Goddess Ace
emo I know how that orange peels.
*Takes out automatic shufler*
xd i'm sorry ace x3
xd I really don't like myspace... I only talk to one guy up there because he's ******** whack. And I think the only "emo" band I may even listen to is GC... which is hardly ever because I like to listen to the Butchies and Stroke 9...
*Gets shuffled and spit out with three spades and a diamond*
lol, yeah x3 i hate myspace. everyone always talks about myspace. whatever the hell happened to Xanga? screw myspace, if i ever needed a web space to actually blog and rant stuff (which isnt ever too often) i'd go for either here or xanga. and i dont like blogging anyways, so it'd be here x3
Honestly, I don't understand the whole blog thing... my sister made me the account and I just didn't bother to delete it...
And I had a Xanga but I found it rather boring... so Gaia just does fine for ranting.
As for the comic, I made it yesterday.
@Frito: Why?