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Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:35 pm
Record of PM discussion with Faithofthefallen, regarding Coquette Sinclair x Elijah. Posted with permission. (Most mentions to any RL details have been snipped out, just in case.)

Hello, Faith! I was wondering if you'd be okay with me making a fling offer for Coquette? ovo

Sure! My interest is piqued xD!

Yasss, thank you so much! *_* Thoughts on Elijah? It would be plots-only, since my muse is still awful.

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  • He is a gentle soul, and polite company as well! :D
  • He can come off as a pushover at first glance; despite the self-confidence that comes with learning to fight and protect oneself, he's always had esteem issues since he was a child (his mother loved and loves him, but didn't make it a secret that she was disappointed he was a dude LOL. She wanted to have daughters as repentance for her own shortcomings, so did not take it well when she had one daughter to three sons /steeplefingers).
  • However, once he gets over being shy, he can be a refreshing breath of air. He has a child's love of fun and learning, while retaining the wisdom of his years.
  • Like Coquette, he trains much and often; however, while he had minor training with a blade in his youth, he mainly sticks to just his fangs and claws. He trains for fun and for his physical health, rather than out of a desire or expectation that he would fight against others.
  • I was thinking they could meet, be impressed by each other's prowess, and grow feelings for one another? (Can be platonic or romantic, but it'd be a fling either way.) Which eventually leads them them mutually agreeing to have strong children? (If so, Elijah would propose he take the ladies back to his herd, The Code of Edda, whilst she take the dudes. CoE's flexible in that members are allowed to be part of other herds while they're within CoE; in addition, the children are taken on field trips a lot to learn about the Kawani lands, so it'd be possible for them to visit Coquette's side of the family while they grow, and later choose to stay with the Sinclairs instead.)

Oooh, very good thoughts on Elijah! I'd love to fling the pair! I really -loved- reading about The Code of Edda in the basket contest, I'd definitely love for them to fling and to be involved with them! Plots only is perfectly fine with me. Believe me, I 100% understand about muses (/kicks her own/) last month was terrible for me trying to struggle with it. Thankfully its being more cooperative so far in this past week.

So, I think Coquette would be very hesitant about letting the girls go and not being able to oversee their training but as long as she and her family could still be involved with them, she could be coaxed into it. She would likely end up thinking of it as a temporary sacrifice to enable them to protect themselves better in the long run. Oh man though, if they ended up with all girls though, it would be quite painful for her. Still, she wouldn't go back on her agreement, it would just cause a lot of pain for her. The Sinclair family also allows its' members to be parts of other herds, so while it would rub Vincento (Coquette's grandfather and herd leader) the wrong way to have foals taken (and perhaps be a cause of fun dramatic arguments between him and Coquette xD), eventually he would come to terms with it as well.

I'm positive Coquette would be 100% on board with the idea of breeding to produce strong children, especially with someone whose company she enjoys. Her training does have a purpose due to her role in the herd but one of the reasons she is so good at it is she has always just really enjoyed it, she thinks the movements are beautiful and she enjoys the exertion, adrenaline, and energy that goes with it, so they could absolutely connect on that level. She hasn't had to fight against an opponent meaning her harm yet aside from rogue animals when she is out hunting or escorting someone as a guard.

Perhaps they could meet by chance while Coquette is out escorting her sister, Jezabelle, on a visit to see Belle's daughter, Claudette?

Claudette no longer lives with the rest of the Sinclairs, but in a nearby graveyard with her mate. Belle was attacked by a skinwalker a while back in the area around the graveyard where Claudette and Deathbringer live (Long story short, Claudette was first attacked by this skinwalker. Belle went looking for her when she noticed she was missing but only found bloody evidence of the attack and then Howl attacked her. Belle escaped with her life, barely, and eventually finds out that Claudette did too and is now happily lifemated to the graveyard guardian, Cethin Deathbringer) So Vincent has ordered that Belle take a guard whenever she goes to visit. Belle is dealing with some emotional scars from the attack, eventually she will recover, but she has a horror of re encountering Howl, Tiro's bear skinwalker.

My thought, Coquette could go off a ways for a minute and while she's gone, Elijah comes upon their camp and Belle freaks out because, at first only noticing his paws, she thinks Howl has come back to finish her in her bear form. Coquette comes barrelling in, hearing Belle scream, and confronts Elijah for scaring her. The two could fight but they are too evenly matched and end up enjoying themselves sparring rather than actually trying to hurt each other. This could be the spark that starts their friendship and leads to them deciding to have a fling!

