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Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:17 pm
surenoxlll twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, STOP DOING THAT! scream
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:21 pm
Artanus surenoxlll twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, STOP DOING THAT! scream i pmed him...he doesn't want to stop...he doesn't care if he gets banned...this guy is trouble sweetheart just stay clear
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:10 pm
EggaSponge Artanus surenoxlll twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, STOP DOING THAT! scream i pmed him...he doesn't want to stop...he doesn't care if he gets banned...this guy is trouble sweetheart just stay clear i just banned him...... twisted
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:02 pm
woohoo! i got a nice camera! im hopeing to get new pictures in soon! only one problem though..... i have to fix the camera first........ xd
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:06 pm
jfm567 woohoo! i got a nice camera! im hopeing to get new pictures in soon! only one problem though..... i have to fix the camera first........ xd Wait, you just got a nice camera, but its broken? Oook
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:06 pm
jfm567 EggaSponge Artanus surenoxlll twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, STOP DOING THAT! scream i pmed him...he doesn't want to stop...he doesn't care if he gets banned...this guy is trouble sweetheart just stay clear i just banned him...... twisted About time. I pmed him yesterday, and he wouldn't stop.
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:11 pm
TheBlueWarrior jfm567 woohoo! i got a nice camera! im hopeing to get new pictures in soon! only one problem though..... i have to fix the camera first........ xd Wait, you just got a nice camera, but its broken? Oook its a nice camera, a photosmart 318..... its got something wrong that i need to find first..... ninja
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:12 pm
~Magic Trevor~ jfm567 EggaSponge Artanus surenoxlll twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted burning_eyes twisted stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, stopit, STOP DOING THAT! scream i pmed him...he doesn't want to stop...he doesn't care if he gets banned...this guy is trouble sweetheart just stay clear i just banned him...... twisted About time. I pmed him yesterday, and he wouldn't stop. he pm'ed me after that saying that it was his brother doing it.......
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:28 pm
Well it doesn't matter now, he's banned now right? rolleyes
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:42 pm
stoner364 Well it doesn't matter now, he's banned now right? rolleyes yup........
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:01 pm
good, becuase spammers
SUCK a**!!!! twisted
Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:10 pm
why wont this thread die allredy! it has passed its avrage shelfspan and it keeps on gong! its like a banana that has been sitting on the counter for too long then jsut to keep it from spoiling they dehidrate it makeing it so it stays alive for eons to come!!!
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:28 am
Darthspanky why wont this thread die allredy! it has passed its avrage shelfspan and it keeps on gong! its like a banana that has been sitting on the counter for too long then jsut to keep it from spoiling they dehidrate it makeing it so it stays alive for eons to come!!! rofl Why do people want this thread to die so much?
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:42 am
Darthspanky why wont this thread die allredy! it has passed its avrage shelfspan and it keeps on gong! its like a banana that has been sitting on the counter for too long then jsut to keep it from spoiling they dehidrate it makeing it so it stays alive for eons to come!!! Or when the banana goes brown you make banana pancakes! Or "Quakadough" or however you spell it... my mum makes them all the time. =D
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:38 am
RaidenKazama Darthspanky why wont this thread die allredy! it has passed its avrage shelfspan and it keeps on gong! its like a banana that has been sitting on the counter for too long then jsut to keep it from spoiling they dehidrate it makeing it so it stays alive for eons to come!!! Or when the banana goes brown you make banana pancakes! Or "Quakadough" or however you spell it... my mum makes them all the time. =D eek my banana is pancakes?