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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] The Hatching Grounds
Revelio and Open Sesame! Double Clutch Hatching! Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 116 117 118 119 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:31 pm
((Forgive my slowness. ;c I am the worst at Candidate-ing.))

Everything seemed to happen quickly. She had moved over to the group, admiring each one appreciatively. Martirae was fierce and beauty mixed in one; Iathe all her usual edges, but her smile was one-of-a-kind; and the stranger...well, such bluntness was something she couldn't help but appreciate. Certainly, she was with some of the prettier women...honestly, it was a shame she only had two arms. Three girls, two arms. Well. She was clever and creative...she'd figure out a place for the third.

Ah, but even before she had a chance to replay, a gold had caught everyone's eyes. A gold that.... was coming over to them. For a moment Zyamel held her breath. While she had never entertained the thought of impressing a queen, she knew it would have pleased her mother more than anything. It would have pleased V'mel as well. But wold it please her?

For a moment she stared as the gold looked at her; stares at the beautiful face, those lovely whirling eyes. Was she hers? .... No. Just as quickly is it happened, the dragon moved on, leaving her alone. The girl almost breathed a sigh of relief. She was, perhaps, one of the very few who had no interest in impressing a gold. All the power, glory, fame; all the hidework; all the records work; all the harassment from men.... No. Despite what her mother might want, Zyamel was her own woman. If she could aspire to ride a bronze she would have, but a gold? No.... Golds were meant for other girls and other women. Golds were meant for people like Alumet, and Iathe, and--


The Impression happened right there, and she almost didn't know what to say or do. She stepped back a few steps, surprise quickly turning into pleasure. Well, at least she'd Impressed, which meant.... Which meant they'd all be seeing one another a lot more. Excellent. She'd congratulate the girl and her gold after the Hatching wrapped, but for now, turned to look at Iathe and Roana instead.

She said nothing until Martirae had retreated. With Martirae gone, that at least meant she didn't have to worry about figuring out what to do with a third. "You all right, loves?" She asked, her words surprisingly sincere and without her usual feral amusement. She knew enough to know a gold passing someone up could be...extra painful.

Things seemed to happen quickly though with the gold off the sands. Eggs began hatching, and that...that bronze, the new one, the Avada Kedavra bronze just screamed trouble. Leave it to some boy to try to push his weight around... Please. The green's were most appealing to the girl, and their level of feist was most intriguing. Still, she changed her stance, in case she needed to get in between Iathe and Roana and a set of teeth. She had no doubt they couldn't take care of themselves, but she'd be damned if anyone got hurt on her watch.

Besides, scars were sexy, and she'd much rather go down doing good than watching idly. It's why she wanted to be a rider, after all.

"Well, they look friendly," she mused, a bit of dark humor laced within her words. "Strong an fierce though. My sort of dragon." She could only hope they'd all Impress quickly. That green... Both greens.... Who might they be after? Part of Zyamel couldn't help but hope one might be meant for her.


Sinders Path

- - -
Oh! Oh a gold, it was a gold! Lusialu practically gasped as the little gold pushed her way out of her shell and finally began to make her way among the crowd. She watched it's every move, thinking of how her sister must have felt to find Zenobiath coming her way. And yet... The gold never made it to her group, never looked her way. Though the girl had never had any desire to Impress a gold, a small part of her couldn't help but feel the smallest surge of envy.

Her sister had Impressed a gold, her brother a blue. There was no way she would stand out on her own. No way she would shine on her own. Oh, but there would be many Hatchings, and there were many more beautiful, lovely, most precious eggs left. Each one needed to be loved. Each one yearning to shine.

"They're all so pretty," she sighed, a bit dreamily. Not just the gold, but even the bronzes, and some of the greens! Oh... she hoped maybe one of them were hers. At Nyaranau's question, the girl gave a small dip of her head, leaning into Vaali almost shyly. "I... I think a green would be nice. What about you?" She glanced at the two, curious if they would say the same. Green's were also a safe bet, given their frequent numbers. She liked the greens, and hoped maybe someday one would like her back, too.

Unlike her sister, she couldn't even imagine impressing something like a gold.

More dragons spilled on the sands, and while part of her wanted to keep watching the Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes green--she seemed so alarmed and sweet--the bronze and the others... scared her. Worried her. But should she be scared or worried? She tightened her grip on Vaali, and moved to step closer to Nyaranau.

