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Cornelius loh Quatious

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:48 pm

Believe it or not, I was actually quite devout at one time, and prayed and went to church and all that jazz. From my own experience, while it is comforting in some sense to believe that the big guy is listening to you, I have never in my entire life had anyone reply back. While you may not feel that you're talking to nothing, you may as well talk to a tree because I think you'll probably get more of a response out of the plant than you will out of a higher being, unless you're either crazy or a prophet.

I suppose it's a matter of semantics about whether Jesus truly was a god made flesh or the son of a god. One can argue that there is some god in al of us, and that in Jesus it was moreso, and that it was merely an act of humility to ask people to worship the god in heaven rather than the god on the ground.

What I meant about the evil and making people lose the free will to be evil was thus: the two choices were to either create a species that would never be evil (thereby removing free will) or to create a species that has free will and has the potential to become either evil or good. In this case, the second choice was picked, and people became evil in that time (with the exception of Noah). Because of this, all the evil people were removed from the picture. In essence, this is the same as the first choice, except that in the first choice you end up with more good people than you do in the second choice. Of course, the point of this is to create people who choose to be good, and so it realy doesn't matter how many times you have to knock off the bad ones to get the ones you want. An idle thought on my part, they pop up from time to time.

As for divine judgement, isn't that what hell was made for? To punish those who choose evil over good? If divine judgement really existed, murderers and rapists and sinners all over the world would be punished immediately, smote off by his awesome power. But they aren't. It is up to man to judge his fellow man, as long as they roam on this planet. How many children and babes died in the flood? Do you think they truly were wicked at heart, even those that had only lived for but a few days? Corruption doesn't pass through genes, that much I'm sure of. It is unjust to punish someone for circumstances that they are born into, and it is unjust to punish someone if they have done no wrong. I would truly believe in god's almighty judgement and power if I would see it for myself, but as far as we know, mankind is still responsible for mankind's punishment, unless you want to go into a tangent about how we are all his tools, and he acts in mysterious ways to acheive his own judgement in goals. If that is the case, there is absolutely no way to prove whether his judgement exists or not, as it is up to interpretation at that point.

Also, the judgement itself is not clearcut. If someone lives a moral and unstanding life, just and peaceful in every way except for the one fact that they did not believe in a Christian god, does that make them evil? For those that kill in the name of gods, are they considered just? The Bible says much, and to interpret all of it literally and absolutely would be a vastly different society than we would have today, meaning that people obviously felt uncomfortable with the ideas presented in it.

The Tower of Babel bit makes sense if you think about it like that. There was a directive, and they chose not to follow it, so he makes them follow it. Fair enough, although I'm not sure if it was the best decision. We've certainly been fruitful and increased in number, filling the earth and subduing her, ruling over the fish and birds and every other living creature that moves on the ground. So much so, in fact, that I'm not sure if the earth can take much more.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:39 pm

I don't claim to be a hardcore Christian, but here's a Christian view I have heard quite a bit from fellow, more pious Christians.

The reason for the existance of the bad (serial killers, drugs, war, you name it) is all supposed to be some sort of test. Although one might say "if God put these drugs on the Earth, they were meant to be done", what those drugs really are is a test of your faith and a test of your morals. God doesn't want the faithless and the ones devoid of morals, so He basically put drugs on this planet to sort out the drug addicts from the "wholesome people".

But that's not the only test that's out there. There's prostitution. Yet another way of sorting out the lustful from the "chaste" or whatnot. Pre-marital sex and masturbation also fit into this category, I suppose.

Some even go as far as to say the theory of Evolution is yet another test of faith. With it, God can separate those who believe in Evolution from those who believe in His Creationism.

And there are other countless "tests" out there. According to those Christians, life is basically just a test. Pass it, and you get into heaven. Fail, and you know where you go from there.

I'm not saying I really believe any of that, but that's just what I've been told.

Sorry if this is just a repetiton of other people's posts, but I really can't be bothered to skim through all the pages.



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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:34 pm

Yeah sometimes bad things happen! Why? Don't know. But the King James Bible says "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." The Living Bible says "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans (ROMANS 8:28.)

