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Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:41 am
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:45 am
Name: Nimueh
Age: 41
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi with a female preference
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingsecond, Jorneyman Mindhealer
Previous Rank/Craft: Mindhealer journeyman Midwife apprentice
Physical Description: Nimueh has what could generously be described as a 'matronly figure'. She is not fat but she has ample chest and hips with a little extra padding on her stomach which has gotten harder to shift as she has gotten older. Saying that she is still fit and able to keep up in wing drills.

Her face also has a similarly warm and open nature to it. She's not classically beautiful but welcoming with her large eyes, broad nose and full cheeks. The first signs of wrinkles forming at the corner of her eyes and laughter lines at her mouth. Her hair is dark brown falling in subtle waves down to her shoulders, usually tucked back behind her ears. Her eyes are an enchanting Hazel which shift from nut brown to sparkling green depending on the light. If caught just right you can even see small gold flecks in the depths of the shifting colour.

She is not afraid to be feminine and outside of her riding gear she can usually be seen wearing long flowing dresses and skirts with delicate swirls of pattern that compliment her figure.

Personality: Nimueh is one of the people that seem to get on with just about everyone. She's almost always smiling and seems happy to see you. She is also highly adaptable to the situation. With younger more boisterous riders she can be light hearted and playful, thanks to her time as a healer she has quite a twisted black sense of humor that plays well with the younger crowd.
With older riders or those that are more stiff she is polite and respectful slowly working on loosening them up and building a relationship. she is able to do this because she is a very accurate judge of character. A keen intelligence and good observation means she usually has a good handle on the type of person she is dealing with within a few moments of meeting them.

Saying that she has to be careful with how far she takes her gift as at times it can boarder on unnerving and push people away as she is 'getting in their heads' and trying to psychoanalyses even outside of office hours. She is also very good at what she does because she genuinely cares. She will always go out of her way to help people and she always has time to talk. She is understanding and forgiving when it comes to the failures of others because she has been there and she has needed to be forgiven.

As a result she will put herself in harms way to save others and she has burnt herself out on more than one occasion with overwork. Those that know her have to force her to stop and take five minutes for herself. Or she will work till she is ready to collapse and then binge on anything sweet and a good amount of drink, pass out for a day then be back at it the next day. Not healthy. So the best thing to do at this point is to send her on a long patrol with her dragon to force her away from it all. This can be easier said than done because if she feels she is still needed at the weyr she will fight to stay and carry on working.

The other area when her fierce and stubborn streak shows itself is with her patients, if she has ordered light work and bed rest, that is what is going to happen unless you want a two hour lecture and a dragon guard.The same goes for any senior weyr staff that try and push a fragile wing rider or candidate before she feels they are ready. If she has too she will ignore the orders of a wingleader to preserve the health of her patients.

During times of exasperation with someone she can also stray into sarcastic and biting comments.

However she does have one way to blow of steam and de-stress that is not immediately apparent. She is very promiscuous. She is not an open flirt but if anyone shows interest(who isn't a current patient) she will happily have their pants off five minutes later. Her beloved brown is also ready to chase any green or gold going and Nimueh will very rarely ,if ever try and fight flight lust if there is a ready willing and available partner. As such any partner she had could not expect a monogamous relationship. She has never shown interest in holding down a long term partner. The free and open sex life is one of the only hold overs from wild party years when she was younger. She has broken a few hearts over the years.

Nimueh also had to monitor her own impulse control, being a trained mindhealer she is all too aware of her own failings but she can still swing to excess at time, when she drinks, she will often binge to the point of black out if someone doesn't stop her and she will eat more than she needs if offered. Especially if anything sweet is involved.

Positive Trait List Intelligent, caring, forgiving, adaptable. Strong willed, wise, good listener.
Negative Trait List Binger (food and drink), Heart breaker. Workaholic.Stubborn.

History: Nimueh was actually born at high reaches weyr but she didn't grow up there. The story of her conception was fairly standard. Her father arrived for an extended visit with the lord of Tillek hold. He wasn't anyone important but he was a hard working guard that the lord particularly favored. It was his luck that a gold rose the first night they were there. Nimueh's father managed to get caught up in it before being drawn to the bed of green rider who had been eyeing the well muscled man through out the day.

