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PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:03 am
((I've been watchin' the thread and I didn't think it was posted in. >_>; Stupid me. *headdesk*

I'll edit this and make a post tonight after I get out of class--apologies, but it's midterm season and I've got one tonight that needs be studied for.))  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:28 am
In a gloomy deserted alley in the human quarter a shadow against a wall began to twist and move as if alive, suddenly a red cloaked figure stepped out of teh shadow. Checking quicklt to make sure it wasn't spoted the being turned and headed out into the main street.

It moved briskly, ignoring the gruff complaints of those it pushed out of its way as it barged through the crowd. Soon it arrived at Olaf's store, walking in there was a young boy probably no more than 11 or 12 years old standing at the counter.
"Can I help you sir?"
"M-my uncle is o-out back sir, h-he said he wasn't to be d-disturbed"
Something about the red cloacked mans voice frightened the boy more than anything els in his young life.

Without hesitation the red cloaked figure pushed past the boy and headed out into the workshop. The workshop was in an uproar as dozens of gunsmiths, armourers and blacksmiths and thier assorted apprentices raced around working to compleate the outragous order in time. Olaf himself was constantly running from one side to teh other overseeing every aspect of teh work. He was so engroused in his work he walked past the red cloaked figure twice with out noticing, eventually the creature had to grab Olaf and physically shake him before the obsessed gunsmith payed any head.

Olaf stared at teh figure for several seconds before blinking slowly and coming to his senses.
"Y-you... you're one of Lord Zagores men aren't you... I-if it's about the... em, the order it's a little behind schedule but I promise it'll be ready on time..."
"My Lord sent us to collect the weapons now"
"NOW! B-but I need several more days, not even half the weapons are ready yet! I need more time!"
"There has been a complication we need whatever is ready to go now"

Olaf was about to speak but stopped as he remembered something
"T-the city mage-guards were asking questions earlier about the work load and about your master, it seems the palace is a little ancious about all these weapons..."
"My Lord paid you in advance and promised more upon completion, do you intend to break your word?"

The mans expression made it clear this would be a poor choice, but at the mere mention of money the compulsion took over Olaf again, his eyes glazed and an odd smile passed over his lips.
"Yes... the gold, he promised me much.. This way, I'll have the weapons that are ready loaded onto carts."

Olaf quickly sent messengers to a nearby stables to get carts and draught horses and others were sent to the other workshops Olaf had subcontracted to bring whatever was ready here. It took nearly an hour to organise and gather everything. By this time though word of the fighting had spread, and Olaf's nephew fearing the red-cloaked visitor had alerted the nearest mage-gaurds.

Two wagons were, brought to the courtyard of Olaf's workshop and loaded with teh assortment of pistols and rifles that were compleate, but as teh Shadow made ready to leave four mage-gaurds hurried into the courtyard.
"You there, in the name of the Emperor stay where you are!"

With out the slightest pause the Shadow lept into the air, pulled it's massive sword free and came down with such force that his blade sliced one of teh gaurds clean down the middle. It quickly turned swinging its blade up and decapitated another. It swung again towards teh gaurd on the other side but this one had teh presence of mind to raise it's staff to ward the blow. The other gaurd pointed the six foot staff towards the Shadow and a blue glow formed around teh tip a moment later a beam of light struck out hitting teh Shadow in the chest ((they are MAGE-gaurds after all))

The Shadow stumbled back, but beond the scorch mark on it's red cloak it appeared unharmed. The two mage-gaurds levelde there staves towards him and fired a series of bolts at him. The Shadow managed to deflect teh blows with his blade, then jumped and summersaulted through the air landing in the shadowy side of Olaf's store. Placing it's hand against the wall it opened a shadow portal, it barked several gruff sounding words towards the portal then began closing on the mage-gaurds again.

Moments later several orcs came out of the portal, the Shadow indicated the loaded wagons and teh orcs ran over and began steering them towards the portal. Meanwhile the Shadow charged the reamining gaurds, he blocked most of their shots with his blade and ignored the few that struck. Once he had closed the distance he swung his blade catching one in teh side and quickly kicked the other in the face knocking him to thte ground. Pulling his blade free from the now dead mage-gaurd the Shadow plunged it into the chest of the remaing gaurd.

Quickly wipping the blade clean on his cloak ((now you see why I dress them in dark reds)) the Shadow followed the orcs and wagons through teh portal which quickly faded away.

((EDIT: Sweet Spirits, this is probably the longest post I've ever made eek , can't complain now chibi))  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 10:26 am
Azira's cloak and robes had quite a bit more red on them than usual when the fighting started to die down, from wounds she had inflicted and from those on herself. She was still moving erratically, more like a wild creature on the attack than a person, it was nearly impossible to tell what she would do next, as her movements and attacks were spontaneous and utterly unpredictable, far removed from the usual structured and systematic fighting techniques she'd used before.

With all the power she was using, she should have collapsed from sheer exhaustion some time ago. At the rate she was going, it was lucky that she hadn't completely burned herself out from channeling all the lightning she'd been using to strike.

