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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] The Hatching Grounds
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:48 pm

    Rykin folded his hands in front of him, eyes darting between the wilder pair of eggs. If they were this rambunctious in their shells, what would they be like once they had hatched? He smiled ever so faintly, but tried to keep his thoughts on the more sedate side of positive. He'd seen what overexcited children could do, and humans didn't even have claws.


    In the spaces between the candidates lined up in front of him, Bren could see a couple of the eggs that had started to rock. Most of them were still frightfully... no... delightfully bright, but there was one that was of a darker hue, and as the Butterfly egg began its methodical wobble, he focused on it, attracted by its deliberate movements.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:54 pm
Martirae and Anakumath

No dragon would have been turned from Anakumath's company and Kleoth was graciously welcomed to settle in with her. Having friends was nice, and it was much, much preferred to being up there all alone for the spectacle. Of course! I have no complaints, she assured contently.

Then, she turned her gaze down onto the sands to watch the wiggling of the eggs below. Our latest clutch is flying now. It is quite a sight to see the little ones grow and so hard to imagine any of them were ever so small. would motherhood be the same way? Did Auntie Fianth marvel over how big they all were now?

Similar to Kleoth, Anakumath chirped with delight as the first eggs began to move, practically begging to hatch. Oh! Here they come!


Aryale and Yaguareth

My love, there was only one dragon that title was meant for, and Yaguareth spoke to Felisath with all of the adoration she deserved, shifting on her chosen ledge to make herself more easily seen as she spread out her wings. If you should like, I have saved a spot for you. There was no pressure, but surely one big wing would make for good protection from all of these other dragons...

and Yaguareth would have no qualm with chasing off any stranger who encroached or made her beloved nervous. Hmph!



Beloved Werewolf


Lonely Phantom

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:55 pm

This had not been her intent. In fact it hadn't even been a plausible possibility in her head, no one would want to stand with her. That much she had almost absolutely figured. So what was everyone suddenly doing coming over to her then? Etansi closed her eyes for a moment, calming her fraying nerves as she jumped slightly with each new arrival. At least Surel hadn't really responded to her question, simply to the eggs that had started to wiggle and twist on the sands, one falling all the way over.

A look of concern crossed her face when she opened her eyes back up, glancing at Yellow Swirl before realizing it was fine. Khamaith would be there if any of the eggs needed righting or help.

"Aaah... um. Maybe the teal one? Over there?" She glanced at Dystzha and let a nervous smile cross her face when she glanced over at Sivu as well. "Can't be bad."

Each of them had to have known one another, so Etansi didn't bother to introduce anyone, instead she tried to figure out how best to protect each of the more emotionally and possibly physically fragile candidates around her, flexing her wreck of a hand slightly and taking stock of her scars. She could manage a few more if things got violent but she couldn't risk her life.

Maybe it wouldn't be violent. She looked almost pleadingly at Khamaith and Baihath and Turoth and hoped.


Prism Shine




Lowering her wing as Cordrath landed, Susurinth curled her tail happily around his and leaned all of her weight back into his larger and more solid form. Four legs or three legs, scars or no scars, the bronze was the most solid force she could ever hope to have near her and a low hum escaped her.

That those two should have young ones so soon, I hope all the babies are as wonderful as ours were. Gently she reached up and tucked her head underneath Cordrath's her eyes a solid loving purple. I'm so glad you came.

He'd been hurt enough from thread that she'd been worried for a moment that he might not make it, but she knew full well how strong the bronze was. Nothing could have kept him away, that much was certain.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:03 pm

... Feh.

The Butterfly egg split neatly in two, the bronze dragonet beneath shaking off egg goop. He was powerfully disinterested in the growing crowd of Candidates, walking away to curl up by himself. In near boredom, the dragonet observed the truly disappointing offerings he'd been proffered. Well, it didn't matter anyway.


