Otho regarded the captain with a nod and a small smile. The man was clearly out for adventure, but Otho found he could tell little about the perplexities of this man's personality simply by looking him over. Proper introductions will have to wait, I suppose. He turned a few idle thoughts over and over in his head as he shouldered his pack, patted the slightly warm spot in his pocket where the amulet lay, and made his way up the brow. He stepped lightly onto the weather deck, feeling the boards creak from exposure. The boat swayed gently on the morning breeze, pulling at her mooring like a tethered animal, longing to be set free. Placing his hand on the fore-mast, Otho gazed up at the haze-blue morning sky. It's as if the sea is calling to us. The day couldn't be more perfect, what with the wind and the cloudless sky.

He turned aft and headed towards the main stairwell that led down into the belly of the ship, forgetting the others for the time being. Passageways led this way and that, littered with crates, boxes, and sacks of all manner of supplies. A turn left had him headed forward towards ammunition and arms storage. He passed between the iron-bore cannons, running his hand over the bumpy metal, wondering if they'd actually encounter any resistance on their way towards wherever they were going. Could such a haphazard crew defend the Furystorm against any foe? Deciding he'd rather not consider the chances, he made his way out of the arms compartment and into what he assumed to be the berthing quarters. Against three of the compartment's four walls were bunks stacked three high with closed doors leading off to the back left and back right of the room.

"Cozy," he said to himself, not being a particularly picky man with regards to living space. "I just hope my cabin mates are as easily pleased..." He chose a top bunk on the starboard side and tossed his sack onto it. Then he leaped after it, situating himself carefully as the overhead came just three feet above the bunk. He reached his hand into his pocket and removed the small burlap lump, turning its warm weight over and over again in his palm. Gerabbi never told me what you were for... such a cryptic old loon... 'Keep it safe, lad.' Oh, I'll keep it safe.

He rested his head on the bit of fluff that seemed to serve as a pillow on his bunk, closing his eyes and relaxing for a bit as he waited for the others to make their way below decks.