Once the man woke up and realized what he had done, he was horrified. He was of an old mind set even by hold standards and the idea of bedding an unwedded women who he wasn't paying was against every moral fiber in his body. The next morning he actually went to his knee and proposed to Nimueh's mother right then and there. Of course, she found it amusing and dismissed him and his guilt out of hand. Humiliated and confused the guard went back to his lord. Over the next few days he saw how the weyr operated and became disgusted by what he saw as it's loose morals and selfish ways. He was only too happy to return to his hold. He might have forgotten the whole experience if not for a letter a few months later. The green rider he had laid with was pregnant! She was delighted as she had been having troubles getting pregnant thanks to riding between so often. She was keeping the baby, the letter was only a courtesy. Nablet, the guard was horrified and he felt an instant responsibility to the child. He couldn't let his child grow up in the den of sin that he saw as the weyr.

So a few months later under the guise of carrying a message to the weyr for his lord he paid an unaffiliated blue rider to carry him to the weyr. While he was there, as was only natural he went to visit his new daughter. Nimueh was only a few months old at the time and in the care of the creche. Nimeh's mother introduced father and daughter with pride and delight for Nablet had no problem lying and telling the green rider just what she wanted to hear to get her to leave him alone with the baby while she did some drills with her wing.

Nablet took his chance, summoned his paid off blue rider and stole the baby away. To save her, to make sure she grew up as a good women that knew her place. Since Tillek was no longer safe, as he was sure the green rider would track him down. Nablet left the hold and hired himself out as a mercenary guard for traders.

For the first few years Nimueh grew up in the trader culture with plenty of people to care for her and a constant feed of new sights, smells and experiences, but even then her father started to press home his strict rules about what she should and should not do. Who she should be. He loved her, in his own way, but her life was not easy.

Once Nimueh hit 4 turns Nablet once again decided the open road was not the right place to raise his daughter. The pair left the traders and settled in Fort hold where her father found work as guard to minor holders and well off crafts men. He wasn't really needed but it was a status symbol. There he married a widow with a young son that shared his ideas and Nimueh became part of a larger family. Under her fathers instruction she became the perfect young lady, quiet, kind, subservient to her parents. She asked about her mother but all her father said was that she had given Nimueh away and she didn't care about her.

When Nimueh was old enough she went in for an apprenticeship at Healer hall and was accepted. She was intelligent and picked things up quickly though it was expected the shy girl would go down the path of a midwife or nurse. It was a fateful day at the healer hall that changed Nimueh's future path and destiny. She was 16 when a rider arrived at the hall. He was unaffiliated to any weyr but needed some stitches after a fight. He was older but very handsome and charming. He had almost every single female (and some males) a flutter over him during his stay. However when he saw Nimueh he started, he told her she was the spitting image of a green rider at his old weyr. A green rider that had been robbed of her child. Nimueh was instantly interested. After all she was starting to become a women and the stories of her overbearing father less convincing.

She gathered all her courage and begged the rider to take her to High reaches to see if the women he spoke of was her mother. He agreed, but it would have to be under cover of darkness and she would have to give him something in return. That night she lost her virginity to a stranger and felt the most empowered and defiant flare of her short life. She also knew her father would likely disown her if he found out. After that she mounted the riders brown and he took her back to high reaches.

The women he spoke of was her mother of course and it was a tearful reunion. To look at the two women together was to erase all doubts that they were mother and daughter. As the daughter of a rider Nimueh was invited to be a candidate and stand for impression. Nimueh was delighted, but that was when things started to go array. The Weyr was strict but nothing like what the girl had been used to and Nimueh let her new found freedom go straight to her head. She wanted to experience everything! She drank, gambled and fell into bed with anyone that would have her. She discovered her love for women and jumped on offers of mischief. It got her into trouble on more than one occasion with the candidate master. One year it even got her banned from the sands.

Only her mothers careful diplomacy got Nimueh back into the candidate brackets. After that Nimueh was more cautious but she didn't give up her reckless behavior completely. Luckily it was her next time on the sands which brought another change to her life. A beautiful brown dragon who bonded himself to the way ward girl.

Mharlith was the change that Nimueh needed, during that first turn she was forced to give up everything, all her lovers and drinking to care for her bonded partner. it gave Nimueh time to at last reconcile the two pieces of herself. The shy, intelligent student and the wild party girl. After her weyrling training was complete Mharlith and Nimueh left the weyr to return to healer hall where Nimueh went back to her training and shifted her focus to healing the mind as well as the body.
She confronted her father as well, but his reaction was no better than she had expected, he said she was just like her whore of a mother and he was ashamed of her and hated her for undoing all his good work in raising her.