Vice Captain

Interstellar Pirate


Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:08 pm


Papys actually squeaked out loud as the first egg hatched, a bronze spilling out. "Well look at you!" it wasn't a compliment, really, more than a statement for statement's sake. Still, the young man seemed delighted, even though the Bronze Butterfly decidedly did not seem to be for his part. Which, to be fair, was perfectly his right!

"You'll find a perfect match!" of that much, Papys was 100% certain.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:11 pm
Finnisa—High Reaches—She/Her
She glanced over at the other candidate at the choked-off noise she made (had she startled her? she hadn't meant to...) but didn't say anything. Now was not the time to provoke anyone, or to make light of anything, or to... well, do much of anything at all except wait, and think hopeful, open, happy thoughts at the eggs. "That's fair enough. It's hard jumping back and forth from here and High Reaches too. Evening, afternoon, back and forth... well, doesn't matter, I guess. If we impressed here, it'd just be this one, I suppose. No more back and forth, at least for a while." She was rambling a little, she knew it, but... well, maybe she was more nervous than she thought. She cleared her throat and rocked onto her heels, taking a slow breath and refocusing. Eggs. Hope. Openness and calm. Right.

"A little, doesn't it?" She smiled softly at the egg as it rotated on the spot. ...Aaaand fell over. Oops. "Well, maybe dancing like a candidate at the hatching feast later, drowning their disappointment."

Of course, whatever amusing train of thought that might have been was derailed by the arrival of a strapping bronze on the sands. He looked someone disinterested, but then, that was better than angry. And bronzes first were lucky, right? Though, maybe not at Western?  




Beloved Werewolf

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:15 pm

She'd barely sat down by the time the first egg had hatched and she was already scrambling to check her list to see if that meant anything. Hmmm.

Brenley would like to bet that a brown hatchling will Impress someone from the stands.
Shalaera counter-bets Brenley that there will be at least two Stands impressions - and one will be the brown.

Rykin would like to bet that all of the blue dragons will Impress female Candidates.
Shalaera counter-bets Rykin that there will be at least 1 lady on a brown

Nona, struck by what she thinks could be luck, bets that more browns will impress to girls than boys.
Shalaera counter-bets Nona that the first brown impression will be to a male candidate.

B'jor, with careful consideration, bets that Etansi will impress this Hatching.
Shalaera counter-bets B'jor that Etansi will impress a green

more Western candidates will impress
Shalaera counter-bets that more than half the baby dragons to impress Western Candidates will choose boys.
the last green to impress goes to a girl
Shalaera counter-bets that the last girl to impress will not impress a green

T’tain bets that the 14th egg to hatch will be a blue
Shalaera is counter-betting that the blue in T'tain's bet will be 31-33' at its adult size
Remdianori bets that Rasthell impresses a brown.
Shalaera counter-bets that the brown Rasthell impresses will be SMALLER than the average size listed on the front page

W’res bets that there will be at least 6 greens.
Shalaera counter-bets that AT LEAST 2/3rds of the greens will impress to girls - and should the greens not divide into 2/3rds evenly, it'll have to round up! (AKA be more than 2/3rds))

a blue dragon will be among the first three to Impress.
Shalaera counter-bets T'of that if a blue DOES impress in the first 3 impressions, it will have hatched from the 5th or 6th egg.

So first bet is three bronzes total
All three bronzes in Z'haq's first bet will be larger than 40'
second bet is one of the bronzes will go to High Reaches
At least 3/4ths (a majority) of the bronzes will choose Western Candidates

Odellet bet there will be a queen among the clutch.
Shalaera is counter-betting that any Gold in this clutch will hatch from 11th thru last egg to Hatch.
Wen thinks there will be at least two browns with one impressing a girl.
Shalaera is counter-betting that if a brown does impress a female candidate, it will be one from High Reaches (and not a High Reaches Standidate. Candidate proper.)

the first and last dragons hatched would be blues - LOSS, FIRST WAS A BRONZE
Shalaera counterbets that the first blue to impress will pick a boy and the last blue to impress will pick a girl
the first one to Impress this time around will be someone not born to a Weyr
Shalaera counterbets the first to impress will be a Western Weyr candidate

T'rik bets that of female Impressions, more will come from Western.
Shalaera bets that the first lady to impress will be an HR Candidate.

