teh sexiful nerdy
teh sexiful nerdy
you're no longer down 20k...I bid my kiki
ninja that means i lose!!
gonk NUUUUU!!
yup it was a hard decision but since I have my first one tucked away in my friend's account and can get her back in about a month, I'm fine with it <3 plus I said I really wanted the arts
3nodding You are my new favorite customer!
Or at least favorite gaian customer xD
I have a friend who paied me 10 dollars just for a picture of her avi with axel and kyo xD
are you in denial or something? your art is good!
blaugh Yes, but I have many flaws. I only seem really good because you can't draw xD
But that's ok... I practice a lot, well, I'm only 14... imagine how good I'll be when i'm 20!
eek Besides, my dad told me that because I'm the one who has drawn these pictures, It is easier for me to see were I messed up and whats wrong with it, rather then i what i did well on xD
It's the same as if i asked you to list good traits about your self, and then bad ones, you'd probably find more bad ones in yourself.
That and the artests I look up to are really good o .o