She knew to get out of a hatchlings way but... But suddenly she felt very hunted. "Is this...normal?" Even though she'd watched Hatchings before from the Tiers, she was now suddenly blanking on whether or not this sort of ganging up thing was common. Oh, but that wasn't a positive thought, was it? Maybe they just wanted to be loved? Or was that naive of her?
Sweet Symmetry


- - -
The boy was pleased by the girl. Yes, this suited him just fine. He watched as the gold Impressed--best to get that out of the way earlier than later--but had his eyes on some of the smaller colors, like the handsome brown, or that lovely blue. Might one be for him? "I'm surprised nobody's done something stupid already. But it's early yet, and a lot of eggs haven't Hatched." He gave a small sniff. "Some just don't know how to listen." His eyes drifted over a few Candidates who were crying, already upset, or distressed. Time and place, people.

Still, his eyes kept returning to the crafty green-bronze beast. "Look at him, lying there, lounging...He's certainly in no rush to find His. He must have his mind made up." Cedarian was practically certain of it. If the bronze didn't, he would need to investigate the Candidates, wouldn't he? And why let someone else get prime picking? "A fine specimen, to be sure. Though that brown and green look like clever creatures." Clever enough to start aiding their clutchsibs...hmm.

His face twisted into a frown, and his brows knit. Something just didn't feel right.

- - -
"Looks like you got your wish," she mused at the man, giving a small laugh as the gold quickly found her match. "Still lots of eggs that haven't budged, but I don't like the look of what's to come." Her face twisted into a grimace and she frowned. "You weren't at Western's last clutch, were you?" She asked. It had been her first Hatching, and Henwas' death hadn't left her. She'd never liked the jerk, but she didn't wish that on him. It had been... unfortunate and tragic.

"I hope there's not a repeat." Her eyes immediately went to look at those nearby, just in case anyone needed a little extra protection.

The man had been late, having had been tapped to help pickup guests and family members of the Candidates. The early houring had meant almost nobody was prepared, which meant Kindeth and he were delayed. By the time they were clear to join the Hatching, it had already well begun -- and even the gold had already Impressed! While Kindeth went to the heights to watch, and to find Silmarath, S'del had his own date to look forward to.

He'd finally done it. He'd finally just asked A'ye out, to attend the Hatching with him.... and now he'd kept him waiting. Ah, but it looked as if there were still plenty of eggs left. He scoured the tiers, before landing on the familiar, lovely face... And immediately he brightened.

Making his way up the tiers, he found his way to the seat next to A'ye, and quickly sat down. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" He began, hoping that the other didn't think it was personal. "Guest duty ran late," he explained, hoping that the greenrider understood. He took a moment to gaze at the other, before looking back at the Sands an the eggs. "You look really good," he complimented with a fond smile, words dripping with sincerity.

Dressed in his gather best, he had certainly cleaned up well. His shaggy hair was trimmed, he was freshly shaved, and in attire that fit him well. He'd gone a bit above an beyond this day, because he wanted to catch A'ye's eye; he wanted the other to want to look at him. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, he didn't know... He still wasn't used to such fine clothes or having the marks to buy them. But K'ienn and the Weyr expected their bronzeriders to wear more than just torn up used things.

In this moment, he was actually kind of glad of it.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:55 pm
Weyrling Makimton and Green Zygmuth

Makim walked slowly and carefully through the sands and massed candidates. Zygmuth danced beside him, humming at other candidates as she passed, wishing them luck. Yes please MakimtonMine. I am terribly hungry.

Of course beautiful. They have plenty prepared for you. They'd probably be among some of the first to reach the tables actually. Makim led his green toward the entrance and out into the brisk morning air. "There see? V'mel and the meat."

The pair strolled over to the tables, looking around curiously to see who else had arrived.

Candidate Nalacko she/her

There was so many dragons on the sands now. Some of them had terrifyingly red eyes. She didn't remember that from the last hatching. Though they still seemed friendly toward each other. Nala ducked shyly behind Riz, peeking out occasionally. Some of the dragons had already impressed to their chosen riders and were being led off. Silently she wished them luck in their new lives.

Her eyes turned to the wiggling eggs. It looked like more were getting ready as the wiggling increased in some. Several of the dragon were apparently helping their siblings hatch. That was nice wasn't it? Nala peeked out again to look at the dragons.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:14 pm
Were hatchings supposed to happen this quickly? Haelwen wasn't sure but what she was sure of is that all of a sudden there was a lot of activity happening with Rhianth's clutch and not all of it looked like it was going to be good news for the candidates nearby, including herself. She watched as the Crucio egg hatched, eyes swirling red and she did her best to remain calm and continue sharing only good thoughts with the hatchlings on the sands.

