Was just wondering how many pets you all had and what type.
I am an animal lover and trying to be a reptile breeder so me and my husband have lots!
We have:
2 cats
3 ferrets
2 weimeraners
2 panther chameleons
2 viper geckos
3 crested geckos
1 giant anole
2 regular anoles
1 black and white tegu
2 bearded dragons
2 uromastyx's (1 mali and 1 red niger)
2 tokay geckos
10 leopard geckos
and 2 praying mantis'
Thats a lot...
I have:
1 jack russell terrier
2 baby ball pythons
1 boa constrictor (5 1/2 feet)
1 albino bearded dragon (who likes to watch tv for some reason...)
3 adult mice
a lot of baby mice (for logical reasons)
4 rabbits
2 guinea pigs
6 gerbils
and 2 55 gallon aquariums with various fresh water fishies