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Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:34 pm
XD Nothing against the lovely Rikku... but yeah... she isn't quite what I'm looking for.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:40 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:46 pm
added Samsara back to the plot page!  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:10 pm
Glissando added, too!  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:53 pm
~ Form ~
Your Soquili's name: Quetzalxochitl
Soquili's image: User Image
Soquili's personality: A strange and completely unreadable mare, Quetzal is most certainly devoted to her craft. With a mental process most unfathomable to others she constantly seeks things that are useful to her for her work. Be that a particular herb, a rock, some two-legger item or YOU. She adores making 'deals', trading for what she wants and often will allow you to think you got the better half when infact you have agreed to exactly what she wanted. Her manner is.. 'strange' to say the least, acting more like some spirit-possessed ghost than a flesh and blood soquili, (she has glowy eyes and moves like a possessed snake!) yet do not ever underestimate the mind behind the mask. Sharp and incredibly intelegent she is more than capable of robbing you blind and having you say 'thank you' in return.

Do not think she is maliscious though, she always offers something of equal value in return for what she wants, and it is usually exactly what the soquili in question needs most, even if they do not know it themselves. Her 'gifts' are always to be treated with caution and often seem random and pointless at the time, but they can be truly miraculas and have saved the life of more than one creature that has crossed her path.
Are you willing to RP some of this out? Yes but Im even slower. XD So busy with shop work and RL.. but I'll certainly try. Im desperate to rp Quetzal.
What would bring your mare to Amitabha's side and herd? Would she be willing to have Amitabha take the larger part in raising their children? How would she feel about Amitabha's lack of emotional attachment to her? It would certainly be a trade between them. She wants strong donators to father powerful offspring, and to persuade a bodhivista of all things, to donate would be something she would bargin hard for. As to what could attract him... voodoo is a 'dark art', her massive collection of odd bits of rock, stone, bone and other miscelious items would surely shock him if he ever saw it. She in fact has a very pure soul, but it is hidden under many layers of magic, mystery and bleached bone fragments.
Anything else? lol Voodooism and Buddhism? A totally crack pairing but I would be really fasinated to see them interact, and to see what they might produce. (A real voodooist priest would be Quetzal's crowning glory in terms of offspring.)

Looks wise hes not at all what I was going for, for her fling (she pairs with her minionmate, Oyoac, after her frist breeding, as he has bred once already. But I simply can't pass up the oppertuity given their respective religions. XDDD Boy would any offspring be confused! XD  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:55 pm

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:11 pm
Revolutionary Roniel
User Image

~ Utena ~

Personality: Utena is a very noble soquili. As a result from a meeting in her past, she strives to live her life according to "princely" ideals. This means that she'll readily help other soquili in distress with a special knack for mares being troubled by stallions and in need of rescue. Aside from her idealism, Utena is also very laid back about most issues. If she doesn't consider something a major concern to herself or to those around her she won't bother being worried about it. This can sometimes be a disadvantage for her, as she may ignore something that turns out to be a bigger issue than she thought.

History: Utena endured a terrible tragedy as a foal. During a storm, a group of kalonas attacked her family. Her parents bid her to run and she tore away as fast as she could while they were killed behind her. In her haste to be away she toppled into a storm-flooded stream, a mistake that was almost fatal. After almost drowning she awoke on the bank with a strange stallion standing over her. Utena remembers little of the stallion except his regal bearing and kind smile. He told her many things that slipped out of her hazy mind but one of them stuck with her for the rest of her life. "Keep living your life with strength and nobility and we'll meet again one day."

With those words firmly ingrained in her mind, Utena took to emulating her "prince." She began to wear clothes similar to the ones she could vaguely recall him wearing. That was also when she started calling herself a prince and embarking on her journey to not only act like a prince but to find her own. She hopes one day to meet the prince that saved her... though she can remember so little about him she isn't certain that day will ever come.

Looking for:

RP: Yes please!

- Have a damsel in distress? If Utena saw a mare in any sort of distress, physical or emotional, she would try to "rescue" her. Natural disasters, bad break-ups, chasing kalonas... The possibilities are limitless! Have a mare you want to be saved from distress? Utena's for you! She'd also help distressed males, though it would fit in her idiom a bit less.

- False prince: Since Utena can barely remember anything about her prince it is quite possible she might be fooled as to who he is. If you have a sneaky male that might want to try to fool Utena into thinking he was her prince, this is the plot for you! Breeding as a result of this is a possibility, but we'd have to talk it out first.