To her other side she heard a crack and turned her head just in time to see a petite and obviously overwhelmed green make an appearance. Haelwen sent a wave of fond reassurance to the baby, trying to help, only to watch it wander off closer to her brother, she quickly refocused on the other clutch not wanting to let her attention stray very long with a red-eyed hatchling so close to her. What was it up to now, anyway? It seemed to be trying to stir it's siblings and... what was -that-? Haelwen glanced around herself for the source of the laughter only to realize it was inside her head, she narrowed her gaze on the little Crucio-green and felt a chill run down her spine. That kind of laughter usually meant someone was plotting something, Haelwen wasn't entirely sure she wanted to get caught up in whatever mischief the dragonet had planned. The woman cast a glance up to Rhianth but the queen didn't seemed concerned by the behavior of her children so Haelwen exhaled and tried to calm down, looking around her to see if there were any younger candidates that might need a calm friend to lean on now that things were getting a bit more, energetic.

Haelwen watched as a brown appeared, and then another bronze, and the bronze took a snap at the Crucio-green, the Slytherin-bronze had lain down, and she could swear that he was pleased with what was happening, she could hardly draw her gaze from the growing collection of impish looking dragonets but she had to when she caught a glimpse of green and blue still moving amongst the candidates, hopefully they would find theirs soon and leave the sands before whatever the other clutch had planned really got started.

It was then that Haelwen's gaze fell upon the Sectumsempra egg and she stilled, holding her breath as she stared while the Crucio-green assisted it out of its shell as well. Lovely. She had not forgotten the pain she had felt when that dragonet had repelled her, and the rest of the candidates nearby, at the Touching. Maybe it was in a better mood now? ... Nope. Definitely not. Haelwen stared back at the red-eyed green, she remembered the concern she had felt for the baby when it had gotten so upset at the Touching. Perhaps it was seeking someone who wouldn't flee from it? Haelwen stood her ground and resumed breathing, her body and mind radiating her resolve. All of these hatchlings deserved to find theirs and she would not flee from them because there was a chance she could be who they were looking for. Still, as she eyed the six hatchlings from this clutch and the multiple eggs that were stirring in response to their gathering she couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. If the six of them coordinated... she remembered very well the horror stories she had been told, and those she had read in the clutch records. She had no desire to be apart of a bloodbath.

Hyseren felt the shift on the Sands as the Crucio egg hatched and he wondered why everyone was suddenly so concerned, then he saw the red eyes and he thought for a moment. Maybe it was just hungry... that seemed logical right? He didn't have time to focus on it long because another green came ambling his way and there were still eggs rocking on this side of the Sands to focus on, plus there was still another green and a blue wandering about looking for theirs. He doubled up on his soothing vibes though, trying to diffuse the tension in the air.

Another impression happened nearby, to the boy that the gold had seemed concerned about. Good for him! Hyseren would have said congratulations so him as well but he seemed to be quite overwhelmed already, even more so than some of the others who had Impressed, and so he resolved to do so later on, after the hatching had finished.

As he watched the progress of the blue and green hatchlings who were meandering through the candidates and then returned his focus to those eggs closest to him that were stirring he realized that the other clutch was causing quite a stir, amongst the humans, and the other dragonets. He paid a bit more attention to the other clutch then and swallowed hard as he took in six baby dragons standing on the Sands, together, when had they hatched? It had only been a few candlemarks since he had last checked on them. He had an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach but he forced himself to think happy thoughts and so his mind drifted to building ships with his father and learning to navigate the seas using the stars. Fond memories. Happy thoughts. That's what the Sands needed right now. Still, he slowly, carefully, picked his way through the Candidates and a bit closer to his sister, just in case.

((Holy wow... ok. lots to catch up on. If anyone wants to chat or feels a little uneasy and is seeking reassurance Haelwen is a bit closer to the Harry Potter clutch though still centralized between the two, and Hyseren is making his way from the far side of the Disney clutch towards her gearing up for protective brother mode))
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:32 am


Nyarana [HR] - 19 - she/her/hers - App Beastcrafter

Nyara agreed with an enthusiastic nod of her head. Yes, they were very pretty. Animals in general held a deep fascination for the young woman- but dragons were the most majestic of them all. There was no denying the beauty, the sleekness, that perfect conformation and physiology that allowed them to protect a whole freaking planet. To say nothing of the bond- rumoured to be so complete a soul would never go lonely or wanting…

Yes. Dragonriders were a breed apart. And it took a talented individual to marshall their courage and put their lives on the line each time. Nyaranau’s smile grew warm and bright at the thought.

