bluegrass cat
Iconised Ghost
Me neither. I guess its kinda similar to what they do with deer and cattle etc, how they give them an electric shock so that they are out of it before they slit their throats and actually kill them

ayup, but animals can pass out. i've seen it happen, yo.

i was helping during foaling season, and a mare was in extreme distress. her foal had breached and she tried and tried and tried and just finally collapsed.

the vet managed to save her and the foal, thank goodness, but the mare had TOTALLY passed out from the pain and exhaustion. crying poor thing...

anything w/a nervous system and a brain should be able to pass out...i mean, once your nervous system is overloaded, your brain goes into shut down mode, ya know? cuts off all non-required functions ((and being awake is one of them, lol)).

ah thats true. I havent done a lot of nervous system stuff in animals, it would be quite interesting. I need to spend more time in the uni basement with the pigeons xd