Qiana bets there will be a set of twin dragons in this clutch: blue and green.
Shalaera bets that if there are twins, they'll impress candidates (or standidates) from different places - if a standidate is from a Weyr, that counts as the Weyr so an HR candidate and an HR Standidate, for example, wouldn't count)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:15 pm
Loctius - [He/Him] - Western Weyr

Loctius watched the first egg hatch. Strong little dragon splitting their egg in two. The old adage was a first born bronze was luck for the weyr, good things were to come. He watched the dragon content with their own company. Sometimes a little quiet was good anyway. Loctius scanned the sands watching their shelled siblings move with their own tempos. A dance the little eggs had wanted - and now it looked like they truely mastered their moves.

Sivu - [He/Him] - Western Weyr
“Honey it is horrendous, and I can’t wait to show it off. I’ll slap it some night at dinner for us all. Dinner and show.” Sivu teased. He nudged Etansi, she had eyes and could see the dragon hatching to be sure. But he couldn’t help himself in the excitement of things.

Oh! The one he had sat beside hatched. How lovely. Truly delightful to him. He pressed his hand to his face in a soft, happy gesture. The egg hadn’t been too keen on him it seemed, but perhaps it was this little bronzes way of things. Vibrancy that turned life into a portrait of many hues. He’ll find his, he thought, and wished the little hatchling well.




Peaceful Demigod

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:16 pm

The first egg hatched. A very lovely bronze. What a wonderful start to the hatching! An auspicious start! How wonderful. The queen and her partners must be so proud. She paused a moment to admire him, to give him his due, even though he wasn't meant for her.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:19 pm

Ah, a bronze. Haveli kept her thoughts clear and kind, but her interest in the fresh dragonet was moved elsewhere - no point in dwelling on a dragon that only chose men after all. Still, a bronze first in a clutch was usually considered good luck if old superstition meant anything, so whatever on that. Did a place as different as Western even hold that supersition? Doubtful.

Also Haveli recalled she hadn't quite made it to that egg before everything went down and around, so again no point in dwelling. Find yours, be happy, all the thoughts scripted over and over. She didn't even know half these people and even if she did she really didn't care. Perhaps if something happened her she'd be more interested in whomever he chose, but until then there were other eggs that needed her attention more.


Yura and Bronze Nevidenth

"Um, yeah. It's actually Yu'star, of Bronze Nevidenth, but Yura is just fine too." He of course knew Sorsha from the fact they were both born and raised here, were in Candidate lessons together until his transfer, and generally how he would play with the kids in the creche while his parents were busy. But if she had forgotten him that was also okay, since he was at High Reaches now and Sorsha was very much a goldrider. "And it is exciting. It still feels weird to view it from this angle when not even two Turns ago I would have been down there. Well, if my Mom had allowed it."

Which Euryale had not, not after that one boy had been killed on the Sands right before he turned old enough. But that was another thing, and an egg had hatched. "No, please keep talking. It's nice to see a familiar face and catch up how we can. Plus look, there's a little bronze out there now." A bronze that didn't seem all that impressed, but who was he to judge? "They look so small from up here."




"I don't plan on dancing or drinking later, since I'm told I'm a terrible drunk." Oreune was already making post-hatching plans and she was going to stick to them. "I think I'll take an afternoon nap when this is all done, 'cause they'll want to party all night or whatever and I'll need to be awake for that." Sleeping also would keep her stomach empty so she could chow down. "How 'bout you? Got plans for after this? You going to be drowning in disappointment?" That seemed even more plausible as a bronze spilled out of an egg and Oreune tried to remember that they didn't like girls.

