Tala Maxwell
~ Tala's Dorm Room - New Day ~

User Image User Image With a growl of discontent, the not-so-little Cub circled the room for the third time that morning, her head low and ears back she breathed a sigh...Surely it was time already? Lifting her gaze, she looked back to the bed from which she'd crawled - Her Pack Brother was still fast asleep, but then again, it was a Free Day - Apparently...

Padding over to the window, she placed her forepaws up on the ledge and cast her Blue-Eyes outside... The sun was up already, the skies were clear and a cool breeze was creeping its way through the gap... Her ears flopped back again and with a sigh, she turned. That was it... He'd slept in long enough. Making her way stealthily over to the bed, she crouched down, adjusting her trajectory where it was needed before kicking off with her back feet.


The Four-Pawed attack didn't exactly connect with the male as his bed was made for two, but the jolt to the mattress should have at least disturbed him some...? She tilted her head, listening to the Elementor's breathing to ensure he was still alive before padding closer to investigate... "How is he still out?" Her ears flattened and after a moment of thought she decided to try another method - Raising herself up on her hind legs, she jabbed her forepaws into the Shadowmancer's ribs, recoiling as the male gave a strange sort of yelp and threw himself from the bed - promptly dumping his blankets on top of the Wolf as he did so...

Clearly survival had been on his mind for when Fea shook herself free of the covers, the Shadowmancer had already summoned two hounds which were standing there ready to defend their Master against any and all enemies...

"Friends!" With a gleeful 'Yip!' the Young Wolf leapt towards the nearest of the two beasts - they had grown stronger over time and didn't disappear so easily when tackled. She wrestled with the shade for a few seconds before the Elementor decided to spoil her fun... With a huff, Fea would rise, shaking off the brief moment of excitement from her fur before sitting down.

"Time to go out...right?" It was clear he was tired... Perhaps Tala had been having bad dreams again? She had initially tilted her head to ponder why the male needed to sleep for so long before jumping up excitedly at the mention of going 'out.' "Alright...Alright!" he turned to grab his backpack before glancing towards the window and then pulling on his jacket, "Lead the way...!" He opened the door with barely enough time to step out into the corridor before the Wolf shot past him, waiting a short distance up the corridor for him to follow... "Anyone would think I lock you up in there all day..." he smirked as he muttered this beneath his breath and followed the Canine up the corridor towards the Courtyard.

[ ~ Tala and Fea Leave Dorms for The Courtyard ~ ]








Location: Dorm Rooms
Clothing: As Seen
With: Fea,
OoC "" ""