

There was little to worry about, teh gods had rules, they couldn't interfere directly they relied on pawns, mortal pawns. There was no way she could open the seal on teh door, however if she investigated too closely she may say the wrong things to the wrong people and this place was only useful as long as it was secret.

He had to get rid of her, or at least scare her off before she found anything incriminating. One of his pets might do and in the process he would draw a lot of attention to the district alowing him to work easier elsewhere.

Reaching into his robes he withdrew a crystal orb, which had a small four armed carving within. Cutting his palm he allowed his blood to drip onto the orb then syphoned a little of his power into it. Quickly he tossed the orb towards teh end of teh alley.

When it hit the ground it smashed and white smoke came billowing out, as the smoke faded a seven foot tall monster could be seen. It looked almost human except that it had four arms and a goats head. The creature stood still for a moment then turned into the near by square and began attacking teh people, soon the screams of the dying could be heard and people ran in a panic.

Velorius waited in the shadows, soon the sister of Perun would investigate and once the coast was clear he could safely enter the chaos temple. If he was really lucky that busy-body would get herself killed.

((I don't mind what happens to the creature kill it if you'd like))  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:15 pm
Nexol reformed onto the top of a building inside of the Temple Quarter, his gaze instantly locking onto the large monster attacking the people of his city, "oh, ******** he didnt just do that." Nexol growled and his sword appeared in his left hand as he jumped from the building to street-level, creating a small crater and shattering the windows of a near-by temple upon impact.

"Hey, Tiny Tim. I will let you know that you are pissing Nexol off. that isnt a good thing," he said annoyedly towards the creature, "its time to die..." The creature turned its goat-like head towards Nexol and let out a mix between a roar and a laugh before facing him and charging at him maniacally. Nexol jumped into the air, and twisted with cat-like grace over the creature, "Im over here, idiot." Nexol landed lightly. His eyes began to glow a dull crimson as he began to mutter the incantation for one of his spells under his breath, finally ending it with a loud proclamation, "SHADOW FLARE!"

Nexol raised his right arm, the palm facing the back of the demon, and a black flame aura began to radiate from him. His eyes sparked once and then he smirked as the skies turn black and a torrent of black flames shoots form the skies and hits the creature. The next thing that happened was totally unexpected.

(at this point, i ask you to humour me)
The powerful spell did indeed his the goat-like demon. But instead of incinerating it, it was absorbed into the creature. 'Tiny Tim', as Nexol called him, turned around slowly and growled. It then pointed all of its fingers towards Nexol and blasted him against the wall of another temple; the impact caused the wall to crumble on the man, crushing him completely. But, as the creature was focused on its obvious victory over the arch-Mage, another warrior seemingly fell from the heavens, his sword slicing the demon in two before he landed on the ground saying, "Who brings this to *MY* empire?"

The warrior stands up to his full height. He was wiry and had white hair and grey eyes. His ears were longer than those of a normal elf, and he had a cat-like aura around him. He was Raegib, the Emperor....  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:18 pm
As Veloriu headed towards the secret entrance he suddenly felt a surge of energy. Looking back he was surprised to see the fabled Nexol himself standing against teh beast. Then Nexol launched his attack.
Tsk Tsk I would have thought the great hero Nexol to have more sense then to use shadow magic on a demon
Sure enough the demon absorbed then countered the attack, Velorius winced when he saw the man slammed into the wall Oh that must have hurt
Velorius leaned against a wall and a smile crossed his face as he watched the show unfold. Suddenly another person entered the fight and with remarkable ease dispatched the demon. Velorius stood bolt upright, was this figure Leonardo the first? No thought Velorius it was his descendant the current emperor.

Deciding the show was over Velorius made his way into the temple before they regained controlof teh panicing mob and looked for the source of the trouble.

Yes mussed Velorius it was definetly a wise choice not to oppose the rulers of this city directly, although based on that performance Nexols reputation may be all hype. Still I'm a little surprised, at how quickly they reacted, I'll have to bear that in mind for the future.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:30 pm
((Oh, well s**t. biggrin ))

Azira had scrambled out of the alleyway as fast as she could, and seeing that Nexol was fighting the thing, she'd concentrated on doing whatever healing she could, and trying to calm the crowd.

The sound of a body impacting a wall and the wall subsequently falling down stole her attention away from closing the wound of an attacked passerby, nearly making her lose control of the healing spell. She'd risen, murmuring a prayer under her breath, preparing to call a bolt of lightning down from the heavens, when something--or someone--else came down instead, neatly dispatching the creature.

"Gods preserve us," she muttered, rushing over to the fallen wall, trying to pull the stones away. The odd events that had led up to the creature attacking had been driven out of her mind, exactly as Velorius wanted. There was too much at hand to worry about vague hints from the gods. The crowd was still panicking, they'd likely never seen, much less experienced, anything like a demon being called down on them, but a few were helping to clear the rubble as quickly as possible.  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:30 pm
At the pile of rubble that covered Nexol, there was a burst of light, and the massive stones shifted as Nexol used his super human strength to push up through the stones. He moved them as if they were nothing, and he was apparently unharmed saved for his soiled clothes and the dust on his face, "Damn...he a class 5... What was a class 5 doing in Arrius...?" He turned and looked at Azira, "You. Cleric. Explain what hapened!"

