disliker of the mary sue
nut while you were gone they semi limited cyber dragon and broght back monster reborn. so after that all hell broke lose with the meta game.
How can you semi-limit something that hs a fusion where you need three cyber dragons to summon? (have they forgotten the Cyber end Dragon can only be fusion summoned with the correct fusion monsters??? And I don't accept the proto) Not to mention that that will really make the Chimeritech Fortress Dragon crappy if it gets released in the US. And there was a reason for banning MR. it was banned because of people sinking powerful cards into their graveyard only to revive it, with Call of the Haunted and Premature burial at least they weren't completely free. I complained when they banned some of the powerhouse cards, but understood why they removed each card. And now they're banning something like the Cyberdragon. (they already restricted the amount of Future Fusions, Overload Fusions, and Limiter Removals to 1 or none already.)
Now, in magic, there are different formats, and most people play the format that has just the most recent 8 booster releases. But most people also play the format where you can use any number of cards (max of 4 except for basic lands of course for you maig nerds.) in your deck with no limitations.
No single magic card is going to impact the entire game like the YGO cards. (it does help that there's no cap on creatures played per turn or amount of creatures in play.)