Aww, thank you so much! ;w; I loved following the Sinclairs as well, and I'm glad they've a herd set up now (I say this over a year after the thread's been up LOL /lays down); I'm hoping it works out for the both of us! *w* It also looks like potential members of both can sort of balance it out by going to CoE during equinoxes, and to the Sinclairs during solstices? And thank you again! I hope your muse continues to do so as well! 8D

Elijah would feel the same if they ended up being all guys, haha. If a same-sex-for-all scenario occurred, I think he'd propose they try again, but he only has one slot open right now so it'd likely lead to (1) RP excuse of it not happening (doesn't take and he needs to return home for one reason or another; their first breeding together was hard on Coquette and one/both don't want to risk it again, could lead to more fam drams maybe?? ; etc.), or (2) WS/custom (if this, IC child could either have come from regular means or be from the star).

And that sounds great! They could spar together for the fun of it, helping to improve each other as well as themselves. The plot sounds perfect as well! :D I could see him trying to explain himself, but the unexpectedness of the attack and his initial shyness stuns him into silence, and being a "large dark stranger that doesn't talk" probably doesn't help his image. XD

After they get to know one another, I think he'd be very interested in hearing about her and her herd -- and visiting it, if able! One of the reasons CoE was set up was to protect them from outsiders (as well as one another), so he'd be curious to see what kind of similarities they may have. x3 (He'd also be forthcoming about his own herd's beliefs -- in particular the "valks kill to send peeps to paradise, bye!! (though realistically it's a low number per soq's lifetime, and not even in the double digits)" -- since he knows it's not one that is readily accepted, and wouldn't want to be deceptive or cause her to regret her decision.)

Yes! We're still working on a lot of their specific cultural practices, partially because the necessity of using them hasn't popped up yet and even though we had started setting up the herd, so many members' plots were not yet at the point where they would have been brought into the herd, so we just let it sit there to let plots catch up. Now that a lot of the family members have joined, we do mean to flesh out a little more of the culture, but it often happens when we go out to eat together or just sit on the couch and talk for hours and we've both been busy 'adulting' xD. What is there is up to date so far though!

Should that end up being the case, or just for fun later on, I would definitely be open to WS babbins especially since it sounds like they will continue to be friendly later on so its definitely reasonable that they could repeat the deal. This all sounds good to me, and I'm glad you liked my entirely coffee fueled plot concept x'D coffee is so much help to me when I need to reply!

She'd be happy to share the details with him about her herd though, as well as being interested in hearing what his herd is like. I think the killing to send someone to valhalla thing might throw her, but she's no stranger to death, many of her relatives have killed for less so she would respect it. On the whole, the Sinclairs really encourage allowing people to be who they are without judgement and to respect different beliefs and practices. So many of the current members have suffered at the hands of others for being different so while she may not understand it, may even feel somewhat uneasy about it, she would accept it.

So what tends to be the best way to move foreword with this sort of ahead of time breeding plan as far as agreements and technicalities? Would the best course be for me to hold one of her breedings in reserve for him and then we can touch base again about entering raffles with them after his other flings?

Ouuu I'm looking forward to seeing when that happens! *w* The WS idea sounds perfect to me as well!

And if it helps, I usually see it this way: if someone had $1,000 to spend, they wouldn't mind if something was overpriced by 5 bucks; if someone only had a $10, though, they'd be a lot more frugal, and even a price change of pennies could make a difference.

(Generally, there's really no limit to how much a valk can "spend," but it's not seen as something to take lightly, so realistically not many are at risk -- even close friends and loved ones, since a valk judges differently. Some may strive for perfection and not kill those with noticeable flaws; some may believe close relationships bias them and thus avoid them as well; etc. Even with family, the valks are raised in a close-knit and caring group, so they would be appreciative of good family but it wouldn't be perceived as anything special and worth sending to Valhalla over. **Not to downplay actual good fams, but to give ideas for how I usually justify my valks having close ties without killing.

But yeah, IC reactions tend to be strong, in much the same way people fear being attacked/mugged by strangers or getting ebola, despite the statistical chance being really low. Fun drams, basically. 8) I am super glad to hear Coquette and the herd would be understanding, though! QwQ)

And unless breedings are plotted to be in a certain order (in his case, none of them are), I usually go by whoever asks me first when I have the space. I prefer to make the agreement ASAP (we can make WS agreements at the same time if you'd be down for that); for these kinds of things, they can be cancelled by just one party if one of us ends up disappearing (or changing their mind, for whatever reason), or can be continued if the remaining party wants, so!! I tend to be more comfortable with that, and not leave my partner in a ??? space if I end up getting hampered by IRL, or vice versa.

I know some are not fond of the idea of potentially having baskets while they're gone and being delegated one, though, so I leave the choice up to you!

