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Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:00 am

Oh shard it! As soon as Ro realized what she was doing she slammed the lid down on the images that had filtered into her mind uninvited at the wave of romantic love. Some part of her hated having to force Niccara out of her mental playground but this was for the egg! "Well, yes, it sort of is part of romance, but only adult romance." she told the egg trying to pull back on any trauma she might have caused by doing her very best to emit nothing but soothing affection over the warm shell of the 'Someday my prince will come' egg. "Anyway, I'll tell you when you're older." she promised. "Right now you just need to think about how all these candidates love you and can't wait to meet you just as soon as you are ready." She removed her hand from the egg with a feeling of relief. Just about salvaged that one Ro!

However when she looked up the blue father of the clutch was barreling over with as much speed as his careful clutch navigation would allow, she cringed thinking he had somehow found out, but no, it was not her that had caused his advance. Thank Faranath.

Even the egg that had called him wasn't sending out any clear signals of distress and a apart from giving the surrounding candidates a fright nothing seemed to be of ill intent. Even so, it seemed wise to move out of range of the dragons swinging tail, so she edged round to the back of the clutch where her hand came in contact with You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!. She grinned. "Oh, I sense a little mischief maker here, you know you are lucky you have a good set of parents here to keep you out of too much trouble."

It certainly seemed to be the case that happy parents meant more stable babies. After all the chaotic spooky clutch had been laid by sick and depressed queen had resulted in the death of a candidate, the stray beach clutch had not been in a weyr but it had been watched over by dutiful parents and the hatching itself had been mostly smooth sailing, she could only hope for the same again.


Sul chuckled and patted the Lumos egg gently. "I didn't mean to scare you little one. I shouldn't be passing on rumor and hersay anyway. You don't need to comfort me, when the time comes, I'll do my best to protect everyone here, candidates and dragons a like." He promised meeting the eggs warmth, comfort and joy with his own. "Besides, I think it's all going well, only a few of your siblings seem to be finding it to much to handle." he mused looking over at the large gold as she removed stabby mc stab from the sands.

Once again, it was time to move on, as before he felt more comfortable interacting with the large eggs, purely for the safety of the fragile shells and he touched the stripped shell of the Expelliarmus Egg. "So are you able to start picking out the kids you like yet, or is that not something I should be asking?" he questioned the egg with a warm good natured greeting to go along with it.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:06 am
Heartened by his interaction with the forbidden forest Reenav moved on to the Slytherin Egg that was at the center of the clutch he admired the coloration and symbol after all snakes were simply creatures trying to live out their lives hardly deserving of the fear and violence as long as they didn't pester the wrong thing. He smoothed his palm over the shell.

Damon was happy with the enthusiasm of the first egg he touched. Moving on he came to the Be Prepared Egg . Here he paused for some time taking it in.
Saudi was given a great boost by her first egg si she continued on to the next more settled and calm and letting some of the shear pleasure of a touching shine through
She moved to the
I'll make a man Out of You Egg
She wasn't a man but hey she would fly with the best of them if she was given the chance. The dragon searched her here for a reason.  

Aukai Oceansoul

Springtime Shapeshifter


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:33 am
Keeping her hand on the shell of the egg, Shar glanced up at the Candidate next to her who was crying of all things! She weighed her options for a moment before removing her hand from Remember Me in order to place it on the elbow of Farinalgo, an older Candidate whom she knew in passing only. Still, she knew enough of him from classes and other Candidate chores that he enjoyed being the center of attention but it was usually in a joyful, funny way rather than this tearful mess he was currently in. Thankfully he wasn't outright sobbing but the look on his face combined with the tears let her know they definitely weren't happy ones.

"Oi, Farin," she said quietly so as not to disturb the others gathered near them. "If you need a break go take one. Today isn't the day to get the ire of a gold up and end up being forced to sit out of the Hatching." She knew the desire to touch as many eggs as she could and he undoubtedly felt the same, but it was important to know when you needed to stop and clear your mind.

"Go take a breather for a few minutes, get your emotions straightened out, and come back. The eggs aren't going anywhere."

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:17 pm
Tokki -- Western
Positive Traits: super friendly, blessed with common sense, excellent memory, quick learner
Negative Traits: comes off as "sweetly stupid", too talkative, easily distracted, blithely self-centered
Sex: Male

The sudden rush of excitement from the egg nearly bowled Tokki over and swirled around him like a sparkling version of the twisting cyclones that popped up occasionally on the plains of his home Keroon. It almost tickled! He couldn't help but grin and laugh at the upbeat, joyous energy emanating from the baby dragon within the shell. The infant was right -- there was nothing at all wrong on this day! It was a wondrous, amazing, fantastic day.

