Ever notice how for ever one avatar in teh arena that's good, ther'es a good twen ty or so that are just plain bad?
sometimes it's the title, or the description, sometimes it's a lack of the proper items due to gold, but sometimes the avatars just plain suck.
Maybe it's not just me, but, why enter your best avatar, when you know deep down that it has no chance of winning due to a lack of style that winning avatars have?
(oh, here's an example, look at
this, or
this Do you see what's wrong wit thos avatars? I mean, the first one is worth less then the enterance fee, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when there isn't any description, title, or real reason behind the enter, what's the point?
Second one's description is in txt, makes sense if your typing it up incredibly fast like, for an MMO, but in the arena description?
I'm not bashing on people entering the arena with what they think is good, I'm only bringing to light the wonder of people who put little thought in their entries, why do they think that the 1K gold entered, is worth it?