o_o; lol...! Erm do you sing/play a instrument for your music degree =o or are you doing the technicle side?
I'm a clarinet major.. 1st clarinet in hs and college.. not big schools though.. I've learned to write music and basic composition.. I've still got a long way to go.. but got jaded and uninspired though.. I'm practicing again though while I get ready to go back next fall.. alto sax in marching band always.. I can play other instruments though.. I miss it.. I can't wait to get back into it.. It envelopes you when you're in it.. but I want to be a high school marching band and concert band director... that's where my passion lays..
heart whee ..only 1 yr of classes to finish..
Oh and I used to sing soprano.. as I get older alto.. kinda both. when I've a decent web cam you'll see! I sing quite well!
@chaz.. *jumps off her chair and onto your head*
4laugh How ya doin' sonny??