While Nexol tried to figure out what was wrong, Raegib stepped over the body of the demon and made his way towards the alley and to the blank wall that led to the temple "You know, my Father sealed this for a reason," He said to the man who was leaning against the wall, "And, you have no business unsealing the tomb of a dangerous god." It seemed that Raegib had no knowledge of who the man was or what he had just done, "So, please, state your business and why you are contracting all of the gunsmiths in my city."  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:31 pm
Well, he obviously didn't need help. Azira grumped and shook her head. "You know more than this humble cleric, my lord. The beast appeared out of nowhere, I am not sure what could have prompted it." Whether or not she sounds humble is up in the air, but formal speech is formal speech, and it would take a fool not to recognize who was standing in front of her. "A traveler from the south doesn't often see such demons, and a cleric does not know the dark art of those who would summon it. Do you require healing?"

He didn't look like it, but it never hurt to ask, even if she felt like she'd just been trampled by a draft horse. Casting healing magic took far too much out of her, it seemed.  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:26 am
Velorius's face visibly pailed at Raegibs comments.
It would appear that I have underestimated the resourcefulness of their inteligence network thought Velorius as he considered his next move.
The Emperor doesn't know my mission yet or I'd already be dead, He knows about Olaf, but thats to be expected, however I didn't count on the royal family knowing about the Chaos Temple. To lie or not, how smart is he?

Velorius took a deep bow towards the Emperor.
"You honor me, oh mighty Lord. I never thought I would meet with the great Leonardo Raejib Theos Motosuwa, Emperor of all of Arrius. I am Velorius Zagore, a simple noble from a kingdom in Southern Xian. Of late we have been plagued by bandits and trolls and my Lord sent me here to your fabled city to aquire weapons so his people could defend themselves."

I'm begining to think that I over did it with that pet, I wanted a distraction so I could get around unseen, know I have to deal with the royal brat and I'm not ready for that yet.

With a slightly confused look Velorius coninued.
"However my lord I know nothing of any seals or tombs, I was mearly taking in the sights of your fabulous city, when that foul beast set upon the people out of no where. I was certain my life was over when down came lord Nexol, I assume that hero was lord Nexol, and of course yourself. This city is indeed fortunate to have such brave heros to defend it's people."

Through out the conversation Velorius maintained a pleasent and adoring expression, when needed Velorius was a very convincing liar. But all this sucking up left the taste of bile at the back of his throat, it would be worth it though if his story was believed.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:26 am
Nexol turned his head to the cleric and then smiled lightly, "No. But, as I was fighting, i saw your bravery. You took to helping the people without a second thought. I admire that." He smiled and took her hand before kissing it lightly, "thank you for your part in defending my home."
Raegib nodded lightly at Velorious's words then was Silent for a moment before saying, "You must take me for a fool. Is it becasue i took the throne at 19 that you must fill my ears with lies? Trolls are mountainous creatures. There is one mountain range on this continent. Secondly, just where do you hail from?" His grey eyes flashed wth something...  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:42 am
OK so he's got more brains than I gave him credit for, and I appear to have upset him.

Veloriuis bowed deeply again.
"P.. Please my Lord, I am speaking the truth. You are of course right about Trolls being mounainous creatures, which is percisely why my people are so unaccustomed to dealing with the beasts. We do not know why they migrated into our peaceful country. As for my Motherland that is the lands of Liyre ruled by my lord, Baron Lugner."

If he doesn't buy this, I'm going to have to do something drastic. Velorius hoped to avoid that, if this failed and the emperor decided to take action, then Velorius would be forced to abandon his plans up to this point and he hated wasting all that effort. Still there were other plans in the works, as the saying goes 'don't keep all your eggs in one basket'  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:47 am
Azira sputtered and blushed. "A...ah, thank you."

Country girl. Not used to such manners. "It's my duty, lord."  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:57 pm
Nexol couldnt help his widened smile, "No. It was not your duty but yiour choice to fulfil the code the you are most likely bound to. He turned his head and watches Leon walk casually around the corner and into the nearby alleyway, "Hm...Leon shall save the Emproro's a** yet again..." Nexol laughed at that then turned back to face the girl, "What is your name, and what order do you belong to?"
Raegib growled at the man. He was obviously lieing, but Raegib had no way to prove it. True, his word was law, but Raegib was a man of principals who refused to stray from the middle of the road. "Heh. I find your story most...amusing," He opened his mouth to speak, but a warm hand was placed on his shoulder, "Raegib. Let me." Raegib turned to face Leon and sighs before saying in a low voice, "Watch him, my Lord."

Leon was left to face Velorius. "Hello, young noble of the Southern area of Xian. Your trip here must have been exhausting...most cannot even last an hour in the southern deserts. I am Leonardo Virgil Motosuwa, the General of the Arrian armies. It is my pleasure to meet you Lord..." He waited for the man to give him his name.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:15 pm
She bowed. "My name is Azira, and I am a follower of PerĂșn from the Southlands."

"If I may...what was that creature?"  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 2:16 pm
She bowed. "My name is Azira, and I am a follower of PerĂșn from the Southlands."

"If I may...what was that creature?"

Nexol's faced showed with genuine fear, "It looked like my ex wife.."  

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