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In Which Ice Flowers Cause Trouble ~the end~ Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 36 37 38 39 40 41 ... 92 93 94 95 [>] [>>] [»|]

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Red Glacier

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:14 pm
(Well if you even read the posts I did get control of this because Kusa let me take control and I talked to him over a PM about it and he was perfectly fine with it. That and i didn't do this alone, we agreed to have you kicked out and warned you multiple times. And don't even act like you didn't ruin plenty of plots either without telling anyone. Pretty much Elcia handed it to Kusa and Kusa handed the control to me. Plus you and Kalib aren't active anyway so you two always leave us in a stand still waiting for you all to get back on to continue what you all start. So I didn't ruin anything by making a field because I was authorized to do it)  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:49 pm
((Jeez and I came here to try and get away from drama... *facepalm*

Mkay, Kire. If you read back a ways, you'll notice that Elcia was leaving things open for others to do what they wanted, to have some creative license. And so, Kusa got to have some creativity and made a plot, which the rest of us were all kinda collaborating with. But then Kusa got tired of it - being the boss really does suck after a while and it's hard work - and asked if anyone else would take control. So Viral did. Role playing is like collective story telling. Unfortunately, it so happens that you seem to be on a different wave-length than the rest of us with this. We don't want to kick you out per se, it's just that you aren't meshing with what we've got going on here. We've tried to incorporate you, but then you just don't post for long periods while in the middle of a battle, so we have to move on. And you also plot-cut what we've got, and god-mod, making yourself supremely powerful. (Weaknesses, man. Next time you're in a gaming store, and I don't mean video games, try checking out some Role Playing rule books. You can get some good ideas from those.) And we have given you lots of warning about this. Also, you totally steal from TV shows. You said yourself you were trying to be like Itachi. If we wanted that, we'd join a Naruto guild. And you totally stole the "Earthbending" from "Avatar". Originality and creativity, and thinking outside the box, are the best ways to learn to be a better RPer, while staying within reasonable boundaries and following the rules, or at least customs of common courtesy.

I know it must seem that we are ganging up on you, and for that I do apologize sincerely. I know I hate that more than anything. >< But still, think about it from our perspective too. We have a good RP here, and you only post occasionally, but what you do is so big and cuts into whatever we have that's going on already... it's very disrupting.

Also, one of your points, and I quote:
Kire Kaysan
You have no idea what my characters are like.
That's exactly it. We don't know what your characters are like. All we've seen is what you've shown us, which is a guy who has extremely powerful powers, a lot of which are taken from TV shows, and who doesn't seem to have much depth to him beyond the cliched bad guy that he appears to be. So you shouldn't honestly expect us to regard your character with much respect if you can't be bothered to make him original, or at least an interesting cliche. But even that would be acceptable, if you actually contributed to making this Role Play fun for everyone, and not just a means to experiment with playing God. Seriously, ever tried it? "Oh, a meteor is gonna crash into the Earth. Taken care of. Next. Oh a tsunami. No biggie, I'll just divert the water with my mind. Next." It's actually quite boring if you win at everything. Take movies for example. Do you really think that people would pay 10+ dollars to see a movie if it went like this: "Guy meets girl. Guy and girl like each other. They get together. The end. Total movie time: ten minutes." People don't care about the ending as much as we think we do, we care about how things are achieved, the struggles we face, the journey. If it's a cake walk, then it doesn't mean anything to us, it doesn't stick. If the guy is part of the mofia and the girl is the presidents daughter and they fall in love, then that's interesting, because there's conflict and tension and a struggle. Now I'm just using that as an example, but try to apply it to this situation. By being all-powerful, not only are you making it harder on all the rest of us, but you're also making it more boring for yourself.

So basically, I'm pretty much sick and tired of all this plot cutting and all the stops and starts and the drama. I just want to have a nice, fun role play. And you're kinda stopping that for all of us. So, you know, if you want to be all powerful, do it on your own terms, okay?))  



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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:22 am
((*Pats Kerrigan on the shoulder*

... It's OK soon the drama will be over, you put the argument in very good form, and I agree with your stand on this.

