Right... for the first time ever! the mass pic log of the "Pets of FAKI"
hopeing the pics arn't to big =P yup they are... oh wells dont feel like editing them all
the uber bunny of doom, the one pet my entire guild Feared for it could kill any melee fighter (cept for master TKs)
oh come on, Everyone has to have a rancor
i had 3 toxic merek battlelords Suger, Aerials, Chopsuie
Ahh, my orignal kitty, Chii later named Fureia, she was given to me the very first week i joined swg once it went live
my pimp daddy ride, largest rideable pet
my special made bantha, it out dmged me by alot
Hehehe i loved my danceing ancient flyer
now if only they would of made Famba's into a multiperson mount *sigh*
Woops, forgot one...
razz and sadly, the bunny could easily beat him