So when bad things happen, they happen for a reason and that you will have learned something good or something good will come out of it. Right? confused Because He did say all things!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:02 am

Well being bi I see your point... but from what I learned (from being catholic) is that after wiping away many people cities and all that other crap he sent down a rainbow to simbalize that he won't do it again. I too have to wonder why he made things the way it is but he did give us free will. Otherwise we'd be walking around like mindless organic mechines. sweatdrop So I don't think he really can stop all the bad things happening because he wants to keep his promise. We've just kinda set him in a corner pretty much to have him suffer as he watches his creations disobey him and turn away from him.

Now on the homosexual/bisexual thing... yes, I do believe that he made people like that for a reason. Because it's not like it's a choice to be attracted to the same gender, oposite gender or both. Some just have more cons than pros while others have more cons than others.


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Dominique Devlin

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:40 pm

Maybe I'm being stupid right now, but I see a difference between believeing in God and believing in the bible.
Personally, I believe neither. And I cannot stand the people who claim they believe every single word in the bible after interpreting it in this strange random way.

I personally believe the Bible was written to make people feel guilty about not working as hard as they can... Like it was made up by rich people who wanted teh poor ones to work for them. But as time passed, odd details were added to the story and people forgot it was made up to keep people working. -_-

This idea of mine basically came up when my best friend's parents started hating me. They are racist, homophobic and Christian. And I'm gay, black and an atheist. And I knocked my best friend up. sweatdrop
So every time they disagree with me they quote something from teh Bible (or they claim it comes from the Bible, I don't know) and say it explains why I'm wrong and they're right.
So yeah, these ******** being so close to me makes me wonder why I'm replying to this because I'm considering all Christians to be like they are. Which I shouldn't. >.>
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:58 pm

Why not have homosexuals? Why not have other things that are "bad"? What would the world be without some spice? How could be know what sugar was unless we had tasted spice? And how could we prove ourselves worthy of God's kingdom if not first put through a test? And if the world were always "good" and "right" and "free of temptation," it wouldn't be a hard test to pass.

....dang shes good at this......The way I see the homosexual stuff is I dont wanna be one ,but if htey do why not let them? As long as they don't start saying it's wrong for a guy to marry a girl they can do it for all I care so yea.



PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:10 pm

I agree with you completely I was christian when I was'nt so smart I thought hey my mom has a genious IQ and she's christian so that must mean god is real. But now I side more in the middle like an Athiest (I'm aware I'm probably spelling that wrong). I dont have any proof god is real and I dont have any proof that he's not real. Right now to me he's just some old dude that walked on Earth for a short time like all of us. He lived then he died by mortal people and if he's all powerful why should he have to die to save us? Why couldnt he live and save us?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:17 pm

I respect everyones beliefs, however, I do not, and don't want a religion, for the simple reason that if you go to church, and believe the lies that the priests and monks throw at you, you'll be kissing up to a god that doesn't exist....

My explanation for why things are the way they are is this:

Imagine everything that's wrong about the world and the people, everything that goes wrong disappears, to leave only right, and only people who get what they want, and everything is easy.....imagine that, sure it would be great, for some time, but after a while it will go boring, I don't think life is about making it to the end, I think it's about how well you conquer and defeat the things that try to get in your way while you move along. It's like this, if there was no evil, then how could there be good? if we don't have the experience of what evil is, then we couldn't find good.....like if there was no darkness, how can you see light? when everything surrounding you is light?

I often complain about things that go wrong, and why we can't have a better life and all that, but then I think about how it would be, and honestly, it makes me appreciate the trouble I have, and trust me, I have problems by the shitload, the only thing I do, is ignore it, overcome it as best I can, and enjoy looking back at all the problems I have already left behind me.

I think about how my life could be worse, and I don't want it to be, but I began to appreciate it as it is, because we would all be spoilt if we got everything how, when, and where we wanted it. Just think how boring it would be if everything was...PERFECT!

that's only my point of view, I am open to listen to anyone elses as well

Eternal Nemesis


PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:22 pm

During the Enlightenment, many of the philosophes of France propagated a new philosophy known as Deism.
Followers of this religion believe that God created the earth and everything on it, but then left it to its own devices, and thus came vice, wars, and the ills of the world, from God's neglect and the earth's creatures' natures.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:01 pm

I grew up in a Christian home. In fact, my dad is a preacher. I've always been taught "right and wrong" but now what they consider wrong, I don't see much of a problem with. And the whole thing about homosexuality being wrong, i really don't agree. My two best guy friends are gay, and I love them to death. Funny thing is I never get a straight up answer as to why it's so wrong. All I know is now that I'm old enough to think for myself, if there is a God, then he should accept everyone, especially if he created everything.