In actuality, she had been knocked out when she was knocked to the ground by the shadows earlier. Something else was moving through her, something that was Azira, but also decidedly not.

Her eyes darted to the side, spotting a Shadow heading for a group of priests who had been herding people out of the area and to various temples farther away, where they could be more easily protected. She very nearly hissed as she attacked that shadow, driving a sparking hand clear through the shadow's body.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:03 am
Inside the tomb...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Free at last!" Ignus Ixahrejem Indalescio laughed loudly, the magical ropes that had bound his body for 491 years slowly disintergrated, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WILL BURN ARRIUS!" He closed his eyes then ripped himself from the wall, causing the tomb to rumble lightly, "For too long I have been unable to bring the pure chaos that this city oh so deservs! NO LONGER!" Ixahrejem brushed himself off and the stepped up to a wall. "Nexol though he could seal me? I knew that the gods were in favour of me..." He placed both of his hands on the wall and it jsut disappeared, granting him access to the main chamber. The pyromaniacal creature strolled casually into the room and put his gaze onto Velorius, "You. You have freed me. Your reward will be the honour of giving your sould to me that I may replenish my powers over fire..."  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:10 am
Velorius turned at the unusual spike of energy.
"What the blazes? Where did you come from? There isn't any other entrance and none can come and go by mystic means save those I allow."

Velorius hadn't sensed any breach of the temples defences and was compleatly baffled by the appearence of teh stranger. And one thing that really annoyed Velorius was finding out he was wrong about something.
And as for the strangers demand for Velorius's soul...

Velorius smiled slightly
"I'm afraid you're a little late, however if you want a soul there are quiet a few floating around upstairs, my Shadows are busy seperating them from their bodies right now."

Velorius was very suspicious of this guy and moved deeper into the pattern of octograms engraved on the temple floor.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:33 am
The creature's eyes flashed red and his face twisted. "Yoooouuu aaarrreee...powerful, " Ixahrejem hissed, his voice barely above a whisper and his sanity soon leaving him, "Ignussss wisssshesss to buuurnnn...will you help Ignussss to buuurnnn?" He dropped to his knees in submission to Velorius as the chaotic energy that permeated the tomb began to work on the twisted shell of a man. Soon, the tempature of the room shot up by 10 degrees, and the smell of burning flesh became strong...

"Ignusssss wissshesss to buuurnnn..."  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:55 am
Coincodence doesn't exist everything happens for a reason
One of the earliest lessons Velorius could remember learning flashed through his mind.
Well it would be a waste to let this opporunity go unexplored and soon enought Leonardo and his puppets will be coming and every little helps

Velorius slowly approached the kneeling man and placed his hand over Ignus's head and began to gently probe his mind.
"Now Ignus was it? just hold still and don't resist. I don't intend to do you harm but, so much as twitch and I'll turn your mind inside out"

Whats left of it anyway, is it me or do all pyrokinetics have deranged minds.
Velorius was at a lose, most of his tricks for compelling others to his will depended on the target being resonably sane. He picked his way carefully like a man in a minefield, a miss-step and he'd be carried away in Ignus's dementia. Suddenly he found something interesting, an image of Arrius burning followed by one of Nexol, this image was accompanied by feelings of rage.

Before leaving the mind Velorius did what he could to piece together something that could pass for sanity, sitting here exposed to the ambient energies of teh temple had left a lasting mark on his consciousness. Ignus would be useless to him if he was compleatly demented, but beneath it was a powerful intellegence that could prove a great boon.

αρχαίος πνεύματα μεγάλος δικός του μυαλό ειρήνη

"Alright Ignus it would appear you and I have similar goals, neither of us like this city or those who rule over it. Perhaps we could be of aid to one another. At the very least you can help keep this blasted cold away. But would you mind stepping back, the runes engraved into the floor are designed to concentrate the chaotic energies and I think you've had a little too much already."  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:04 pm
Ignus grabbed Velorius's arm then stood up, "Ignussss *ISSSS* Chaosss..." He looked around then frowned, "Thisss place isss dead. You come with Ignusss.." Ignus turned around and snapped, opening a portal, "You follow. Ignussss take you to friendssss..." The mage stepped into the portal...  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:28 pm
Velorius pulled his arm free and frowned at Ignus.
"Your mind is more warped than I thought if you believe that Ignus. And while you may consider this place dead I have preperations to compleate for when that arogant fool Leonardo arrives and am going no where. If you value your life though it may be best you go to your friends and get away from here, what I'm planning is going to make a big mess."

Although I wonder what friends he could still have after nearly 500 years.

"Look, I have nothing against you, you're just another victim and what Nexol did to you was cruelty beyond forgiveness. Go if you wish, stay if you'd like the opportunity for vengence. Either way, ever lay a hand on me and I will kill you, understand!"

While he didn't believe Ignus was a threat, Velorius was uncomfortable dealing with such an unstable mind.