Kire, in the future RPs you participate in, I hope you take some time to think about what good methods of storytelling are. We're always open to new ideas and plot lines, just ask someone about them first. the reason Viral got to control what happened is because I was feeling burnt out with being the driving force of the RP, my plot line is still THERE, but something unexpected can always happen on a journey.
I hope there are no hard feeling between us, and I would like to see you in here again, just next time have a background set up for your character. You can always have secrets of your characters if you want, but throw a bone every once in a while, give a little info of where they came from, or why they do the things they do, or even just make a little Mini-story about their home town.
And I hope there's no offense... but if I see posts with your previous character, I'm going to just ignore it.))  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:18 am
( plus what has Zenaku done to god-mod? He snuck up on everyone so nobody saw him comming. Your character couldn't be seen so when Zenaku beat him down the others didn't know because they couldn't see either one of them. The Zenaku attacked them from the trees using guns, have you ever seen a gun fire at an animal? Did you notice the animal fell after the sound went off? because bullets travel faster then the speed of sound and therefore the group had no chance to dodge the bullets. Your character however did god-mod blocking a bullet because there is no way a person could move their arm and build a wall of fire hot enough to desintegrate the bullet on contact faster then the bullet could travel.

That and Zenaku only really showed an ability when fighting Viral, well I can't necessarily god-mod against myself Kire because they are both my characters and if I wan Viral to get the s**t beat out of him by Zenaku thats my decision. and the beam that Zenaku used against your cloaked character was a *weapon* not an ability. That and you also god-modded when you were throwing all those clones out and when Kusa shot a beam that would hit the *real* enemy you kept throwing clones out saying it diverted the beam, so you hijacked kusa ability to save your character from getting harmed. That and how can somebody raise an army of clones and travel faster then the speed of sound and summon tons of monsters without getting a little tired? The reason Zenaku didn't get tired from his entrance because all he used were weapons except when fighting Viral, the guy didn't even move from his original spot after taking the cloaked guy down til Viral aimed at him then he just moved in at Viral and stopped and took care of business, all Zenaku did was static a computer and blow up a suit of armor, not that tiring at all really.

The reason we don't favor your characters because they are clixhed and cheap assed. every time you hit him "Oh look it was just a clone, too bad" so there is no way to keep going because the only thing you fight is ******** clones. So the fights are just repetitive so there is nothing interesting when getting into a fight because evfen if we use powers to hit the original apparently you can just somehow use more clones to confuse it. There is nothing original or really interesting about your characters. That and if Kalib had a plot that he wanted to contribute then its tough s**t because you all kept wrecking ours and its his fault for not telling me about it first.)  

Red Glacier

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:26 pm
((ok, not to sound selfish, but I would like to get back to the roleplay. And Kire you need to stop the god moding and plot-cutting! Nobody likes someone who does that. And as you said, Elcia is in charge, so you should of went over it with Elcia, instead of taking charge yourself!! But as I was saying, I think we should get back to the roleplay, and not let this arguement interupt it. But, I also think that Kire should stay out of the roleplay until Elcia come back and gives us her input!))  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:07 pm
((ok, not to sound selfish, but I would like to get back to the roleplay. And Kire you need to stop the god moding and plot-cutting! Nobody likes someone who does that. And as you said, Elcia is in charge, so you should of went over it with Elcia, instead of taking charge yourself!! But as I was saying, I think we should get back to the roleplay, and not let this arguement interupt it. But, I also think that Kire should stay out of the roleplay until Elcia come back and gives us her input!))
(Skye she was the one who said it was ok to take control. She was the one that gave the control to Kusa and then Kusa got tired of it and threw the controls out in the air and nobody took over for like 2 days so I did. So anybody could have taken over, so yes it is ok for us to take control when the leader gets tired of being the leader and steps down from it)  

Red Glacier

Toxxic Poptarts


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:45 pm
Viral C
((ok, not to sound selfish, but I would like to get back to the roleplay. And Kire you need to stop the god moding and plot-cutting! Nobody likes someone who does that. And as you said, Elcia is in charge, so you should of went over it with Elcia, instead of taking charge yourself!! But as I was saying, I think we should get back to the roleplay, and not let this arguement interupt it. But, I also think that Kire should stay out of the roleplay until Elcia come back and gives us her input!))
(Skye she was the one who said it was ok to take control. She was the one that gave the control to Kusa and then Kusa got tired of it and threw the controls out in the air and nobody took over for like 2 days so I did. So anybody could have taken over, so yes it is ok for us to take control when the leader gets tired of being the leader and steps down from it)

