    You're probably right; I haven't kept up with what's going on over there.
    Were you speaking of just their health care or other things as well?

Well when this health care law takes full affect here in America, we will be in the same situation as Europe when it comes to health issues. They have a higher debt than America does at the present time, but if Obama keeps getting his way, America will be far worse. We are already bankrupt as it is and Obama keeps spending us in oblivion. When the tax cuts that Bush enstated expire, things are really going to go down hill. Unemployment will rise, the deficit will rise, businesses won't hire, etc. Things for the economy here in America are going to get a lot worse, which is why I cannot wait until Nov. 2012!
    I see. Yeah, I know so many people who are waiting in anticipation for Nov 2010 as well. -raises own hand-

*raises hand as well*