Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:56 pm
*Applauds* Good job! I dislike close-minded people like that. I don't believe homosexuality is wrong either (considering I kinda believe in things like reincarnation and that we probably don't have gender in afterlife.)
Meet you in Hell, I guess. surprised (I'd rather watch flames for eternity than boring clouds anyway.)
Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 8:35 am
Sorceress Ameneka *Applauds* Good job! I dislike close-minded people like that. I don't believe homosexuality is wrong either (considering I kinda believe in things like reincarnation and that we probably don't have gender in afterlife.)
Meet you in Hell, I guess. surprised (I'd rather watch flames for eternity than boring clouds anyway.) lol Anyways I agree with what you say because i think that what you believe is your choice, it doesn't have to be the same things other people see. Also this is what i think of the bible: It is a whole bunch of confusing words put into one book that can be read to be many different things. That as far as i know is been pretty true since my Christian friends all say somewhat opposite things about what is in it oh btw if you haven't figured it out yet, i'm not christian. and i do agree with the homosexuality having nothing wrong
Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:56 am
I understand your confusion. The problem is people have been given free will. Freedom to choose , accept ,deny,conform,regect,pick,choose,collect,pitch. You get the idea. Take the time to read more of the teaching of the Old Testament. Jesus was a master of it and in seeing the extrordinary in the onrdinary. Ex: the parable of the mustard seed. To give key evidences of why we should OBEY!! The choice yes is ultimatly your. There is no rule in today's society, everything is brought into question, scrutiny. We see issues with a critical eye. We should be bringing our focus on the bigger picture. In the book of Judges there seems to be a recurring theme of lawlessness destuction and moral decay. And one recurring phrase. Judges 21:25 In those days there was no kingnin Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Try your best to listen in class. Keep track of your questions in a notebook. Use your own time to come up with the answers. You are the only one who can satisfy what God has placed in your heart. Who know's he may need your hand to write a book!!
Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:40 pm
Sorceress Ameneka *Applauds* Good job! I dislike close-minded people like that. I don't believe homosexuality is wrong either (considering I kinda believe in things like reincarnation and that we probably don't have gender in afterlife.)
Meet you in Hell, I guess. surprised (I'd rather watch flames for eternity than boring clouds anyway.) THANK YOU FOR AGREEING WITH MY VIEWS!! some of my friends just don't like to listen to me. they don't think that when they are reincarnated, that if they r a boy now, they could be a grl then!
Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 11:19 am
For one thing I'm glad your questioning your faith and seeking for answers. That is a sign of someone who doesn't like the argument "This is what the Bible says, so believe it!" I'm doing the same thing right now and I've found a book that has answered a lot of my questions while making me ask more.
I'm going to try and summarize what I've been reading from this book called Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, so it may be a little ruff around the edges. It may not seem relevant at first, but it leads to what you're questioning. The Bible says that Jesus was a Jewish rabbi. The cultural context of a rabbi was a very learned Jewish man who interpreted the Torah and other Jewish writings and taught his "yoke", as it was called, to the people and to his disciples to in turn teach his yoke in the future. Normally in the Jewish community, this yoke would be unchanged. Once it was decided, it was decided. Any rabbi with a new interpretation would make some formerly acceptable practices forbidden and formerly forbidden practices acceptable. This was called "binding and loosening." When a rabbi gave his disciples the authority to "bind and loose" this was called "giving the keys of the kingdom." In Matthew 16:19, Jesus gives the keys to the kingdom to the Disciples, gives them the ability to make new interpretations of the Bible. In Acts 15, the Disciples make the decision to not force the Gentile (those who are not Jews) people who wanted to follow Jesus to also follow many of the Jewish practices. So they "bound" the practices that Jesus followed while He was on earth.
Being a Christian makes you Jesus' disciple. He will accept what you have bound and loosed on Earth as long as you believe in Him. If you think homosexuality is okay, that is what you have loosened. It's not saying you can add things like reincarnation, but Jesus has given us the ability to interpret the Bible as we see necessary for our times and culture. I encourage you to read the book I am currently reading and question what you believe. I have learned so much from it and I am more secure in what I believe. I also have a lot more questions I want to seek answers to. I hope that I have lead you in the right direction that you want to go in! PM me if you do read the book.
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:23 pm
i believe you are 100% wright / how do we (man) interpreted the bible or Torah or what very religion you believe in/ how do we (as humans) know that we took god's word and wrote it write in any religion you may practice? god is the Creator of all beings (in my belief as i see it) and non-beings he excepts us all as one, not as individuals as we live our human life's
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:44 pm
you teacher said you would go to hell??? omg I think god takes everybody no matter what! he made everybody for a reason...
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:38 pm
I'm totally in the same situation that you are. Grr. It stinks, yes?
My church has told me that you will go to heaven if you know/believe in God. I take that as knowing that he exists and is real, not agreeing with him. I believe in God. I just don't believe in some of the Bible's teachings. In the Bible, they were very degrading to women, for example. We know that this is a very bad thing in our time. The Bible is a very old book. Some of it still applies to society, and some doesn't. I'm sure that all of the people who contributed to the Bible never would have even imagined that we could put miniature versions of people in a box and have everybody everywhere watch them, for example.
I believe that people should be able to make their own choices about their own life. So I believe that people should have the freedom to choose their sexuality, or whether or not abortion is right, etc. I also think that these kind of things should be the person's themselves choice, not the government, but I think that would be another topic altogether.
Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:47 am
the way i see it if god made man than he chose to have peole that belive in him and peole that dont so he would like you to fallow the "richous path" and read the bible but it is to your own interpitation. If god loves his children (us) and he created us than he understands what we feel and he will acept us no matter wat we think or feel because it is his fault (in a good way) that we think think or that. im not saying that if you go kill 50 people then commit sucide than you will immediatle go to heaven but he created you to do a job if that job be to question others thinkings or questoin society than you will not be punished for it by going to hell.
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:52 pm
Well what we have to realize is that the "Bible" was written by people with there own opinions and not by god. There, thats all I have to say about this..
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:29 pm
people seem to pick and choose what they believe or follow in the bible all the time depending on their needs. there are many contradictions about many things in the bible. all you can do is read it and decide for yourself. allow yourself to question and come to your own conclusions. I personally believe that the bible is another one of the worlds great mythologies.
Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:29 pm
THANK YOU! Your views are exactly the same as mine! As a fellow Christian, I believe the same thing! You just managed to put it into words. smile
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:27 pm
well there are diferent types of christianity and i dont agree w/ every thing in the bible (( but some i do)) although i myself am not cristin in any way (( although if my mom knew that shed disone me... or kill me)) and it might even be that what you belive in isnt considered christianity either even though you do belive in some things in the bible as do i . so i hope i helped ^.^
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:11 am
hehe, I'm not a christian. I was baptized as an infant as a presbyterian, converted later to roman catholic, then went down the path of paganism for about a decade, then evolved into an agnostic/atheist (2 different things, I know but it is possible to be both), and now I'm somewhere in the midst of it all, creating my own belief system from all the others I've learned from.
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:56 am
you know what? that is exactly how i feel. i have my own perceptions of the bible and i believe some things differently.I feel the exact same as you for the whole "other religions" thing. i think people should be able to believe what they think is right. i don't think you should believe in something just because you were born in to it. everyone should spend time personally reflecting their OWN beliefs.