((I know but kire took it a little to far, and know this whole board is in chaos!!! And, I didn't say anything about taking control, I said that Elcia is in charge, and even when you are in charge you can let other people drive the car for a bit, but Kire went a little to far. But I also think you did it a bit too, because when you had that guy step in, you shot everybody, stole Viral, and the book and dissapered all in one post, and nobody got a chance to react to that or fight back. And it would take a while to do that without some one counter attacking. So you basicly took a little to much control too, no offence!))  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:23 pm
Viral C
((ok, not to sound selfish, but I would like to get back to the roleplay. And Kire you need to stop the god moding and plot-cutting! Nobody likes someone who does that. And as you said, Elcia is in charge, so you should of went over it with Elcia, instead of taking charge yourself!! But as I was saying, I think we should get back to the roleplay, and not let this arguement interupt it. But, I also think that Kire should stay out of the roleplay until Elcia come back and gives us her input!))
(Skye she was the one who said it was ok to take control. She was the one that gave the control to Kusa and then Kusa got tired of it and threw the controls out in the air and nobody took over for like 2 days so I did. So anybody could have taken over, so yes it is ok for us to take control when the leader gets tired of being the leader and steps down from it)

((I know but kire took it a little to far, and know this whole board is in chaos!!! And, I didn't say anything about taking control, I said that Elcia is in charge, and even when you are in charge you can let other people drive the car for a bit, but Kire went a little to far. But I also think you did it a bit too, because when you had that guy step in, you shot everybody, stole Viral, and the book and dissapered all in one post, and nobody got a chance to react to that or fight back. And it would take a while to do that without some one counter attacking. So you basicly took a little to much control too, no offence!))
Thats why they call it a sneak attack Skye. Nobody knew about it or had time to react so of course he did that before anyone could fight back. that and what would you do? the bullets had bombns in them so you couldn't move or do anything without dying. That and its obvious that Zenaku would attack everyone because because Zenaku is the type that doesn't take risks, so he hits everyone in a swift and powerful motion to maake sure that everything goes his way. You can ask Kerrigan all about it. Zenaku is a cheap son of a b***h and hes not like other bad guys.

That and the reason Zenaku could hit everyone so fast and yes I did mention this in the post its because his arms weren't effected by the recoil of the guns so he could shoot at an insane rate with hardly any time between shots. The only reason Zenaku is so powerful is because hes a *main bad guy* hes suppose to be powerful. Kires character over did things to the fact that his character is just a commander and not the leader so he was over powered, then there is a huge plot hole on how Kire became so powerful and why he is such a lowly rank for his amount of strength he supposedly had. There are a good amount of ranks after commander and some how he is as good as the leader.

That and like I said in my lasts posts is that really Zenaku hardly did anything. The stuff he did do was very quick so really there was no time to anything about what he did, Viral started to react but only because he was the last one to get hit, everyone else got first and everyones attention was on the cloaked one, your character was experiencing mental trauma so there was no real way your character could have saw it comming. Kerrigan was focusing on you and the cloaked guy then everyone else was focusing on the cloaked dude as well so nobody saw Zenaku comming and were given no time to react when he did strike.))

(I'm sorry if i sounded mean in any of these posts its just this kind of stuff really gets on my nervs ><)  

Red Glacier


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:10 pm
((I think this has gone on long enough.))

Cthugarai limped over to where Elcia and Kerrigan were panting heavily due to his injuries, and says "We can't stay here. We need find shelter and we need sleep. Planing and fighting can wait for tomorrow."  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:37 pm
((I think this has gone on long enough.))

Cthugarai limped over to where Elcia and Kerrigan were panting heavily due to his injuries, and says "We can't stay here. We need find shelter and we need sleep. Planing and fighting can wait for tomorrow."
(So are we just going with what Zenaku did killing the leaders?)

Draden: Agreed. Though we should equally hurry before Zenaku destroys the book.  

Red Glacier


PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:45 am
(I think that's the plan. 3nodding )

"Good thinking you guys." Kerrigan stood up, feeling better after Draden had healed her. "I wish I knew where we are... guess we'll just have to improvise. I can help support you, Cthugarai. Or even carry you if need be."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:17 pm
Draden: I think I can direct us to where my contact is.  

Red Glacier


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:26 pm
"I should be fine, I'm not human remember? Fast healing, and my lungs aren't in the same places. Lead the way Draden."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:42 pm
*He becomes a full dragon and gathers them up on his back and flies low after gathering Virals equipment* Tell me if you see a farm. It is kinda hidden but not too much.  

Red Glacier


PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:55 am
"Oh, right. I kinda forgot. Sorry Cthugarai." Kerrigan laughed apologetically as she looked around for said farm. In the distance she spotted something. "Would that be it, Draden?"  

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