That makes sense to me though, I love my family but they aren't perfect, they have many flaws that are just part of the package, so a Valkyrie could love someone more than anyone else but realize that they aren't perfect or they don't have that particular special something/s that a Valkyrie thinks qualifies you for Valhalla above anyone else. If the special person being sent to Valhalla had to be particularly brave, or particularly beautiful, or have to be equally strong in a few different areas that would narrow the pickings down even more for who would be 'qualified.' xD I imagine one people realized who they were they could either run for it or just try to seem really really unworthy xD. In that situation I feel like I would just start randomly listing all of my flaws to be on the safe side n_n;

That sounds perfectly fine to me if we do both the WS and the fling agreement! If I ever was to disappear for some reason or another I would have no problem with that happening.

And, exactly! 8D Since it's up to the individual on what's considered worthy, though, there's a lot of criteria: some may find someone physically clumsy a worthy soul if they were optimistic and continued trying despite all odds; others may favor those with chaotic personalities as more attractive choices; etc. All very risky in the eyes of the non-valk. 8D But overall still statistically unlikely.

Thats fun, I like it because its nearly impossible to have just a run of the mill meet and greet, there's always going to be something going on between the surface, be it the Valkyrie testing another soq against their criteria, or the soq freaking out trying to get away before they accidentally meet any criteria, love it!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:40 am
Record of PM discussion with Leopleuradon, regarding Sedna x Perish Song. Posted with permission.

Ahaha! Sorry for the late reply. I dug around to find this old message! As long as you don't mind the wait, I would love for this to be a thing because omg, those would be lovely babies! The thing is, Sedna would prefer for her children to remain in the cove, if at all possible Of course, some wandering around would be fine. c:

Yay, thank you so much; I'm glad to hear back from you!

I don't mind the wait at all! ^^ Perish (his name is Perish Song now!) wouldn't have qualms about letting them stay, either; I don't think he'd be the type to stick around, but if he came back during his travels, he'd try to help out (eg. bring food) and teach them some things before he left again -- assuming Sedna was cool with it!

And if the children would be raised with her IC, is there anything you'd like me to know about their upbringing? (What she'd teach, values she instills, etc.) And to clarify, did you mean she'd want them to stay with her just while they were foals so she could watch over them, or as both foals + adults?

Sedna would not mind him coming into her cove since he's a kelpie! She would definitely like to keep them around as foals. She'd just teach them to respect the reef really, how to keep the balance and such things safe. Than, if they want to saty when they're grown up awesome. Because she wants to raise her children to be like her and protect the reef. c:

That's perfect; thank you!


Man-Hungry Fatcat

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:47 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:06 pm
ATh e a r t
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Mmm, Fleur doesn't think her on-and-off partner will be pleased... CONSIDER IT DONE.

Does he have a personality or is he a blank slate? (It's cool either way; I'd just be curious to hear about him if able. 8D)


Man-Hungry Fatcat

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:58 pm
ATh e a r t
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Mmm, Fleur doesn't think her on-and-off partner will be pleased... CONSIDER IT DONE.

Does he have a personality or is he a blank slate? (It's cool either way; I'd just be curious to hear about him if able. 8D)

He's pretty blank xD one thing i know about him is that he kinda has a mental 'crash' and stops/forgets what he was doing xD  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:27 pm
ATh e a r t
He's pretty blank xD one thing i know about him is that he kinda has a mental 'crash' and stops/forgets what he was doing xD

Ahahaha, what a cutie! Sounds good; I will add him onto the list! :D  


Man-Hungry Fatcat


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:00 am
Summary of plots with xXToxicIllusionsXx, regarding Azrael and Rangvaldr. Any quotes used were posted with permission.

This plot also involves Smaug (techabyte), Val's father; Vesta (xXToxicIllusionsXx), Val's mother; Villieldr (Kitsune Mistress Nyoko), Val's sister; and The Flight of Smaug, Smaug's herd.

Azzie and Val met as children and struck up a relationship. Initially, Val was only interested in Azzie for his wings (like Villie, he was looking for draconic traits), but this eventually blossomed into friendship, and then love. After their relationship has developed for a while and becomes established, they choose to tie the knot, so to speak.

Val’s views of dragons and draconic culture is generally violent; that is, the lifemating can only be broken when one of the party dies, or by the party wanting the divorce defeating the other in battle (no matter who wins, the losing party is often killed). (They both show polyamorous tendencies and may sire children with other mares; however, only the bond between them is considered pure and legitimate.) Val instills these beliefs in Azzie at a young age (he was the one to develop the crush first, and had been hinting at it with things like this), so that Azzie comes to believe them. (To clarify, these beliefs re: marriage is between Val and Az. It does not reflect the Flight's values.)

