XXDemonic TwinkieXX
XXDemonic TwinkieXX
XXDemonic TwinkieXX

It will be likely our memories will be erased. The bible said there will be no sadness or sorrow in heaven. What if you remember the day someone died close to you and that you loved. You would be sad or you will have sorrow.

Where does the Bible say that our memories will be erased when we go to heaven? Where does it say that we will experience no sorrow or happiness, etc. in Heaven?

If that person that I remember died, but I meet them again in the eternities, how could I be sad?

Please explain to me when I said there will be no happiness. Oh like I said before you would probably be sad if they died anyway. Stop thinking in your own point of view and look at everyone else's. This is why I talk to down to earth Christians. Well my ranting is done.

I do look at other people's points of views. And thanks for insinuating that I am pompous and not down to earth.

And yes, I would be sad if some one I loved died, but that sadness would only be temporary because I know I'd see them again in the eternities. I believe family is forever. So if one of my loved ones died tomorrow, sure I'd grieve for them, but I'd comforted in the fact that they'd be waiting for me in the eternities.

Eh it was probably how you were acting that made me say that. I don't debate with people I just say my thoughts and move on

Tone is nearly impossible to pick up in text.