Mate: See the false prince plot. If you have other mate ideas, Utena is currently single and I'm quite willing to hear 'em! A note on the mate... Utena would either want a "prince" as a mate, or a "princess." That means that I'm willing to consider either gender for mating!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:12 pm
Revolutionary Roniel
User Image

~ Xelloss ~

Personality: Obnoxious, devious, and fond of playing tricks on people. Xelloss quite enjoys playing innocent and trying to convince others that he is a "nice kalona," only to screw them over once he has taken them in. Occasionally though, he snaps and a truly sadistic monster emerges.

History: He shall have a history some day!

Looking for:

RP: Why, sure!


- A master to serve: Though Xelloss values his own opinions and independence, when it comes down to it... he's a follower. He doesn't always quite know what to do with himself when he doesn't have a master to direct him and he tends to be far less mentally stable when out on his own orders. Do you have a powerful and evil soq? Xelloss might be compelled to serve another soq through several methods... he either has to be physically overpowered before accepting mastery from another... aka, your soq needs to beat him around some. Or, if he is thoroughly impressed by their cunning and intelligence he might decide to serve them on his own. Got an evil soq that needs a minion? Give me a shout!

- People to manipulate. I have no specific ideas at this moment, but Xelloss is a trickster. He loves to lie, cheat, and steal his way around the soq world. Got a soq that needs a rough lesson in trust? Xel would be happy to give it to them!

Mate: He is indeed looking! Check out his post in Lover's Rock for more info! Feel free to PM or post in thread with ideas!

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:14 pm
Revolutionary Roniel
User Image

~ Glissando ~

Personality: Glissando is often a prime example of the cowardly bully. He likes to pick on and push around those that will let him but has a hard time standing up to anyone that stands up to him. He likes to believe himself better than most of the soquili he meets and this arrogance is one of his defining traits.

Still, Glissando isn't rotten to the core. He is far kinder to those that he befriends and at at times his arrogance transforms to confidence and charisma. He can be quite charming when he puts his mind to it!

Looking for:

RP: Sure!


- Disillusionment: I think it'd be interesting if someone, maybe a foal or someone else equally impressionable, met Gliss in one of his charismatic moods and was impressed by him. This soquili would perhaps look up to Gliss and befriend him for some time before realizing his inner petty nature. Once he showed his pettiness to them... they would call him out on it.... causing drama all around!

- People to pick on: Pretty self-explanatory. Got a soquili you need to have a bad day? Gliss would love to pick on them! Have a soquili you need consistently harassed and bothered? Gliss would love to step up for that, too!

- More than he can chew: Some day Gliss is going to pick a fight with the wrong soquili and learn a very harsh lesson. Got a soq who wants to teach a bratty pretty boy a thing about manners?

Mate: Glissando is looking! This could go a few ways.... If Glissando's mate is someone with a weaker personality that he could push around... he probably would. This could perhaps be rather emotionally damaging to his mate. He could become an abusive mate if this wasn't cut short.

Oooor... he could find a strong mare that was capable of keeping up with him and keeping him in check when necessary. This might be a rocky relationship at the beginning... but eventually Gliss could grow into it and maybe even mature a little.

For Gliss, I'm keeping physical characteristics in mind and would like to find an interesting match... but if there is a cool plot then I'm not picky!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:15 pm
Revolutionary Roniel
User Image


Amitabha has a quiet and still. He is quiet and still when he is happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion. True to the tenements of his philosophy of life, he tries to remain dispassionate and detached within the variations of his moods. For the most part, he manages this very well. Seeing Amitabha emotional is a rare sight indeed.

There are two drives that motivate Amitabha. The first is compassion. He longs to see a world without suffering and wishes to help the suffering of all those he sees. The second drive, however, is one that Amitabha would never admit to, one that he would never even consider existing within himself. Amitabha is very quiet and very gentle, but he is also very prideful. He believes that he is the one meant to save the souls of soquilikind. He has what is perhaps a very quiet and very gentle form of megalomania. He would never be cruel to another soquili... he just also never would believe himself to be incorrect in his philosophies or decisions.

The combination of these qualities are what have made Amitabha the way he is... motivated, isolated, and subtle.


When Amitabha's parents died Amitabha had already passed out of childhood into adulthood. Still, it was a sad event for him in an otherwise sheltered and peaceful life. They left him with the message to seek out his sisters, Vara and Misaki, and to tell them of what had befallen their parents.

On Amitabha's long and arduous journey to find his lost siblings he was torn from his sheltered life. He found himself surrounded by unfamiliar soquili, soquili whose lives were torn apart by one variety of suffering or another. Helpless compassion filled him at each plight but Amitabha didn't know of any way to help the many tragic cases that encountered.