For a time, things go well. By means of the wishing star, Val forms his own firstborn heir with Azzie. But then, the disagreements start coming in. The most prominent one are their feelings regarding Lazarus. Now, both Azzie and Val look up to their fathers. However, while Val is being groomed to take over his father’s place should Smaug die before his time, Azzie is being trained to work for his father; for Azzie, there is no future, no “inheritance.” Val says that Azzie’s being given the short end of the stick, and that he should rebel. Azzie doesn’t mind his place in life, however, and though he isn’t overtly affectionate towards his father, Lazarus was a prominent figure in his development and he does not appreciate the insinuations Val makes. This eventually escalates, and grows heated to the point where Azzie is ready to cut his ties. According to the laws of divorce, this means they fight to the death.

After a gruesome battle, Val comes out victorious. However, he still has feelings for Azzie and, rather than killing him as is his due for Azzie’s attempt (and subsequent failure) at a one-sided divorce, he shows mercy. Azzie is allowed to live, but he cannot sever his ties with Val. In addition, he is forced to the mines to work as a prisoner.

Of course, this doesn’t go on in a bubble. Smaug maintains a large territory, and he’s not very inclined to allow non-herd members to have such easy access to and from the herd lands. (This meant that even if Azzie weren't a prisoner, he would have had a difficult time escaping the herd.) However, despite Azzie’s kirin traits, he clearly values the blood and ideologies of draconics, which would be valuable for future progeny of the herd. Thus, after the failed divorce, Smaug offers him a deal: sire children by Villie, and he is free to serve as an honorary rankless member (a step up above a prisoner) while he remains mated to Val.

Villie and Azrael breeding isn't a new concept, but Azzie avoided it in the past (hence why it had to come up as part of a deal) because 1. Val loathes females, especially his mother and sister. And 2. as the one being trained to replace his father, Val constantly feels he is under Smaug’s shadow. To have Azrael obey Smaug over Val – and form a union with Villie, of all people – would be taken as betrayal. At the end of the day, Azrael loved Val more than he feared Smaug. He respected Val’s feelings on the matter, despite the fact that it threatened his own skin. At least, until the failed attempt at divorce. Val has humiliated him; first by showing mercy, then by directly going against Azrael’s wishes and keeping their marriage intact. In an act of spite, he somewhat agrees to conceive children with Villie.

He doesn't agree entirely with the terms and makes a counteroffer. Once Villie is confirmed to be pregnant, he wants permission to be able to leave the herd lands (he has no interest in staying around as a "not-technically-an-ex" husband, and definitely doesn't want to deal with Val's reaction to Villie's children, either). Smaug agrees, but later changes his mind when Villie says she wants him to stick around until the children are grown (she does this to spite her brother, Val, since it was his negative views towards females and Villie/Vesta that prevented her from breeding with Azrael earlier). This goes against the contract, but there is little Azzie can do to fight this. Azzie is forced to stay within the herd boundaries, where the dragons’ numbers are too large for Azzie’s family to rescue him.

When Val finds out, he’s absolutely infuriated. Now, instead of just holding Azzie to the marriage, he actively antagonizes Azzie. He makes it clear that not only Azzie, but Azzie’s children will not gain any power in the herd if/when he takes over. He strips his firstborn (with Azzie) of his inheritance rights (along with any potential other miracle children he may have had with Azzie).

This gets to the point where both are caught in a fight to the death once again. This time, however, they are evenly matched. Despite all that they’ve done to each other, they know each other too well for one to get the upper hand. A stalemate is reached, and during this time, they agree to a truce. They are still bitter at one another; they cannot forgive, and they cannot forget. But, finally, they work towards bettering their relationship instead of making it worse.

Relationship with Villie:
Azzie would definitely be up for light flirting and making japes (he respects Val's wishes, but expects respect in turn; that is, Val not controlling who he interacts with, especially since, in Azzie's mind, it's very clear he'd never go further and actually conceive offspring with Vallie -- until the plot, that is! ;3) at the beginning of the relationship!

(The quote below is from Villie's owner, Kitsune Mistress Nyoko.)
"I could totally see her eyeing Azzie from afar and plotting on how to get in his pants herself. Mostly because those dragon genes look super sexy, and she wants some in her offspring. To that end, if you want Smaug to be the one to propose the breeding, it could be that she was pulling the strings behind that. Going to Daddy and batting her eyes all pretty and purring about what strong genes that outsider could bring into the herd, if only he had a strong mare to breed with. But alas! Val has insisted on staking his claim and won't let her anywhere near his handsome stud.

What ever is a cunning mare to do?