Yes, I'm very excited! I can't wait to meet everyone and see who you pick! The herbalist wanted to bounce and dance with the baby inside the egg, but rules were rules: no disturbing the eggs! Besides, the parents were watching, and with one of them now in the midst of the clutches, he definitely didn't want to incur their wrath. I have to go visit other eggs, but I'm glad you're so excited! And yeah, it'll be all okay, for everyone. Somehow he knew it would be, too. Everyone would find their lifemate -- if not this upcoming Hatching, then someday, and soon!

Tokki stroked the rainbow-spattered shell. What a happy baby that was! His heart was still filled with joy and excitement as he stepped away and approached the other clutch, careful to keep a safe distance from Krahjusunth, who was still wrapped around a tiny pink egg. He spotted a pale blue egg with what looked like blood spattered on its shell, and approached it, touching it with his fingertips. Maybe he could share some of his excitement with the Be Prepared egg. It looked like it needed some joy.

Jeri -- HR
Positive Traits: strong-willed, self-confident, optimistic, patient
Negative Traits: eccentric, illiterate, gossip, airheaded at times
Sex: Female

Jeri petted the small egg. "I know how you feel," she nodded. "There's so much in the world, and some of it's bad -- but most of it is wonderful!" Looking around, she saw Krahjusunth close by, and bent over to whisper. "Listen, I can't stay, I'll get in trouble. I just want to tell you it's amazing out here, and I hope you get to see and experience as much of it as you can! Bye, little one!" It was a big, wonderful world, despite what she had gone through as a child; she counted herself lucky that she had gotten to see and experience and learn so many things in her young life. Even the bad things helped; she viewed them as learning experiences.

She stood and, studiously avoiding the big blue dragon, picked her way toward the Colors of the Wind egg. The vibrant purple-blue and streaks of lightning on it intrigued her, so she had to check it out. Placing her hands on the shell, she sent happy, upbeat thoughts at the little egg. Immediately she felt waves of calmness, of serenity wash over her. "Hello there! You sure are pretty. And so peaceful! So many of your siblings are excited or causing a fuss… but not you! Aren't you excited too?"  


Tipsy Codger

Akina Tokuwa

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:17 pm
Calla, High Reaches
Positive Trait List Perceptive, Steadfast, Loyal
Negative Trait List Guarded, Judgmental, Foolhardy

Calla spent a long time standing on the Sands, staring at each egg one by one. She had never seen dragon eggs before. Her mother had all but sworn off the Weyr, and she was too young to have much memory of the time before her father had passed. All of them were lovely, all of them different. The girl stood there, waiting to feel called the way she imagined would happen -- how one egg would whisper to her, how her feet would move as if of their own volition, how she would touch it and just know. But Calla didn't feel any of those things; instead, she felt frustrated. All around her, people seemed to be having profound experiences. She felt lost.

After a pregnant pause, she lifted her eyes softly to the great golds and their mates in a sort of awe. The girl had long hoped there may be a day the awe would leave her, but it didn't. And that only made her more nervous. Maybe if her father was around for her to ask, he could have clued her in on how it feels. But he and his blue had winked out of existence, transforming instead into towering monoliths of memory and expectation for her. If she had a dragon, her path would make sense. If she had a dragon, everything would be clear. If she had a dragon, then that sense of loss would disappear. To consider the alternative, that she was not special like her father had been, was nearly more painful than his absence.

Her eyes lingered long on the Forbidden Forest egg, but as another Candidate brushed past behind her, Calla found herself standing near the unassumingly plain Expecto Patronum. Quietly, and with a tingling curiosity, Calla reached forward and slid her fingers up it first before carefully flattening her palm. As for what she felt, it was nearly a numbness, a slow steady heartbeat within her, nothing of the confidence she assumed she would espouse. But she touched and she waited for... what?  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:28 pm
Sweet Symmetry
Be Our Guest

Look at all of this, Keleres! Is there something hidden away back here that Be Our Guest needs to try and find for you? It will happily dig up what it is the young woman thinks she has hidden away too well. Or does she prefer putting on shows for other people to see instead? Be Our Guest would love to help!


Beloved Werewolf



PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:20 pm
Once again, Torin was left a little flabbergasted, though not enough to do more than pause and thoughtfully watch the blue in their midst. The Perfect Isn't Easy egg's acceptance and cheer felt false somehow, and for a moment the boy experienced what it might have been like to be on the other end of one of his more unpracticed attempts to butter someone up.

