Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:55 am
Gwynnavier I love the complaint thread! My biggest complaint would be that I am not allowed to complain at home (30 years old here and not allowed HA!) My fiance is a complainer and if I make a complaint then all hell breaks lose and I am told I complain to much. My step daughter is a royal pain in my arse! Refuses to wash the outsides of dishes or even check to see if the dishes are clean. Has 3 chores a week to do but is to busy listening to her MP3 player or sitting on her computer. Her room stinks like fermented old food, but no food anywhere to be found in the room as there is a rule of no food in the room at any time!!! Almost puked my guts up when I walked in there yesterday. I am a martial artist and my last compliant will be summed up as quickly as possible. If you study Tae Kwon Do and come into a Karate class with a brown belt in TKD then you should have to start from the begining as it is two totally different forms of movements, instead of being skipped ahead of everyone else who has taken their time to learn all the movements. grrrr but I guess when your 5'2 with golden blond hair and 19 its a different story. Thanks for letting me complain, I have a lot more where that comes from smile I know how you feel (about the not being able to complain thing). That's why I frequent this thread. Gives me a chance to vent without getting bitched at.Filia_Nox I am highly resistant to illness. However my boss and co-workers are not. boss brought in a cold then left for the weekend. my co-worker caught it and since i spend so much time around her (work, classes, and i'm her ride to and from the college) i have begun to develop symptoms. I HATE COLDS scream i can't smell anything (and i usually have the nose of a bloodhound) and now i'm starting to develop a cough I have the opposite problem. Ever since I became pregnant, it almost seems like I catch every little bug that goes around. It's been driving me up the wall that my coworkers are coming in sick, coughing and sneezing all over the place without covering their mouths. It would be nice if other people could have a little consideration and keep their germs to themselves, or maybe even take a sick day so they don't get everyone else sick.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:36 am
Hey! What happened to my Aquarium! All the fish are gone, along with all the decorations I won and purchased! It's totally EMPTY! That is so unfair! scream
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:28 am
KatrinaZ Hey! What happened to my Aquarium! All the fish are gone, along with all the decorations I won and purchased! It's totally EMPTY! That is so unfair! scream All of Gaia is having problems! The games, the Aquarium, everything! My Aquarium was like that this morning, then it was fine just a few minutes ago, and now the clam or oyster or what ever the hell is it that gives out prizes isn't working, it opens and does the nice music and shuts without showing you what it has given you and I didn't have anything new in my inventory, so its buggy. Same with the Jigsaw puzzle game, grrr still buggy as all get out. I have a screen open for jigsaw that says "Granting Gold...." But guess what, its not granting!!!! grrr I did recieve a email from Gaia last night about the issue and they said to write back if it is still having problems that theyw ould send it to the techincal dept. but I wonder if that will actually happen. I suppose it hasn't as it has not been fixed as of yet. Yep that was todays complain for me. Oh yeah and my step daughter is home from school sick. Just the common cold thats being overdone with the "I need attention" So I gave her night time medicine and sent her back to bed and said no tv, no computer. Surprisingly she is already feeling much better. May be the fact that I unplugged her internet cable without her knowing lol
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:56 pm
God damn youngins *Shaks fist
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:59 pm
I am sick and tired of that "overseer" giving me the same freakin items!!!! I swear I have 3 of those fire crowns and 2 of those demon vests!! Plus over and above that, I can't sell them on market place because everyone and their dog is selling them too!!! So every time I try to just get rid of them for some profit someone posts for an even lower dollar amount.... I'm an organizing fanatic and it really irks me to have these items just hangin around.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:59 am
Glitchy Gaia scream ...enough said
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:36 am
I agree with the glitchy gaia! Now they added a new game, I played it for 30 minutes and got 78 in gold ohhhh what a gain there! Oh yeah and my last complaint for the day, is my vacation is ruined grrrr dang kids. Who wants to take a kid to Key West? Not I, no night life for me for the 3 days that I will be there grrrr.
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:34 pm
Ladies, have you noticed that EVERY single brand of jeans has a different sizing system??? I did the other day when I tried to get into my size 3 mossimos and they were too small, moved to the size 4 something or others.... too small. Pulled on the size 1... yes ONE Levi's and they fit perfectly. what is wrong with this?
Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:27 pm
Toddler meltdowns!!!
We went to the children's museum, at first, she was afraid to try things, she was afraid of the noises. Then she got into it all and was having a blast. When it was time to go she had a full out melt down. Screamed all the way to the bathroom, refused to go... and screamed in there (major echo)... Then refused to let me put her pants back on. I had to carry her up the stairs screaming, to the front of the building, out the door, down the street, up the elevator, threw the parking ramp... by then she was hysterical. Then had to force a toddler to bend so I could buckle her into her seat, keep her arms in while I fought the straps, and keep her arm and leg away from the door so I could close that. She was so bad that she was having trouble breathing, but could not stop screaming long enough to catch her breath. When I got down to the parking attendant, she was still screaming... so when the lady refused to give me the hour off the total because I got the validation from the children's museum, I did not want to fight her too. Guess we will not use that ramp the next time we go.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 8:51 am
Construction Crews. They make a lot of noise, right now it's the loud booming sounds of a very large object striking an even bigger object or minor detonations but i think it is a pile driver they are building a bridge after all, then at noon they take a 3 hour break for lunch come back and work for 30 minutes then call it a day. And people wonder why they are always past their deadline and over budget.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:08 am
Tired, muscles aching and darn worried. Long day as babysitter to friends year and a half old boy (been helping since kid was five month old) and I forget to eat there. It's full moon and I haven't slept barely at all in two nights. This slowly starts to eat me. On the top of this fancy pile of frustration, I need to take care my own family member for not pushing himself over the edge with stress. stressed Screw everything! I want to sleep!
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 9:10 am
scream scream scream scream Its gonna rain and that means i have to stay inside the house now!!!! scream scream scream
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:08 am
Work is crap. I cant stand any of my supervisors , they keep trying to break the laws. Like the ones about how long you work before you get a break or then even made one woman work too long and she might lose her social security (disability) payments and they like playing this game when there more than one of them around that they all tell you to do something different then the manager comes up to yell at you for now doing what ONE of them said. So basically cant stand work. And I'm going to trade school and they are trying to screw us by not teaching us what we need to know to pass the national certification , and If we don't oh well its only $7,000 and 500 hours of our time. So yeah stupid people running things sucks.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:02 am
I have just a minor complaint------------------my clam will not open every day, sometimes I go 2 or 3 days before it opens, then it opens and I start all over again, waiting for it to open. Anyone else have this problem or is it not supposed to open every day question question question
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:28 pm
I have a freaking headache. And another stye. I swear, I should be called the Stye Queen and be in the Guiness Book of Records for most styes!