As for Villie and Azzie's relationship [after his fallout with Val], I imagine Villie would want to keep Azzie around. She's gotten what she wanted from him - children - so she'd be perfectly happy to keep him at her side as a friend and confidant. She might try to shield him from the worst of her brother's wrath, depending on how far reaching it is, and would allow him to take on a fatherly role with his children. She'd consider herself to be the foremost authority on how to raise them and would have the final say on things, of course, but as long as he didn't go against her wishes she'd let him teach them and bond with them.

And hey, when Azzie and Val finally start to make up, good on them! As long as Azzie isn't being mistreated anymore and the reconciliation is genuine, she'd step aside to focus more heavily on her children. If Azzie wanted to maintain their friendship, that's cool. If he didn't, she'd be willing to accept that as well."

Relationship with the Flight Herd:
Smaug is selective about who enters the herd territory. However, Azrael befriended Val, Villie, and Bryn when they were all foals, and he was allowed on the outskirts of the territory while they played, with Smaug watching from the background. The area he was allowed in expanded after he and Val declared their love for one another.

If he'd joined as a member, he had the potential to obtain a high-rank due to his traits and ideals. However, he chose to stay with Lazarus.

Views on Breeding:
To clarify, Azzie wouldn't have any objections to breeding outside of Val in general -- Azzie travels a lot with his father and made it clear from the get go that he has his needs and will fulfill them as he pleases. xD Unlike Val, he doesn't really judge potential mares -- he has dragon blood himself, and that's enough for him. What the mare is, what their potential children would be, is no matter to him -- he doesn't plan to stick around. In addition, Val realizes the importance of producing heirs, and accepted from the get-go that both would breed outside the mating. The only important thing would be that any children between Val/Azzie would be legitimate/have the highest rank out of all their potential half-siblings, and if any other children get into the line of inheritance, it is up to Val to allow that. Azzie is not a legitimate herd member and he doesn't care about the fate of his children one way or another, unless he finds any he wants to train specifically as Laz did to him.

Out of consideration for Val and saving him drama in the future, Azrael will avoid high-ranking female draconics in the Flight herd and stick to males or slaves so that the mother/children won't try to push for inheritance rights in the future.

After the Drama:
We considered having Azrael and Val search for Val's mother together, so that they could repair and rekindle their relationship. Smaug would have tried to deter them (eg. stating Vesta left him, so why would he want to go and look for her) and when that failed, he would have made them take a familiar that would serve as a messenger and keep Smaug aware of the two's progress.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:25 pm
Record of PM discussion with Kaitaia, regarding Anchovy x Nekoda. Posted with permission.

Yesss; that'd be perfect, thank you!

Did you have a preference for any kind of plot? And could I ask what he's like? :D Anchovy is a bold individual, and more than capable of standing her ground. She's outgoing and quick to initiate conversation and make friends. After coming to terms with the fact that she lost her family in a fire (before she found her lifemate), she tries to enjoy life to the fullest.

She's such a cutie, I love her.

He's mischievous. I got him from the Wishing Star, as a true friend for Judah. Judah's a thief, and he likes to play tricks. On her and on other people, haha. He's not really good or bad. Just a bit of a shithead, haha.

Aww, thank you, that's really sweet to hear! ^^ And omg, he sounds so fun. XD (True friend, indeed!) He definitely sounds like someone Anchovy would love to hang around with! I can see them becoming buddies, and once they're closer, she could ask if he'd be interested in surrogating? By that time he would probably know that she and her lifemate would raise the kids well (they had children via adoption earlier) and that he could see them whenever he wanted. :D

That would work out pretty perfect. He's not the fatherly type, so she and her mate would definitely get to raise them. x3 Who is her mate, if I may ask?

Record of in-thread discussion with sesshiyasha, regarding Rán x Hakuron (mock children). Posted with permission.

Hes cold and emotionless until people get to know him, he has his "Inner Circle" that he would do anything for. He is a fighter and he prides strength above all else. He is really a very happy and loving guy. He is a Lady Killer (And I can see so Many Mock Breedings Working with him and his personality OTL) and will try to seduce any lady that he feels could either benefit him in some way, or who just happens to catch his eye. He puts his family and Inner Circle above everything else. (So far he has two brothers... One owned by Cali (? Have to double check this) the other by Bri (Funny fact >.> You did two of the brothers XD And Bad is doing the third LOLS))

Eventually I would love for him to find that perfect Lady that he just feels differently about then any other lady. <3 At that point they would Mate, and potentially have their happily ever after? If I can manage to not throw some sort of wrench into their Love? -Has a tendency to do that unfortunately-

But Yes! ALL THE MOCK BABIES WITH HAKURON!! >.> I mean.... what? >.> -Shot so Hard-

Awwyass, he sounds like a guy Rán would enjoy. B) (I am curious about his brothers, too. *v*) She is part of a herd that values the education of their children, especially those of their valkyrie daughters, so she would take 'em to be raised in her herd -- unless Haku expressed interest in raising his sons, in which case she'd be willing to leave any with him. And, of course, we can always plot out other alternatives if you'd prefer!

