Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:30 pm
Teh Dana bluegrass cat angel_half82 Well if he's anything like me he's the happiest person alive. xd xd that would explain the giggling. stare GIGGLING?oh yes. angel and i are forever giggling and having fun, even whilst playing. 3nodding in fact, friends of ours have lamented losing "the mood" and we're always like "mood? there has to be a mood for sex??? confused wtf?" xd of course, we're speshul that way... domokun
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:45 am
LOL funnily enough, I know the feeling. Me and my ex, we were the same way...all in the middle one of us would say something and the next thing we knew we'd be laughing our heads off...and then it was all of a sudden, back to where we were. lol.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:59 am
Im not going to see dan for 5 days ;__; I have work until xmas eve D= but he's coming over xmas eve ^^ which is all good <3
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:10 pm
bluegrass cat Teh Dana bluegrass cat angel_half82 Well if he's anything like me he's the happiest person alive. xd xd that would explain the giggling. stare GIGGLING?oh yes. angel and i are forever giggling and having fun, even whilst playing. 3nodding in fact, friends of ours have lamented losing "the mood" and we're always like "mood? there has to be a mood for sex??? confused wtf?" xd of course, we're speshul that way... domokun We have giggling too! and laughing until it hurts.... It's supossed to be fun anyway!
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:47 pm
Ketake 2.0 bluegrass cat Teh Dana bluegrass cat angel_half82 Well if he's anything like me he's the happiest person alive. xd xd that would explain the giggling. stare GIGGLING?oh yes. angel and i are forever giggling and having fun, even whilst playing. 3nodding in fact, friends of ours have lamented losing "the mood" and we're always like "mood? there has to be a mood for sex??? confused wtf?" xd of course, we're speshul that way... domokun We have giggling too! and laughing until it hurts.... It's supossed to be fun anyway! Yes fun is good xd heart
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:18 pm
Thanatos Phoenix Ketake 2.0 bluegrass cat Teh Dana bluegrass cat angel_half82 Well if he's anything like me he's the happiest person alive. xd xd that would explain the giggling. stare GIGGLING?oh yes. angel and i are forever giggling and having fun, even whilst playing. 3nodding in fact, friends of ours have lamented losing "the mood" and we're always like "mood? there has to be a mood for sex??? confused wtf?" xd of course, we're speshul that way... domokun We have giggling too! and laughing until it hurts.... It's supossed to be fun anyway! Yes fun is good xd heart fun is AWESOME! xd i feel kinda bad for people who have to have "the mood" or be in "the mood" to do anything. crying what a sad life!
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:08 pm
i believe this be where i post my awsomeness
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:12 pm
squee_moon Im not going to see dan for 5 days ;__; I have work until xmas eve D= but he's coming over xmas eve ^^ which is all good <3 I won't see my boyfriend for 17 days. crying He's going home to British Columbia and I'm going home to Seattle.
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:06 pm
Lily the Pink squee_moon Im not going to see dan for 5 days ;__; I have work until xmas eve D= but he's coming over xmas eve ^^ which is all good <3 I won't see my boyfriend for 17 days. crying He's going home to British Columbia and I'm going home to Seattle. All I want for Christmas....
D= well i will make sure on xmas eve to take loads of piccu's and post em up for you lot <3
... Is my love <3
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:17 am
mkay so i gots no clue how to friggin do this....nothings working for me crying oh well.... sweatdrop stupid pictures scream
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:07 am
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:20 pm
Mariah and i i am the brown hair stuborn-brat on the left i think and riah is the black hair bit#h on the right haha we earn our nick names
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:07 pm