Mahogany Sunset
Mahogany Sunset

Sorry for taking so long! Been sick lately. XP

1. Thalia & Sora: This sounds like fun~ He is a total homebody, so she'd have to do a lot of convincing. XD If she REALLY wants to go somewhere he wants to go, he will gladly show her this little cove that's reachable when the tide is out - but I think it would be great if she turned the tables on him and said, "now it's my turn!" and took him somewhere else.

2. Destati & Lockes: Wow, this is an awesome plot. o.o I think Destati might be extremely wary if she realizes what Lockes has done, but over time, she would realize that she's really trying to change. If you've seen The Originals, it might be a bit like Cami and Klaus's relationship? Destati would definitely treat her kindly no matter what, though she would probably be very cautious of having her children around her if Lockes ever implied that she had killed someone. Would Lockes admit it or imply it, intentionally or unintentionally? I should note that neither Destati nor Niall have experience with mental illnesses, so they would try to be accepting, but they wouldn't know what to do at first.

3. Niall & Lockes: I think this could work. :3 Niall is the protector of the family, and once they accept her and figure out she won't hurt them, he'll take her under his proverbial wing. ;D They can birdwatch and all kinds of things.

4. Bedwyr & Tenzin: Bedwyr doesn't yet know how to defend himself. He's got about twelve plots he has to go through before he realizes he needs to do that. XD He's mostly trained in the way of unicorn healing. So I'm not sure this would work.

Yay familiars~ As for Damian and Lancelot, I don't know if that would work unless you'd like to do a different plot with Tenzin and Bedwyr, like a plot that has to do with healing or something. As for Damian and Red Rain... Uh XD She's crazy scary, and hangs out in the mountains with her brother and Roni's Other and White Walker. She might rip him apart before she lets him into her life. n.n; Would he get angry enough to engage her? We could try an RP to see how they get along, but I can't guarantee it'll go well. XD

Okie dokie, it seems like 1-3 would work, but with 4, it might be better to hold off until Bedwyr completes all of his plots. sweatdrop

Ohhh gosh, maybe Red Rain n' Damian won't get along. Damian doesn't get angry unless his bonded is in danger, and I'd like to keep my puppy save.

There's another darlin' I've got that you may be interested. Rosalyn's in my signature. . To give a brief description, she uses aromatherapy from the roses she grows to sooth the minds of wayward Soquili as she tries to set them on their individual path to health and happiness. If you've got any Soquili that are interesting in flowers/gardening or are of a wayward variety, Rosalyn would be happy to see them.
(Note: If you've got a very distraught Soquili, Rosalyn is quite empathetic and has been known to faint, or sometimes become physically ill, if she gets overwhelmed by the stress of another. If you'd like to cause her to faint and then either have your distressed Soq leave/stay to help her, then this could be a potential plot too.)

In regards to plots 1-3, who do you think shall start these RPs off, me or you? yum_puddi

I can start RP #1, if you'll start the second, and I think Niall can be brought into that one later, or we can start a separate one for them in a bit. n.n Everybody lives on the beach~ I'll start it tomorrow, probably, if that's okay?

ALSO OMG OMG OMG! Rosalyn sounds amazing! I would looooove for her to meet several of my ponies. I'll make another list for you. XD

1. Margaery Tyrell: She's not in here because she has her own plot thread, buuuuut - Margaery and her family (nameless NPCs atm) have a secluded grove in the forest that they call Highgarden. Within the grove, there's a large clearing, and there they grow bushes of their family's golden roses that they brought with them from the Cerynei Lands (the beds are designed to have the shape of a rose when looked down on from above). I think that she, possibly her whole family, and Rosalyn could share knowledge. They could perhaps offer advice on growing fickle species, and she could share her knowledge of aromatherapy? The family's main mission is to provide a peaceful haven for whatever wanderers come their way, especially those who come from hard situations. They could also maybe be affiliated with each other and send patients to one another, should they decide that the patient needs the other party's help?

If you do look at Margaery's plot thread (here), she will eventually need someone to talk to, and I think it would be cool if Rosalyn could be a childhood friend to talk to for those plots. 83

2. Arcadia Sinclair: She can't touch anything that will bring warmth and pressure to her skin (because it will make her skin feel as though its on fire). If she were overwhelmed from long days of dealing with her condition, I think aromatherapy and talking with someone who is more removed from her family would be good for her.

3. Adarael: Adarael is mute & blind and communicates by touch and gesture, so she is sort of the opposite of Arcadia. I think she would adore a rose garden - as long as someone guided her around the thorns. XD The scent and feel of the petals would be like heaven for her, and because she is a true listener, maybe Rosalyn could talk about her own troubles for once?

Gah, I have so many ponies I could throw at her. XD That is an amazing character. The one thing I would ask is that we do one RP for Rosalyn now and maybe start the others with her later, if you like them - don't want to get overwhelmed. >.<;

Sounds totally good! I'll get to work on the 2nd one soon! 3nodding

Ooooh, so many options! emotion_kirakira

Plotting with Margaery and her family sounds amazing as does the whole childhood friend aspect! 3nodding I'll check out her plot thread for better insight on it, but what you're suggesting sounds brilliant! Eeee, I'm so excited!

It may be easier to start with Arcadia's plot suggestion for the time being though, since I'm just starting to figure out how I want to RP Rosalyn as. sweatdrop Once I've developed a style for her, I'd be more than happy to get to work on the Margaery plots with ya! (And the one involving Adarael too!)

In regards to the Arcadia plot, shall I start this one as well? Or would you like to?