If you're fine with that, I can go ahead and write up a permissions post. :D

<.< I'm Dying to see His newest Brother >.> -Can't wait to see him and has been Freaking out with Bri- >.> OMG His Brother is coming from the WS <3 and I am just trying to sit on my hands... He's not even mine and I'm all like "ALL THE PLOTS!!! NEEDS MORE PLOTS!!" XD -Shot-

And yes! <3 I would love permissions! (Hes not a Month old yet, hes a bit shy of a month I think? But I don't know if that matters for Mock babies?) Also he would probably want to have something to do with his Offspring... Maybe not All the time, cause then it might cut into his "Lady Killing" time XD -Shot- But he would want to know at the very least how they were doing and should one of them come into danger his wrath would be right there to fuel the flames of death to the one whom harmed them! XD

I want to eventually get him a winged familiar so then he could use the familiar as a messenger between his extended family and himself. XD

Hnnggg, yess; I would be, too! *w* I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE FUN PLOTS. <333

And you're allowed to give mock breeding permissions at any time! I think my record is giving permission for a 1 day old pet LMAO. /so smooth

The herd has two large festivals a year, where they allow outsiders to come a little into the territory. He'd be able to visit then, or he could come across 'em while they're on field trips (as foals)/traveling (adults). 8D Just note that the herd follows the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality, so there is no particular concern or priority given to blood parents (this is just a general rule; exceptions can and do occur). The herd info is here if you were curious, and we can always plot something else if you end up not being a fan/don't want the foal you keep to be raised with that kinda lifestyle. vwv

Permissions here; it was easiest for me to use one of my templates so I went with that, but definitely please do let me know if you're not a fan with any of the terms. Otherwise, I think it just needs to be quoted by you?

And her personality info and uncerts can be found in my teepee here. I am also free to be contacted at any time if you ever wanted to plot more in-depth or anything! Thank you! ;w; <333


Man-Hungry Fatcat


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:10 am
Record and summary of AIM discussion with Roniel Targaryen, regarding Inugami x Zenoskelis. Posted with permission.

Zeno (all copied and pasted from Roni):
  • He's from a bad family and wouldn't be nice to a mate. At best, he'd be indifferent or manipulative. He has a twisted affection for a stallion that's a slave of his clan, and that's the most positive sort of emotion he can feel.

    and if it was a good-aligned breed like an angeni or unicorn, he wouldn't mate with them unless it was for some evil reason

  • I could see Zenos playing nice with her, intending to knock her up and steal a basket or two back to the Mazoku.

  • Mazokus really commit to their hoaxes, so he'd make regular pregnancy visits. XD

  • He'd definitely want to let her know he betrayed her. >> He wouldn't be able to stand of someone thinking he was good for too long
    and he's a bit of a doof
    well, arrogant

  • option A: She finds Zenos alone, beats him in a fight, he mocks her and retreats, she can't find basket??

    option B: She gets beat up by the herd, who leave her alive so she can feel bad about life!

  • Zenos is a decent fighter, but he's kinda like one of those bullies that don't do as well if you actually fight back. He wouldn't fight nearly as well without someone around to keep him from ditching.

    And the mazoku are a bunch of sadistic bastards that love seeing emotional suffering

Plot Summary
  • Despite being arguably evil, Inugami still considers herself a pure soul. As such, she would not knowingly mingle with the chaotic or despicable.
  • Zenos plays the part of a good stallion, up until the point he betrays her and tries to take their children.
  • Inugami hunts him down once she realizes this; however, although she managed to find and defeat him, it's too late. He no longer has the baskets with him, and he manages to escape before she can kill him.
  • Though slowed down by caring for her remaining basket, she continues her pursuit. She eventually finds her way to the Mazoku herd.
  • Unsurprisingly, her attempt to take on the herd alone fails, and the only reason she's left alive is because the herd willed it so.

  • The powerlessness she felt drives her to train harder and increase the number of purges. She grows ruthless.
  • At the same time, she recognizes strength in numbers. She finally makes an attempt to shift her own personality so that she may gain allies.
  • Her defeat at the hands of the Mazoku herd was thorough enough that she has temporarily given up on rescuing her children until she, realistically, has a better chance of success. She prays that they are as immune to evil as she perceives herself to be.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:38 pm

General Roleplay/Plotting

Looking For: plotting (maybe rp in the future)
With: Elijah and/or Rán

User Image

Name: Astraea
Before the Amnesia:
She is a very confident, vibrant and loving young mare. She grew up with loving parents and that reflected greatly upon her and who she is. She can be quite caring, though if you cross her she will most likely shun you from her life and you'll no longer exist to her. She hardly ever gets angry and if she does it's for a very good reason. She's aware that there is a fine line to tread when it comes to keeping company with specific breeds so she's cautious as to where she goes and spends her time.