“A green. Or a blue. I would love any dragon, to be sure.” Nyara paused, her solemness fading in the face of her growing excitement. “You’re right. They’re all so beautiful.” She trailed off, scanning the eggs as one in particular seemed to awaken the others. “I’ve not really seen them do that before.”

Crucio seemed… dangerous. That she continued to move- so freely… having been bitten. “Something’s afoot.” Brows furrowed, she found herself shifting to interpose herself between the now gathered babies and the two young women beside her. “If they come this way, I’ll hold them off and you both move away, okay?”

Part of her wanted to look for Ruunan, but she couldn’t afford the distraction. Surely these babies weren’t going to harm candidates who didn’t cause them trouble? And yet… there was something in the way the Slytherin-bronze was posed, in the way Avada Kedavra-bronze bugled… it just… seemed ominous.  

Sweet Symmetry

Tipsy Kitten


Golden Knight

15,750 Points
  • Spirit of the Smackdown! 100
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  • Mystical Adversary 25
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:48 am
Saekagi Who would have argued there wasn't maybe enough of him to act as much of a meat shield, had he been aware of that chain of thought, shook his head, trying to ignore the icy prickle that ran up his spine at Crucio's laugh. Oh that one was trouble. Definitely trouble. And anything she seemed fond of he was equally sure was going to be one to watch, and he hoped they partnered off quickly. Bonded they wouldn't hurt people... not directly anyway.

"N...no. Not this time. I thought about it but... not this time. What about you?"

He was still studiously trying to avoid Haveli's attentions, though now he was sort of wondering if she'd partner to someone like that red eyed little green with the laugh. The proud, regal blue at least seemed... pleasant? He wondered who they'd pick. Someone well composed and pretty probably. He looked so immaculately careful.

There were impressions happening, and he felt a little mixed pang every time he saw that flash of rainbow, but mostly he thought he was happy about it. They needed riders, the dragons needed partners, and Pern needed dragons. Better for everyone who impressed though that they weren't on the sands... he had an increasingly uneasy feeling about Crucio and her... uh.... 'friends'.

There were getting to be a LOT of unimpressed dragons on the sands, and those red eyes...multiple pairs of red eyes...

"...S...stand your ground." He hissed, uncertainly. "....No matter what." It would probably be worse if they ran, if they panicked the other hatchlings. "...Good luck?"


“Did either’ve you make a bet before the Hatching?” Arlie asked them, as if one wasn’t ready to bolt and the other wasn’t radiating an aura of <******** off.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:42 am
Farellen's mind spun as eggs hatched ... the laugh from the angry eyed green left him reeling a little, his mind flashing to the spooky hatching. His eye darted side to side, looking for escape routes if he needed them, he would NOT get mauled again... he couldn't ... he'd rather die than be injured like that again, he would never Stand again and then what was he worth? what had all his training with his flits to overcome his 'disability' of his missing eye come to? ... He felt sick to his stomach, no, he couldn't bear being useless, he tried hard to clamp down on his feelings, keeping it internal and not letting it seep out for blood hungry baby dragons to pick up on. He caught Saekagi's hissed comment "no, no no do not stand your ground" he whispered hoarsely "don't run, but get out of the way if you can, if you run, they'll chase you, if you don't move, they'll run right over you and whatever you do.. DON'T go help a baby if a fight breaks out" he said fearfully "Or you could end up like me, or worse and believe me what you can see is the tip of the iceberg of the scarring"

Because Farellen won't be standing his ground, not fleeing but definitely will not be getting in the way XD


Helane was too excited at seeing more eggs hatch, others helping, or seeming to help, some of their siblings, more eggs rocking but not hatching, it was all Helane could to, not to scream in her joy at being here, she was oblivious to the apparent intentions of the hatched dragons, even the cold laugh, to her bubbly mind, had just been a laugh, nothing more. She bounced up and down in place a little, trying hard not to disturb the others around her.


Rokar woke up a little, he'd been watching in mostly a daze since the little hatchling had gotten stuck, then helped by her sister, that icy laugh made his stomach feel like he'd swallowed a belly full of rocks, cold from between He did NOT like the looks on some of the dragons now hatched, his heart thudded but he did not move, "i will not screw this up like last time... i am NOT a screw up..." he tried to think to himself, holding himself together, he couldn't mess this up......  