Eventually though, a philosophy and a plan began to form in Amitabha's mind. It was as if a veil had been removed from his eyes. Amitabha saw clearly the suffering in the world and saw clearly his place and what he could do to bring about some amount of salvation. Amitabha would take this philosophy and turn it into a quest. On his way to find his lost sisters he would try to save as many poor souls as he could.

He decided he was the one who was going to save them... save them and lead them into a new and wonderful pureland of life....

~~ Pureland Herd ~~

The formation of his herd is the main plot for Amitabha. He is looking to gather followers to form a herd, a herd based around the premise of escaping the suffering of the world through philosophy. I won't make a thread for his herd until he officially arrives, but if you'd like to preemptively express interest in joining, we'd love to have you!

The herd will be inspired off of Buddhism in general and the concepts of Pureland Buddhism in particular. The basic notion is that soquili come to Amitabha seeking his help in being "reborn" (in this case, a mental state) into his "Pureland" and be free of suffering. Some of the basic tenants of philosophy for this herd will be based around the Buddhist Four Noble Truths:

1. Life as we know it ultimately is or leads to suffering/uneasiness (dukkha) in one way or another
2. Suffering is caused by craving or attachments to worldly pleasures of all kinds. This is often expressed as a deluded clinging to a certain sense of existence, to selfhood, or to the things or phenomena that we consider the cause of happiness or unhappiness.
3. Suffering ends when craving ends, when one is freed from desire. This is achieved by eliminating all delusion, thereby reaching a liberated state of Enlightenment (bodhi);
4. Reaching this liberated state is achieved by following the path laid out by the Buddha.

When I work out the herd, it will be more philosophical tenants than literal spiritual/religious ones, but you get the idea!

Amitabha believes that everyone is worthy of and capable of enlightenment so joining his herd will be open to everyone who wishes. There are no requirements or tests to pass. Essentially, they're in the herd as long as they follow Amitabha around as he journeys to find his missing sisters and beyond.

~~ Mating with Amitabha ~~

(Note that I have my breedings currently lined up, so Amitabha might not have his turn for a while. Please keep in mind that this will not be immediate when applying!)

I have a particular idea in mind for mating with Amitabha. You see... he follows his philosophies very carefully, meaning that he has attempted to free himself from desire and great attachment to anything in the physical world. This means not only belongings but soquili as well. Amitabha will never fall in love or lifemate as both of these would signify attachment and would destroy his life philosophy. If he found himself getting emotionally attached to a mare he'd be more likely to push her away to try to purify himself of emotions than to bring her closer.

That said! He still is going to want to mate. He has a great interest in having children to carry on his legacy. To distance himself from the mares that he breeds with, he will not have "mates"... he will have "consorts." This means that at any one time he may have multiple consorts around. They'll have to belong in his herd for him to consider them and if they leave the herd or breed with another... he won't be angry. He just wouldn't accept them back as a consort. To be considered as a potential mate for Amitabha you have to have your mare in character be willing to be potentially one among many consorts and willing to at least attempt to follow his philosophies.

The first breeding I'd like to be with a kalona, or a unikalona. Possibly another suitably dark soquili. Amitabha would be looking to test his ability to purify troubled souls by raising unikalonas within his philosophy. These unikalonas would hopefully play some very important roles in the herd, so I'd really like this to be his first breeding. I know that a kalona would likely be uninterested in being a consort and hanging around the herd... so this part is negotiable. I figure the exact plot will depend on the exact lady to go with it. Technically I suppose that the female doesn't have to be kalona... just something pretty evil... but kalona is my default preference.

Interested in being one of his consorts? Fill out this form! It's fun to have more info! ^^

[b]~ Form ~[/b]
[quote][b]Your Soquili's name:[/b] (name)
[b]Soquili's image:[/b] (image!)
[b]Soquili's personality:[/b] (personality blurb!)
[b]Are you willing to RP some of this out?[/b] (RP isn't a requirement and I'm very slow. XD )
[b]What would bring your mare to Amitabha's side and herd? Would she be willing to have Amitabha take the larger part in raising their children? How would she feel about Amitabha's lack of emotional attachment to her?[/b] (Aka... give me your ideas for plot and whatnot! You don't have to answer each question exactly, just give me a feel for it!)
[b]Anything else?[/b] ( ? )

~~ Amitabha's Soulmate ~~

I'd like for Amitabha to have one soquili that he is somewhat more open with, that he occasionally even allows himself to be emotional to. He will share his thoughts with this soquili and spend his time with them too. Notably, he won't spend all his time. Maybe not even most of his time with this soquili. However, he will spend more time than he spends with any other individual soquili with the one that is his 'lifemate.'