The mans gone well beyond chaos, his minds utter anarchy and that might be worse than Arrius's stagnant order.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:31 am
Azira was still outside, and still in berserker mode. Though the numbers of shadows that needed dealing with had dropped, there were still a few left, mostly going after civilians.

Foul smelling smoke wisped out of her mouth and nostrils as she went after the next creature, any snow that landed on her melted and evaporated quickly, and instead of footsteps of crunched down snow, her footprints were marked by small puddles of snowmelt and slush. She'd been channeling too much, and her body was overheating due to the intense temperature of the raw lightning she'd been throwing everywhere. A lightning-caster had to have some internal protection against the heat of the forces they commanded, but they certainly weren't as adept at handling the extreme temperatures like a fire mage would be.

Hopefully she'd stop before she cooked herself from the inside out, but that didn't look too likely without someone interfering.

((Mostly a 'mun letting y'all know she's still here' post biggrin ))  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:56 pm
Somewhere in a certain place, at a certain time, a portal opened in the far-off Isle of the Vallahadi Crown, sister nation of Arrius. Out of the portal stepped a figure cloaked in black. The figure darted through the forest, keeping to the shadows and making sure to quickly dispatch any travellers on the moonlit road. He was as silent as he was swift. Soon enough, the figure reached a cottage and pressed his plam on the door, "In al Ordis Principa Chaotica, égo presento mi librium. " The heavy oak door creaked open and he stepped into the cottage. He was not alone. Around the single-roomed cottage, four other figures, each identically dressed in black hooded cloaks, stood, apparently waiting for this one's arrival.

"Brother Mensa," hissed another figure from across the room and to the left, "Welcome. How goes your campaign in West Xian?"

"It is going well, sister Kiyoko," the figure identified as 'Mensa', replied. He bowed lightly and walked over to the figure immediately to the right of Kiyoko. Mensa fell to his knees and took his hand, planting a kiss on it, "Grandmaster Meterokku. It has been five hundred years since my great grandfather pledged himself to your service. I am here to fulfill his bloodoath to the great order."

Meterokku smiled lightly from under his hood, although the other couldnt see it, and then motioned for Mensa to rise. He then pulled down his hood, revealing the face of Ixahrejem, "Please. Call me Ixahrejem..."  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:18 am
((ok I'm confused I thought Ignus = Ixahrejem Meterokku, and isn't he crazed and in Arrius. So are there two different characters or what? And my latin is a little rusty did he say 'in the (ORDIS??) dominion of chaos, I am advised my book'))  



PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:21 am
((I'd ask my roommate, but 1) she's not here and 2) I don't think they've covered that in her Latin class. wink ))  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:35 am
((ok I'm confused I thought Ignus = Ixahrejem Meterokku, and isn't he crazed and in Arrius. So are there two different characters or what? And my latin is a little rusty did he say 'in the (ORDIS??) dominion of chaos, I am advised my book'))

sorry...i didnt introduce the post correctly...and the languade they are spaking isnt Latin...though loosly based on it...the language is the language of Arrius >.>

It translates to: "In the Order of Prinicapa Chaotica I place my life."

but, anyway yes, that is Ignus..if you remember, he stepped through a portal and is in a different location...dont worry...i have plans for this world...  



PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:53 pm
((Well while your off in another country I'm going cooking twisted ))

Velorius shook his head as he watched Ignus leave, he suspected that lunatic might become a problem in the future. As he continued his wait for those above his body was suddenly wracked with pain, he was running out of time. He had believed that Leonardo and Nexol would have over come the defences he left by now and would have met him in the temple.
Perhaps I over estimated them..

Taking a kneeling position he reached out with his mind to the Shadows above, to see what was going on. Of teh original three dozen or so only five remained and they were struggling to hold the entrance to the temple. Something unusual had happened to Leonardo and Nexol and they had somehow fused into a single entity, and the holy girl who had ruined his plans was somehow still alive as well. Looking at her arua somrthing sickened him and once again he detected the hint of divine intervention.
Hypocritical dieties meddling in affairs that need not concern them

Standing up again his joints felt stiff, Velorius no longer had the luxury of waiting for them to come to him, yet outside of the temple he had little chance of defeating their forces. Cursing another plan that had fallen apart before it could begin Velorius turned to the statue in the temple center.

"Looks like it's time for my all purpose contingency plan."
Velorius reached out and grabbed teh magics woven into the temple and twisted them, inverted them and generally mauled them. The energy of the place screamed and phantom lights danced around teh hall. In the middle of teh temple around the statue a massive force was building up. In a few moments all of the magic that had accumalated here over the millenia would be released in one cataclismic explosion.
"I'm about to give this city another lake"

But it would be a waste to die here, I still have another hour or two to wreck havok... I know I'll visit those accursed Nekos

Velorius opened a portal and stumbled through it to an area in Fellpoli, behind him the temple vibrated with the energies he had set in motion rapidly approaching bursting point. In a few moments a large chunk of the Temple Quarter would be demolished.  

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