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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:22 am

My personal theory (Which I haven't put all that much time and effort into) is that, if there's a god, we're probably not the only world he created. In fact, we're probably not even that important, really. It's like a game to god.

Reminds me of a computer game I used to have as a kid - it let you design a world map, and populate it with animals and plants you designed. And it had a handy little Disasters toolbar, with things like "Smite", "Flood", "Comet", "Plague", etc. on it. It was actually a pretty cool game. But no matter how much I told myself that with this world, I'd be nice...I always ended up using the Disaster toolbar.

So. It may be entirely possible that we're just some super-advanced game, and that everything that we believe is programmed into us, to make the game more realistic. (Like the Sims, but way better.) That there is someone up there, but they're damn capricous at best, and aren't really all that inclined to love or cherish us at all. Which means that religion's come about - if you follow this little pet theory of mine - as a byproduct of human nature.

Why? Because everyone's scared of what they don't understand. And everyone needs to think that somehow, things will turn out right. And when everyone around you's dying of the plague, or you're suddenly reminded just how vulnerable you really are because the country next door got hit by a tsunami and several million people died - it's reassuring to be able to think "It's ok. There is someone, who cares, who will make sure that things eventually turn out right." The belief, more than the thing they believe in, helps.

Anyway. Much longer and more rambly than I wanted. Apologies. >.<
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:22 pm

What the problem is here is that all (or many of you) are doing the exact same thing - saying that if God exists, it's His fault that gays get persecuted, etc. etc. etc. Stop using God as a scapegoat. I mean, I believe in God, but I don't believe everything the Bible says. It's just a book, and by whom was the book written? Human men who most likely wrote it to conform to their own views - thus the implied 'wrongness' of homosexuality and the forced 'inferiority' of women.

It's people you need to take this out on, not God. When some hick hangs your best gay friend from the nearest tree, do you really want to blame God? Why not blame the bigot? Don't go out of your way to denounce Christianity for others (most Christians won't even listen to you anyway so why bother?) and denounce those who DO commit the hate crimes. Make their lives a living hell. Just stop bothering the pious with your "God doesn't exist because there's bigotry in the world!" I'm not very pious at all and it still bugs me.

So what if the typical Christian thinks homosexuality is wrong? As long as they're not the redneck shotgun-wielding maniac out to slaughter gays, you've got no reason to be angry with them. It's called tolerance, people, and it goes both ways - if Christians have to tolerate the fact that there are people who believe "homosexuality is OK", then homosexuals have to tolerate the fact that there are people who believe "homosexuality is wrong". Simple as that.

Just. Stop. The bickering. It's tearing this world apart. The world doesn't need a bunch of angry homos and bible-thumpers declaring (un)holy wars on eachother. It's ridiculous and makes BOTH sides seem childish.


King Robert Silvermyst

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:50 pm

I myself am not Christian, right off the bat. I am a Kemetic Orthodox, a true believer in the faith of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, so this is comming from a different state of faith than most are used to. The Gods and Goddesses are more concerned with the wellbeing of our souls, and many times we must be faced with problems in order to try and show something to us. However, the Gods and Goddesses are not the ones to blame because of human emotions and biased hatereds are rampant upon the earth. I myself am persecueted for my religious beliefs. Do I blame the Gods for it? No! Only a fool throws blame around to them without looking at first themselves and at those around them. The Gods and Goddesses do not control our emotions. Though They may need for us to do something, it is never forced upon our wills. Hence the meaning of 'free will', a concept that exists in all religions that I am aware of, and I am aware of many. I agree with hawk on his statement: Intollerance is what drives us to hate and war, and this is proven throughout history and even today. If the people of this world are to ever stop fighting amongst each other, they need to learn tolerance: tolerance of race, tolerance of religion, tolerance of gender and tolerance of culture.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:49 am

Ohhhh!!! I love these discussions! I run an online church!

Please PM me, and I can answer any questions you want! I love od so much, and love to talk about him! ^_^ PM me!


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