Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:51 pm
What's more than love can be different for everyone. It just depends on what love means to you. People look different at love, so the interpretation of 'more than love' also is different.
Hope you got my point xP
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:52 pm
The Ancient Greeks thought that there was five kinds of love... Ok, let's not talk about ancient Greeks.
To me, love comes in many forms. Comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges -both fruits, but different- and ask which one is better. The answer will of course be subjective. Some will say let's-die-together love is the best while some will say I'll-live-for-you is better. There is no answer. Well, we can always say that by staying alive, one can contribute in variation of the genetic pool and stuff, but it's not the same in the sentimental dimension.
We need more words to define love.
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:18 pm
umm....yeah (i think).
hate, envy, lust, or any other...um...word(?) can surpass the feeling of love. It all depends on the level of emotion that person gives you or vice versa.....
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:51 pm
Kinda feels like in the end, everyone is just saying the same thing. It depends on your own interpretation.
Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:50 pm
I think about that too...but I never came to a good answer--not that I really need to, but i like thinking --__--
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:19 pm
ok with something more then love is love itself. Love is a phrase that i belive has been thrown around for far to long and more then love is the real love idk
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:26 am
stare is there really a grater feeling than love??
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:41 pm
Your problem is that you have defined what love is. Love is a word that is always constantly being redefined. And evry so often you get a glimpse of what love truly is.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:11 pm
The problem is people think love is a feeling. That's stupid (sorry) Love is a choice. It's a verb. When you love someone, you choose to love them. Those 'feelings' people associate with love are generally infatuation, lust, hormones, and affection. Think about it. Love CAN'T be a feeling. There are feelings associated with love, but that doesn't make love a feeling. You can't feel something constantly. Your emotions change. You don't marry someone over a feeling. That's like choosing to marry someone because you're happy at the moment. That's not a firm foundation for what's supposed to be a life-long relationship.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:41 pm
Faey_of_the_Silver_Heart The problem is people think love is a feeling. That's stupid (sorry) Love is a choice. It's a verb. When you love someone, you choose to love them. Those 'feelings' people associate with love are generally infatuation, lust, hormones, and affection. Think about it. Love CAN'T be a feeling. There are feelings associated with love, but that doesn't make love a feeling. You can't feel something constantly. Your emotions change. You don't marry someone over a feeling. That's like choosing to marry someone because you're happy at the moment. That's not a firm foundation for what's supposed to be a life-long relationship. Actually, I agree. To me, love is as much of a feeling as trust is a feeling. Using feelings, it helps define an individual relationship. Also, I agree with others that love is commonly misinterpreted since we all have different ideas of what it truly is. Also, I think there are different kinds of love, all of which are important.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:53 pm
Ichijou Ikken Isshu Ronin 13X has hit the nail on the head. It's not that you're feeling more than love; it's that everything up until now has probably been MISTAKEN for love. People say that they love someone when they are really infatuated or full of lust or have a crush on that person. When you really love someone, it feels like 'more than' love because people have degraded the word 'love' so that it seems less than what it really is. ahh that sounds interesting.. never saw it like this and can't really come up with it , but it's a very interesting idea .. yeah .. it seems like everybody has another sight of the things and that's good so 3nodding it's always interesting to hear the opinion of others ^^ love.. is complicated whee he means like the altiment love not averge every day love like i gess true love
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:00 pm
I agree there is a feeling more than love and it can be felt, but ironicly, not named.
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:11 am
Level above love? Lust. Plain and simple.
Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:39 pm
RaZoeLynn I would say that there are higher stages of all, but it's all love. 3nodding But thats just what I think. yup thats what i believe.
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:06 pm
It all depends on how you feel, seeing as humans can never agree on one solid opinion. We are the only species out there that can use common knowledge and intellect (Though some are too unintelligent to use it) other that just relying on instinct... Back to the point.
As for me, I have never been loved like that, and I really don't plan to. But that doesn't mean I don't know anything about the affections of one another... Love itself has many stages. Like I said, it all depends on how you feel. Everybody's love is different. Everybody's definition of "love" is different. Therefore, we do not know what is higher than love. "Higher than love" can basically be defined as a stronger bond between you two. Also, this world doesn't have a name for everything, so the feel of love you may be having is just a normal stage in affection.