Mecha Buu
I nominate Triltsch and DumberDan.
The "lolwut" isn't a bad thing at all, don't worry. xD Just unexpected. Dan, I like your avatar, it's very well thought out! It goes together very nicely. Very dashing. But it looks like the picture broke… just go to TekTek and say Edit Avatar, then save it again and recopy it into your signature. That's what I did when mine broke.
Jilly, I thought you had a date back on page three… xXMr_VegaXx, wasn't it?
( Agh, my cat was just si0t0ting0000000000000 …Okay, that was weird. Anyway, she was sitting on my keyboard, then she stood on the zero key and started biting me. So now my arm hurts. Dx )