I say 'lifemate' in quotations because I don't want this to be a sexual relationship. I want this to be more of an enjoyment of kindred spirits. So while I suppose that Amitabha might feel love for this soquili... it wouldn't be romantic love, at least not at first. There coooould be a breeding late in the game... but if there was, it'd only be one and it'd be Amitabha's last breeding, sort of a softening in his growing age. Pretty much.. if you want to breed with Amitabha, I'd fling your mare at him as a consort instead of a lifemate.

Because of the nature of this position, Amitabha's mostly-platonic lifemate can be male or female! I don't really mind if this relationship grows to perhaps be more physically affectionate, be it with either gender.. but yeah... breeding just shouldn't be the main aspect of this.

I don't have strong ideas/preferences about the personality. Breed/looks/gender are certainly not going to be factored in! For the personality... I think it'd work best perhaps with someone who has the vivacity that Amitabha lacks... maybe someone more outspoken. But again... these aren't hard and solid requirements. I'd even be willing to consider a soquili with a darker personality. That has many intriguing possibilities too.

Pretty much, I'm open-minded about this!

Interested in this? XD I have a form for that too! I think I could start liking this form thing...

~ Form ~

[b]Your Soquili's name:[/b] (name)
[b]Soquili's image:[/b] (image!)
[b]Soquili's personality:[/b] (personality blurb!)
[b]Are you willing to RP?[/b] (I'd really prefer this to be backed by some amount of RP...)
[b]What would bring your soquili to Amitabha's side and herd? Would they agree with his philosophy or challenge him? How do you see them interacting? How would your soq feel about Amitabha's policy of breeding only with soquili he's not emotionally involved with?[/b] (Give me your plot ideas! My questions are more guidelines than requirements!)
[b]Anything else?[/b] ( ? )

~~ Other plots ~~

Got something you'd like to use Amitabha for? I'm all ears! Personal suggestions of things he'd be decent at include:

- Advice for upset soqs in need
- Raising/mentoring foals
- Daring feats of selflessness? Might be interesting to have a scene where Amitabha has to put his life in danger to help someone
- Conflict mediation

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:17 pm
Revolutionary Roniel
User Image

~ Daimhin ~

Personality: Diabolic! Daimhin has a villainous personality and loves to scheme, steal, and be generally dishonest. He also knows how to have fun and has a decent sense of humor! There is a certain obsessive side to Daimhin's personality, too. Once he sets himself to a goal he will stop at nothing until his task his accomplished.

Daimhin once belonged to a large and villainous group of soquili. Though Daimhin was eventually separated from this organization, he still attempts to carry with their ideals. He came to the local soquili lands hoping to find a fertile ground for new villainy.

Looking for:

RP: Sure!


- Kidnapping!
This foul plot is exactly what it sounds like! Instead of stealing pokemon... Daimhin is going to try to 'steal' soqs! What he's after is either pokesoqs or foals/baskets. If you want a plot where your basket is raised by another... Daimhin would love to give a fiendish helping hand! He and Terra are a team and would raise the foal together. I imagine they'd probably come to be pretty fond of their stolen foal, but they still wouldn't exactly let it go home to parents.

- Biting off more than he can chew: Maybe Daimhin tries to steal the basket of a kalona only to find out that mommy is very angry and doesn't like him near her kids? Or maybe he tries to 'steal' a pokesoq and finds out that the spines aren't just for decoration? I'd like to see Daimhin try something fiendish and get caught and punished for it. After all... Galactic Grunts aren't known for their high skill levels...

-Other fiendish trickery stuff: Got another idea? Throw it at me! Daimhin is apt for all sorts of villainy!

Mate: Mated to Terra!
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:34 pm
Oooook! Updating done, methinks!  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:28 pm
PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:22 am
Aaaaaand... ta da! New soq, new post! Meet Delacroix!

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Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

15,800 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:02 pm
Well ideas here

Cael could help in taking your kirin girl away, while hes not daft he has a soft heart so she could easily convince him she was being abused and needed help. I'm not looking for a breeding at all really but it would be ok for there to be a romance and him to get hurt. Or he could maybe give her the idea that not everyone is how her dad says and perhaps open her eye a little (big maybe)

Cael and Ab(plus adela) make a kind of ragtag bunch of soquili that are a vague herd, not sure if they would be ideal for your new uni boy to get help from as ab has the kalona horns but hes very non kalona all are nice and ab and cael are friendly and patient, adela not so much but she has youth and zest for life so might help in a way. plus they wont really mind if he yups and leaves.

finally Mal could crush on adela shes taken but shes not a really pretty mare so its shot in the dark offer

Also I have my skinwalker wip if you ever want some dark rp (is hoping it comes soon)  
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