Better than a nobody, indeed, he thought at the dragonet, keeping his mental voice light even as his eyes went slightly narrow. "Charming." He smiled at Shanley and slid his hand onto the next egg over, You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!.

"Oh! Here, touch this one," he said to his companion. "Hello! You're very... up. How are you today?"



    Pronouns: he/him

    Blurb: A minor Holder's second son with a rather troublesome family, Torin came to High Reaches wanting a dragon for little else than to facilitate his elaborate revenge plot against the woman who cut off his fingers and stole his little brother. Thankfully, he's toned down the drama (slightly) since then, and is now more interested in the bonding, the responsibility, and even the danger that comes with being a wingrider.

    Has Met:
      Felix Felicis - like standing under a waterfall naked. bracing.
      Imperio - honey, please. i'm compelling. you're an egg.
      Amortentia - i love you.
      Perfect Isn't Easy - i feel flattered and mocked all at the same time. good show, giant egg.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:40 pm
-_Wish of Tevarae_-
When You Wish Upon A Star
Rhys, what wishes to you have? The egg has heard a lot of wishes today, it's almost enough to make it feel lost in a daze...but in the good sort of way. The egg sighed, burbling as it leaned its presence into his, swaying and light and intangible as mist. Oh, it could feel the wishes of everyone around it on the sands. So much hope! Well, it hoped too, it hoped that Rhys' wish, whatever it was, came true too...!

Forbidden Forest
Interested in Soui, or just having fun peeling people into their parts—did it matter which made the egg happy, really? Perhaps it felt she was worth the effort, or perhaps it just liked knowing things. The egg gave off a faint rattle of amusement; whichever it was, it didn't seem inclined to share.

Colors of the Wind
Oh Yurastar, there was nothing to worry about, the egg seemed to sigh, gently lapping at the edges of his frazzled mind. Father was only being himself, and his words and thoughts were born of love. Yurastar was doing just fine, but why not stop here a moment and calm down before going on? This egg certainly doesn't plan t call Father (or Mother!) over, and maybe some of its calming aura can help him relax too. It's supposed to be a happy day, after all, not a scary one.

When You Wish Upon a Star
Oh...oh my. That was a very, very big wish. For just a moment the presence in the egg stilled beneath Kinyegele's touch, as if trying to process it. That was the sort of wish that was very serious. She must be very brave to have such big wishes.

Be Prepared
Hmph! The egg almost lurched out from under Leiheti's touch. Oh, yes, that was such a good reason to come over and bother it, wasn't it? Because it was there. Didn't she just know the right way to make an egg feel special. She could take herself elsewhere if that was the attitude she was going to approach with!

Sweet Symmetry
The blue gave a parting glance to the siblings as Ruunan and Nyaranau made for the stands. The girl was good to look after her brother. And the boy hadn't been terribly at fault. He knew his eggs were inclined to be loving and compassionate and to want to help. There is nothing wrong with a soft heart—often such hearts are good hearts as well. The dragon's rumbling thoughts were modulated softer, almost gentle, for the two children. Should you find your heart steeled again and ready to continue...fear not returning. The blue at least would not be chasing them off...unless they did something worth being chased off for.

Aukai Oceansoul
Be Prepared
Another, another, yet another set of hands come to poke and prod and generally be a nuisance. Damon got little more than a baleful stare from the egg, a cool indifference as it gave him a mental once over. What was he hoping to feel from the egg? What did he have to offer the egg? Why was he worth the egg's time? No, go on then, go find another egg more happy just to have any company at all.

Be Prepared
Euuugh, really? Tokki had to go and pass around that over-emotional peppiness like he as shaking off muddy water. The egg was a front of cool rejection as the candidate tried to share the joy of its sibling. Did it look like the smiling type? Was its shell all sparkly or colorful or happy? A ripple of prickly nips jabbed at the edged of the boy's mind. It was simply exhausting to be so...everything Tooki was trying to share with the egg.

Colors of the Wind
Jeri, you're exactly right. The egg is excited too, but maybe not in the same way as some of the rest. It leaned gently into her, with the relaxed peace of confidence. It new, it knew that all would go as was meant. Its siblings were who they were meant to be, the rowdy and the tender ones. The egg loved them all, and it certainly hoped that Jeri did too.




Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Generous 100
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:30 am
Excited Apathy

Auror Egg
Helaku's touch had the egg looking out to see.who was there. It was a bit rattled because of its siblings, It was alright, if not a little miffed that nothing could be done about the madness about its siblings. There was nothing to be done but to try and manage itself.