She is proper in very many aspects. She acts much like a royal lady should and uses her whits, more than her looks to get things that she needs or wants. By no means does she take anything that isn't deserved, she strongly believes in working for what you have. Though sometimes she will use her charm to her advantage every now and again.

During the Amnesia:
She is very uncertain about a lot of things. Mostly curious but still cautious and slightly naïve to the world around her. She still retains her proper manner and courtesies but beyond her name and that, she doesn't remember much. She is rather bashful and shy but will quickly open up if you're nice to her. With her rate of meeting friendly characters it leads her to think that everyone is pretty much nice which is horrible because she will mistakenly think the same of Kalona's or Skin walkers should she run into them. She is almost like a newborn in this aspect, you have to teach her much, but not too much. There are certain things about her that she knows but at the same time there is much that is hazy.

After the Amnesia:
It's going to be like a hurricane hit her so it's going to be a combination of who she was before and during the amnesia. Haven't worked this out yet
Biography: Don't think it's relevant
Details: What kind of plots do you need for either of them?

For future rp: I think any sort of interaction with either of them would be interesting. Especially with their genealogy, she hasn't met anyone that looks like either and I think it would be fun to see what happens. I wish I had someone for either of them to offer for breeding plots but sadly I don't yet. Maybe in the future!  




Winter Wolf


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:55 pm

Eee, she's so cute! ;v; I think plotting would work with both Elijah and Rán; if so, could we throw in Ezra, too? Just to have the whole family in there LMAO.

If you were fine with Ezra, then I thought they could fit in the "during the amnesia" phase? All three of 'em will be super friendly, and with Elijah and Ezra looking the way they do, they can contribute to her "oh, they may appear evil, but they're definitely safe to be around!" outlook.

All three of 'em at once might be a bit much if she's shy haha. So perhaps she could meet Rán first, and her older brothers meet up with the two later? Astraea sounds like she'd have a similar personality to Rán's best friend, so Rán would take to her well and try to watch out for her -- and by that, I mean Rán'll drag her towards dangerous exciting events, because surely that'll help her overcome her shyness! XD Elijah and Ezra could swoop in before it gets a little too adventurous for her.

Elijah would be timorous at first; he would totally blush and stammer at the sight of a lady (and -- oh god -- his siblings are laughing at him) and she could get a confidence boost from that if you wanted! Rán is brash and tomboyish, so the brothers would definitely point out the differences to tease their sister. xD Their compliments towards Astraea would be genuine, though.

Ezra would be distant. Not in an obvious way -- he'd throw jokes and make comments all throughout -- but there would be a murmur of uncertainty beneath his actions. This would be after his a*****e phase, and he knows he's got things to atone for, so he'll be treading carefully without trying to draw attention to it. He would be more perceptive towards Astraea's comfort than the others, and would try to subtly guide the conversation/action towards safe areas if he notices she may be feeling frightened or overwhelmed. However, good perception =/= good execution, so it could totally lead to some awkward scenarios where he does or admits to something embarrassing in a messed up attempt to switch topics. XD

And of course, any of the ideas above can be changed if you're not a fan of 'em, or they're not what you're looking for! vwv
PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:58 am

if so, could we throw in Ezra, too? Just to have the whole family in there LMAO. Yus, we could totally do that. ^^

they could fit in the "during the amnesia" phase? All three of 'em will be super friendly, and with Elijah and Ezra looking the way they do, they can contribute to her "oh, they may appear evil, but they're definitely safe to be around!" outlook. I completely and totally agree to this. ^^ She definitely needs this type of interaction during this phase of her plots.

So perhaps she could meet Rán first, and her older brothers meet up with the two later? Rán'll drag her towards dangerous exciting events, because surely that'll help her overcome her shyness! XD Elijah and Ezra could swoop in before it gets a little too adventurous for her. I actually like that idea. I do think all three at once would be a little overwhelming, but if placed in an order like you described I think it would work out very well. ;u; I especially like the idea of Rán dragging her around into dangerous questionable situations. ^^

Ezra would be distant. Not in an obvious way -- he'd throw jokes and make comments all throughout -- but there would be a murmur of uncertainty beneath his actions. However, good perception =/= good execution, so it could totally lead to some awkward scenarios where he does or admits to something embarrassing in a messed up attempt to switch topics. XD THIS! I think it would be so awesome for any of that to happen. I love awkward situations. ^^ Plus I'd love to see how she reacts and if it adds to any embarrassment. lol  




Winter Wolf


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:35 pm

Eee, sounds great! Thank you! :D

Did you want to leave plots as is? (That is, I know some prefer just having an outline and leaving the rest of the details up to RP -- though of course at this point I can't promise any RP at all. 6m6;;;)

Or would you like to flesh it out more (eg. plotting out the details of her adventure(s) with Rán, how interaction with all four of 'em would have panned out, etc.)? If this option, did you have any preferences for what happened?