"Well at least one guy won't be drinking."  


Sparkly Decorator


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:22 pm
The Pink Striped Egg would begin to rock back and forth, seeming to pick up the enthusiasm from the other eggs. Wobble-wobble-wobble! Hey! Was it time to go?

- - -

Teal Glow would continue to rock back and forth, as fast as the egg could manage. It was clear the being inside wanted out--and desperately so. Out, out, out!! It rocked itself into such a tizzy that it finally unearthed itself from its position--and rolled.

Down it went from its mound, right into the crowd of nearby Candidates.


This egg was on a roll and didn't stop even when it met further mounds. In fact, it was clearly moving on its own.... the equivalent of a Pernese hamster wheel.

Unfortunately, while Candidates were jumping out of the way, the egg inside was having the time of its life. Etansi, Sivu, Surel and Dystzha wound find themselves direct targets and unable to jump out of the way in time.

Did the egg stop even when it hit the road bump? No.

Can't stop, won't stop. Onward ho!

Sivu got mowed down or run over a little. Damage is light--more bruising, no death or super trauma. Just maybe a little banged up.

Etansi got mowed down or run over a little. Damage is light--more bruising, no death or super trauma. Just maybe a little banged up.

Surel got mowed down or run over a little. Damage is light--more brusing, no death or super trauma. Just maybe a little banged up.

Prism Shine
Dystzha got mowed down or run over a little. Damage is light--more brusing, no death or super trauma. Just maybe a little banged up.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:25 pm

"Look at my little buddy GO!" Amahno probably should have been more worried about a little egg on the move, but SOMEONE was going on an ADVENTURE and he was excited for them. He grinned widely to Nashwa, bumping her with his shoulder as she joined him.

"It's fun to see what they do, right?" he asked, question aimed at both Nashwa and Rahimar.





She'd not met the little Pink Striped egg, but Kadosse watched as it wiggled, smiling and swaying her hips in time with it's own wobbling. "You can do it, little one!" she couldn't help but cheer on. How exciting!  


Beloved Werewolf


Tipsy Codger

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:28 pm
Sorsha of Gold Leoth

"Oh!" Sorsha's hand flew up to her mouth and she blushed hard again beneath her freckles. "I'm sorry, no I didn't forget you, I just forgot you had Impressed too," she babbled. Of course she remembered Yura from when they were both weyrbrats in the Creche. "It's just so much has been going on with my training and shells, where are my manners?" The smug satisfaction of her gold danced through her thoughts -- Sorsha hadn't just been undergoing training from the Weyrlingmasters, Leoth was intent on making Hers a proper Goldrider.

Sorsha smiled and let her hand drop to her lap again. "So we'll have to catch up between eggs hatching! They do look small from up here. And a bronze is first! That's a very good sign!"

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:28 pm
Sivu - [He/Him] - Western Weyr
What- “WHAT”- before the words were out of his mouth Sivu was knocked by something. It took him a good minute he had the wind knocked out of him, and he sort of had to pick himself off of the ground and dust himself off. He knocked the sand off his robes, and looked at his hands. Oh no worse for wear. But what, in Faranth’s name was all that about. He craned his neck to watch the egg that had grazed the few candidates by him. Luckily it was not much more serious. He extended a hand to those who had be near him in case they needed a leg up.

“You know we get lectured about all kinds of dangers in lessons. I think they ought to update their curriculum to include that baby dragons will use their eggs as a projectile.”  



Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:30 pm

There may have been a strained sound of panic coming from over where the healers were at the motions of the rollaway egg. How exactly did one treat 'run over by an egg' wounds?! It didn't look like any of them were scratched up (not that he could tell from where he was standing, at all) and so Veikel would just have to worry and fret until they got up and came over.

If any of them even did want to come over. He really hoped they didn't need to come over, but he would have stuff ready for them just in case.  
[IC RP] The Hatching Grounds

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