Maid Sakura Uchiha
I hear ya. In fact, I hardly talk to anyone my age. I feel more comfortable around adults and, not so much, little children. I only talk to people my age if their A) Family and B) interests mirror my own. I have a second cousin who's four, but she acts more like a good way. For instance, she was looking at my new nephew and one of the other little kids threw something. It bounced into her lap. Instead of spazzing out and playing, she just ever so gracefully picked it up and set it down next to her. Also, my grandmother died recently, and I was watching her eat at my aunt's house (I was done and she, her mom, and her grandma [she calls her Nana] had gotten there late) and she was chattering away and she said "Grandma's in heaven with Jesus. Did you know God and Jesus are the same person?" My cousin and aunt are Christians, too, but I never expected a four year old to get it so much. At the funeral, she never saw anyone cry when she did. She was just staring at the ceiling and started crying. She is so sweet and has a childlike faith, with an older understanding.

Also, just random, did you know you quoted Barlow Girl "Average Girl"?

I like to hang out with adults more too, I just like being around that higher wisdom I guess.

I have a cousin who is like that. He was 7 (?) at the time our Grandpa died, but just some of the things he said and how he took the situation was/is amazing. He didn't cry at the funeral or anything, but he did take the situation very well considering how obnoxious and crazy he is.

LOL, I did that on purpose. XD Only one other person (Page 2 I think) noticed that. XD