Knowing there was little chance of reconciliation but a little more broken for the experience Nimueh cut him out of her life. Having Mharlith made it easier. Once her training at healer hall had ranked her to journeyman she returned to the weyr to dedicate herself to the people that had become her real family. And when thread came she rose with Mharlith to fight the menace and then used her skills to strengthen injured riders after. Esspecialy those that had lost friends and family.

Other: Nimueh is a specialist Mindhealer but she started as a her first round of training as a midwife before switching and she has all the basics so even when not acting as a mind healer she will always be found in the weyr's healer wing offering help where she can.  

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:49 am
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Name: Mharlith
Age: 20
Size: 41'
Physical Description: Mharlith is getting up their for being one of the largest browns in the weyr, he is also heavily muscled and deep chested. Like his rider he has but on a bit of extra weight around his flanks over the years but nothing unhealthy. He is also not the most elegant creature on the ground moving with slow heavy steps as to not accidentally step on anyone. However he is a powerful flyer with endurance enough to match any bronze on wing.

His colouring shows in a subtle gradient, darker brown on his head, back, neck and wings moving to a lighter shade for his under belly and legs. Only a few subtle swirls of pattern can be seen around his eyes and on his legs which look like creeping leafy vines.

Personality: Oh Mharlith sweetest of browns, a big ole teddy bear in a dragons body. He is always gentle and respectful around people and other dragons and he has a welcoming calm aura around him that matches his rider. He is also a very social dragon, when he is not sleeping he likes to be with someone, be that his rider, another dragon or a person. He gets very lonely and depressed if left on his own too long. That doesn't mean there has to be active conversation or shared activities, just cuddling is fine!
Separation depression is a real issue for the pair as Mharlith will often cry for his rider when he has to be alone for too long or he can't find another dragon willing to let him cling to them.

When he was at the healer hall with Nimueh he made the shocking and highly distressing discovery that people are scared of him! The reactions of some of the other healers who were strangers to dragons sent the poor brown into a funk that lasted for days that even Nimueh had trouble shaking. It only stopped when Nimueh managed to talk some of the scared healers into giving him a pat and an eye scratch. As a result Mharlith has developed the habit of approaching new people and outsiders on his belly. Shuffling along low to make himself look as small and non threatening as possible. Even now if he thinks he has done something wrong that has caused distress he will brood on it for days. (This does not include doing something for a patients greater good even if they don't like it.)

Like his rider, those that do get to know him will discover he gives excellent advice and will be happy to listen to all your problems and offer his input he is also very much the bleeding heart and give him the right sob story and he will do just about anything to make things right again outside hurting another person or dragon to do so.

The only time this gentle lovable dragon raises his voice is to shout warnings and get people to move for their own sake. He's excellent at flying coordination during thread because he is hyper aware or all possible avenues for injury and loss. Saving as many lives as possible is always his key aim.

Because of his sweet and accommodating personality you might be forgiven for thinking this dragon is a push over. You'd be wrong. Though he is a pleaser and wants to see everyone happy, under his layers of fuzz and warmth Mharlith has proved himself to have an iron will. Bronzes will have trouble imposing themselves on him, even golds may struggle at first. Most of the time he wants to help and please but on the rare occasion his rider has other instructions, she comes first and he will stand his ground to please his beloved.

This is why he makes such a good patient guard dragon, if his rider tells him that a certain pair are not allowed to fly for medical reasons (Colours that are brown or under) he can usually keep them locked landside.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:50 am
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Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:51 am
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:51 am
x X x X x X x Important Moments x X x X x X x

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:52 am
x X x X x X x Important People x X x X x X x
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:59 am
x X x X x X x Possible plots and Future rp x X x X x X x

People that need her services Nim is a mind healer and she loves her craft with thread back there should be plenty of traumatized people that need her help! So come one, come all.

Interactions with people in her wing: Pretty self explanatory. Come on Tornado wing!

Jilted lovers.The way I see it she has been through a lot of bed partners in her time and she always shakes them off before things get to complicated but some people might hold that against her. Esspecialy those that are hold born.

Colourists: A FEMALE brown rider as wing second?! Well I never!

I am betting some traditionalists have issue with this. Bring it on >D  

Sinders Path

Liberal Lover

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