I'm fine either way!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:40 pm

I wouldn't mind freshing some of it out a bit. Especially the interaction parts :3 anupama2006 is my AIM  




Winter Wolf


Man-Hungry Fatcat

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:00 pm
Summary of plots with Leez0rz, regarding Concordia Discors x Bacillus.

Bass is part of Fiamma Eterna, a herd of lantern-bearers who seek to use their light to guide others. He takes advantage of his wings to get a rough layout of the terrain and help lost travelers find their way.

He chose to travel in hopes of finding his father, Lazarus, who abandoned his mother as soon as she revealed she was pregnant. His mother never spoke badly of Laz, but the more Bass traveled, the more bitter he became.

When he eventually comes across his father, Laz will take advantage of him, manipulate him into becoming his lackey, and dump him when Bass eventually snaps and grows mad.

Bass' plots with Concordia will take place before he reunites with his father. This plot would contribute to his bitterness, as well as make him more susceptible to Laz's manipulation.


They meet when Bass, still a little green behind the ears, makes a sloppy landing and crashes into Concordia. She attacks him in retaliation, and he'd have fled with his tail between his legs if he hadn't realized she was only reacting, and not being aggressive for the sake of it. He knows the mistake was his and tends to her wounds to make amends. Throughout it, she teases him for his inexperience with herbs and healing in general.

The interaction marked the beginning of a common trend. When Bass showed any hesitation or weakness, Concordia picked at it, wearing away at his esteem and convincing him that no one could love him—that, perhaps, his father had not been wrong to leave, and that his mother and sister will leave him, too.

At first he stayed to minister to her injuries and nurse his own bruised wing, but as time passed, he clung to her like a drowning man clings to wood. After all he'd heard, how could he bear to insult others with his presence? Concordia, with her vast kindness and deep patience, was the only one who would care for him. That she was at times mean and hurtful was of no concern; it was what he deserved.

After time, Concordia grows bored of him. Her words are more cutting, and she'd no longer even pretend to be kind to him. However, his desperate condition convinced him to stay with her, as well as his idea of what love should be. Ever since childhood, he had grand views of his "one and only," and how devoted he'd be (these feelings were, of course, fueled by his own bitterness towards his father). The harder it was for him to stay, the more it meant that he chose not to leave. Their toxic relationship was, to him, proof of a strong bond.

His dedication had its benefits, and was tolerated. Eventually, he fathered children with her. Bass thought this would be the turning point—that their relationship would grow fonder, and that he would be a great father and would be able to move on from his own childhood.

However, Concordia left, and returned to him a skinwalker. No matter what he did, or how long he stayed, he knew he could never save her. All that was left for him was to rescue their baskets, and leave behind his dreams of love.


  • The basket I keep will be evil, which would break Bass' heart further.
  • Lazarus would find him after the children have grown into adults and left him. In Lazarus' own timeline (starting from after he left a pregnant Crusnik, to when he finds Bass), he would have:
    - Found Nellene and Mest.
    - Adopted Growl. (Up until this point, Bass has grown up, helped a few people, and has started his plot with Concordia.)
    - Have Anchovy. (Lazarus has Anchovy roughly around the same time Bass has his own children.)
    - Leave Mest and the family they have together when Anchovy is an adult, and Sardine and her brother are baskets.
    - Until he finally finds Bass. Bass serves as a nanny to Laz's children with Kianzio.
  • For a time, Bass and Azrael work as partners. As Bass falls closer to insanity, Azrael rises in strength.
  • Bass' sister, Rose, finds the three of them (Bass, Az, Laz) and stirs up conflict. When Bass ultimately snaps, Rose takes him back home to heal.
  • Bass meets Vistada's Labyrinth and reunites with his childhood friend, hanging gallow's Breath of Life.
  • Bass and Laby fall for one another. Despite his own trauma, their relationship is steadied by Laby's calm demeanor. They have a wishing star child together, after which they realize that although they are friends, they don't feel romantic love for each other. This plot helps Bass grow out of his glorified view of what love is.
  • Bass ultimately falls in love with Breath. However, Breath has her own history, wherein she abandoned her children to obtain her freedom. This plot helps Bass come to terms with his own abandonment.
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