Friend like Me Egg
There was no need to be hesitant, Akaris~. Friend like me was here to help, and OH, it would love to help her out. Tell it, how could it fulfill her need? Her deepest desire?


Auror Egg
The egg surged up to meet Lucius, invading his mind and searching around. Protection was a good desire, and this egg appreciated it in a person. You should always look after others, as long as it isn't at your own expense.


Gryffindor Egg
Hello, hi, yes it was enthusiastic! Could Willim blame it? So many things happening, and Gryffindor was getting the most awesome people near it. Willim should be MORE excited! It was all the BEST!

Prism Shine

Auror Egg
So gentle and soft. Auror drove itself in to Nonami's mind, seeming to try to find something. This egg wanted to be sure of who they were, curious and sure that there was something more to this person.


How Far I'll Go Egg
Oh yes, Fahn, that was very much something the egg wanted to do! It vibrated, the urge to travel, to see, making it near-wail. It didn't like being confined. Surely there was so much to see and do outside its own eggshell....Tell it? Show it?


Gryffindor Egg
Oh, when Gryffindor hatched, everyone would be looking, it was sure! Look at it, after all, it was so pleased with the fact that Rizdax thought of it like that. Of course it was an incredible, awesome egg. Was Rizdax as awesome as he seemed?


Friend Like Me Egg
The blue was its parent, the egg insisted, just as much as its mother and other papa. Was that kind of love something Taibbi wanted? The Egg was not happy that she had not received it, actually seeming to become rather upset by the fact that her wish was so unfulfilled. Friend like Me was now worried, asking her if there was anything it could do.

Sinders Path

You Can Fly! Egg
Why would anyone keep it OUT of trouble, Roana? Trouble could be so much fun , and everything had a sense of fun to it if you were bold enough to look! Look at everyone around! They were having fun, weren't they? Even the ones that were super nervous.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:46 am
Rune and Rhys - HR

Rune only flinched back a little when Sectumsempra bit, watching it being carted off by its golden mother with quiet resolve. Now that she was content, and the eggs were easy to get to again, she moved amidst the clutch to Expelliarmus. her hand careful on its shell. She greeted the little one with a calm resolve. Its siblings were interesting, but it seemed rather different in a way she liked.

Rhys on the other hand could not help but smile at the egg, before moving on. Time to find another to speak with. He moved over to the Harry Potter clutch now, noticing distinctly the Ravenclaw egg, making his way to it and touching the shell. Hello, little one. He hoped it wasn't too annoyed by all the people.  


Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Generous 100


Cute Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:27 am

Shanley, female pronouns, will insert link when not mobile : )

Shanley hadn’t been sure what to make of Perfect isn’t Easy, but Torin seemed to. She nodded and followed him to the next egg. This one was attractive to the eye, too. Were eggs always so beautiful? She wondered if even a masterjeweler could create the bright colors nature did.

She put her hand on You Can Fly, and offered the egg a smile. “I was so nervous about coming onto the sands, when I heard we would do this,” she admitted, to the egg, and to Torin. “I think I’ll write about you, and your siblings. You’re all so unique.”  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:03 am
Ionan, HR, he/him, will insert link when not mobile

Ionan found himself back at Friend Like Me egg but while the desire to share his deepest wishes and the hope that they came true were strong, his attention was on a girl his age. Not that sort of attention, either, but he didn’t think he’d seen her outside of lessons. “Hi! Taibbi, right? I’m Ionan. Let’s go see that egg.” He pointed towards the Be Our Guest egg.



Cute Fairy


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:28 pm
Tokki -- Western
Positive Traits: super friendly, blessed with common sense, excellent memory, quick learner
Negative Traits: comes off as "sweetly stupid", too talkative, easily distracted, blithely self-centered
Sex: Male

Taken aback by the biteyness of the small egg, Tokki quickly withdrew his hand from its shell. Such a sharp contrast to the rainbow-spattered egg! He rubbed the back of his head, as if the dragonet inside had actually been physically nipping him instead of merely sending prickly waves into his mind. "No need to be so sour," he muttered aloud. "I really hope you find your match among us -- I know it's not me." Stepping back, he shook off the encounter with the blood-streaked egg; he couldn't imagine the kind of Candidate that nasty little egg would Impress to. Luckily it hadn't dampened the joy and excitement he still felt after touching the rainbow egg, so he focused on that, his mood improving almost immediately.

