Candidate Navit
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Name: Navit
Age: 22
Nameday: 3554.08.09
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Craft: Harper
Rank: Apprentice
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Navit has light brown skin with eyes that are a shade between blue and green. His auburn hair is cut short and messy and frames a square face. He stands at 6 foot 2 inches and has a muscular build.

Personality: Possessing what can seem like an indomitable cheerfulness, Navit is rarely seen in anything but good spirits. He is a glass is more than half full sort of person that can almost always find an upside to the situation. That is what he focuses on instead of what did or could go wrong. Navit is enthusiastic about his life and loves to be enthusiastic about other people’s interests. He gets excited on behalf of others and will try to lift up other people’s spirits. Even though he is looking on the bright side, Navit doesn’t sugar coat things. He is forthright about his thoughts and opinions. He is frank and honest, in a kind way, that he hopes leaves little to interpretation. His enthusiasm leads to him being very outspoken as well.

All together, he is impatient about getting things done. Take too long getting moving? He will start encouraging you to get up and go, or start dealing with the little things so that you can start faster. Navit is also impatient about people making up their minds and gets frustrated with people that can’t seem to get to the point. He can be competitive and want to be the best at anything he tries to do. Suggesting that he can’t is an easy way to trick him into do something. He has an innate need to prove himself and gets pleasure from doing better than someone else. He then feels guilty for feeling that pleasure. He also has a habit of dreaming up big ideas and wishing they could be true. He longs for more fanciful ideas, more flamboyant items… Perhaps some of his forthright nature is a learned mechanism to counteract his wishes that seem so far fetched.

Positive Trait List Cheerful, Enthusiastic, Forthright
Negative Trait List Competitive, Impatient, Wishful

History: Navit was one of those inquisitive children that got into everything. He wanted to know all about the world and its history. As a child he dreamed of being a dragonrider and saving Pern, of being one of those who histories are written about. But at the same time, he did not wish for Thread to return. Even at a young age, Navit understood some of what Thread meant and the harm it could bring. Still, he was not ready for the devastation that came from its return years later.

He grew up in Rivercrest in a family well enough off to send their children off to become apprentices. His parents let him and his four siblings choose which they would try for. Obsessed with stories and songs, it made sense for Navit to be drawn to the Harper craft and he was lucky enough that the Hall agreed to take him on. As an apprentice, Navit was studious and decent at his work. He got on well enough with others to, if not make many close friends, be on good terms with most.

He fought to be the best but he wasn’t a prodigy and at 22 was only just getting ready to walk the tables when his father unexpectedly died. He was back in Rivercrest for the ceremony when he was searched by a young green and her rider. Even in his grief there wasn’t much thought before he said yes and was whisked off to Western Weyr, days before the next Gold, Kleoth, rose for the first time. His dream of becoming a dragonrider had more perspective now, having seen some of the injuries and destruction wrought by Thread, but was as strong as ever.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No