Friendly Shapeshifter

16,200 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Rebel Spark 50
  • Friend of the Goat 100


Feral Phantom

12,375 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Battle: Rogue 100
  • Generous 100
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:47 am
Auror gave a shake again. The egg vibrated rather aggressively, a claw clearly scratching at the inside. It didn't like what it was feeling, didn't like how his siblings were behaving, but it was STUCK. Sharding eggshell. A few more shakes and there was a loud CRACK, a leg shooting through, before it sent a dragonet sprawling across the sands, a bit of shell still on its back, and goop all across her hide. Shaking it off, the little Green bugled at her siblings loudly. Now what was all this madness about! Red tinted eyes looked around, swirling between blue, green, and red together, wings mantling.


How Far I'll Go seemed to almost vibrate in its wallow, tipping on to its side. It wanted to explore, to go go go, but it was stuck in the sand. How annoying. In a few moments, it began to roll, towards the Candidates until the shell cracked on the top. An arm stopped the rolling ,and was quickly followed by a Green head, poking out with curiousity. Well, weren't her cousins being silly. Pish. They weren't the boss of her. She wanted to get out and explore! And thus, the baby made a beeline for the candidates, her wings out wide. Best watch out! There was no slowing How Far I'll Go down!  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:00 am
Pap, pap, PAP! This whole single paw thing was not working for Go The Distance, who pushed all of their weight against the front of their egg. It gave way easily under the weight of a tumbling baby dragon. Even with all of the sand sticking to the goop on his hide, there was no doubt.

He was very, very bronze. With a shake of his wings, he began to pace, going first to A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, placing himself between his sister and his cousins with wary shades of yellow in his eyes. There was no danger here! ....She had needed him, right?  


Beloved Werewolf


Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:01 am

Things were happening on the sands that the boy found himself wholly unprepared for. Well, he had known the sands could be a bloodbath--but it seemed like things had gone mostly smooth during the last few turns where the hatchings were concerned. There was absolutely nothing that he could do in that moment.

To be honest, he needed a little more time to think and evaluate the situation anyways. His gray eyes surveyed the other candidates before once more latching onto the dragonets before him. His feet burned. It was clear these dragonets wanted to put on a show before they found theirs. Halvor was used to watching these type of things happen.

With a keen glance at the newly emerged eggs he crossed his arms over his chest, his permanent scowl held in place with no hint as to what he was feeling. He wasn't sure how he felt about everything happening anyways. It only took a moment for at least two of the dragonets to begin making their way into the crowd. He'd wait and watch.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:15 am
Reya - Western Standidate | she/her/hers

Reya was riveted by the increasingly dramatic emergence of hatching dragons, especially as things took a turn. She'd thought that when a dragon hatched its first and only concern would be to find its human bond, and the number of hatchlings wandering around the sands, breaking other dragons out of their eggs and...forming gangs?...was astonishing to the young woman.

Her breath hissed between her teeth at the violence between the most recently hatched bronze and his green sister. She had seen dragon ichor before, most recently following Threadfall, but she had never imagined that she would see it on a dragon so young. Her eyes narrowed at the young bronze in clear disapproval, even though she knew he couldn't possibly see her from that distance. Her disapproval was not limited to the bronze, however. In her opinion, the green should not have tolerated that treatment. The first time Joha had struck her had also been the last, and Reya believed firmly that there was no reason to tolerate abuse, regardless of who administered it.

"Why are the queens allowing this?" she asked her brother. He could only shrug in response.

Taibbi | High Reaches Candidate | she/her/hers

On the sands, Taibbi's white candidate robes clung to her back and sides. The young girl was drenched in sweat. Sweat from the sands' heat. Sweat from nerves. And now, sweat from fear. She remembered the red-eyed hatchlings of a previous hatching. The blood and violence.

She stood in her place, refusing to back down, even as a coalition of dragons formed, eyes gleaming redly, and was shocked when there was a sense of something answering the group's malevolence. Shocked and relieved. Enough so, at any rate, that she was able to swallow the lump in her throat and glance behind her toward Tizzy and the others to see how they were doing. Unable to get much of a sense of their thoughts from their expressions and stances, Taibbi instead shifted so that she was a little bit between the eggs and her companions.

If it came down to it, she thought she might be able to slow down a charging dragonet by jumping onto its back, but she'd rather just give it something to swerve around, and thereby avoid the others all together. She grit her teeth and stared defiantly across the sands, her heart racing with the bugle of the new green hatchling and her attention completely diverted from the clutch of largely pastel-colored eggs.