Surveying all the eggs from both clutches, Tokki realized that he'd pretty much touched them all, or at least most of them. He couldn't think of a single one he'd missed, apart from the egg that the big gold Rhianth had taken under her wing, or the small pink egg that Krahsujunth was wrapped around. But out of so many eggs, that was still pretty good for his first time on the sands! Pleased, he moved away from the clutches and bowed to both sets of parents. "Thank you for letting me meet your babies." Formalities done, he made his way to the stands as he'd been instructed by Gr'del.

He spotted Vosin up in the tiers, presumably watching the proceedings below, and made his way up to her, finding a seat nearby but not too close -- he wanted company, but he had a lot to think about too, and thinking was best done on one's own. "That was… amazing," he finally said, shaking his head and sending his dreadlocks flopping into his face. "I mean, it's one thing to have a dragon like Killakeeth speak right into your head, but the eggs… They were just pure emotion." He glanced over at the goldrider. "Was your experience like that?"

for Vosin!

Jeri -- HR
Positive Traits: strong-willed, self-confident, optimistic, patient
Negative Traits: eccentric, illiterate, gossip, airheaded at times
Sex: Female

Jeri could feel the baby inside the egg lean into her inside the shell, and despite having attended a Touching many times before, she marvelled at the contact with the infant dragonet. Her excitement wasn't lessened, but it was made more subdued by the serene presence surrounding the egg. "Yes, I feel confidence too! I know I'm gonna Impress one of your siblings this time. I just know it!" She wanted to hug the egg, but with both Rhianth and Fianth keeping close eye on the clutches and Krahsujunth in such close proximity, she didn't want to risk it. Besides, she didn't want to get in trouble and potentially be barred from the Hatching!

She did, however, gently stroke the shell, tracing her fingers down the lightning-like streak. "I love all of them. Your siblings, your cousins… all of them! I know you will find a partner when you hatch -- you probably already have them picked out!" Straightening, she let her hands slide off the egg. "Thank you. Just… thank you."

Stepping a few paces away from the egg, Jeri decided she'd done enough for one Touching. Besides, she wanted to finish on a high note, and she couldn't think of any note higher than her interaction with the little purple egg with the lightning streak on it. She turned and bowed to the golds and the fathers of the babies each individually, then sauntered to the stands to await the closing, all the while keeping her mind on the eggs and the infant dragons within.

(Jeri out!)  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:15 pm
Taibbi (female/she) - High Reaches Candidate

Oh, wow! Taibbi blushed at the egg's assertion that the blue was its parent. Not because she was upset by the fact, but because she was embarrassed that she hadn't recognized that for herself. The blue dragon's body language was clearly paternal. It had been turns since she'd felt that, but she couldn't believe she'd upset the poor baby by thinking of that.

"It's okay!" she hastened to reassure the egg, knowing better than to expect a response, but too guilty about upsetting the baby dragon to remember to think instead of speak. "My ma's going to be okay. I'm all right. I'm really glad to be here."

She looked around in mild panic, afraid that someone was going to be angry at her, particularly the paternal blue. She would have to learn his name, she decided. Taibbi was rescued from her dilemma by the arrival of another candidate, Ionan, who had apparently decided that they were going to do the rest of the touching together. She was fine with that, and nodded before allowing herself to be led away with one last reassuring pat to the Friend Like Me egg.

"Think it's okay for us to touch it at the same time?" she asked Ionan as they arrived at the Be Our Guest Egg, taking care to keep her voice down. She had momentarily blanked on the rules for this particular thing. "Maybe you can just touch it first, and then I'll have a go."



Lonely Bookworm


PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:11 pm
That sense of safety that he felt with Iria, though only pictured in his mind for the benefit of the pink egg, suddenly felt strangely real. It was like a warm breeze, circling slowly about Grumioll’s mind. Was it really so important to be on guard against enemies here? Even the scarred, statuesque blue dragon resting among the other clutch appeared at ease, his eyes whirling a peaceful blue-green. He wanted to go over there. It seemed very nice over there. So he went.

It was almost like walking on air, the way his feet seemed to float just above the sand with every step. And so preoccupied was Gru that he actually bumped into someone—the same girl he’d noted earlier—and barely reacted other than to step back and stare. Her eyes were the color of the sand. A warm gold. And brilliant. As he continued on, the image of those eyes seemed burned into the back of his mind. He walked right up to Krahsujunth, looking for more of that warm, peaceful feeling. There. That egg.

Softly, almost reverently, he laid his hand atop Someday My Prince Will Come.

Gru came to visit and see what's so great about Krah's spot.
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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