Dana Lockheart
Those are some type of weed dear. 3nodding
xd I will ask her, I think she's sleeping though. D: I'm used to ground being green and red. Green grass, red mud. That's all I ever see. Unless I go to the beach... Then it's brown grass on grey sand. >.<
D: I'm not used to odd colors of flora.
I'll try to tell you the story the best I can. I created this topic called "MAN, I HATE RICH GAIANS!". Anyways, the whole thing was satire. Something about how they caused inflation and now I have to cause artificial inflation to keep up with it... or something like that. I was actually investigating the guild, because I'd run into several people selling items that we'd been working with in Marketplace Manipulation... but it turned out to be coincidence. (Back before we had the overlap that I've cause by inviting friends from one guild to the other).
Anyways, it went on for aboot a page before someone (I think it was Ace) actually picked out the fact that I was causeing inflation. I didn't realize that it'd take soo long... I guess I'd be extra incoherent. Then everyone immediately got pissed, including Sakura. So I aimed the rest of the topic at pissing them off and be ignorantly correct. (I have the magical ability to win arguments by speaking in fact instead of opinion.)
Anyways, I came back the next day and we all became friends. Then I made FG4PG the movie, and IM modded me... yep.. That's my FG4PG story.