Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:24 am
HAHA yea i suppost you could call me that ^_^
Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:41 am
Could you rate me... maybe? I would apretiate it....
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:30 am
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:11 am
Or, you could try to rate my dream avatar too....
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:45 am
(*comment-rating because she can*)
Hotaru - It looks pretty cool. The Kiki, Demonbow, and katana all look a little out-of-place (Kiki because it's more of a true white than the other silvery/purply whites in your outfit; Demonbow because it looks cluttery with the Arachne legs; and katana because it just seems thrown-on). Actually, to be honest, the whole thing kinda looks like you're just displaying various donation items you have. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, because it does look pretty cool, but I think you could stand to take out a couple of the items (like the ones I mentioned). ^.^
Keitsume - Honestly, I like your current avvy better than the dream one. You look like you're gonna go out clubbing, or on a date or something - it's simple, but nice 3nodding (that, and I'm quite fond of the black/red color scheme wink ). The blue flower was a bit out of wack at first glance, but I'm assuming the blue flower is for your blue eyes, so 'sokay ^.^ I would suggest either adding doggy ears of some sort, or getting rid of the tail, because it seems a little random to me. I mean, it goes with the outfit, but why just a tail? I hope I'm making sense sweatdrop Anyway, I do really like your outfit ^.^
Could someone please rate me (comments > numbers)? I tried to dress up like the Pixie xd
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:59 am
Thank you very much Sheer_Immortal! I think you outfit is wonder full! I don't see anything wrong with it. You do a great job on it!
Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:00 pm
Sheer_Immortal (*comment-rating because she can*) Hotaru - It looks pretty cool. The Kiki, Demonbow, and katana all look a little out-of-place (Kiki because it's more of a true white than the other silvery/purply whites in your outfit; Demonbow because it looks cluttery with the Arachne legs; and katana because it just seems thrown-on). Actually, to be honest, the whole thing kinda looks like you're just displaying various donation items you have. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, because it does look pretty cool, but I think you could stand to take out a couple of the items (like the ones I mentioned). ^.^ Keitsume - Honestly, I like your current avvy better than the dream one. You look like you're gonna go out clubbing, or on a date or something - it's simple, but nice 3nodding (that, and I'm quite fond of the black/red color scheme wink ). The blue flower was a bit out of wack at first glance, but I'm assuming the blue flower is for your blue eyes, so 'sokay ^.^ I would suggest either adding doggy ears of some sort, or getting rid of the tail, because it seems a little random to me. I mean, it goes with the outfit, but why just a tail? I hope I'm making sense sweatdrop Anyway, I do really like your outfit ^.^ Could someone please rate me (comments > numbers)? I tried to dress up like the Pixie xd wth? neutral where's ace?
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:15 am
rofl heart -Nibbles Sheer-
@Keitsume: I really like the tail o.o Cute<3 And the flower matches your eyes. Godd job, 7.5/10 I'm not to keen on your dream avi, it's cluttered and doesn't match to well. Three swords are pretty much a turn off too. 4/10 @HotaruGunslinger: Howdy,howdy,howdy<3 I like this one alot, your sure do got an eye for dressing up. heart 9.6/10 @Sheer_Immortal: You look more like a butterfly. Great matching though, can't really complain about anything. 9.8/10
Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:48 am
Goddess Ace rofl heart -Nibbles Sheer- @Keitsume: I really like the tail o.o Cute<3 And the flower matches your eyes. Godd job, 7.5/10 I'm not to keen on your dream avi, it's cluttered and doesn't match to well. Three swords are pretty much a turn off too. 4/10 @HotaruGunslinger: Howdy,howdy,howdy<3 I like this one alot, your sure do got an eye for dressing up. heart 9.6/10 @Sheer_Immortal: You look more like a butterfly. Great matching though, can't really complain about anything. 9.8/10 Heh, yeah, I wasn't gonna go out and spend - what, 40k? - on the fairy wings when I already had the butterfly wings wink Thanks for the rate ^.^
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:33 am
Could you rate my Christmas Avi? 3nodding
Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:57 am
Does this new sketchbook I got match with my avi? I know you've already rated me before, but I just wanted to make sure. mrgreen
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:14 am
@Chrysilla: I love your avatars so much o.o Great job with the yetti, 10/10 @CheezyPoofs: The sketch book looks great, 9.7/10
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:15 am
Yup, Chrysilla's avi is very cute. ^_^
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 12:11 pm
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:19 pm
The hair isn't accurate, though. Just put my hair with it. They didn't have it on tektek. >_>;;