Lonely Bookworm


Wind-up Waffles

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:16 am
Rothgar // he/him | BeastCraft, Weyrherd | Candidate

Watching hatchlings rake their claws across eggshells gradually made the wher claw scar across Rothgar's face throb. He even saw that it caused those eggs to finally open. The violence that these dragons exhibited was new to the young BeastCrafter, not in their actions so much as their ominous intent. That was the only word that came to mind: ominous. It was as if they all were in on the same plan, orchestrated by the Bronzes in their number.

Rothgar rubbed his face, easing the phantom pain and clearing his head. He had been about to bolt, head from this clutch to the other, but what if these dragons went over to the other clutch? Was this the beginning of a feud? Well, then they needed to stay separate so they would not fight. And what if it was only this clutch with some sort of internal struggle? Even as children the dangers were equally dangerous. He looked at the parents, then the hatchlings. The Bronzes, browns, greens, blues. He felt determination rise within him, right alongside that ominous excitement. He did not know that it had been an egg to give him that extra push. He had no idea which side he would take, if any. But he would stand his ground, for now.

He glanced at those around him, other candidates with worried or grim expressions whose position put them right between the two clutches.

(( Anyone? ))  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:24 am

"Fine, it can chase -you-." Saekagi hissed back. You weren't -supposed- to run and panic, panic wouldn't help when everything on the sand was faster than they were.

Faranth, come back when you were candidate master. He'd had enough people try and give him theories on what he should have done, previously, all he could do was try and follow instructions from their training, and watch the damn dragons. "It'll be a very. short. chase."

Anger and embarrassment kept the fear out of his voice, at least for a moment, and he clenched his fists at his sides, to keep them from shaking, because it wasn't actually the other candidate he was imagining running from an angry dragon with freedom to rampage. He didn't need this right now, he didn't need to be reminded it was challenging just to be standing here.



Golden Knight

15,750 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:24 am



Ohhh this drattedly tough shell! For a moment Colors of the Wind withdrew its claws, that green-orange eye returning to the gap, flashing red before the hatching within resumed its assault on the shell. Out! Out! There had been a change in the wind, it could just feel it!  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:28 am

But Crucio was not yet finished! She had more friends to wake up. Prancing through the eggs, still cackling madly, she paused first at Death Eater and then Amortentia. Come out and play! The eggs began to rock.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:32 am
Willim watched the Impressions with joy; how excited for those Candidates to find their lifemates! He hoped there was a dragonet out there for him. And for Shanley, Then he noticed the angry-eyed babies and remembered enough of his Candidate training to know they were a danger, to themselves and to the Candtates.

"Stand behind me," he told Shanley, moving himself in front of her and extending a protective arm. No harm was going to come to her, not if he had anything to say in the matter. If he had to fight one of those hatchlings, he would -- and better they take him out than Shanley.


With every hatchling that Impressed, Jeri squealed and bounced up and down. It was so exciting! And the dragonets were so adorable! She felt absolutely certain there was a baby with her name on it this time. She'd had so many close calls over the years, it was bound to happen sooner or later!

She didn't even pay attention to the potential troublemakers in Rhianth's clutch; they were just more adorable babies as far as she was concerned. Sure, they had angry red eyes, but they were probably just hungry! Hatching was hard work!

Was that what Impression looked like? Tokki watched as dragonets found their bonds among the Candidates, and a warm happy feeling washed over him. It was wonderful to see so many hatchlings find Theirs! He was beginning to really hope that one of the dragonets would choose him.

Except for those babies with the scary red eyes. Were they angry? And what were they angry about? He remembered the sharp biting sensation he felt from a couple of the eggs during the Touching and frowned a little. Were these some of those eggs? If they were, he wanted nothing to do with them!

Q'dosh of blue Turanth
Q'dosh gratefully took the mug and sipped the hot beverage. "Well, we've had a few eggs hatch, a bronze and a queen Impressed along with a couple greens, and there's presently a a bunch of babies down there with murder in their eyes." He took another sip, then rested his head against Zi'aso's. "Other than that, you haven't missed a thing."

He watched the little blue pick his way carefully through the candidates and thought back to his own Impression, how nervous he'd been, how sweet and patient his Turanth was with him. So different than the intensity of some of the other hatchlings currently rampaging on the sands. Q hoped no harm would come to any of the Candidates -- that would be a serious tragedy. He remembered what happened during the last Hatching at Western, and he didn't want to witness a repeat. Or worse.

Prism Shine
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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